By LJ Ellis | SpursTalk, 2025-02-10 16:52:46
不幸的是,情况从那时开始急转直下。魔术队命中两个三分球,引发了一波8-0的攻势,夺回了领先优势。在 维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)在比赛还剩1分15秒时命中关键跳投,将领先优势交还给马刺队后, 保罗·班切罗 (Paolo Banchero)在比赛还剩25秒时以一记中距离跳投让奥兰多再次领先。 文班亚马 有机会扮演英雄,但他错失了在时间临近结束时自己的中距离跳投。
魔术队对阵马刺队 – 最终数据
在防守端, 文班亚马 的表现足以让马刺队获胜。他在31分钟内总共抢下9个篮板,4次抢断和4次盖帽,同时只犯规一次。在进攻端, 文班亚马 本可以做得更多。虽然他确实获得了8次罚球机会并送出4次助攻,但他只出手了11次。再加上他三分球6投1中的命中率和4次失误,可以说这位法国人在这个晚上让他的队友失望了。他是球队的首选球员——他必须在进攻端表现得更积极。
这是 迪阿隆·福克斯 (De’Aaron Fox)第一次身穿马刺队球衣表现挣扎。他出现了全队最高的5次失误,并且投篮仅11投3中。他犹豫太多,看起来不太舒服,而且他的决策也很不稳定。话虽如此, 福克斯 也有一些积极的方面。他送出了9次助攻,其中6次助攻转化为三分球。在整个比赛过程中,他的防守也相当不错。
这场失利的唯一亮点是 德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell)的表现。他得到了全队最高的25分,投篮14投11中,其中包括三分球4投3中。他的投篮选择非常好,并且始终在团队框架内。他还传球出色,没有出现失误,并在防守端付出了努力。如果 瓦塞尔 要成为这支球队的长期成员,这就是他需要打的篮球。
对于 克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul)来说,这是一场有趣的比赛。最值得注意的是,他在关键时刻的大部分时间都在替补席上。我们将看看这是否会成为一种模式,因为现在马刺队有 福克斯 可以依靠。在他上场的27分钟里,他的表现还算不错。 保罗 有5次助攻,并且命中了所有3次两分球,但是他错失了所有3次三分球,并且有时在防守端表现挣扎。我们将看看这只是一个小小的挫折,还是这表明马刺队正在减少对 保罗 的依赖。
哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes)独自承担了马刺队取得良好开局的责任。在第一节,他连续命中六个三分球,让圣安东尼奥队开始发力。虽然他在比赛中期保持沉默,但 巴恩斯 在第四节的关键时刻命中了第七个三分球。除了他的三分球精准之外, 巴恩斯 的篮板也抢得很好,并且减少了他的失误。然而,他的防守在当晚的大部分时间里都是时好时坏。
即使 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 现在已经转为替补角色,他仍然在保持高水平的发挥。在对阵魔术队的比赛中,我特别喜欢他在防守端的努力。他承担了困难的对位,看起来棒极了。在进攻端,他做得很好。他错过了一些他应该命中的投篮,但除此之外,他是一股强大的力量。他获得了7次罚球机会,利用他的运动能力和力量优势,并奉献了一些巧妙的传球。 卡斯尔 在他的29分钟内也没有出现失误或犯规。这位新秀的潜力现在看起来真的很高。
好的方面: 杰里米·索汉 (Jeremy Sochan)投篮5中3,包括一个三分球。他传球出色,并盖了几个帽。坏的方面: 索汉 未能抢到防守篮板,他的控球很马虎,有时会碍事。此外,他在19分钟的出场时间内有4次个人犯规和1次技术犯规。
凯尔登·约翰逊 (Keldon Johnson)很好地扮演了他的角色。他为马刺队提供了10分的高效得分。他努力突破,命中一个三分球,并且在篮板方面表现得尽职尽责。 约翰逊 的防守也比平时略好。
从统计数据来看,没有太多证据表明 朱利安·尚帕尼 (Julian Champagnie)在比赛中出场了13分钟——但他表现得相当不错。他的拼搏精神值得注意,并且他没有放弃投篮机会……他只是没有得到任何空位机会。
必须给 文班亚马 更多的优质触球和更多的优质机会。这必须是第一要务。除此之外,我确实喜欢代理主教练在最后时刻选择 卡斯尔 而不是 保罗 。这位新秀配得上这个机会,这对他的发展有好处。
点击查看原文:Grades: San Antonio Spurs at Orlando Magic – Game #50
Grades: San Antonio Spurs at Orlando Magic – Game #50
For the second consecutive night, the San Antonio Spurs lost by one point on the Rodeo Road Trip. Their latest one-point defeat came at the hands of the Orlando Magic.
The game was very close in the first half. In the third quarter, the Spurs were able to build a 13-point advantage. San Antonio kept the lead into the fourth quarter. With three and a half minutes remaining, the Spurs were up by seven points.
Unfortunately, things went downhill from there. The Magic hit a pair of three-pointers to spark an 8-0 run to grab the lead. After Victor Wembanyama hit a clutch jumper with 1:15 remaining to give the lead back to the Spurs, Paolo Banchero put Orlando back up with a midrange jumper with 25 seconds to go. Wembanyama had a chance to play hero but he missed his own midrange jumper with timing winding down.
San Antonio’s 112-111 loss was definitely disheartening. The Spurs had a chance to secure a solid road win but they let it slip through their fingers.
Stats: Spurs at Magic
Magic at Spurs – Final Stats
Victor Wembanyama
Defensively, Wembanyama did enough for the Spurs to win. He totaled nine boards, four steals and four blocks in 31 minutes, all while committing only one foul. Offensively, Wembanyama could have done more. While he did go to the line eight times and hand out four assists, he only shot the ball 11 times. Add in his 1-for-6 shooting from three-point land and his four turnovers and it’s fair to say the Frenchman let down his teammates on this night. He’s the team’s go-to player — he has to be more demonstrative on the offensive end.
Grade: C-
De’Aaron Fox
This was the first time Fox struggled in a Spurs uniform. He turned it over a team-high five times and was only 3-for-11 from the field. He hesitated too much, didn’t look totally comfortable and his decision-making was iffy. That said, there were some positives for Fox. He handed out nine assists, six of which led to three-pointers. He also played reasonably good defense for the duration of the contest.
Grade: C
Devin Vassell
The silver lining to this defeat was Vassell’s play. He scored a team-high 25 points and shot 11-for-14 from the field, including 3-of-4 from deep. His shot-selection was very good and he remained within the framework of the team. He also passed it well, finished without a turnover and gave good effort on defense. If Vassell is going to be a long-term fit on this team, this is the type of basketball he needs to play.
Grade: A
Chris Paul
It was an interesting game for Paul. Most notably, he was on the bench for most of crunch time. We’ll see if that becomes a pattern now that the Spurs have Fox to lean on. During his 27 minutes on the court, he was decent. Paul had five assists and hit all three of his two-point attempts, however he missed all three of his three-point attempts and sometimes struggled on the defensive end. We’ll see if this was just a bump in the road or if this turns out to be a sign that the Spurs are moving away from relying on Paul.
Grade: C
Harrison Barnes
Barnes was single-handedly responsible for the Spurs getting off to a strong start. In the first quarter, he hit six consecutive three-pointers to get San Antonio going. While he went silent during the middle of the game, Barnes hit a seventh three-point during a key part of the fourth quarter. Beyond his three-point marksmanship, Barnes rebounded well and limited his mistakes. His defense, though, was hit-or-miss the majority of the evening.
Grade: A-
Stephon Castle
Even though Castle has now shifted to a bench role, he continues to produce at a high level. Against the Magic, I especially loved his effort on the defensive end. He took on difficult matchups and looked awesome. Offensively, he did well. There were a few misses he should have converted but otherwise he was a force. He shot seven free throws, utilized his athleticism and strength to his advantage, and authored a few slick passes. Castle also didn’t commit a turnover or a foul in his 29 minutes. The rookie’s potential looks really high right now.
Grade: B+
Jeremy Sochan
The good: Sochan was 3-for-5 from the field, including a make from downtown. He passed the ball well and blocked a couple shots. The bad: Sochan failed to grab a defensive rebound, he was sloppy with the ball and sometimes got in the way. Additionally, he had four personal fouls and a technical foul in his 19 minutes of play.
Grade: C
Keldon Johnson
Johnson played his role really well. He supplied the Spurs with ten efficient points. He drove hard, hit a three and was conscientious on the glass. Johnson’s defense was also slightly better than usual.
Grade: B+
Julian Champagnie
Statistically, there’s not much evidence that Champagnie was in the game for 13 minutes — but he did pretty well. His hustle was noteworthy and he didn’t pass up shots … he just wasn’t getting any open looks.
Grade: B-
Mitch Johnson
More quality touches and more quality looks for Wembanyama is a must. That has to be priority number one. Outside of that, I did like that the interim head coach went with Castle over Paul at the end. The rookie deserved it and it’s good for his development.
Grade: C+
By LJ Ellis, via SpursTalk