[ESPN] NBA 实力榜:交易截止日前 30 支球队的排名

By NBA insiders | ESPN, 2025-02-05 20:00:00



2024-25 赛季 NBA 交易截止日(周四,美国东部时间下午 3 点)仅剩 一天,在周六卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic)被交易至洛杉矶湖人队,安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)被交易至达拉斯独行侠队的重磅交易之后,NBA 格局已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。

最大的问题仍然是:心怀不满的超级巨星吉米·巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的未来将会如何?我们一直在追踪所有关于交易截止日的传闻,并分析每一笔已经达成的交易。

克利夫兰骑士队和俄克拉荷马城雷霆队在各自赛区 以及 我们的实力榜上都保持着稳固的领先地位。而其他球队,例如印第安纳步行者队和波特兰开拓者队,则在下半赛季开始发力——力求在季后赛开始前证明自己。

金州勇士队能否在交易截止日前找到与斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)搭档的超级巨星?哪些球队希望在周四下午之前搞个大动作,哪些球队只会进行一些小修小补?

以下是 NBA 交易截止日前夕,本周实力榜上所有 30 支球队的排名。

注:球队排名基于我们专家小组(ESPN 的蒂姆·邦坦普斯(Tim Bontemps)、贾马尔·科利尔(Jamal Collier)、迈克尔·莱特(Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪(Tim MacMahon)、戴夫·麦克梅纳明(Dave McMenamin)、奥姆·扬米苏克(Ohm Youngmisuk)、克里斯·赫林(Chris Herring)和凯文·佩尔顿(Kevin Pelton))认为球队在本赛季应有的位置。

先前排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日 | 11 月 20 日 | 11 月 27 日 | 12 月 4 日 | 12 月 11 日 | 12 月 18 日 | 12 月 25 日 | 1 月 1 日 | 1 月 8 日 | 1 月 15 日 | 1 月 22 日 | 1 月 29 日


  1. 克利夫兰骑士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 40-10
  • 先前排名: 2
  • 接下来的比赛: @ DET (2 月 5 日), @ WAS (2 月 7 日), vs. MIN (2 月 10 日)

骑士队强势反弹,结束了三连败,取得了四连胜——在这段时间里,他们净胜对手 104 分。在周日大胜独行侠队的比赛中,萨姆·梅里尔(Sam Merrill)以 27 分领跑全队,成为本赛季骑士队第七位不同的得分王。在一支拥有三位全明星的球队中,这说明了一些问题。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 39-9
  • 先前排名: 1
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. PHX (2 月 5 日), vs. TOR (2 月 7 日), @ MEM (2 月 8 日), vs. NO (2 月 10 日)

谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)的得分势如破竹。在一月下旬的四场比赛中,他职业生涯首次两次砍下 50 分。在过去三场比赛中的两场中,他的半场得分至少达到 30 分,包括周一战胜雄鹿队的比赛,吉尔杰斯-亚历山大仅用 22 分钟就得到 34 分。根据 ESPN 的研究,自 1 月 16 日以来,他已经三次半场得分至少达到 25 分,与杰伦·布伦森(Jalen Brunson)和多诺万·米切尔(Donovan Mitchell)并列本赛季最多。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 波士顿凯尔特人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 36-15
  • 先前排名: 3
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. DAL (2 月 6 日), @ NYK (2 月 8 日), @ MIA (2 月 10 日)

在周四之前,不要指望波士顿会有任何剧烈的变化。在独行侠队和湖人队的超级交易之后,任何事情都有可能发生,但这很正常,卫冕冠军可能会在交易截止日前对他们的阵容进行一些调整——如果有的话。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 孟菲斯灰熊队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 34-16
  • 先前排名: 4
  • 接下来的比赛: @ TOR (2 月 5 日), vs. OKC (2 月 8 日), @ PHX (2 月 11 日)

周一,灰熊队主教练泰勒·詹金斯(Taylor Jenkins)在核磁共振检查显示德斯蒙德·贝恩(Desmond Bane)只是左脚扭伤后表示松了一口气,但他补充说,这位后卫还没有具体的复出时间表。灰熊队在过去的 10 场比赛中赢了 9 场,他们依靠强大的阵容深度来缓冲众多伤病带来的打击。孟菲斯正在继续改进其新的进攻体系,以便在本赛季后期和季后赛中,当风险更高时,能够以最高效率运作。 – 莱特

  1. 休斯顿火箭队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 32-18
  • 先前排名: 5
  • 接下来的比赛: @ MIN (2 月 6 日), @ DAL (2 月 8 日), vs. TOR (2 月 9 日)

阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson)在麦迪逊广场花园球馆自 1968 年开放以来,成为在该球馆取得 20 分三双的第三年轻球员(22 岁零 4 天)。可惜的是,汤普森的努力付诸东流,因为火箭队在尼克斯队反击后遭遇了三连败。火箭队的客场之旅将在周二继续,他们将对阵布鲁克林篮网队,随后将对阵明尼苏达森林狼队和达拉斯独行侠队。考虑到他们年轻、正在崛起的球员,如汤普森、杰伦·格林(Jalen Green)和阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun),火箭队可能会在交易截止日前按兵不动,这有充分的理由。 – 莱特

  1. 纽约尼克斯队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 34-17
  • 先前排名: 6
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. BOS (2 月 8 日), @ IND (2 月 11 日)

上个月,尼克斯队还面临着质疑,人们怀疑他们是否有能力击败顶级球队,而上周他们与西部排名第 2、3、4 和 5 的球队交手,取得了 3 胜 1 负的战绩。在最近一场战胜排名第三的火箭队的比赛中,杰伦·布伦森得到 42 分和 10 次助攻,其中 17 分来自最后 6 分钟。 – 赫林

  1. 丹佛掘金队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 31-19
  • 先前排名: 7
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. NO (2 月 5 日), vs. ORL (2 月 6 日), @ PHX (2 月 8 日), vs. POR (2 月 10 日)

在周一战胜鹈鹕队的比赛中,迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter Jr.)砍下赛季最高的 36 分,赛后掘金队主教练迈克尔·马龙(Michael Malone)表示,球队不会交易波特。马龙被问及是否与波特谈过交易传闻。“没有,因为我们不会交易他,”马龙告诉记者。“所以我没有与任何人就此进行联系。……如果有事情发生,很显然[掘金队总经理卡尔文·布斯(Calvin Booth)]会和我谈,我相信我们会与任何球员沟通。但迈克尔是一个非常重要的棋子,他帮助我们赢得了总冠军。” – 扬米苏克

  1. 洛杉矶湖人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 29-19
  • 先前排名: 10
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. GS (2 月 6 日), vs. IND (2 月 8 日), vs. UTA (2 月 10 日)

“我认为卢卡·东契奇加盟洛杉矶湖人队是 NBA 历史上的一件大事,”总经理罗伯·佩林卡(Rob Pelinka)周二这样描述这位 25 岁的超级巨星来到洛杉矶。东契奇的到来显然是对球队长期命运的一次政变,但对本赛季的球队来说又意味着什么呢?随着安东尼·戴维斯前往达拉斯,佩林卡承认,“我们知道我们需要一个大个子。” – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 洛杉矶快船队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 28-22
  • 先前排名: 9
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. IND (2 月 6 日), vs. UTA (2 月 8 日)

快船队已经与犹他爵士队达成了一笔小而关键的交易,用PJ·塔克(P.J. Tucker)、莫·班巴(Mo Bamba)、未来的二轮选秀权和现金换来了替补中锋德鲁·尤班克斯(Drew Eubanks)和后卫帕蒂·米尔斯(Patty Mills)。通过最终交易塔克,球队低于奢侈税线。快船队通常在交易截止日前后都很忙,所以总经理劳伦斯·弗兰克(Lawrence Frank)可能还有其他动作。 – 扬米苏克

  1. 印第安纳步行者队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 28-21
  • 先前排名: 12
  • 接下来的比赛: @ LAC (2 月 6 日), @ LAL (2 月 8 日), vs. NYK (2 月 11 日)

步行者队是 1 月份 NBA 中表现最好的球队,并且在 2 月份继续保持复苏势头。在周二晚上输给开拓者队之前,他们取得了四连胜,自 1 月初以来,他们的战绩为 12 胜 3 负。这使得印第安纳成为截止日期间一支值得关注的球队:在上赛季的东部决赛之旅和最近的连胜之后,他们会对目前的阵容感到满意,还是会寻求改进以期重现季后赛的辉煌? – 科利尔

  1. 密尔沃基雄鹿队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 26-22
  • 先前排名: 8
  • 接下来的比赛: @ CHA (2 月 5 日), @ ATL (2 月 7 日), vs. PHI (2 月 9 日), vs. GS (2 月 10 日)

雄鹿队一直在积极尝试在截止日前采取行动,寻找方法来补充他们的明星二人组扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)和达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard),同时扭转他们最近的下滑趋势。密尔沃基已经连输四场,过去六场比赛输了五场。雄鹿队正感受到前锋鲍比·波蒂斯(Bobby Portis)缺席的影响,他自 1 月 23 日以来就因为个人家庭问题缺阵,这使得雄鹿队名单上只剩下两名真正的前场球员。 – 科利尔

  1. 明尼苏达森林狼队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 27-23
  • 先前排名: 11
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. CHI (2 月 5 日), vs. HOU (2 月 6 日), vs. POR (2 月 8 日), @ CLE (2 月 10 日)

在本赛季开始前,森林狼队通过交易得到了朱利叶斯·兰德尔(Julius Randle),这震动了他们的阵容,他们仍在努力寻找稳定性。然而,在兰德尔因腹股沟受伤缺席过去两场比赛后,球队感受到了他的缺席,这两场比赛都输给了实力较弱的奇才队和人员短缺的国王队。森林狼队不太可能在截止日前为兰德尔找到一笔交易,因为兰德尔今年夏天将成为自由球员,但兰德尔将是休赛期值得关注的名字之一。 – 科利尔

  1. 达拉斯独行侠队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 26-25
  • 先前排名: 13
  • 接下来的比赛: @ BOS (2 月 6 日), vs. HOU (2 月 8 日), vs. SAC (2 月 10 日)

在令人震惊地交易掉东契奇之后,独行侠队将以凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)作为主要控球手继续前进。在将全明星大前锋/中锋安东尼·戴维斯带到达拉斯的重磅交易之前,在欧文出场而东契奇缺席的比赛中,达拉斯的战绩为 10 胜 7 负。当欧文在没有东契奇的情况下上场时,独行侠队每 100 回合得到 118.5 分。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 菲尼克斯太阳队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 25-24
  • 先前排名: 14
  • 接下来的比赛: @ OKC (2 月 5 日), vs. UTA (2 月 7 日), vs. DEN (2 月 8 日), vs. MEM (2 月 11 日)

连续两场输给波特兰,终结了太阳队的连胜,并将人们的注意力集中到这支球队在交易截止日前 precarious 的位置上。尽管拥有联盟中最昂贵的 2.23 亿美元的工资单,但菲尼克斯的胜率仅略高于 50%,并且在西部排名第九。尽管交易吉米·巴特勒风险很大,但坚持使用目前的阵容并期待投资回报似乎风险更大。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 迈阿密热火队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 24-24
  • 先前排名: 17
  • 接下来的比赛: @ PHI (2 月 5 日), @ BKN (2 月 7 日), vs. BOS (2 月 10 日)

吉米·巴特勒会被交易吗?随着截止日的临近,这不仅是迈阿密,也是整个 NBA 都在关注的问题。热火队很乐意交易巴特勒,但他们明确表示,除非他们得到一笔满足他们目标的交易,否则不会这样做。而且,由于巴特勒服务的市场有限,在现在到周四下午之间,很有可能不会出现这样的交易——这意味着这段关系至少要持续到今年夏天。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 底特律活塞队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 25-25
  • 先前排名: 16
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. CLE (2 月 5 日), vs. PHI (2 月 7 日), vs. CHA (2 月 9 日), @ CHI (2 月 11 日)

活塞队是交易截止日前值得关注的一支球队。底特律是 NBA 唯一一支拥有薪金空间(1400 万美元)的球队,这使它自然而然地成为多队交易的推动者。进入本赛季时,活塞队似乎处于收集选秀权的位置。现在,由于底特律正在争夺东部前六的位置,活塞队可以在冲刺阶段增加一名球员。更多的投篮会有所帮助:在杰登·艾维(Jaden Ivey)受伤后,底特律 1 月份场均三分命中数下滑至第 23 位。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 圣安东尼奥马刺队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 21-26
  • 先前排名: 20
  • 接下来的比赛: @ ATL (2 月 5 日), @ CHA (2 月 7 日), @ ORL (2 月 8 日), @ WAS (2 月 10 日)

得到明星控球后卫达龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)与维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)搭档,让圣安东尼奥有机会争夺季后赛席位。但这支球队还有很多工作要做,他们在过去的 10 场比赛中输掉了 7 场,并且在西部排名跌出了前 10 名。刚刚开始他们的年度“牛仔之旅”——他们要到 2 月 20 日才能回到主场——马刺队在福克斯加盟后,在首发阵容方面面临着艰难的抉择。他们不太可能将老将克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)移到替补席上,这意味着有前途的新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)可能会成为替补。 – 莱特

  1. 金州勇士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 25-24
  • 先前排名: 19
  • 接下来的比赛: @ UTA (2 月 5 日), @ LAL (2 月 6 日), @ CHI (2 月 8 日), @ MIL (2 月 10 日)

勇士队在交易截止前的最后几个小时里可能会非常忙碌。据 ESPN 的沙姆斯·查拉尼亚(Shams Charania)报道,勇士队一直在打电话询问联盟中的球星,希望能为斯蒂芬·库里找到急需的帮手。德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)在缺席了七场比赛后,周一从小腿伤势中复出。他告诉记者,每个人都知道董事长乔·拉科布(Joe Lacob)“对 50% 的胜率感到生气。如果你袖手旁观,认为一切[都还好],那你就是个傻瓜。和他在一起可不行。……你必须预料到他们会很积极。……卢卡·东契奇刚刚被交易了。所以每个人都认为一切皆有可能。” – 扬米苏克

  1. 萨克拉门托国王队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 25-24
  • 先前排名: 15
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. ORL (2 月 5 日), @ POR (2 月 6 日), vs. NO (2 月 8 日), @ DAL (2 月 10 日)

国王队在没有新援扎克·拉文(Zach LaVine)的情况下,在周一对阵明尼苏达的比赛中以一场令人印象深刻的胜利开启了后达龙·福克斯时代。对于国王队来说,每一场比赛都很重要,他们在周二的比赛开始前与其他三支西部球队的败场数都是 24 场。根据目前的排名,这些球队中的一支将无缘附加赛。考虑到竞争对手的情况,国王队在周四的交易截止日前可能还有更多工作要做,也许会利用福克斯-拉文交易中创造的 1680 万美元的交易特例来增加前场深度。特雷·莱尔斯(Trey Lyles)是唯一一位在对阵森林狼的比赛中出场超过 12 分钟的国王队替补球员。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 奥兰多魔术队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 24-27
  • 先前排名: 18
  • 接下来的比赛: @ SAC (2 月 5 日), @ DEN (2 月 6 日), vs. SA (2 月 8 日), vs. ATL (2 月 10 日)

尽管弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)自复出以来场均得分 27.2 分,但魔术队在交易截止日前却处于自由落体状态,他们在过去的 10 场比赛中输掉了 9 场——包括六场客场之旅的 0-4 开局。让杰伦·萨格斯(Jalen Suggs)从股四头肌挫伤中恢复过来将对奥兰多有所帮助,本赛季没有他,魔术队的战绩为 4 胜 12 负。但即使在全员健康的情况下,魔术队的投篮也是一个严重的弱点。本赛季,奥兰多有 17 次三分球命中率低于或等于 25%。只有一支其他球队(排名垫底的奇才队,12 次)这样做过 10 次以上。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 亚特兰大老鹰队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 23-27
  • 先前排名: 21
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. SA (2 月 5 日), vs. MIL (2 月 7 日), @ WAS (2 月 8 日), @ ORL (2 月 10 日)

在八连败之后,老鹰队在周一对阵进步神速的活塞队的比赛中取得了一场 desperately needed 的胜利。在球队二号得分手杰伦·约翰逊(Jalen Johnson)因肩唇撕裂赛季报销后,老鹰队可能正在市场上寻找一名高得分侧翼球员。无论他们做什么,明智的做法是做一些事情来减轻特雷·杨(Trae Young)的控球压力。 – 赫林

  1. 费城 76 人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20-29
  • 先前排名: 22
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. MIA (2 月 5 日), @ DET (2 月 7 日), @ MIL (2 月 9 日), vs. TOR (2 月 11 日)

周二的凯莱布·马丁(Caleb Martin)交易是费城在交易截止日前可能参与的交易类型的一个例子。他们变得更年轻了(昆汀·格莱姆斯(Quentin Grimes)),降低了他们的工资总额(减少了球队几百万美元的奢侈税),并增加了选秀资本(从达拉斯重新获得了今年的二轮选秀权)。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 波特兰开拓者队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 22-29
  • 先前排名: 24
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. SAC (2 月 6 日), @ MIN (2 月 8 日), @ DEN (2 月 10 日)

拆散开拓者队!话说回来,也许不用?波特兰以 NBA 最炙手可热的球队之一的身份进入交易截止日,他们在过去的 10 场比赛中不可思议地赢得了 9 场——比 2024 年 1 月和 2 月的总和(6 胜 20 负)还要多。更好的是,他们的成功主要由他们的年轻核心驱动,尽管老将德安德烈·艾顿(Deandre Ayton)在这段时间内以场均 21.5 分领跑全队。德尼·阿夫迪亚(Deni Avdija)和图马尼·卡马拉(Toumani Camara)是长期首发前锋,斯科特·亨德森(Scoot Henderson)的潜力正开始达到使他成为探花秀的水平。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 芝加哥公牛队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 22-29
  • 先前排名: 23
  • 接下来的比赛: @ MIN (2 月 5 日), vs. GS (2 月 8 日), vs. DET (2 月 11 日)

公牛队完成了自 2021 年以来的第一笔赛季中期交易,将扎克·拉文送到达拉斯,并将他们的阵容过渡到全面重建。拉文一直是公牛队效力时间最长的球员,他正处于他最好的赛季之一,场均得到 24 分,投篮命中率为 51%,三分球命中率为 45%,但球队一直专注于建立新的基础,并将控制今年选秀大会上一个潜在的乐透签作为优先事项。在周四的截止日之前,芝加哥仍然有一些值得关注的老将,包括尼科拉·武切维奇(Nikola Vucevic)和朗佐·鲍尔(Lonzo Ball)。 – 科利尔

  1. 多伦多猛龙队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16-34
  • 先前排名: 25
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. MEM (2 月 5 日), @ OKC (2 月 7 日), @ HOU (2 月 9 日), @ PHI (2 月 11 日)

伊曼纽尔·奎克利(Immanuel Quickley)终于回到了多伦多的赛场上,并在周日战胜快船队的比赛中出场。奎克利本赛季只打了 12 场比赛,自从上赛季从尼克斯队来到多伦多后,他只打了 50 场比赛。在本赛季的剩余时间里,猛龙队将继续密切关注奎克利和球队核心斯科蒂·巴恩斯(Scottie Barnes)的场上合作关系。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 布鲁克林篮网队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17-33
  • 先前排名: 26
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. WAS (2 月 5 日), vs. MIA (2 月 7 日), vs. CHA (2 月 10 日)

卡梅隆·约翰逊(Cameron Johnson)仍然留在布鲁克林,他是交易市场上最有价值的球员之一,因为他拥有高水平的投篮和防守能力。他正处于职业生涯的最佳赛季,场均得到 19 分,有效投篮命中率高达 61.3%。许多球队都希望得到他,但篮网队毫不掩饰他们正试图在今年的选秀大会上获得一个高顺位选秀权。篮网队面临的最大问题仍然是:他们会达成一笔交易,将约翰逊送到其他地方吗? – 赫林

  1. 夏洛特黄蜂队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-35
  • 先前排名: 27
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. MIL (2 月 5 日), vs. SA (2 月 7 日), @ DET (2 月 9 日), @ BKN (2 月 10 日)

假设黄蜂队在截止日前没有任何重大动作——例如,交易像迈尔斯·布里奇斯(Miles Bridges)这样的球员——那么本赛季剩余时间的任务应该是找出哪些球员最适合与拉梅洛·鲍尔(LaMelo Ball)和马克·威廉姆斯(Mark Williams)搭档。布兰登·米勒(Brandon Miller)刚刚接受了赛季结束的手腕韧带手术(鲍尔仍然因脚踝受伤缺阵),这突出了夏洛特许多年轻球员的厄运。 – 赫林

  1. 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-38
  • 先前排名: 28
  • 接下来的比赛: @ DEN (2 月 5 日), @ SAC (2 月 8 日), @ OKC (2 月 10 日)

称新奥尔良是一支被诅咒的球队可能太过分了,但在德章泰·穆雷(Dejounte Murray)周五在输给凯尔特人队的比赛中右脚跟腱断裂赛季报销后,他们可能会想知道情况是否如此。新奥尔良已经失去了锡安·威廉姆森(Zion Williamson)、布兰登·英格拉姆(Brandon Ingram)和赫伯·琼斯(Herb Jones)。鹈鹕队本赛季从未有机会看到穆雷、英格拉姆和威廉姆森这组有前途的三巨头一起上场。现在可以肯定地说,2024-25 赛季对鹈鹕队来说是浪费了,他们已经六连败。 – 莱特

  1. 犹他爵士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-27
  • 先前排名: 29
  • 接下来的比赛: vs. GS (2 月 5 日), @ PHX (2 月 7 日), @ LAC (2 月 8 日), @ LAL (2 月 10 日)

29 号秀新秀以赛亚·科利尔(Isaiah Collier)的防守心态给主教练威尔·哈迪(Will Hardy)留下了深刻的印象,他正在以爵士队首发控球后卫的身份进行长时间的试训。20 岁的科利尔在过去的 15 场比赛中首发了 13 场,在此期间场均得到 10.3 分和 8.1 次助攻。但科利尔的跳投是他最大的问题。他的三分球命中率只有 22.2%。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 华盛顿奇才队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-41
  • 先前排名: 30
  • 接下来的比赛: @ BKN (2 月 5 日), vs. CLE (2 月 7 日), vs. ATL (2 月 8 日), vs. SA (2 月 10 日)

奇才队在周六 stunning 地战胜明尼苏达,并在周一战胜夏洛特后,终结了 16 连败,取得了两连胜。但在周四的交易截止日前奇才队会做什么,是华盛顿和联盟其他球队都在关注的事情。华盛顿会交易像凯尔·库兹马(Kyle Kuzma)、马尔科姆·布罗格登(Malcolm Brogdon)和约纳斯·瓦兰丘纳斯(Jonas Valanciunas)这样的老将以换取更多资产吗?库兹马最近表达了他如何努力融入华盛顿正在做的事情,并让球员们得到发展。 – 扬米苏克

点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: Where all 30 teams stand ahead of the trade deadline

NBA Power Rankings: Where all 30 teams stand ahead of the trade deadline


The 2024-25 NBA trade deadline (Thursday, 3 p.m. ET) is one day away, and the landscape of the NBA has already been shaken after a blockbuster deal Saturday that sent Luka Doncic to the Los Angeles Lakers and Anthony Davis to the Dallas Mavericks.

The biggest question remains: What will happen with disgruntled superstar Jimmy Butler? We’ve been keeping track of all the trade deadline buzz, as well as breaking down each deal that has already happen.

The Cleveland Cavaliers and Oklahoma City Thunder have held steady at the top of their respective conferences and our power rankings. While others, such as the Indiana Pacers and Portland Trail Blazers, have picked up some second-half season steam – looking to prove themselves before the postseason.

Will the Golden State Warriors find their superstar to pair along Stephen Curry before the trade deadline? Which teams are looking to make a big splash before Thursday afternoon, and which will only make perimeter moves?

Here’s where all 30 teams land in this week’s power rankings on the eve of the NBA trade deadline.

Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.

Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 20 | Nov. 27 | Dec. 4 | Dec. 11 | Dec. 18 | Dec. 25 | Jan. 1 | Jan. 8 | Jan. 15 | Jan. 22 | Jan. 29

Jump to a team:\




NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\


1. Cleveland Cavaliers

  • 2024-25 record: 40-10
  • Previous ranking: 2
  • Next games: @ DET (Feb. 5), @ WAS (Feb. 7), vs. MIN (Feb. 10)

Cleveland bounced back from a three-game losing streak in a forceful fashion, reeling off four straight wins – outscoring opponents by 104 points in the stretch. In Sunday’s rout of the Mavericks, Sam Merrill led the team with 27 points, becoming the seventh different Cav to be the high scorer for the team this season. On a team with three All-Stars, that’s saying something. – Dave McMenamin

2. Oklahoma City Thunder

  • 2024-25 record: 39-9
  • Previous ranking: 1
  • Next games: vs. PHX (Feb. 5), vs. TOR (Feb. 7), @ MEM (Feb. 8), vs. NO (Feb. 10)

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander is scoring in bunches like never before. He had the first two 50-point performances of his career over a four-game span in late January. He has scored at least 30 points in the first half of two of the past three games, including Monday’s rout of the Bucks, when Gilgeous-Alexander finished with 34 points in only 22 minutes. He has scored at least 25 points in the first half three times since Jan. 16, matching Jalen Brunson and Donovan Mitchell for the most times this season, according to ESPN Research. – Tim MacMahon

3. Boston Celtics

  • 2024-25 record: 36-15
  • Previous ranking: 3
  • Next games: vs. DAL (Feb. 6), @ NYK (Feb. 8), @ MIA (Feb. 10)

Don’t expect any drastic changes in Boston before Thursday. It’s fair to wonder if anything is possible after the Mavs-Lakers megadeal, but the defending champions will likely be making tweaks – if anything at all – to their roster between now and the deadline. – Tim Bontemps

4. Memphis Grizzlies

  • 2024-25 record: 34-16
  • Previous ranking: 4
  • Next games: @ TOR (Feb. 5), vs. OKC (Feb. 8), @ PHX (Feb. 11)

Grizzlies coach Taylor Jenkins expressed relief Monday after an MRI revealed that Desmond Bane suffered only a left foot sprain, but added the guard doesn’t have a timeline for a return. Winners in nine of their past 10 outings, the Grizzlies have relied on strong depth to cushion the blow of numerous injuries. Memphis continues to work out kinks of its new offense so that it can operate at peak efficiency once the stakes are higher later this season and in the playoffs. – Michael Wright

5. Houston Rockets

  • 2024-25 record: 32-18
  • Previous ranking: 5
  • Next games: @ MIN (Feb. 6), @ DAL (Feb. 8), vs. TOR (Feb .9)

Amen Thompson became the third-youngest player (22 years, 4 days old) Monday to produce a 20-point triple-double at Madison Square Garden since it opened in 1968. Too bad Thompson’s effort went for naught as the Rockets dropped their third consecutive game after the Knicks rallied. Houston’s road trip continues Tuesday at Brooklyn followed by matchups at Minnesota and Dallas. The Rockets may stand pat at the trade deadline, and for good reason, considering their young, rising talent such as Thompson, Jalen Green and Alperen Sengun. – Wright

6. New York Knicks

  • 2024-25 record: 34-17
  • Previous ranking: 6
  • Next games: vs. BOS (Feb. 8), @ IND (Feb. 11)

The Knicks, who faced questions just last month about whether they had what it took to beat upper-echelon competition, went 3-1 this past week against the West’s No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 teams. In the most recent of those victories, over third-place Houston, Jalen Brunson finished with 42 points and 10 assists, with 17 of those points coming in the last six minutes. – Chris Herring

7. Denver Nuggets

  • 2024-25 record: 31-19
  • Previous ranking: 7
  • Next games: vs. NO (Feb. 5), vs. ORL (Feb. 6), @ PHX (Feb. 8), vs. POR (Feb. 10)

Nuggets head coach Michael Malone said the team isn’t going to trade Michael Porter Jr. following the forward’s season-high 36-point performance in Monday’s win over the Pelicans. Malone was asked if he had talked to Porter about trade rumors. “No, because we’re not trading [him],” Malone told reporters. “So I’m not touching base with anybody on that. … And if there’s something coming, obviously [Nuggets GM Calvin Booth] will talk with me and I’m sure we’ll communicate with whatever players. But Michael is a really important piece, he helped us win a championship.” – Ohm Youngmisuk

8. Los Angeles Lakers

  • 2024-25 record: 29-19
  • Previous ranking: 10
  • Next games: vs. GS (Feb. 6), vs. IND (Feb. 8), vs. UTA (Feb. 10)

“I think Luka Doncic joining forces with the Los Angeles Lakers is a seismic event in NBA history,” is how general manager Rob Pelinka described the 25-year-old superstar’s arrival in L.A. on Tuesday. The Doncic acquisition is obviously a coup for the long-term fortunes of the franchise, but what about this season’s team? With Anthony Davis headed to Dallas, Pelinka admitted, “We know we have a need for a big.” – McMenamin

9. LA Clippers

  • 2024-25 record: 28-22
  • Previous ranking: 9
  • Next games: vs. IND (Feb. 6), vs. UTA (Feb. 8)

The Clippers already made a minor but key deal with Utah, acquiring a backup center in Drew Eubanks and guard Patty Mills for P.J. Tucker, Mo Bamba, a future second-round pick and cash. By finally moving Tucker, the team is below the luxury tax line. The Clippers are typically busy making moves around the trade deadline so general manager Lawrence Frank may have another move. – Youngmisuk

10. Indiana Pacers

  • 2024-25 record: 28-21
  • Previous ranking: 12
  • Next games: @ LAC (Feb. 6), @ LAL (Feb. 8), vs. NYK (Feb. 11)

The Pacers were the best team in the NBA in January and have continued their resurgence in February. They were on a four-game winning streak before Tuesday night’s loss to the Blazers and are 12-3 since the start of January. It makes Indiana a curious team to watch on deadline week: Will it be content with its current squad after a conference finals run last season and its recent hot streak or look to improve as it aims to repeat its playoff run? – Jamal Collier

11. Milwaukee Bucks

  • 2024-25 record: 26-22
  • Previous ranking: 8
  • Next games: @ CHA (Feb. 5), @ ATL (Feb. 7), vs. PHI (Feb. 9), vs. GS (Feb. 10)

The Bucks have been active in their attempts to make a move ahead of the deadline, searching for ways to complement their star duo of Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard while reversing their recent skid. Milwaukee has dropped four straight games and five of its past six overall. The Bucks are feeling the absence of forward Bobby Portis, who has been out since Jan. 23 with a personal family issue and has left the Bucks with only two true frontcourt players on their roster. – Collier

12. Minnesota Timberwolves

  • 2024-25 record: 27-23
  • Previous ranking: 11
  • Next games: vs. CHI (Feb. 5), vs. HOU (Feb. 6), vs. POR (Feb. 8), @ CLE (Feb. 10)

Minnesota is still trying to find consistency after it made a trade for Julius Randle that shook up its roster before the start of the season. However, the team has felt Randle’s absence while he sat out the past two games with a groin injury, both losses to the lowly Wizards and short-handed Kings. It may be unlikely the Wolves find a deadline trade for Randle, a free agent this summer, but he will be one of the names to watch in the offseason. – Collier

13. Dallas Mavericks

  • 2024-25 record: 26-25
  • Previous ranking: 13
  • Next games: @ BOS (Feb. 6), vs. HOU (Feb. 8), vs. SAC (Feb. 10)

After the shocking trade of Doncic, the Mavs will move forward with Kyrie Irving as the primary ball handler on a full-time basis. Dallas went 10-7 in games that Irving played and Doncic missed before the blockbuster deal that brought All-NBA power forward/center Anthony Davis to Dallas. The Mavs have scored 118.5 points per 100 possessions when Irving was on the floor without Doncic. – MacMahon

14. Phoenix Suns

  • 2024-25 record: 25-24
  • Previous ranking: 14
  • Next games: @ OKC (Feb. 5), vs. UTA (Feb. 7), vs. DEN (Feb. 8), vs. MEM (Feb. 11)

Two straight losses to Portland put a stop to the Suns’ hot streak and a spotlight on the franchise’s precarious position before the trade deadline. Despite the most expensive payroll in the league at $223 million, Phoenix is just a game above .500 and No. 9 in the West. As much of a risk it would be to trade for Jimmy Butler, to stick with the current group as is and expecting a return on investment seems even riskier. – McMenamin

15. Miami Heat

  • 2024-25 record: 24-24
  • Previous ranking: 17
  • Next games: @ PHI (Feb. 5), @ BKN (Feb. 7), vs. BOS (Feb. 10)

Will Jimmy Butler be traded? That is the question not only hanging over Miami but the rest of the NBA, as the deadline approaches. The Heat would love to move Butler but have made it clear they won’t be doing so unless they get a deal that satisfies their objectives. And, with a limited market for Butler’s services, there is a real chance such a deal won’t present itself between now and Thursday afternoon – meaning this marriage will have to continue until at least this summer. – Bontemps

16. Detroit Pistons

  • 2024-25 record: 25-25
  • Previous ranking: 16
  • Next games: vs. CLE (Feb. 5), vs. PHI (Feb. 7), vs. CHA (Feb. 9), @ CHI (Feb. 11)

The Pistons are a team to watch leading up to Thursday’s trade deadline. Detroit is the only NBA team with room under the cap ($14 million), making it a natural facilitator for multiteam trades. Entering the season, the Pistons appeared positioned to collect draft picks. Now that Detroit is battling for a top-six spot in the East, the Pistons could add a player for the stretch run. More shooting will help: Detroit slipped to 23rd in made 3s per game in January after Jaden Ivey’s injury. – Kevin Pelton

17. San Antonio Spurs

  • 2024-25 record: 21-26
  • Previous ranking: 20
  • Next games: @ ATL (Feb. 5), @ CHA (Feb. 7), @ ORL (Feb. 8), @ WAS (Feb. 10)

The acquisition of star point guard De’Aaron Fox to pair with Victor Wembanyama gives San Antonio a shot at fighting its way into the postseason. A ton of work remains for this squad, which has lost seven of its past 10 and finds itself out of the top 10 in the West. Having just started their annual Rodeo Road Trip – they won’t return home until Feb. 20 – the Spurs have difficult decisions about the starting lineup with Fox in the fold. It’s unlikely they move veteran Chris Paul to the bench, meaning promising rookie Stephon Castle could find himself in a reserve role. – Wright

18. Golden State Warriors

  • 2024-25 record: 25-24
  • Previous ranking: 19
  • Next games: @ UTA (Feb. 5), @ LAL (Feb. 6), @ CHI (Feb. 8), @ MIL (Feb. 10)

The Warriors figure to have a busy last few hours before the trade deadline. ESPN’s Shams Charania reported that the Warriors have been calling about stars across the league looking to find Stephen Curry much-needed help. Draymond Green returned Monday from a calf injury after missing seven straight games. He told reporters that everyone knows chairman Joe Lacob is “pissed sitting at .500. You’d be a fool to sit back and think everything [is OK]. Not with that guy. … You gotta expect they’ll be aggressive. … Luka Doncic just got traded. So everyone thinks everything is possible.” – Youngmisuk

19. Sacramento Kings

  • 2024-25 record: 25-24
  • Previous ranking: 15
  • Next games: vs. ORL (Feb. 5), @ POR (Feb. 6), vs. NO (Feb. 8), @ DAL (Feb. 10)

The Kings, without new acquisition Zach LaVine, began the post-De’Aaron Fox era with an impressive win Monday in Minnesota. Every game counts for Sacramento, which entered Tuesday tied with three other West teams at 24 losses. Based on the current standings, one of those teams will miss the play-in. Given the competition, the Kings could have more work to do before Thursday’s trade deadline, perhaps using the $16.8 million trade exception created in the Fox-LaVine swap to add frontcourt depth. Trey Lyles was the only Sacramento reserve to play more than 12 minutes against the Wolves. – Pelton

20. Orlando Magic

  • 2024-25 record: 24-27
  • Previous ranking: 18
  • Next games: @ SAC (Feb. 5), @ DEN (Feb. 6), vs. SA (Feb. 8), vs. ATL (Feb. 10)

Despite Franz Wagner averaging 27.2 PPG since his return to the lineup, the Magic approach the trade deadline in free fall, having lost nine of their past 10 games – including an 0-4 start to their six-game road trip. Getting Jalen Suggs back from a quadriceps contusion will help Orlando, which has gone 4-12 without him this season. But even at full strength, the Magic’s shooting is a critical weakness. Orlando has shot 25% or worse from beyond the arc 17 times this season. Only one other team (the last-place Wizards, 12) has done so even 10 times. – Pelton

21. Atlanta Hawks

  • 2024-25 record: 23-27
  • Previous ranking: 21
  • Next games: vs. SA (Feb. 5), vs. MIL (Feb. 7), @ WAS (Feb. 8), @ ORL (Feb. 10)

After an eight-game skid, the Hawks earned a desperately needed victory Monday over the vastly improved Pistons. The Hawks could be in the market for a big scoring wing after losing Jalen Johnson, the team’s second-leading scorer, for the season to a torn labrum. Whatever they do, it will be wise to do something to take some of the ballhandling pressure off of Trae Young. – Herring

22. Philadelphia 76ers

  • 2024-25 record: 20-29
  • Previous ranking: 22
  • Next games: vs. MIA (Feb. 5), @ DET (Feb. 7), @ MIL (Feb. 9), vs. TOR (Feb. 11)

The Caleb Martin trade Tuesday is an example of the type of moves Philadelphia could be a part of between now and the trade deadline. It got younger (Quentin Grimes), lowered its payroll (shaving several million off of the team’s luxury tax bill) and added draft capital (reacquiring its second-round pick for this year’s draft from Dallas). – Bontemps

23. Portland Trail Blazers

  • 2024-25 record: 22-29
  • Previous ranking: 24
  • Next games: vs. SAC (Feb. 6), @ MIN (Feb. 8), @ DEN (Feb. 10)

Break up the Blazers! Then again, maybe not? Portland heads into the deadline as one of the NBA’s hottest teams, having improbably won the nine of the past 10 – more than all of January and February 2024 combined (6-20). Better yet, their success has primarily been driven by their young core, although veteran Deandre Ayton leads the team with 21.5 PPG in that span. Deni Avdija and Toumani Camara are long-term starters at the forward spots and Scoot Henderson’s development is beginning to reach the potential that made him a No. 3 overall pick. – Pelton

24. Chicago Bulls

  • 2024-25 record: 22-29
  • Previous ranking: 23
  • Next games: @ MIN (Feb. 5), vs. GS (Feb. 8), vs. DET (Feb. 11)

The Bulls executed their first in-season trade since 2021 by sending Zach LaVine to Sacramento and transitioning their roster into a full-scale rebuild. LaVine, who had been the Bulls’ longest-tenured player, is in the midst of one of his best seasons, averaging 24 points on 51% FG and 45% 3-point shooting, but the team has been focused on building a new foundation and prioritizing control of a potential lottery pick in this year’s draft. Chicago still has a few veterans worth keeping an eye on before Thursday’s deadline, including Nikola Vucevic and Lonzo Ball. – Collier

25. Toronto Raptors

  • 2024-25 record: 16-34
  • Previous ranking: 25
  • Next games: vs. MEM (Feb. 5), @ OKC (Feb. 7), @ HOU (Feb. 9), @ PHI (Feb. 11)

Immanuel Quickley is finally back on the court for Toronto, including playing in Sunday’s win over the Clippers. Quickly has played in only 12 games this season and only 50 since coming to Toronto last season from the Knicks. For the rest of the season, the Raptors will continue to closely monitor the on-court partnership of Quickley and franchise centerpiece Scottie Barnes. – Bontemps

26. Brooklyn Nets

  • 2024-25 record: 17-33
  • Previous ranking: 26
  • Next games: vs. WAS (Feb. 5), vs. MIA (Feb. 7), vs. CHA (Feb. 10)

Cameron Johnson, one of the most valuable players on the trade market given his ability to shoot and defend at a high level, remains in Brooklyn. He’s in the midst of a career season, averaging 19 points with a blistering 61.3% effective field goal rate. Many teams would like to acquire him, but the Nets have made no secret they’re trying to land a top pick in this year’s draft. The biggest question for the Nets remains: Will they make a deal to unload Johnson elsewhere? – Herring

27. Charlotte Hornets

  • 2024-25 record: 12-35
  • Previous ranking: 27
  • Next games: vs. MIL (Feb. 5), vs. SA (Feb. 7), @ DET (Feb. 9), @ BKN (Feb. 10)

Assuming the Hornets don’t have any major fireworks before the deadline – for example, moving a player like Miles Bridges – the rest of the season should be a fact-finding mission about which players fit best alongside LaMelo Ball and Mark Williams. Brandon Miller just had season-ending wrist ligament surgery (and Ball remains out with an ankle injury), highlighting what’s been a snakebitten run for many of Charlotte’s young players. – Herring

28. New Orleans Pelicans

  • 2024-25 record: 12-38
  • Previous ranking: 28
  • Next games: @ DEN (Feb. 5), @ SAC (Feb. 8), @ OKC (Feb. 10)

Perhaps it’s too strong to call New Orleans a cursed franchise, but it is likely wondering whether that’s the case after Dejounte Murray suffered a season-ending ruptured right Achilles tendon Friday in a loss to the Celtics. New Orleans was already playing without Zion Williamson, Brandon Ingram and Herb Jones. The Pels never once this season got an opportunity to see the promising threesome of Murray, Ingram and Williamson on the floor together. It’s now safe to call the 2024-25 season a throwaway for the Pels, who have lost six in a row. – Wright

29. Utah Jazz

  • 2024-25 record: 11-27
  • Previous ranking: 29
  • Next games: vs. GS (Feb. 5), @ PHX (Feb. 7), @ LAC (Feb. 8), @ LAL (Feb. 10)

Rookie Isaiah Collier, the No. 29 pick in the draft whose defensive mindset has impressed coach Will Hardy, is getting an extended audition as the Jazz’s starting point guard. The 20-year-old Collier has started 13 of the past 15 games, averaging 10.3 points and 8.1 assists during that span. But Collier’s jump shot is his biggest question. He’s shooting only 22.2% from 3-point range. – MacMahon

30. Washington Wizards

  • 2024-25 record: 8-41
  • Previous ranking: 30
  • Next games: @ BKN (Feb. 5), vs. CLE (Feb. 7), vs. ATL (Feb. 8), vs. SA (Feb. 10)

The Wizards snapped a 16-game losing streak and recorded two straight victories after stunning Minnesota on Saturday and winning at Charlotte on Monday. But what the Wizards will do by Thursday’s trade deadline is what Washington and the rest of the league will be watching. Will Washington trade vets like Kyle Kuzma, Malcolm Brogdon and Jonas Valanciunas for more assets? Kuzma recently expressed how he was over trying to fit into what Washington is doing and let guys develop. – Youngmisuk

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