By Mark Barrington | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-11 10:43:02
四场比赛以来,这是首次比赛胜负没有悬念到最后一刻。马刺在比赛末段掌控局势,迪阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)在第四节表现出色。维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和马刺队开局迅速,首节就取得了18分的领先优势。但在第二节和第三节,他们拱手让出了所有优势,甚至更多,让奇才队予取予求,将进攻篮板转化为轻松得分,里肖恩·霍姆斯(Richaun Holmes)成为主要受益者,轻松扣篮不断。杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)打出了本赛季表现最好的比赛之一,他在攻防两端都产生了重大影响,砍下14分。斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)继续做出重要贡献,尽管他的上场时间只有20分钟。
奇才队将比分咬得很紧,直到最后三分钟,米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)的一个战略暂停将球队凝聚在一起,打出了漂亮的收尾,以131-121获胜。华盛顿队上场的所有九名球员得分都达到了两位数,这很好地表明了马刺队作为一个整体需要改进的地方。他们最近的防守一直很糟糕,但今晚在比赛结束时还算及格,最终赢得了一场不错的客场胜利。
- 当球队表现不佳时,写比赛回顾更容易,而当球队获胜时,则更有趣。我总是更喜欢有趣而不是容易。今晚的比赛兼而有之,但我更享受胜利而不是失败。
- 马刺队已经结束了与奇才队的赛季系列赛,并且赢得了两场比赛。本赛季他们保证保持不败战绩的另一支球队是亚特兰大老鹰队,他们也击败了老鹰队两次。
- 福克斯在比赛初期表现活跃,为马刺队拿下前六分。
- 文班亚马连续命中三个三分球,随后又在肘区附近命中一个漂亮的后仰跳投,个人独得11分,这对于主队来说似乎有些不太公平。
- 马刺队在第一节后以40-30领先,但感觉应该领先更多,只是因为当文班亚马下场休息时,防守就崩溃了,奇才队以一波13-5的攻势结束了第一节。
- 每场比赛,马刺队都会有一段时间表现得好像他们从未见过篮球一样。你唯一能希望的是,这段时间不会持续太久,以至于对手控制住比赛。在这场比赛中,这段时间始于第二节开始,当时奇才队以一波13-2的攻势重新取得了领先。马刺队在本节剩余时间里恢复了一些,但没有重新控制住比赛。
- 奇才队的替补整场比赛都胜过了马刺队的替补。贾斯廷·尚帕尼(Justin Champagnie)和他哥哥一样优秀。
- 听到PJ·卡莱西莫(PJ Carlesimo)在解说席上指导球员很有趣。他在第二节斥责马穆试图骗取犯规,当时我们在电视机前也是这么说的。
- 卡斯尔在第二节的抢断和快攻几乎就像科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)附体。
- 在两队在本节后半段互有攻守之后,克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的一记三分球让马刺队以63-60领先进入半场。
- 奇才队在第三节充满活力,并在本节初段占据优势,而马刺队则提高了防守强度,并在几分钟后以8分的优势获得了一些喘息之机,但由于一些糟糕的决定和凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)一次令人费解的技术犯规,优势几乎完全消失,他们在三节后以100-96领先。
- 对手的进攻篮板一直在摧毁马刺队的客场之旅。马刺队需要抢下防守篮板,而不是让对方重复获得得分机会。没有篮板的防守是站不住脚的。
- 马刺队的进攻在第四节真的很好,因为福克斯接管了比赛,但缺乏防守使得他们很难在取得领先方面取得任何进展。看起来这将会是另一场要到最后一秒才能决出胜负的比赛,如果你无法阻止对方得分,那总是一个糟糕的局面。
- 米奇·约翰逊在比赛还剩3分24秒时叫了一个暂停来组织球队,这得到了回报,因为球队以比他们在客场之旅中表现出的更强的凝聚力完成了比赛,并有效地扼杀了最后几分钟,以131-121获胜。
马刺队将在周三前往波士顿与凯尔特人队进行一场比赛,这是他们在全明星假期前的最后一场比赛,将在ESPN上进行全国直播。他们将于2月20日在奥斯汀穆迪中心(Moody Center)迎战太阳队。
点击查看原文:San Antonio at Washington, Final Score: Spurs pop the clutch on the Wizards 131-121
San Antonio at Washington, Final Score: Spurs pop the clutch on the Wizards 131-121
Fox and Wembanyama both score 30 as the Spurs outlast Washington to break a two game losing streak
For the first time in four games, the game didn’t come down to the last possession as the Spurs took control late with De’Aaron Fox dominating in the fourth quarter. Victor Wembanyama and the Spurs got off to a fast start as they rushed out to an 18 point lead in the first quarter. They gave all of that back and more in the second and third quarter as they let the Wizards dominate by converting offensive rebounds into easy points, with Richaun Holmes as the main beneficiary with a ton of easy dunks. Jeremy Sochan had one of his better games this season as he made a major impact on offense and defense scoring 14 points in the game. Stephon Castle continued to be a major contributor, despite getting only 20 minutes of playing time.
The Wizards kept the game close until the final three minutes, when a strategic timeout from Mitch Johnson brought the team together to put together a nice finish to win 131-121. All nine players who got onto the court for Washington scored in double digits, which is a pretty good indication of where the Spurs need to improve as a team. Their defense has been pretty bad recently, but it was good enough at the end of the game tonight for a good road win tonight.
- Writing recaps is easier when the team doesn’t play well, it’s more fun when the team wins. I always prefer fun over easy. Tonight’s game was a little of both, but I enjoy the wins a lot more than the losses.
- The Spurs have concluded their season series with the Wizards and have won both games. The only other team this season that they are guaranteed to have an undefeated record is the Atlanta Hawks, a team that they have also beaten twice.
- Fox was active early in the game scoring the first six points for the Silver and Black.
- Wembanyama hit three triples in a row followed by a sick fadeaway of the elbow for a solo 11-0 run that seemed almost unfair to the home team.
- The Spurs led 40-30 after one quarter, but it felt like it should have been more except for the fact that the defense fell apart when Wembanyama went to the bench, as the Wizards finished on a 13-5 run.
- Every single game, the Spurs have a stretch where they play like a team that has never seen a basketball before. The only thing you can hope for is that this stretch doesn’t last long enough for the opponent to take control of the game. In this game, that stretch began with the start of the second quarter, when the Wizards retook the lead with a 13-2 run. The Spurs recovered a bit for the rest of the quarter but didn’t retake control of the game.
- The Wizards bench outplayed the Spurs bench for the whole game. Justin Champagnie is every bit as good as his brother.
- It was funny to hear PJ Carlesimo coach the players from the booth. He was chastising Mamu for going for the pump fake in the second quarter, and we were all saying that at the TV.
- That steal and breakaway from Castle in the second quarter was almost Kawhi-esque.
- The Spur led 63-60 at the half on a Chris Paul triple after both teams traded baskets for the second part of the quarter.
- The Wizards were energized in the third quarter and took advantage early in the quarter, while the Silver and Black turned up the defensive intensity and finally got a little breathing room with an 8 point advantage with a few minutes left, and blew it away with some poor decisions and a puzzling technical foul against Keldon Johnson as the lead almost completely evaporated and they led 100-96 after three quarters.
- The offensive rebounding from opponents has been destroying the Spurs on the RRT. The Spurs need to grab defensive rebounds instead of giving the other team repeated chances at scoring. Defense without rebounding is not defensible.
- The Spurs offense was really good in the fourth as Fox took over, but the lack of stops made it tough for them to make any progress at getting a lead. It was starting to look like it was going to be another game that came down to the last seconds for the Spurs, and that’s always a bad place to be if you can’t stop the other team from making buckets.
- Mitch Johnson called a timeout with 3:24 left in the game to organize the team, and it paid off as the team finished off the game with more cohesion than they’ve shown so far in the road trip and effectively killed the last few minutes to win 131-121.
The Spur head to Boston for a game against the Celtics on Wednesday in their last game before the All Star Break, nationally televised on ESPN. They’ll return to action on February 20 in Austin for a game against the Suns in the Moody Center.
By Mark Barrington, via Pounding The Rock