[PtR] 比赛前瞻:圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 孟菲斯灰熊

By Devon Birdsong | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-03 16:00:00


圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 孟菲斯灰熊


好吧,这终于发生了。谜底揭晓,消息公布,马刺队终于动用了部分资产,为维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)找来了一位速度奇快的搭档——德阿隆·福克斯。


尽管最近伤病不断,灰熊队依然保持着他们的防守特色(联盟第七),并且仍然能够成批得分(进攻效率联盟第五,得分联盟第一)。即使球员缺阵,他们也继续保持着他们标志性的身体对抗和侵略性风格。小贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.),如果能上场的话,仍然是联盟中最顶级的篮筐守护者之一,也是少数几个能与文班亚马非凡实力匹敌的球员之一。


这两支球队上次交锋时,灰熊队证明了他们仍然是西部一支不可忽视的力量。健康的马库斯·斯玛特(Marcus Smart)和小杰克逊是联盟中最具破坏力的防守组合之一,而像小文斯·威廉姆斯(Vince Williams Jr.)这样的球员的成长也给了孟菲斯更多的防守多样性。

关键的对位可能实际上是在后卫位置上,两队都可能严重依赖那些赛季初担任辅助角色的球员。马刺队的后场轮换在最近的比赛中已经显示出找到立足点的迹象,但除了克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)之外,其他球员的表现仍然不够稳定,尤其是在比赛的最后阶段。当然,在特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)、扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)和西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)被交易出去之后,没有人知道马刺队今晚会派出哪些球员替补上场。


圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 孟菲斯灰熊

2025年2月3日 | 美国中部时间晚上7:00

观看:FanDuel 西南体育网 | 收听:WOAI (1200 AM)

马刺队伤病情况: 文班亚马 - 出战成疑(疾病)

灰熊队伤病情况: 贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant) - 出战成疑(肩部),斯玛特 - 缺阵(手指),卡姆·斯宾塞(Cam Spenser) - 缺阵(拇指),小威廉姆斯 - 缺阵(脚踝)

想了解灰熊球迷的看法,请访问Beale Street Bears

想要在比赛期间聊天的朋友,PtR的比赛讨论帖今晚将会上线。你也可以通过 PtR的推特账号 关注比赛的进展。

点击查看原文:Game Preview: San Antonio Spurs vs Memphis Grizzlies

Game Preview: San Antonio Spurs vs Memphis Grizzlies

San Antonio Spurs v Memphis Grizzlies

The Spurs look to get back in the win column against the injured Grizzlies

Well, it finally happened. The jig is up, the news is out, and the Spurs have finally used a portion of their pool of assets to acquire a running mate for Victor Wembanyama in the form of a fleet-footed De’Aaron Fox.

Whether or not the Spurs have their shiny new toy ready to go for this one remains a fair question. Spurs fans may have to wait one more game to see the combination of their stars in action. In the meantime, they’ll be looking to take down a banged-up Memphis squad during one of their rare moments of weakness this season.

The Grizzlies, despite their recent injury woes, haven’t abandoned their defensive identity (7th), and can still put the ball in the hole in bunches (5th in offensive rating, 1st in scoring). Even with players sidelined, they continue to play with the kind of physical, aggressive style that’s become their trademark. Jaren Jackson Jr., when available, remains one of the league’s premier rim protectors and stands as one of the few natural foils to the rampant extra-ordinariness of Wembanyama.

For the Spurs to capitalize on this opportunity, they’ll need to avoid the trap of playing down to their injured competition, something young teams are particularly susceptible to. Victor Wembanyama’s presence would give San Antonio a decisive advantage in the front-court if Jackson Jr. isn’t in the lineup (though he looks to be available for the contest) but as recent games have shown, individual brilliance doesn’t always translate to team success.

The last time these teams met, the Grizzlies demonstrated why they remain a force to be reckoned with in the Western Conference. When healthy Marcus Smart and Jaren Jackson Jr. anchor one of the league’s most disruptive defensive units, while the development of players like Vince Williams Jr. has given Memphis even more defensive versatility.

The key matchup might actually be at the guard positions, where both teams may be relying heavily on players who began the season in supporting roles. The Spurs’ backcourt rotation has shown signs of finding its footing in recent games, but consistency remains elusive outside of Chris Paul, particularly in late-game situations. And of course, there’s no telling what players the Spurs bench will be rolling out this evening in the wake of a trade that shipped out Tre Jones, Zach Collins, and Sidy Cissoko.

Never fear though, a high-octane reinforcement is on the way! With any luck, we might all get to see him later on tonight.

San Antonio Spurs at Memphis Grizzlies

Feburary 3rd, 2025 | 7:00 CT

Watch: FanDuel Sports Network Southwest |Listen: WOAI (1200 AM)

Spurs Injuries: Victor Wembanyama - Questionable (Illness)

Grizzlies Injuries: Ja Morant - Questionable (Shoulder), Marcus Smart - Out (Finger), Cam Spenser - Out (Thumb), Vince Williams Jr. - Out (Ankle)

For the Grizzlies fan’s perspective, please visit Beale Street Bears.

PtR’s Game thread will be up this evening for those who want to chat through the game. You can also follow along with the action through PtR’s Twitter feed.

By Devon Birdsong, via Pounding The Rock