[ESPN] 2025年NBA全明星赛:赛制、赛程、地点、阵容及新闻

By ESPN | ESPN, 2025-02-17 15:15:00




勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)将他的全明星入选纪录扩大到21次,这位洛杉矶湖人球星再次被选为首发,但他因左脚不适缺席了本次赛事。他与另外四位西部首发一同入选:丹佛掘金中锋尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic),菲尼克斯太阳前锋凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant),俄克拉荷马雷霆后卫谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)和金州勇士后卫斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)。

密尔沃基雄鹿球星扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)连续第二个赛季在球迷投票中领先所有球员,但因小腿受伤而缺席。波士顿凯尔特人前锋杰森·塔图姆(Jayson Tatum),克利夫兰骑士后卫多诺万·米切尔(Donovan Mitchell)和纽约尼克斯队友杰伦·布伦森(Jalen Brunson)和卡尔-安东尼·唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns)也被选为东部首发。

西部替补包括:达拉斯独行侠中锋安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)(因腹股沟拉伤缺席),明尼苏达森林狼后卫安东尼·爱德华兹(Anthony Edwards)(因腹股沟受伤缺席),洛杉矶快船后卫詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden),孟菲斯灰熊前锋小贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.),休斯顿火箭前锋阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun),圣安东尼奥马刺中锋 文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)和雷霆前锋杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams)。

东部替补包括:凯尔特人后卫杰伦·布朗(Jaylen Brown),底特律活塞后卫凯德·坎宁安(Cade Cunningham),骑士后卫达柳斯·加兰(Darius Garland),迈阿密热火后卫泰勒·希罗(Tyler Herro),雄鹿后卫达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard),骑士前锋埃文·莫布里(Evan Mobley)和印第安纳步行者前锋帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆(Pascal Siakam)。

NBA总裁亚当·肖华(Adam Silver)在2月10日宣布,亚特兰大老鹰后卫特雷·杨(Trae Young)和独行侠后卫凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)将分别作为阿德托昆博和戴维斯的伤病替补。



赛制和球队 | 阵容 | 新秀挑战赛

技巧挑战赛 | 三分球大赛

扣篮大赛 | 名人赛

赛事日程 | 新闻 | 历史




三支NBA全明星球队(查克的全球之星队、沙克的OG队、肯尼的青年之星队)的阵容以TNT分析师查尔斯·巴克利(Charles Barkley)、沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O’Neal)和肯尼·史密斯(Kenny Smith)的名字命名,他们担任荣誉总经理。这三位NBA巨星于2月6日选秀组队。

沙克的OG队: 勒布朗·詹姆斯*,杰伦·布朗,斯蒂芬·库里,凯文·杜兰特,詹姆斯·哈登,凯里·欧文*,达米安·利拉德,杰森·塔图姆。

查克的全球之星队: 尼古拉·约基奇,谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大,多诺万·米切尔,帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆,卡尔-安东尼·唐斯,阿尔佩伦·申京, 文班亚马 ,特雷·杨*。

肯尼的青年之星队: 安东尼·爱德华兹,杰伦·布伦森,凯德·坎宁安,达柳斯·加兰,泰勒·希罗,小贾伦·杰克逊,埃文·莫布里和杰伦·威廉姆斯。


第四支球队是周五新秀挑战赛的获胜球队,该赛事展示了顶级的NBA第一和第二年球员以及NBA G联赛的佼佼者。由勇士传奇人物克里斯·穆林(Chris Mullin)执教的C队脱颖而出,并赢得了周日赛事的参赛资格。TNT分析师和WNBA传奇人物坎迪斯·帕克(Candace Parker)担任冠军球队的荣誉总经理。

坎迪斯的明日之星队: 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle),瑞安·邓恩(Ryan Dunn),扎克·埃迪(Zach Edey),凯昂特·乔治(Keyonte George),特雷西·杰克逊-戴维斯(Trayce Jackson-Davis),道尔顿·克内克特(Dalton Knecht),阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson),杰伦·威尔斯(Jaylen Wells)


半决赛1: 查克的全球之星队 41,肯尼的青年之星队 32

半决赛2: 沙克的OG队 42,坎迪斯的明日之星队 35

决赛: 沙克的OG队 42,查克的全球之星队 25

全明星MVP: 斯蒂芬·库里

克利夫兰骑士队教练肯尼·阿特金森(Kenny Atkinson)执教查克的全球之星队,俄克拉荷马雷霆队教练马克·戴格诺特(Mark Daigneault)执教沙克的OG队。雷霆队助理教练戴夫·布利斯(Dave Bliss)执教肯尼的青年之星队,而骑士队助理教练乔丹·奥特(Jordan Ott)执教坎迪斯的明日之星队。阿特金森和戴格诺特之所以获得此殊荣,是因为截至2月2日的比赛,骑士队和雷霆队分别在各自的联盟中拥有最佳常规赛战绩。







斯蒂芬·库里,后卫,金州勇士 - *

凯文·杜兰特,前锋,菲尼克斯太阳 - *

谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大,后卫,俄克拉荷马雷霆 - *

勒布朗·詹姆斯,前锋,洛杉矶湖人 - *(因伤缺席

尼古拉·约基奇,中锋,丹佛掘金 - *

安东尼·戴维斯,中锋,达拉斯独行侠 (因伤缺席

安东尼·爱德华兹,后卫,明尼苏达森林狼 (因伤缺席



凯里·欧文,后卫,达拉斯独行侠 (戴维斯的伤病替补


文班亚马 ,中锋,圣安东尼奥马刺



扬尼斯·阿德托昆博,前锋,密尔沃基雄鹿 - *(因伤缺席

杰伦·布伦森,后卫,纽约尼克斯 - *

多诺万·米切尔,后卫,克利夫兰骑士 - *

杰森·塔图姆,前锋,波士顿凯尔特人 - *

卡尔-安东尼·唐斯,中锋,纽约尼克斯 - *








特雷·杨,后卫,亚特兰大老鹰 - (阿德托昆博的伤病替补



当晚的第一场比赛,C队对阵T队,以圣安东尼奥马刺队新秀 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 的最后一投而告终,他投进了一个15英尺的跳投,使C队得到40分并晋级下一轮。

在第二场半决赛中,G联赛队出人意料地反败为胜击败了M队,布莱斯·麦戈文斯(Bryce McGowens)在布布·卡林顿(Bub Carrington)头上投中制胜三分。

决赛是C队和G联赛队之间的一场拉锯战,最终C队胜出,并获得了周日全明星赛迷你锦标赛的参赛资格。 卡斯尔 获得了本次赛事的MVP奖,M队的阿门·汤普森被选中加入C队的阵容。

半决赛1: C队 40,T队 34

半决赛2: G联赛队 40,M队 39

决赛: C队 25,G联赛队 14



荣誉教练:蒂姆·哈达威(Tim Hardaway)

布兰丁·波杰姆斯基(Brandin Podziemski)(金州勇士),海梅·哈克斯(Jaime Jaquez Jr.)(迈阿密热火),格雷迪·迪克(Gradey Dick)(多伦多猛龙),安东尼·布莱克(Anthony Black)(奥兰多魔术),扎卡里·里萨谢(Zaccharie Risacher)(亚特兰大老鹰),亚历克斯·萨尔(Alex Sarr)(华盛顿奇才),特里斯坦·达·席尔瓦(Tristan da Silva)(奥兰多魔术)


荣誉教练:米奇·里奇蒙德(Mitch Richmond)

马塔斯·布泽利斯(Matas Buzelis)(芝加哥公牛),阿门·汤普森(休斯顿火箭),奥萨尔·汤普森(Ausar Thompson)(底特律活塞),比拉尔·库利巴利(Bilal Coulibaly)(华盛顿奇才),朱利安·斯特劳瑟(Julian Strawther)(丹佛掘金),图马尼·卡马拉(Toumani Camara)(波特兰开拓者),布布·卡林顿(华盛顿奇才)



斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (圣安东尼奥马刺),道尔顿·克内克特(洛杉矶湖人),杰伦·威尔斯(孟菲斯灰熊),凯昂特·乔治(犹他爵士),扎克·埃迪(孟菲斯灰熊),特雷西·杰克逊-戴维斯(金州勇士),瑞安·邓恩(菲尼克斯太阳)*


荣誉教练:林书豪(Jeremy Lin)

JD·戴维森(JD Davison)(缅因凯尔特人),麦克·麦克朗(Mac McClung)(奥西奥拉魔术),布莱斯·麦戈文斯(Rip City Remix),伦纳德·米勒(Leonard Miller)(爱荷华狼队),丁克·佩特(Dink Pate)(墨西哥城船长),里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard)(里奥格兰德河谷毒蛇),帕特·斯宾塞(Pat Spencer)(圣克鲁斯勇士)

  • 表示替补球员*

*注意:费城76人队的贾里德·麦凯恩(Jared McCain)和新奥尔良鹈鹕队的伊夫·米西(Yves Missi) - 以及二年级生圣安东尼奥马刺队的 文班亚马 ,夏洛特黄蜂队的布兰登·米勒(Brandon Miller),波特兰开拓者队的斯科特·亨德森(Scoot Henderson)达拉斯独行侠队的德里克· 莱特 利二世(Dereck Lively II),和俄克拉荷马雷霆队的凯森·华莱士(Cason Wallace)——最初被选中但不会参加。



骑士队由多诺万·米切尔和埃文·莫布里领衔。新秀队由2024年NBA选秀的状元和榜眼,亚特兰大老鹰队的扎卡里·里萨谢和华盛顿奇才队的亚历克斯·萨尔领衔。马刺队由经验丰富的控球后卫克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)和冉冉升起的超级巨星 文班亚马 组成。作为东道主,勇士队由德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)和摩西·穆迪(Moses Moody)领衔。

骑士队脱颖而出,在技巧挑战赛的最后一轮击败了勇士队。但大通中心的亮点是马刺队因保罗和 文班亚马 为了获得时间优势而扔掉投篮而被取消资格。



其他参赛者包括:杰伦·布伦森(纽约尼克斯),凯德·坎宁安(底特律活塞),达柳斯·加兰(克利夫兰骑士),巴迪·希尔德(Buddy Hield)(金州勇士),卡梅隆·约翰逊(Cam Johnson)(布鲁克林篮网),和诺曼·鲍威尔(Norman Powell)(洛杉矶快船)。



麦克·麦克朗在大通中心赢得了他的第三次全明星扣篮大赛冠军,击败了首次参赛的芝加哥公牛队的马塔斯·布泽利斯、圣安东尼奥马刺队的 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 和密尔沃基雄鹿队的安德烈·杰克逊二世(Andre Jackson Jr.)。

麦克朗目前效力于NBA G联赛的奥西奥拉魔术队,他成为第二位三次赢得该赛事的球员。内特·罗宾逊(Nate Robinson)曾在2006年、2009年和2010年夺冠,是唯一一位两次以上赢得扣篮大赛冠军的球员。


评委包括NBA传奇人物拜伦·戴维斯(Baron Davis)、凯文·加内特(Kevin Garnett)、特雷西·麦克格雷迪(Tracy McGrady)和杰森·理查德森(Jason Richardson)。


罗姆·弗林(Rome Flynn)荣获MVP,这位艾美奖获奖演员帮助邦兹队在奥克兰球馆举行的NBA全明星名人赛中以66-55击败了莱斯队。

NFL名人堂成员杰里·莱斯(Jerry Rice)和前MLB球星巴里·邦兹(Barry Bonds)担任教练,白金说唱歌手2 Chainz和网红卡比·拉梅(Khaby Lame)也在场边执教。

主播凯·塞纳特(Kai Cenat)、喜剧演员兼创作者德鲁斯基(Druski)以及音乐艺术家米奇·盖顿(Mickey Guyton)和沙布泽(Shaboozey)也在赛事中亮相。但罗姆表现出色,他以22分(16投10中),8个篮板和5次助攻结束了比赛。

谢尔比·麦克尤恩(Shelby McEwen)是美国队在2024年奥运会跳高比赛中的银牌得主,他在比赛后期为莱斯队完成了一次精彩的风车扣篮。



  • NBA全明星名人赛,晚上7点,奥克兰球馆(ESPN)

  • 新秀挑战赛,晚上9点,大通中心(TNT)


  • NBA全明星训练,下午2点,奥克兰球馆(NBA TV)

  • 莫尔豪斯学院对图斯基吉大学(NBA HBCU经典赛),下午5点,奥克兰球馆(NBA TV)

  • 全明星星期六之夜,大通中心(TNT)\

  • 技巧挑战赛,晚上8点\

  • 三分球大赛,晚上8:30\

  • 扣篮大赛,晚上9点


  • NBA全明星赛,晚上8点,大通中心(TNT)


  • 最佳时刻、分析: 来自湾区的现场结果和更新
  • 全明星周末评分: 新秀挑战赛、扣篮大赛等
  • 邦坦普斯: 新赛制引发了批评和支持——接下来会怎样?
  • 新的NBA全明星赛赛制引发了球员的褒贬不一
  • NBA球星喜欢美国队对阵世界队的想法,以用于全明星赛
  • 斯蒂芬·库里带领OG队夺冠,赢得全明星赛MVP
  • 安东尼·爱德华兹因腹股沟受伤缺席全明星赛
  • 勒布朗·詹姆斯因脚/踝不适缺席全明星赛
  • 大学生在三分球大赛中击败达米安·利拉德,赢得10万美元
  • 麦克朗获得扣篮大赛三连冠;希罗赢得三分球赛事
  • 文班亚马 、保罗因在技巧赛中未进行“有效”投篮而被取消资格
  • 赫林: 解释了为什么利拉德的投篮是为三分球大赛而生的
  • 马刺队的 卡斯尔 在繁忙的全明星周末之前赢得了新秀挑战赛MVP
  • 卡梅罗·安东尼、德怀特·霍华德、苏·伯德入选名人堂决赛名单
  • 阿德里安·沃伊纳罗夫斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)荣获库尔特·高迪媒体奖(Curt Gowdy Media Award)
  • NBA取消库里-约内斯库三分球对决
  • 佩尔顿: 所有30支球队中未入选的顶级球员,包括被忽视的球员
  • 利拉德准备参加全明星赛和三分球大赛,尽管腿筋酸痛
  • 掘金队的斯特劳瑟将取代开拓者队的亨德森参加新秀挑战赛
  • 欧文取代受伤的独行侠队友戴维斯进入全明星阵容
  • 杨被添加到全明星赛中,作为扬尼斯的伤病替补
  • 独行侠队的戴维斯将缺席ASG;因内收肌拉伤缺席数周
  • 雄鹿队的阿德托昆博被排除在全明星周末之外
  • 勒布朗·詹姆斯在新面貌的NBA全明星赛中首轮被选中
  • NBA公布了2025年全明星赛的球衣和场地
  • 凯·塞纳特、德鲁斯基、2 Chainz领衔NBA全明星名人赛
  • 太阳队的布克(Booker)对ASG的冷落感到恼火;希望扩大阵容
  • 斯皮尔斯: 杨、萨博尼斯几乎是NBA全明星球员榜首
  • 文班亚马 、坎宁安、申京等全明星赛新人
  • 邦坦普斯:解释全明星选票
  • 76人队的麦凯恩:手术后被选入新秀挑战赛“非常酷”
  • 文班亚马 、埃迪等新秀挑战赛的年轻球员
  • 麦克·麦克朗参加ASG扣篮大赛;着眼于三连冠
  • 骑士队的阿特金森和助理教练完善全明星教练组
  • 圆桌会议: 全明星首发阵容公布后的惊喜和冷落
  • 勒布朗、头号选票获得者扬尼斯领衔NBA全明星首发阵容
  • 雄鹿队的杰克逊承诺参加扣篮大赛,消息来源称
  • 公牛队的布泽利斯、马刺队的 卡斯尔 参加全明星扣篮大赛
  • 雷霆队的戴格诺特将在NBA全明星赛上执教
  • 勒布朗、库里在NBA全明星投票的首次审核中排名第三
  • 杜兰特不喜欢新的全明星赛赛制|勒布朗:“有些事情必须改变”
  • 全明星赛赛制公布:沙克、巴克利、K.史密斯挑选球队
  • 佩尔顿: 拟议赛制的早期全明星选秀:勒布朗、库里、扬尼斯领衔球队
  • 消息来源:全明星赛赛制将有四支球队
  • 消息来源:NBA正在认真讨论锦标赛形式的全明星赛
  • 肖华与库里商讨全明星赛的调整
  • 26年全明星赛在快船队的Intuitive Dome举行 | 菲尼克斯将在27年举办


  • 2025: 查克的全球之星队 25, 沙克的OG队 41 | MVP: 斯蒂芬·库里
  • 2024: 东部 211, 西部 186 | MVP: 达米安·利拉德
  • 2023: 扬尼斯队 184, 勒布朗队 175 | MVP: 杰森·塔图姆
  • 2022: 勒布朗队 163, 杜兰特队 160 | MVP: 斯蒂芬·库里
  • 2021: 勒布朗队 170, 杜兰特队 150 | MVP: 扬尼斯·阿德托昆博
  • 2020: 勒布朗队 157, 扬尼斯队 155 | MVP: 科怀·伦纳德
  • 2019: 勒布朗队 178, 扬尼斯队 164 | MVP: 凯文·杜兰特
  • 2018: 勒布朗队 148, 斯蒂芬队 145 | MVP: 勒布朗·詹姆斯
  • 2017: 西部 192, 东部 182 | MVP: 安东尼·戴维斯
  • 2016: 西部 196, 东部 173 | MVP: 拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克
  • 2015: 西部 163, 东部 158 | MVP: 拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克
  • 2014: 东部 163, 西部 155 | MVP: 凯里·欧文
  • 2013: 西部 143, 东部 138 | MVP: 克里斯·保罗
  • 2012: 西部 152, 东部 149 | MVP: 凯文·杜兰特
  • 2011: 西部 148, 东部 143 | MVP: 科比·布莱恩特
  • 2010: 东部 141, 西部 139 | MVP: 德怀恩·韦德
  • 2009: 西部 146, 东部 119 | MVP: 科比·布莱恩特和沙奎尔·奥尼尔
  • 2008: 东部 134, 西部 128 | MVP: 勒布朗·詹姆斯
  • 2007: 西部 153, 东部 132 | MVP: 科比·布莱恩特
  • 2006: 东部 122, 西部 120 | MVP: 勒布朗·詹姆斯
  • 2005: 东部 125, 西部 115 | MVP: 阿伦·艾弗森
  • 2004: 西部 136, 东部 132 | MVP: 沙奎尔·奥尼尔
  • 2003: 西部 155, 东部 145 (2OT) | MVP: 凯文·加内特
  • 2002: 西部 135, 东部 120 | MVP: 科比·布莱恩特
  • 2001: 东部 111, 西部 110 | MVP: 阿伦·艾弗森
  • 2000: 西部 137, 东部 126 | MVP: 蒂姆·邓肯和沙奎尔·奥尼尔
  • 1999: 比赛因停摆取消
  • 1998: 东部 135, 西部 114 | MVP: 迈克尔·乔丹
  • 1997: 东部 132, 西部 120 | MVP: 格伦·莱斯
  • 1996: 东部 129, 西部 118 | MVP: 迈克尔·乔丹
  • 1995: 西部 139, 东部 112 | MVP: 米奇·里奇蒙德
  • 1994: 东部 127, 西部 118 | MVP: 斯科蒂·皮蓬
  • 1993: 西部 135, 东部 132 (OT) | MVP: 卡尔·马龙和约翰·斯托克顿
  • 1992: 西部 153, 东部 113 | MVP: 魔术师约翰逊
  • 1991: 东部 116, 西部 114 | MVP: 查尔斯·巴克利
  • 1990: 东部 130, 西部 113 | MVP: 魔术师约翰逊
  • 1989: 西部 143, 东部 134 | MVP: 卡尔·马龙
  • 1988: 东部 138, 西部 133 | MVP: 迈克尔·乔丹
  • 1987: 西部 154, 东部 149 (OT) | MVP: 汤姆·钱伯斯
  • 1986: 东部 139, 西部 132 | MVP: 以赛亚·托马斯
  • 1985: 西部 140, 东部 129 | MVP: 拉尔夫·桑普森
  • 1984: 东部 154, 西部 145 (OT) | MVP: 以赛亚·托马斯
  • 1983: 东部 132, 西部 123 | MVP: 朱利叶斯·欧文
  • 1982: 东部 120, 西部 118 | MVP: 拉里·伯德
  • 1981: 东部 123, 西部 120 | MVP: 内特·阿奇博尔德
  • 1980: 东部 144, 西部 136 (OT) | MVP: 乔治·格文
  • 1979: 西部 134, 东部 129 | MVP: 大卫·汤普森
  • 1978: 东部 133, 西部 125 | MVP: 兰迪·史密斯
  • 1977: 西部 125, 东部 124 | MVP: 朱利叶斯·欧文
  • 1976: 东部 123, 西部 109 | MVP: 戴夫·宾
  • 1975: 东部 108, 西部 102 | MVP: 沃尔特·弗雷泽
  • 1974: 西部 134, 东部 123 | MVP: 鲍勃·拉尼尔
  • 1973: 东部 104, 西部 84 | MVP: 戴夫·考恩斯
  • 1972: 西部 112, 东部 110 | MVP: 杰里·韦斯特
  • 1971: 西部 108, 东部 107 | MVP: 莱尼·威尔肯斯
  • 1970: 东部 142, 西部 135 | MVP: 威利斯·里德
  • 1969: 东部 123, 西部 112 | MVP: 奥斯卡·罗伯特森
  • 1968: 东部 144, 西部 124 | MVP: 哈尔·格里尔
  • 1967: 西部 135, 东部 120 | MVP: 里克·巴里
  • 1966: 东部 137, 西部 94 | MVP: 阿德里安·史密斯
  • 1965: 东部 124, 西部 123 | MVP: 杰里·卢卡斯
  • 1964: 东部 111, 西部 107 | MVP: 奥斯卡·罗伯特森
  • 1963: 东部 115, 西部 108 | MVP: 比尔·拉塞尔
  • 1962: 西部 150, 东部 130 | MVP: 鲍勃·佩蒂特
  • 1961: 西部 153, 东部 131 | MVP: 奥斯卡·罗伯特森
  • 1960: 东部 125, 西部 115 | MVP: 威尔特·张伯伦
  • 1959: 西部 124, 东部 108 | MVP: 埃尔金·贝勒和鲍勃·佩蒂特
  • 1958: 东部 130, 西部 118 | MVP: 鲍勃·佩蒂特
  • 1957: 东部 109, 西部 97 | MVP: 鲍勃·库西
  • 1956: 西部 108, 东部 94 | MVP: 鲍勃·佩蒂特
  • 1955: 东部 100, 西部 91 | MVP: 比尔·沙曼
  • 1954: 东部 98, 西部 93 (OT) | MVP: 鲍勃·库西
  • 1953: 西部 79, 东部 75 | MVP: 乔治·麦肯
  • 1952: 东部 108, 西部 91 | MVP: 保罗·阿里金
  • 1951: 东部 111, 西部 94 | MVP: 埃德·麦考利
点击查看原文:NBA All-Star 2025: Format, schedule, location, rosters and news

NBA All-Star 2025: Format, schedule, location, rosters and news


The 2025 NBA All-Star Game has concluded, featuring a tournament-style event that consisted of four teams of eight players each.

LeBron James extended his record to 21 All-Star selections when the Los Angeles Lakers star was again named a starter although he sat out the event due to discomfort in his left foot. He joined the other Western Conference starters: Denver Nuggets center Nikola Jokic, Phoenix Suns forward Kevin Durant, Oklahoma City Thunder guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry.

Milwaukee Bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo led all players in fan voting for a second straight season but sat out after suffering a calf injury. Boston Celtics forward Jayson Tatum, Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell and New York Knicks teammates Jalen Brunson and Karl-Anthony Towns were also named as Eastern Conference starters.

The West reserves included: Dallas Mavericks center Anthony Davis (who missed out due to a groin strain), Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards (sat out with a groin injury), LA Clippers guard James Harden, Memphis Grizzlies forward Jaren Jackson Jr., Houston Rockets forward Alperen Sengun, San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama and Thunder forward Jalen Williams.

The East’s reserves included: Celtics guard Jaylen Brown, Detroit Pistons guard Cade Cunningham, Cavaliers guard Darius Garland, Miami Heat guard Tyler Herro, Bucks guard Damian Lillard, Cavaliers forward Evan Mobley and Indiana Pacers forward Pascal Siakam.

NBA commissioner Adam Silver announced on Feb. 10 that Atlanta Hawks guard Trae Young and Mavericks guard Kyrie Irving would serve as injury replacements for Antetokounmpo and Davis, respectively.

The All-Star Weekend was held on Feb. 14-16, with the main event held at Chase Center, home of the Warriors. Other events were held across the San Francisco Bay Area, including Oakland Arena.

Here’s what you need to know about the All-Star Game weekend.

**Format and teams | Rosters | Rising Stars\

**Skills challenge | 3-point contest\

Slam Dunk contest |**** Celebrity Game\

Event schedule | News | History

All-Star Game format: Four teams, three games, one champ

It was another format change to the NBA’s annual showcase following last season’s return to the traditional Eastern Conference vs. Western Conference format. For this season, three teams were composed of the 24 NBA All-Star selections (plus two injury replacements), while the fourth squad was the winners of the Rising Stars event.

The four teams played two semifinal games on Feb. 16 with the winners moving on to the championship. Each winning side had to score 40 or more points to advance.

The rosters for the three NBA All-Star teams (Chuck’s Global Stars, Shaq’s OGs, Kenny’s Young Stars) were named after TNT analysts Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neal and Kenny Smith, who served as honorary general managers. The three NBA greats drafted their teams on Feb. 6.

Shaq’s OGs: LeBron James*, Jaylen Brown, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, James Harden, Kyrie Irving*, Damian Lillard, and Jayson Tatum.

Chuck’s Global Stars: Nikola Jokic, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Donovan Mitchell, Pascal Siakam, Karl-Anthony Towns, Alperen Sengun, Victor Wembanyama, and Trae Young*.

Kenny’s Young Stars: Anthony Edwards, Jalen Brunson, Cade Cunningham, Darius Garland, Tyler Herro, Jaren Jackson Jr., Evan Mobley and Jalen Williams.

*James sat out the game due to discomfort in his left foot. Irving and Young replaced Anthony Davis and Giannis Antetokounmpo, respectively, who both missed out due to injury.

The fourth team was the winning side of the Friday’s Rising Stars event that showcased top first- and second-year NBA players and NBA G League standouts. Team C, coached by Warriors legend Chris Mullin, came out on top and earned a spot for Sunday’s event. TNT analyst and WNBA legend Candace Parker served as honorary GM of the champion squad.

Candace’s Rising Stars: Stephon Castle, Ryan Dunn, Zach Edey, Keyonte George, Trayce Jackson-Davis, Dalton Knecht, Amen Thompson, Jaylen Wells

Final Results:

Semifinals 1: Chuck’s Global Stars 41, Kenny’s Young Stars 32\

Semifinals 2: Shaq’s OGs 42, Candace’s Rising Stars, 35\

Championship: Shaq’s OGs 42, Chuck’s Global Stars 25

All-Star MVP: Stephen Curry

Cleveland Cavaliers coach Kenny Atkinson led Chuck’s Global Stars and Oklahoma City Thunder’s Mark Daigneault coached Shaq’s OGs. Thunder assistant Dave Bliss led Kenny’s Young Stars while Cavaliers assistant Jordan Ott coached Candace’s Rising Stars. Atkinson and Daigneault earned the honors with the Cavs and Thunder having the best regular-season record in their respective conferences through games played on Feb. 2.

The four teams participating in the NBA All-Star Game competed for a prize pool of $1.8 million. Each player on the championship-winning team received $125,000, each player on the second-place team received $50,000, and each player on the third- and fourth-place teams received $25,000.

All-Star rosters by conference

The NBA released its 10 All-Star starters on Jan. 23, with Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James capturing his record 21st appearance and Milwaukee Bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo leading all players in fan voting for a second straight season. Fan ballots accounted for 50% of the vote to determine All-Star starters, while players and the media each accounted for 25%.

The NBA announced the 14 All-Star reserves – seven from each conference – on Jan. 30. The reserves were selected by a voting panel of the league’s coaches.

Players with () were voted as starters*


Stephen Curry, G, Golden State Warriors - *\

Kevin Durant, F, Phoenix Suns - *\

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, G, Oklahoma City Thunder - *\

LeBron James, F, Los Angeles Lakers - * (did not play due to injury)\

Nikola Jokic, C, Denver Nuggets - *\

Anthony Davis, C, Dallas Mavericks (did not play due to injury)\

Anthony Edwards, G, Minnesota Timberwolves (did not play due to injury)\

James Harden, G, LA Clippers\

Jaren Jackson Jr., F, Memphis Grizzlies\

Kyrie Irving, G, Dallas Mavericks (injury replacement for Davis)\

Alperen Sengun, F, Houston Rockets\

Victor Wembanyama, C, San Antonio Spurs\

Jalen Williams, F, Oklahoma City Thunder


Giannis Antetokounmpo, F, Milwaukee Bucks - * (did not play due to injury)\

Jalen Brunson, G, New York Knicks - *\

Donovan Mitchell, G, Cleveland Cavaliers - *\

Jayson Tatum, F, Boston Celtics - *\

Karl-Anthony Towns, C, New York Knicks - *\

Jaylen Brown, G, Boston Celtics\

Cade Cunningham, G, Detroit Pistons\

Darius Garland, G, Cleveland Cavaliers\

Tyler Herro, G, Miami Heat\

Damian Lillard, G, Milwaukee Bucks\

Evan Mobley, F, Cleveland Cavaliers\

Pascal Siakam, F, Indiana Pacers\

Trae Young, G, Atlanta Hawks - (injury replacement for Antetokounmpo)

Rising Stars

The Rising Stars event – which showcased NBA rookies and sophomores, along with a select group of G League players – featured a mini-tournament with four teams and three games at Chase Center.

The first game of the night, Team C versus Team T, came down to the final shot with San Antonio Spurs rookie Stephon Castle taking a 15-foot jumper to get the C squad to 40 points and on to the next round.

In the second semifinal game, Team G League made a surprise comeback to beat Team M as Bryce McGowens hit a winning 3 over Bub Carrington.

The final featured a back-and-forth game between Team C and Team G League, with Team C eventually pulling away and claiming a spot for Sunday’s All-Star Game mini-tournament. Castle claimed the event’s MVP award and Team M’s Amen Thompson was selected to join Team C’s roster.

Semifinal 1: Team C 40, Team T 34\

Semifinal 2: Team G League 40, Team M 39\

Final: Team C 25, Team G League 14

Here were the rosters for the Rising Star games:

Team T

Honorary coach: Tim Hardaway

Brandin Podziemski (Golden State Warriors), Jaime Jaquez Jr. (Miami Heat), Gradey Dick (Toronto Raptors), Anthony Black (Orlando Magic), Zaccharie Risacher (Atlanta Hawks), Alex Sarr (Washington Wizards), Tristan da Silva (Orlando Magic)

Team M\

Honorary coach: Mitch Richmond

Matas Buzelis (Chicago Bulls), Amen Thompson (Houston Rockets), Ausar Thompson (Detroit Pistons), Bilal Coulibaly (Washington Wizards), Julian Strawther (Denver Nuggets), Toumani Camara (Portland Trail Blazers), Bub Carrington (Washington Wizards)

Team C\

Honorary coach: Chris Mullin

Stephon Castle (San Antonio Spurs), Dalton Knecht (Los Angeles Lakers), Jaylen Wells (Memphis Grizzlies), Keyonte George (Utah Jazz), Zach Edey (Memphis Grizzlies), Trayce Jackson-Davis (Golden State Warriors), Ryan Dunn (Phoenix Suns)*

Team G League\

Honorary coach: Jeremy Lin

JD Davison (Maine Celtics), Mac McClung (Osceola Magic), Bryce McGowens (Rip City Remix), Leonard Miller (Iowa Wolves), Dink Pate (Mexico City Capitanes), Reed Sheppard (Rio Grande Valley Vipers), Pat Spencer (Santa Cruz Warriors)

** - indicates a replacement player*

Note: Rookies Jared McCain of the Philadelphia 76ers and Yves Missi of the New Orleans Pelicansand sophomores Victor Wembanyama of the San Antonio Spurs, Brandon Miller of the Charlotte Hornets, Scoot Henderson of the Portland Trail Blazers, Dereck Lively II of the Dallas Mavericks, and Cason Wallace of the Oklahoma City Thunder – were originally selected but will not play.

Skills challenge

The skills challenge consisted of four teams of two players going head-to-head in a number of skill-specific events.

Team Cavaliers was led by Donovan Mitchell and Evan Mobley. Team Rooks was led by the No. 1 and 2 picks in the 2024 NBA draft, Zaccharie Risacher of the Atlanta Hawks and Alex Sarr of the Washington Wizards. Team Spurs consisted of veteran point guard Chris Paul and rising superstar Victor Wembanyama. As hosts, Team Warriors was led by Draymond Green and Moses Moody.

Team Cavaliers came out on top, defeating Team Warriors in the final round of the skills challenge. But the event at Chase Caster was highlighted by the disqualification of Team Spurs after the duo of Paul and Wembanyama threw away their shots in an attempt to gain a time advantage.

3-point contest

Milwaukee Bucks star Damian Lillard’s pursuit for a third-straight 3-point contest victory was foiled by Miami Heat guard Tyler Herro, who made a surprise comeback in the finals to lift the event trophy at Chase Center.

Other participants included: Jalen Brunson, (New York Knicks), Cade Cunningham (Detroit Pistons), Darius Garland (Cleveland Cavaliers), Buddy Hield (Golden State Warriors), Cam Johnson (Brooklyn Nets), and Norman Powell (LA Clippers).

Hield scored a record-tying 31 points in the first round to advance but fell short in the final as Herro became the fifth player in Heat history to win a 3-point contest championship. Lillard, who grew up in nearby Oakland, failed to advance after scoring just 16 points.

Slam dunk contest

Mac McClung won his third All-Star slam dunk contest at Chase Center against first-time participants Matas Buzelis of the Chicago Bulls, Stephon Castle of the San Antonio Spurs and Andre Jackson Jr. of the Milwaukee Bucks.

McClung, who currently plays for the Osceola Magic in the NBA G League, became the second player to win the event three times. Nate Robinson, who won in 2006, 2009 and 2010, is the only other player to win the dunk contest more than twice.

McClung posted four jams worth 50 points to become one of four players with at least four such dunks in one contest. The highlight was his Kia-clearing dunk as an assistant with his head poked out of the car’s sunroof held the basketball.

Judges included NBA legends Baron Davis, Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady and Jason Richardson.

NBA All-Star Celebrity Game

Rome Flynn won MVP honors as the Emmy-winning actor helped Team Bonds beat Team Rice, 66-55, in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game at Oakland Arena.

NFL Hall of Famer Jerry Rice and former MLB star Barry Bonds served as coaches, with multi-platinum rapper 2 Chainz and influencer Khaby Lame also working the sidelines.

Streamer Kai Cenat, comedian-creator Druski and musical artists Mickey Guyton and Shaboozey were among the event’s other participants. But it was Rome who shined as he finished with 22 points (10-16 FGs), 8 rebounds and 5 assists.

Shelby McEwen, the silver medal winner in the high jump for Team USA in the 2024 Olympics, had a highlight-reel windmill dunk for Team Rice late in the game.

Event schedule (all times Eastern)

Friday, Feb. 14

  • NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, 7 p.m., Oakland Arena (ESPN)
  • Rising Stars, 9 p.m., Chase Center (TNT)

Saturday, Feb. 15

  • NBA All-Star practice, 2 p.m., Oakland Arena (NBA TV)
  • Morehouse College vs. Tuskegee University (NBA HBCU Classic), 5 p.m., Oakland Arena (NBA TV)
  • All-Star Saturday Night, Chase Center (TNT)\
  • Skills Challenge, 8 p.m.\

  • Three-point Contest, 8:30 p.m.\

  • Slam Dunk Contest, 9 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 16

  • NBA All-Star Game, 8 p.m., Chase Center (TNT)

All-Star news and analysis

  • Best moments, analysis: Live results and updates from the Bay Area
  • All-Star Weekend grades: Rising Stars, dunk contest, more
  • Bontemps: New format draws had its critics and supporters – what’s next?
  • New NBA All-Star Game format draws mixed reviews from players
  • NBA stars like idea of U.S. vs. World matchup for All-Star Game
  • Stephen Curry leads OGs to title, wins All-Star Game MVP
  • Anthony Edwards misses All-Star tournament with groin injury
  • LeBron James out for All-Star Game due to foot/ankle discomfort
  • College student tops Damian Lillard in 3-point contest, wins $100K
  • McClung gets a dunk contest three-peat; Herro wins 3-point event
  • Wembanyama, Paul disqualified for not taking ‘valid’ shots in skills event
  • Herring: Explaining why Lillard’s shot was made for the 3-point contest
  • Spurs’ Castle wins Rising Stars MVP ahead of busy All-Star weekend
  • Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard, Sue Bird among Hall finalists
  • Adrian Wojnarowski honored with Curt Gowdy Media Award
  • NBA drops Curry-Ionescu 3-point showdown
  • Pelton: Top unselected player for all 30 teams, including snubs
  • Lillard set for All-Star Game, 3-pt. contest despite sore hamstring
  • Nuggets’ Strawther to replace Blazers’ Henderson in Rising Stars event
  • Irving replaces injured Mavs teammate Davis on All-Star roster
  • Young added to All-Star Game as Giannis’ injury replacement
  • Mavs’ Davis to miss ASG; out multiple weeks with adductor strain
  • Bucks’ Antetokounmpo ruled out through All-Star break
  • LeBron James drafted first for new-look NBA All-Star Game
  • NBA unveils jerseys, court for 2025 All-Star Game
  • Kai Cenat, Druski, 2 Chainz headline NBA All-Star celebrity event
  • Suns’ Booker irked by ASG snub; wants rosters expanded
  • Spears: Young, Sabonis top the list of almost NBA All-Stars
  • Wemby, Cunningham, Sengun among All-Star Game first-timers
  • Bontemps: Explaining the All-Star ballot
  • 76ers’ McCain: Rising Stars pick after surgery ‘really cool’
  • Wembanyama, Edey among Rising Stars youngsters
  • Mac McClung to ASG dunk contest; eyes three-peat
  • Cavs’ Atkinson, assistant round out All-Star coaching staff
  • Roundtable: Surprises, snubs after All-Star starters named
  • LeBron, top vote-getter Giannis lead NBA All-Star starters
  • Bucks’ Jackson commits to dunk contest, sources say
  • Bulls’ Buzelis, Spurs’ Castle in All-Star dunk contest
  • Thunder’s Daigneault to coach at NBA All-Star Game
  • LeBron, Curry 3rd at positions in NBA All-Star voting’s first check-in
  • Durant not a fan of new All-Star format | LeBron: ‘Something had to change’
  • All-Star Game format announced: Shaq, Barkley, K. Smith to pick teams
  • Pelton: Early All-Star picks for proposed format: LeBron, Curry, Giannis lead teams
  • Sources: All-Star Game format would have four teams
  • Sources: NBA in serious talks about tourney-style All-Star Game
  • Silver consults with Curry over All-Star Game tweaks
  • All-Star Game at Clippers’ Intuit Dome in '26 | Phoenix to host in '27

NBA All-Star Game history

  • 2025: Chuck’s Global Stars 25, Shaq’s OGs 41 | MVP: Stephen Curry
  • 2024: East 211, West 186 | MVP: Damian Lillard
  • 2023: Team Giannis 184, Team LeBron 175 | MVP: Jayson Tatum
  • 2022: Team LeBron 163, Team Durant 160 | MVP: Stephen Curry
  • 2021: Team LeBron 170, Team Durant 150 | MVP: Giannis Antetokounmpo
  • 2020: Team LeBron 157, Team Giannis 155 | MVP: Kawhi Leonard
  • 2019: Team LeBron 178, Team Giannis 164 | MVP: Kevin Durant
  • 2018: Team LeBron 148, Team Stephen 145 | MVP: LeBron James
  • 2017: West 192, East 182 | MVP: Anthony Davis
  • 2016: West 196, East 173 | MVP: Russell Westbrook
  • 2015: West 163, East 158 | MVP: Russell Westbrook
  • 2014: East 163, West 155 | MVP: Kyrie Irving
  • 2013: West 143, East 138 | MVP: Chris Paul
  • 2012:West 152, East 149 | MVP: Kevin Durant
  • 2011: West 148, East 143 | MVP: Kobe Bryant
  • 2010: East 141, West 139 | MVP: Dwyane Wade
  • 2009: West 146, East 119 | MVP: Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal
  • 2008: East 134, West 128 | MVP: LeBron James
  • 2007: West 153, East 132 | MVP: Kobe Bryant
  • 2006: East 122, West 120 | MVP: LeBron James
  • 2005: East 125, West 115 | MVP: Allen Iverson
  • 2004: West 136, East 132 | MVP: Shaquille O’Neal
  • 2003: West 155, East 145 (2OT) | MVP: Kevin Garnett
  • 2002: West 135, East 120 | MVP: Kobe Bryant
  • 2001: East 111, West 110 | MVP: Allen Iverson
  • 2000: West 137, East 126 | MVP: Tim Duncan and Shaquille O’Neal
  • 1999: Game canceled due to lockout
  • 1998: East 135, West 114 | MVP: Michael Jordan
  • 1997: East 132, West 120 | MVP: Glen Rice
  • 1996: East 129, West 118 | MVP: Michael Jordan
  • 1995: West 139, East 112 | MVP: Mitch Richmond
  • 1994: East 127, West 118 | MVP: Scottie Pippen
  • 1993: West 135, East 132 (OT) | MVP: Karl Malone and John Stockton
  • 1992: West 153, East 113 | MVP: Magic Johnson
  • 1991: East 116, West 114 | MVP: Charles Barkley
  • 1990: East 130, West 113 | MVP: Magic Johnson
  • 1989: West 143, East 134 | MVP: Karl Malone
  • 1988: East 138, West 133 | MVP: Michael Jordan
  • 1987: West 154, East 149 (OT) | MVP: Tom Chambers
  • 1986: East 139, West 132 | MVP: Isiah Thomas
  • 1985: West 140, East 129 | MVP: Ralph Sampson
  • 1984: East 154, West 145 (OT) | MVP: Isiah Thomas
  • 1983: East 132, West 123 | MVP: Julius Erving
  • 1982: East 120, West 118 | MVP: Larry Bird
  • 1981: East 123, West 120 | MVP: Nate Archibald
  • 1980: East 144, West 136 (OT) | MVP: George Gervin
  • 1979: West 134, East 129 | MVP: David Thompson
  • 1978: East 133, West 125 | MVP: Randy Smith
  • 1977: West 125, East 124 | MVP: Julius Erving
  • 1976: East 123, West 109 | MVP: Dave Bing
  • 1975: East 108, West 102 | MVP: Walt Frazier
  • 1974: West 134, East 123 | MVP: Bob Lanier
  • 1973: East 104, West 84 | MVP: Dave Cowens
  • 1972: West 112, East 110 | MVP: Jerry West
  • 1971: West 108, East 107 | MVP: Lenny Wilkens
  • 1970: East 142, West 135 | MVP: Willis Reed
  • 1969: East 123, West 112 | MVP: Oscar Robertson
  • 1968: East 144, West 124 | MVP: Hal Greer
  • 1967: West 135, East 120 | MVP: Rick Barry
  • 1966: East 137, West 94 | MVP: Adrian Smith
  • 1965: East 124, West 123 | MVP: Jerry Lucas
  • 1964: East 111, West 107 | MVP: Oscar Robertson
  • 1963: East 115, West 108 | MVP: Bill Russell
  • 1962: West 150, East 130 | MVP: Bob Pettit
  • 1961: West 153, East 131 | MVP: Oscar Robertson
  • 1960: East 125, West 115 | MVP: Wilt Chamberlain
  • 1959: West 124, East 108 | MVP: Elgin Baylor and Bob Pettit
  • 1958: East 130, West 118 | MVP: Bob Pettit
  • 1957: East 109, West 97 | MVP: Bob Cousy
  • 1956: West 108, East 94 | MVP: Bob Pettit
  • 1955: East 100, West 91 | MVP: Bill Sharman
  • 1954: East 98, West 93 (OT) | MVP: Bob Cousy
  • 1953: West 79, East 75 | MVP: George Mikan
  • 1952: East 108, West 91 | MVP: Paul Arizin
  • 1951: East 111, West 94 | MVP: Ed Macauley