By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-10 20:00:00
“ 马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili) 是有史以来NBA季后赛历史上,作为替补球员在得分、篮板、助攻、抢断、运动战进球数、三分球进球数和罚球进球数这七项数据统计上的历史第一人。”
点击查看原文:Open Thread: Manu Ginobili is the greatest post season bench player of all time
Open Thread: Manu Ginobili is the greatest post season bench player of all time
I saw this posted on social media.
“Manu Ginobili is the all-time leader in PTS, REB, AST, STL, FGM, 3PM, & FTM off the bench in NBA playoff history.”
It makes sense. With 218 playoff games, 165 coming off the bench, Ginobili had more opportunities than most.
But let that sink in. In the history of the NBA — a nearly eight decade venture — one single player accumulated the most in seven distinct categories as a reserve.
Manu is one of the most respected players to ever play the game. His drafting elevated scouting to an international level, his competitive nature became a template for a generation of players, and his positivity illuminated the NBA during an era steeped in bad attitudes and posturing.
If he had only introduced the Europe step and then faded into obscurity, Manu would have left an indelible impression on the league. But what he did far surpassed and left one of the most memorable and lovable men to ever wear the Silver & Black.
By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock