马刺 @ 凯尔特人 103 - 116 技术统计 | 视频集锦
By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-13 10:34:43
在黄金时段的电视直播中,马刺队未能完成对卫冕冠军凯尔特人队的24分大逆转。克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯(Kristaps Porziņģis)的表现胜过了维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama),而教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)曾考虑在第二节早些时候告诉装备管理员将所有人的东西都装上巴士。
马刺队对于慢热并不陌生,但由于波尔津吉斯的身高覆盖了后防线,以及凯尔特人队随心所欲的进攻,他们早早就陷入了困境。 文班亚马 投篮失准,而他的队友们在第一节的投篮命中率只有35%。他们的三次失误也无助于他们的防守站位。
在第三节,波尔津吉斯给防守带来了更大的压力,因为他由哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)和杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)防守,他在他们头上得分并抢下篮板。然而,巴恩斯、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)、德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)和 文班 的一波攻势将分差缩小到10分。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)也在本节比赛中为球队带来了动力。
随后,在凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)的进球和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的罚球后,马刺队将分差缩小到个位数。不幸的是,凯尔特人队迅速重新踩下油门,立即以多个三分球和成功的内线进攻做出回应。波士顿的身体对抗和内线行动是比赛后期胜负的关键。
- 波士顿的外线防守缺少了朱·霍勒迪(Jrue Holiday)和杰伦·布朗(Jaylen Brown),但他们仍然像饥饿的食人鱼扑向猎物一样摧毁马刺队。球队39投仅9中。
- 凯尔特人队的三分球出手次数遥遥领先,场均命中17.7个,这也是联盟第一。但他们36.8%的效率只能排在第10位。尽管如此,他们的许多战术都是在外线的挡拆进攻,而马刺队未能及时上前干扰。他们还在突破分球后用三分球狠狠地打击了马刺队。马刺队最终让对手投出了32.7%的三分球命中率,这可能有点误导。波士顿队错失的大部分三分球与马刺队无关。
- 凯尔特人队在挡拆中针对 文班亚马 。他很难盯住射手,而他在防守端最糟糕的表现是在第一节被塔图姆(Tatum)用这套战术打爆。在进攻端, 文班 未能用他的身材在近距离压制凯尔特人队,并且在外线毫无作用。
- 福克斯是球队的最佳球员。他的速度造成了对手的过度反应,对于德里克·怀特(Derrick White)来说是难以招架的,因为他可以到达他的位置进行急停跳投。他在第三节的爆发——在接球和运球后投进五个球,外加助攻了两名队友——是马刺队坚持到第四节的一个重要原因。
- 塔图姆摧毁了换防,并且不需要太多的空间就可以在所有区域投进跳投。朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)也多次被他的假动作所迷惑。
- 根据Cleaning the Glass的数据,球队在每100次半场进攻中得到93.3分,足以排在第39个百分位。
点击查看原文:San Antonio at Boston, Final Score: The struggling half-court offense results in a 103-116 loss
San Antonio at Boston, Final Score: The struggling half-court offense results in a 103-116 loss
A flat showing before the All-Star break led to the Spurs’ third lost in the last four games.
The Spurs failed to complete a 24-point comeback against the defending champion Celtics on prime-time TV. Kristaps Porziņģis outplayed Victor Wembanyama, and Coach Mitch Johnson contemplated telling the equipment manager to load everyone’s things onto the bus early in the second quarter.
The Spurs, who are no strangers to slow starts, were put on the ropes early because of Porziņģis’ length covering the back line and the Celtics’ attack getting whatever it wanted. Wembanyama had an off-shooting night, and the rest of his team made just 35 percent of attempts in the first quarter. Their three turnovers didn’t help their defense get set up, either.
Subsequently, the Spurs were still struggling despite cranking up the RPMs. Defenders couldn’t stay down against shooters, resulting in them giving up six extra 3-pointers.
At halftime, the Spurs were trailing 66-47. The team was also down on the glass by eight and held to 14.3 percent 3-point shooting. Additionally, Tatum hung 21 points on them while creating shots for the other Celtics too.
In the third quarter, Porziņģis put more pressure on the defense because he was guarded by Harrison Barnes and Jeremy Sochan, scoring on them and grabbing rebounds over their heads. Yet, a burst from Barnes, Devin Vassell, De’Aaron Fox, and Wemby cut the deficit to 10. Chris Paul also gave the team a boost as the quarter went on.
Then, the Spurs broke within single digits after a basket from Keldon Johnson and free throws from Stephon Castle. Unfortunately, the Celtics quickly put their feet back on the accelerator and instantly countered with multiple 3-pointers and successful paint attacks. Boston’s physicality and paint actions were the difference late.
- Boston’s perimeter defense was missing Jrue Holiday and Jaylen Brown, but they were still destroying the Spurs, like starved piranhas unleashed on prey. The team made only nine treys on 39 attempts.
- The Celtics take the most threes by a wide margin and make 17.7 per game, which is also first in the league. But their efficiency at 36.8 percent is 10th best. Nonetheless, many of their actions were screen-roll attacks on the perimeter that the Spurs were slow to contest. They also put a hurtin’ on the Spurs from deep on drive-and-kick plays. The Spurs ended the game giving up 32.7 percent of 3-pointers, which could be a bit misleading. A good chunk of Boston’s missed threes had nothing to do with the Spurs.
- The Celtics targeted Wembanyama on screen rolls. He had a tough time getting to the shooters, and his worst defensive sequence was getting cooked by Tatum in this set in the first quarter. On offense, Wemby failed to overpower the Celtics up close with his size and was useless from the outside.
- Fox was the team‘s best player. His speed created overreactions and was too much for Derrick White, as he got to his spots for pull-up jumpers. His third-quarter flurry — scoring five baskets on the catch and dribble, plus setting up the two teammates — was a big reason why the Spurs hung in the game going into the fourth quarter.
- Tatum destroyed switches and didn’t need too much space to down his jumper in all areas. Julian Champagnie also bit on his pump fake multiple times.
- The team scored 93.3 points per 100 half-court plays, good enough for the 39th percentile, per Cleaning the Glass.
By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock