By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-02 06:33:31
文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)入选了全明星赛,并且在很长一段时间内都应该参加这项盛会。目前阵容中还有谁能在未来三年内加入他吗?
玛丽莲·杜宾斯基(Marilyn Dubinski): 机会总是有的,但在目前看来,可能性相对较小。德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)和杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)似乎是最有可能迎来“爆发”赛季的两名球员,他们要么能赢得球迷或教练的青睐,获得一次性投票,要么像德章泰·默里(Dejounte Murray)在2022年那样作为伤病替补入选。但这需要满足几个条件。首先,通常需要成为联盟上游球队才能拥有两名全明星球员,所以球队整体必须有所进步。就个人而言,瓦塞尔需要在进攻端找到更多的稳定性,索汉需要在进攻端找到更多的得分手段,因为防守专家通常不会入选全明星阵容,最后,两人都需要保持更稳定的健康状态(教练已经表明他们会剔除不健康的球员)。
马克·巴灵顿(Mark Barrington): 我希望看到瓦塞尔达到那个水平,但他本赛季到目前为止的表现相当平庸。他需要提高自己的稳定性,并在得分方面有所突破,才能引起投票者的注意,他必须真正提升自己的比赛才能达到目标。索汉有被考虑的才能,但他的进攻能力还不够突出,不足以引起任何人的注意。如果他突然变成一个三分球命中率40%的射手,那么他就有真正的可能性,但这就像我的猫突然学会微积分一样不太可能。
杰西斯·戈麦斯(Jesus Gomez): 可能不会。马刺有趣的地方在于他们是一支年轻的球队,但他们也并非那么年轻。除了文班之外,只有索汉、布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)、马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)、斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)和西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)是23岁或以下的球员。即使索汉最终拥有全明星球员的价值,他的数据也永远达不到全明星水平。卡斯尔有可能达到,但他目前的数据平平无奇,甚至没有让他从其他糟糕的新秀中脱颖而出。布拉纳姆、西索科和韦斯利很有可能在三年内离开联盟。最大的可能是瓦塞尔,如果马刺成为一支顶级球队,他应该会有入选的数据,但由于伤病,他也不是一个确定的人选。圣安东尼奥拥有一支有天赋且有趣的阵容,但除了文班之外,目前还没有明星球员。
杜宾斯基: 正如我在之前的ITB中所说的,来自德克萨斯州的球员会被冷落。我以为会是阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun),但他入选了,所以我的德克萨斯遗珠最终是凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)(卢卡·东契奇(Luka Dončić)受伤了,出场次数不够)。话虽如此,多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯(Domantas Sabonis)可能是最大的遗珠,因为有人认为他比申京、安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)和贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.)更应该入选。(教练今年真的很喜欢大个子!)我认为他是环境的受害者,戴维斯是另一个“资历”选择,申京和杰克逊的入选部分是因为他们的球队是前三号种子(贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)的28场比赛显然还不够)。
巴灵顿: 我认为所有会被冷落的人都入选了,所以最终一些本应是板上钉钉的球员却被冷落了。这很奇怪。我同意大众的观点,认为萨博尼斯应该入选,但我不知道该让谁落选来给他腾位置。要么是戴维斯,要么是杰克逊,但他们入选也有很好的理由。
戈麦斯: 我知道他可能会作为戴维斯的伤病替补入选,但萨博尼斯究竟要怎么做才能不用等待别人退出就能入选呢?他不是一个优秀的防守者,他的球队也处于附加赛区域,但他是联盟中最好的进攻型大个子之一,也是篮板怪兽。火箭队比国王队更好,但申京的表现并没有比萨博尼斯更好。教练们似乎非常重视球队的战绩,这是可以理解的,但在某种程度上,不管环境如何,把联盟中最 prolific 的篮板手,同时也是一个出色的得分手和传球手排除在外,就是一个错误。
杜宾斯基: 球迷投票给了拉梅洛·鲍尔(LaMelo Ball),但他没有入选,所以他可能在大多数榜单上都名列前茅。由于我们看到教练们在一定程度上根据球队表现进行选择的趋势,我猜他们觉得他是一个在糟糕球队中刷数据的球员。(我个人没有看过他足够多的比赛来给出我的意见。)泰瑞斯·马克西(Tyrese Maxey)和特雷·杨(Trae Young)也可以提出自己的理由,因为马克西一直在扛着一支拥有完全不投入的乔尔·恩比德(Joel Embiid)的76人队,而杨则经历了一个有点复苏的,“现在看着我, haters”的赛季。
巴灵顿: 我有点震惊特雷·杨没有入选。他牺牲了一些华丽的打法,变得更像一个团队球员,我猜如果你想成为全明星,这反而成了一个缺点。马克西正在经历一个伟大的赛季,尽管我很喜欢凯德·坎宁安(Cade Cunningham),但我不知道你怎么能选择他而不是马克西。
戈麦斯: 球迷们想要拉梅洛·鲍尔。他有数据。他的球队很糟糕,他的效率也很糟糕,但他是为全明星赛量身定做的。其他球员在毫无疑问更好的球队中可能会有更好的赛季,但没有人会为了看泰勒·希罗(Tyler Herro)或34岁的达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)而收看比赛。谁会在乎一场表演赛的有效投篮命中率?他们应该让鲍尔入选,因为他值得入选,而且也会更有趣。
点击查看原文:The biggest snubs from the All-Star Reserves selection
The biggest snubs from the All-Star Reserves selection
Victor Wembanyama made it, but other arguably deserving candidates didn’t.
Victor Wembanyama made it to the All-Star game and should be part of the festivities for a long time. Is there anyone else on the current roster who can join him there in the next three years?
Marilyn Dubinski: There’s always a chance, but the odds seem relatively slim at this point. Devin Vassell and Jeremy Sochan seem like the two players with the most potential to have a “breakout” season where they either wow the fans or coaches enough to get that one-time vote or slip in as an injury replacement (like Dejounte Murray in 2022), but a few things will have to happen. One is it often requires being an upper seed to get two All-Stars, so the team has to improve as a whole. On an individual level, Vassell will have to find more consistency on offense, Jeremy will have to find more offense in general because defensive specialists just don’t make the All-Star team, and finally, both will need to be more consistently healthy (and the coaches have shown they will leave unhealthy players off).
Mark Barrington: Vassell is a guy I’d like to see getting to that level, but his play has been pretty underwhelming so far this season. He’s going to have to improve his consistency and make some noise with his scoring for the voters to notice, and he’ll have to really pick up his game to get there. Sochan has the talent to be considered, but he’s not dynamic on offense to be on anyone’s radar yet. If he suddenly becomes a 40% three-point shooter, then he’s a real possibility, but that seems about as likely as my cat suddenly learning how to do calculus.
Jesus Gomez: Probably not. The funny thing about the Spurs is that they are a young team, but they are not that young. The only guys 23 or under other than Wemby are Sochan, Blake Wesley, Malaki Branham, Stephon Castle and Sidy Cissoko. Sochan will never have All-Star numbers even if he eventually has the value of one. Castle could get there but is currently averaging pedestrian numbers that are not even separating him from the other members of a bad rookie class. There’s a good chance that Branham, Cissoko and Welsey will be out of the league in three years. The best bet is probably Vassell, who should have the numbers to get picked if the Spurs are elite, but he’s not a sure thing because of injuries. San Antonio has a talented and fun roster but outside of Wemby, there are no stars at this point.
Who was the biggest snub in the West?
Dubinski: As I said in a previous ITB, someone from Texas would get snubbed. I thought it would be Alperen Sengun, but he made it, so my Texas snub ended up being Kyrie Irving (Luka Doncic is hurt and hasn’t played enough). That being said, Domontas Sabonis was probably the biggest snub of all, as a case could be made for him over Sengun, Anthony Davis and Jaren Jackson Jr. (The coaches really like big men this year!) I think he’s a victim of circumstance, where Davis was another “legacy” pick, and Sengun and JJJ made it in part because their teams are top 3 seeds (28 games for Ja Morant clearly wasn’t enough).
Barrington: All the people I thought would be snubbed got in, so it ends up that some of the players who should have been locks got snubbed. That’s weird. I’ll go along with the crowd and say that Damontas Sabonis should have gone, but I don’t know who you’d knock out to put him in. Either Anthony Davis or JJJ, but there are pretty good arguments for them being in the game.
Gomez: I know he might get in as an injury replacement for Anthony Davis, but what does Domantas Sabonis have to do to get in without having to wait for someone else to drop out? He’s not a great defender and his team is in play-in territory, but he’s one of the best offensive big men in the game and an absolute beast on the boards. The Rockets are better than the Kings but Alperen Sengun has not been better than Sabonis. It seems like the coaches value team success heavily, which makes sense, but at some point leaving out the most prolific rebounder in the game who also happens to be a great scorer and passer becomes a mistake, regardless of circumstances.
Who was the biggest snub in the East?
Dubinski: The fans voted for LaMelo Ball and didn’t get him, so he’s probably tops on most lists. Since we’re seeing a trend of coaches going in part on team performance, I guess they felt he’s an empty stat guy on a bad team. (I personally haven’t watched him enough to give my opinion.) Tyrese Maxey and Trae Young could also make their own cases, as Maxey has been carrying a 76ers team with a completely disengaged Joel Embiid, and Young has had a bit of a resurgent, “look at me now, haters” season.
Barrington: I’m somewhat shocked that Trae Young isn’t there. He’s sacrificed some of his flashy play to become more of a team player, and I guess that’s a negative if you want to become an All-Star. Maxey is having a great season, and even though I like Cade Cunningham a lot, I don’t see how you select him over Maxey.
Gomez: The fans wanted LaMelo Ball. He has the numbers. His team is terrible and so is his efficiency, but he’s tailor-made for the All-Star game. Other guys are having arguably better seasons on undoubtedly better teams, but no one is tuning in to see Tyler Herro or 34-year-old Damian Lillard. Who cares about eFG% on an exhibition game? They should have gotten Melo in there because he was deserving and also would have been more fun.
By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, via Pounding The Rock