[PtR] 评估达龙·福克斯加盟马刺后的前五场比赛

By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-14 04:00:00


NBA: 圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵华盛顿奇才队


达龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)作为一名马刺球员的前五场比赛,展现了球队多么需要另一位能够改变比赛格局的球员。他的速度与维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)完美互补,因为他能轻易让防守者重心失衡。尽管球队的战绩是2胜3负,但自从他加盟以来,进攻效率一直很高(117.2)。初步迹象表明,马刺队得到了一位全明星级别的球员,因此交易得到他是正确的举动。

值得注意的是,福克斯仍然处于融入球队的“不想抢任何人风头”的阶段,他在马刺队的这五场比赛中,冲击篮筐的次数减少了3.7次。然而,他场均得到21.6分,有效投篮命中率为53.8%,同时贡献3.4个篮板、7.8次助攻、1.8次抢断和2次失误。他也是一个无球威胁点,可以在绕掩护后命中跳投,并在挡拆后通过接球就走的动作得分。事实上,马刺队应该找到更多方法,在克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)或斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)持球时,让他担任掩护者,以利用他的运动能力,而不被包夹。





到目前为止,他的主要传球目标是文班亚马和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes),两人各得到10次助攻。有趣的是,只有两次助攻来自与文班亚马的挡拆配合。大多数传球都来自向内线或外线的传球。这没什么好气馁的,因为这种合作关系还处于起步阶段。然而,当他们培养出更多的默契时,这种双人配合将成为一场噩梦。



此外,轮换阵容的配合并不理想。福克斯、保罗、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)、巴恩斯和文班亚马的首发阵容在61分钟内,防守效率低至117.6。可笑的是,这个阵容已经是本赛季球队中上场时间第六-多的阵容了。


这五场比赛只是对福克斯有多么优秀的一次尝试。毫无疑问,他将利用全明星赛间歇期来更多地了解球队的战术和配合,以便为最后的30场比赛做好更充分的准备。但就目前而言,他对自己在马刺队的开局可以得到一个 B 评分。

点击查看原文:Evaluating De’Aaron Fox’s first five games with the Spurs

Evaluating De’Aaron Fox’s first five games with the Spurs

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Washington Wizards

Wembanyama has a real go-to partner

De’Aaron Fox’s first five games as a Spur have shown how much another game-changer was needed on the team. His speed is a perfect compliment to Victor Wembanyama because he puts defenders on his back hip very easily. Despite the team’s 2-3 record, the offensive rating has been high (117.2) since he arrived, and early returns show that the Spurs got another All-Star caliber player, so trading for him was the right move.

Notably, Fox is still in the “not trying to step on anyone’s toes” part of his integration, as he is taking 3.7 fewer drives to the rim in his five games with the Spurs. Yet, he’s averaging 21.6 points on a 53.8 effective field goal percentage, with 3.4 rebounds, 7.8 assists, 1.8 steals and two turnovers. He is an off-ball threat, too, as he can hit jumpers after whipping around screens and score on catch-and-go moves after the pick. In fact, the Spurs have to find more ways to use him as a screener when Chris Paul or Stephon Castle have the ball to take advantage of his athleticism without being doubled.

But his real value is on-ball because he doesn’t need a screen to get open, draws an extra defender and raises the pace. Keep in mind that he is seventh in total fast break points (25) among all NBA players over the last five games.

Having a guard who can get to the heart of defenses has made things easier. Over this span, most of his shots (28.8 percent) came from fewer than five feet and he made 69.6 percent of those. He also generated 5.8 free throw attempts per game, which is slightly lower than he was averaging before the trade.

One of his goals should be to average around eight free-throw attempts, which would be a career-high. He’s capable of it with how he plays at different speeds, and more opportunities will be there when he starts attacking the paint with the same volume as he did in Sacramento.

Additionally, what makes Fox extra valuable is his clutch gene. His late scoring tied the game and took the lead but unfortunately did not count in Charlotte. Since he can get anywhere he wants on the dribble and is a former Clutch Player of the Year, he’s arguably already the team‘s best closing option.

So far, his top targets are Wemby and Harrison Barnes, with 10 assists to each. Interestingly, only two have come on pick-and-roll sets with the former. Most of the feeds come from passes to the post or to the perimeter. This is nothing to be discouraged about because the partnership is still in its infancy. Yet, when they develop more chemistry, this two-man action will be a nightmare to stop.

His biggest weaknesses are on defense. He can get caught ball-watching or sagging too far away from the arc, plus his slight frame doesn’t help him against stronger players. One of his most significant lapses with the team was uncovering Bridges in the corner, allowing the game-winer in Charlotte. But when engaged, he can be impactful as an on-ball pest.

At his first shootaround with the team in Atlanta, Fox said, “To win, you have to play defense… with the intangibles that everybody here has, I think this could be a really good defensive team.” He is correct, but the team surely needs more attention to detail from him there.

Furthermore, the rotations have not been a great fit. The starting lineup of Fox, Paul, Devin Vassell, Barnes and Wembanyama holds a dreadful 117.6 defensive rating in 61 minutes. Comically, this lineup is already the sixth-most used in minutes for the team this season.

When Castle is inserted in Paul’s place, the team deploys elite coverages, with a 100 defensive rating in 11 minutes. The trade-off so far with this lineup is that it has trouble scoring, and registers an 87.5 offensive rating. Regardless of the concerns with subbing out Paul, this unit should be used more because Castle is rapidly developing, plus his athleticism and strength are assets the other don’t have. For example, using Castle to pressure the dribble and having Fox creeping in on the passing lanes is a deadly combination.

These five games were only a taste of how good Fox is. There is no doubt he will use the All-Star break to learn more of the team’s schemes and sets to be more prepared for the last 30 outings. But for now, he gets a B for the start of his Spurs career.

By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock