By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-09 10:40:28
圣安东尼奥马刺队在周五晚上与夏洛特黄蜂队的比赛中,仅差一球就能赢得一场焦灼的比赛。周六,他们又在对阵奥兰多魔术队的比赛中陷入了类似的胶着局面。然而,在比赛结束时,他们再次未能锁定胜局, 维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)错失了反超比分的跳投,马刺队以112-111负于魔术队。
圣安东尼奥队在第三节一度领先13分,但却让奥兰多队在第四节奋起直追。魔术队由 弗朗茨·瓦格纳 (Franz Wagner)领衔,他得到33分、12个篮板和5次助攻。瓦格纳不知疲倦地冲击篮筐,让马刺队为薄弱的内线防守付出了代价。圣安东尼奥队在内线得分上以56-34落后于奥兰多队,并让魔术队抢到13个进攻篮板。
德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell)以25分领衔马刺队得分,他在场上的投篮效率很高,11投4中。 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle)再次成为替补席上的关键球员,贡献15分和2次抢断。
- 哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes)在第一节的三分球手感火热。他7投6中,并在第一节得到18分。但此后他在进攻端消失了,只投中了一个三分球,最终得到21分。
- 德阿隆·福克斯 (De’Aaron Fox)打出了他作为马刺球员以来最糟糕的一场比赛,得到9分、9次助攻和5次失误。魔术队的防守在福克斯突破时对他进行围剿,阻止他到达篮筐,迫使他选择中距离跳投。总的来说,奥兰多队的防守值得称赞。他们在整场比赛中都没有让圣安东尼奥队轻松地在内线得分。
- 文班亚马 在周六晚上的比赛中看起来更有活力。他在失利中得到18分、9个篮板、4次抢断和4次盖帽。虽然他显然还在与某种疾病作斗争,但这位大个子比之前的比赛移动得更好。但仍然有一些时刻,如果 文班 付出更大的努力,就能带来更好的防守效果,比如比赛后期 乔纳森·艾萨克 (Jonathan Isaac)的关键底角三分球。
- 圣安东尼奥队在比赛后期的进攻显得有些笨拙,这部分要归功于魔术队的防守,但也因为一些缺乏灵感的战术安排。他们经常使用福克斯和 文班亚马 的高位挡拆,或者直接为他们的后卫进行单打。他们在比赛的最后一攻中得到了他们想要的错位机会,但 文班亚马 未能命中他在比赛大部分时间里都能命中的中距离跳投。
点击查看原文:San Antonio at Orlando, Final Score: Spurs drop second-straight clutch game 112-111
San Antonio at Orlando, Final Score: Spurs drop second-straight clutch game 112-111
The Spurs can’t overcome the more physical Magic down the stretch.
The San Antonio Spurs were a shot away from winning a tight game against the Charlotte Hornets on Friday night. They found themselves in another clutch situation against the Orlando Magic on Saturday. Yet again, they couldn’t seal the game as the clock expired, as Victor Wembanyama missed a go-ahead jump shot as the Spurs lost 112-111 to the Magic.
San Antonio led by 13 points in the third quarter but allowed Orlando to claw back into the game in the fourth. The Magic were led by Franz Wagner, who scored 33 points, 12 rebounds, and 5 assists. Wagner relentlessly attacked the rim, making the Spurs pay for a weak interior game. San Antonio was outscored by Orlando 56-34 in the paint and let the Magic grab 13 offensive rebounds.
Devin Vassell led the Spurs in scoring with 25 points on an efficient 11-4 shooting night from the field. Stephon Castle was once again key off the bench with 15 points and 2 steals.
The Spurs will get a day off before playing the Washington Wizards on Monday night.
- Harrison Barnes was red hot from three in the first quarter. He made 6 of his 7 threes and had 18 points in the first. He disappeared offensively after that, making just one more three and finishing with 21 points.
- De’Aaron Fox had his worst game as a Spur, finishing with 9 points, 9 assists, and 5 turnovers. The Magic defense swarmed Fox on drives, prohibiting him from getting to the rim, which forced him to settle for mid-range jumpers. Orlando deserves a lot of credit overall for their defensive effort. They didn’t give San Antonio anything easy in the paint all game long.
- Wembanyama looked a bit more energized on Saturday night. He had 18 points, 9 rebounds, 4 steals, and 4 blocks in the loss. While he’s still clearly fighting some sort of illness, the big man got up and down much better than in previous games. There were still moments when a greater effort from Wemby could have led to a better defensive possession, like a clutch corner three from Jonathan Isaac late in the game.
- San Antonio’s late-game possessions were a bit awkward, thanks in part to the Magic’s defense, but also some uninspired play calling. They routinely went to the high pick-and-roll with Fox and Wembanyama, or just straight-up isolation calls for their guards. They got the mismatch they wanted on the final play of the game, but Wembanyama wasn’t able to make good on the mid-range jumper he was hitting for the majority of the game.
By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock