By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-06 10:51:11
圣安东尼奥马刺队希望在“牛仔竞技表演之旅”中取得首胜,他们来到亚特兰大老鹰队主场,不仅期待德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)以马刺球员身份完成惊艳首秀,而且他们也清楚自己拥有老鹰队2025年不受保护的首轮选秀权。上半场马刺一度领先20分,表现出色,但第三节他们丢了43分,让老鹰队重新回到了比赛中。特雷·杨(Trae Young)在第四节爆发,老鹰队在还剩8秒时将比分扳平,但马刺队在正确的时机打出了足够的关键球,包括维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在还剩2.9秒时故意罚丢第二球,不给没有暂停的老鹰队一个好的最后一攻的机会,最终他们以126-125险胜。
福克斯的首秀令人惊艳,贡献了24分、13次助攻、5个篮板和3次抢断,文班亚马和德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)各自贡献了24分。杨带领老鹰队得到32分,大部分是在下半场,奥涅卡·奥孔武(Onyeka Okongwu)表现出色,16投13中得到30分。
- 福克斯作为马刺球员的最初时刻几乎达到了人们的期望。在8分钟内,他贡献了3次助攻和6分,其中包括在转换进攻中投进两个急停三分:这是马刺队已经很久没有的了。不出所料,他给马刺队带来的最大威胁是速度。他可以在半场突破球员,并在转换进攻中推进,这有助于防止进攻陷入停滞或摆脱困境,否则马刺队很容易陷入过多的单打局面。
- 正如预测的那样,德文·瓦塞尔极大地受益于福克斯的存在,后者吸引了防守注意力,为他提供了更多的突破或空位跳投的机会。他在家乡父老面前做出回应,18投9中得到20分,尽管三分球8投仅2中。
- 文班亚马上半场仅出手3次得到8分(5个罚球)。也许他只是想让福克斯成为焦点,但总的来说,他在几场前生病之后,整晚看起来都很疲惫。不过,他还是抓住机会爆发,包括在第三节开始时迅速得到7分,并在比赛还剩30秒时完成一次势大力沉的补扣,重新夺回领先优势,以及前面提到的罚球。当文班看起来状态很差,但仍然能够发挥如此大的影响力,从而得到他的正常数据时,你就知道文班亚马正在达到更高的水平。
- 由于老鹰队的身材矮小,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)今晚尽情地冲击篮筐,8投7中得到15分,他唯一的失误是三分球。然而…
- 赛前,宣布了我最喜欢的替补中锋目标,约纳斯·瓦兰丘纳斯(Jonas Valanciunas)被国王队交易得到,而筹码是…西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)和两个次轮选秀权。我的第一反应是失望,因为马刺队本可以提供完全相同的报价,尽管耶稣·戈麦斯(Jesus Gomez)让我冷静了一些,他解释说,由于工资帽的原因,马刺队实际上需要比西索科提供更多的筹码,因为他们只有大约300万美元的工资帽空间。无论如何,重点仍然是马刺队需要在中锋位置上增加深度,因为扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)已经离开,巴塞因内侧副韧带扭伤而缺阵。小个阵容今晚奏效了,因为老鹰队的前场也存在类似的伤病问题,但在很多个夜晚,这都不会奏效。
点击查看原文:San Antonio @ Atlanta, Final Score: Spurs survive late rally from Hawks in Fox’s debut, 126-125
San Antonio @ Atlanta, Final Score: Spurs survive late rally from Hawks in Fox’s debut, 126-125
The Spurs very nearly blew a 20-point but held on down the stretch and made some key plays in the clutch.
Looking to get their first win of the Rodeo Road Trip, the San Antonio Spurs walked into the home of the Atlanta Hawks not just looking for a big night in De’Aaron Fox’s debut as a Spur, but also knowing they have the Hawks’ 2025 unprotected first-round pick. After a great first half that saw the Spurs get up by as much as 20, a turd quarter., where they gave up 43 points, let the Hawks back in the game. Trae Young got hot in the fourth, and the Hawks were able to tie the game with 8 seconds left, but the Spurs made just enough plays at the right time, including Victor Wembanyama’s decision to purposefully miss his second free throw with 2.9 seconds left to deny the timeout-less Hawks a good final look, and they held on for a 126-125 win.
Fox had an amazing debut with 24 points, 13 assists, 5 rebounds and 3 steals, and Wemby and Vassell contributed 24 points apiece. Young led the Hawks with 32 points, mostly in the second half, and Onyeka Okongwu had a big night with 30 points on 13-16 shooting.
- Fox’s first moments as a Spur went about as well as could be expected. In 8 minutes, he had 3 assists and 6 points on two pull-up threes in transition: something the Spurs have not had in a while. Unsurprisingly, the biggest new threat he brings to the Spurs is speed. He can drive by players in the halfcourt and push it in transition, which helps either prevent the offense from bogging down or get it unstuck, where otherwise the Spurs have trouble with falling into too many iso-ball scenarios.
- As predicted, Devin Vassell greatly benefited from Fox’s presence, as the latter drew defensive attention away from him, giving him more lanes for driving or taking open jumpers. He responded in front of his hometown crowd with 20 points on 9-18 shooting, despite only hitting 2-8 from three.
- Wemby only had 8 points on three shots (5 free throws) in the first half. Perhaps he was just letting Fox have his moment, but overall he looked exhausted much of the night after dealing with an illness a few games ago. Still, he picked his spots to go on spurts, including seven quick points to start the third quarter and a massive put-back dunk with 30 seconds left to retake the lead and the aforementioned free throws. You know Wemby is reaching the upper echelon when he mostly looked terrible in a game and still had such an impact that he posted his normal numbers.
- With the Hawk’s lack of size, Jeremy Sochan had himself a night driving to the basket with 15 points on 7-8 shooting, with his only miss being a three. However…
- Before the game, it was announced my favorite backup center target, Jonas Valanciunis, had been acquired by the Kings for…Sidy Cissoko and two second-round picks. My first reaction was disappointment because the Spurs could have made the exact same offer, although Jesus Gomez talked me off the ledge a bit, explaining that the Spurs actually would have needed to include more than Cissoko for salary purposes since they only had about $3 million in cap space. Regardless, the point still stands that the Spurs need to add depth at the center position with Zach Collins gone and Bassey out with a sprained MCL. The small ball worked tonight since the Hawks have similar injury issues with their front-court, but it won’t work out so well on a lot of nights.
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock