[ESPN] 比赛因突发医疗事件推迟

By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, 2025-02-04 10:09:00








灰熊队发言人在一份声明中表示:“我们向 involved 的个人表达我们的思念和祈祷,并感谢提供必要护理的急救人员和医务人员。”

赛后,灰熊队主教练泰勒·詹金斯(Taylor Jenkins)考虑到隐私问题,并没有过多置评,但他表示,球队“希望情况好转”。



“我的精力有点被分散了,”马刺队新秀前锋斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)说道,“我比赛开局很慢。我的思绪一片混乱。这是我第一次遇到这种情况,尤其是在篮球比赛的环境中。”

“在GG(杰克逊)的带领下,我们做了一个很棒的祈祷,”灰熊队后卫贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)说道,“然后我们回到这里,希望一切好转。为最好的结果祈祷。”

马刺队临时主教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)表示,考虑到当时的情况,每个人都非常理解。他说,两队都回到了各自的更衣室,以便给急救人员“时间和空间”。




点击查看原文:Officials delay Spurs-Grizzlies tipoff for medical emergency

Officials delay Spurs-Grizzlies tipoff for medical emergency


MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Officials delayed the start of Monday’s game between the San Antonio Spurs and Memphis Grizzlies after a medical emergency occurred courtside as the teams were set for tipoff.

Emergency medical personnel quickly rushed to the aid of a man who had fallen ill in a courtside seat. The medical personnel administered CPR as a group of medics wheeled a gurney across the court.

After several minutes, medical personnel took the man off the court on the gurney as fans inside the FedEx Forum cheered for a healthy recovery.

Game officials approached the scorer’s table and initially announced the players would get an additional 20 minutes to warm up as both teams had returned to their respective locker rooms to await a restart.

Officials began the game after a 45-minute delay.

A Grizzlies spokesperson said in a statement, “We are sending our thoughts and prayers to the individual involved and are thankful to the first responders and medical staff who provided the necessary care.”

Memphis coach Taylor Jenkins was limited in his comments after the game, citing privacy matters, but said the organization is “hoping for the best.”

“Our team, our organization, have sent out a lot of prayers to him, to his family, and as we get further updates, we’re hopeful that it trends in a good direction,” Jenkins added.

After the game, which the Grizzlies won 128-109, several players said the situation affected them as they returned to the court.

“My energy was kind of shifted by it a little bit,” said Spurs rookie Stephon Castle, who started at forward. “I started the game real slow. My mind was all over the place. That was the first time that has ever happened to me, especially in a basketball environment.”

“We had a great prayer led by GG [Jackson],” Memphis guard Ja Morant said. “Then we were back here hoping for the best. Praying for the best.”

Spurs interim coach Mitch Johnson said everyone was very understanding given the situation. He said the teams went back to their respective locker rooms to give first responders “time and space.”

Johnson said he was not sure if there was ever a consideration to cancel the game.

“At some point, the medical situation is the priority, so I’m sure there were a lot of conversation,” he said. “We were just playing a waiting game and waiting for them to tell us what they thought was most appropriate.”

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, via ESPN