By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, 2025-02-01 14:24:00
圣安东尼奥——周五晚上,密尔沃基雄鹿队以118-144负于圣安东尼奥马刺队。比赛第四节,密尔沃基雄鹿队的扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)对圣安东尼奥马刺队的克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的一次犯规表示强烈不满,这次犯规导致这位雄鹿队的球星倒地不起。
比赛还剩3分46秒,雄鹿队以111-131落后。阿德托昆博接到托里安·普林斯(Taurean Prince)的传球后转身朝篮筐冲去,此时保罗、杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)试图进行防守。阿德托昆博在索汉和保罗之间转身,保罗似乎将阿德托昆博推倒在地。
阿德托昆博的右臀部和背部着地,他立即指着保罗说了些什么。队友加里·特伦特二世(Gary Trent Jr.)在这次犯规后帮助阿德托昆博起身,索汉走过来挡在阿德托昆博和保罗之间。克里斯·米德尔顿(Khris Middleton)和维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)将索汉拉开,此时斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)也走过来试图缓和局势。
“字母哥是我们联盟中最冷静的人之一,”雄鹿队主教练道格·里弗斯(Doc Rivers)说道。“所以如果他对某事感到不满,我可能会猜测发生了什么事。”
字母哥砍下全场最高的35分,外加14个篮板和6次助攻。这是字母哥连续第四场至少得到35分和10个篮板,追平了卡里姆·阿卜杜尔-贾巴尔(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)的队史最长纪录。
点击查看原文:Giannis Antetokounmpo has words with Chris Paul, sounds off on foul
Giannis Antetokounmpo has words with Chris Paul, sounds off on foul
SAN ANTONIO – Milwaukee’s Giannis Antetokounmpo took exception to a fourth-quarter foul by San Antonio’s Chris Paul that left the Bucks star on the floor during the Bucks’ 144-118 loss to the Spurs on Friday night.
With 3:46 remaining and the Bucks trailing 131-111, Antetokounmpo caught a bounce pass from Taurean Prince and spun toward the basket as Paul, Jeremy Sochan and Devin Vassell attempted to defend. Antetokounmpo spun between Sochan and Paul, who appeared to shove Antetokounmpo to the court.
Antetokounmpo landed on his right hip and back and immediately said something to Paul while pointing at him. Teammate Gary Trent Jr. helped Antetokounmpo up after the play, and Sochan walked over to step between Antetokounmpo and Paul. Khris Middleton and Victor Wembanyama pulled Sochan away just as Stephon Castle approached to defuse the situation.
Paul was called for a foul on the play, and after a review, it was ruled a common foul.
Antetokounmpo’s frustration lingered after the game. He waited several seconds near half court for Paul after the final buzzer. The two exchanged words briefly as Paul waited to conduct a postgame on-court interview.
“People that know me, they don’t try me,” Antetokounmpo told reporters after the game. “If you try me, it’s a different side. If you try me, you’re gonna get that different side of me.”
Antetokounmpo initially said “nothing” happened, calling it “a physical play,” before adding, “I don’t know if I was tripped or I was pushed.” He elaborated when asked why he waited for Paul after the game.
“At the end of the day, I think we’re all men. We all respect one another,” Antetokounmpo said. “If words cross the line, then there’s got to be consequences. I really don’t say much. I don’t say much to start with, try to play the game the right way. If I feel like you’re putting my livelihood, my career and my body in jeopardy, in danger, enough is enough, brother. I have a family to feed, and what makes you laugh can also make you cry sometimes.”
After the play, a minor scuffle occurred that was quickly broken up by teammates and security personnel.
“Giannis is as levelheaded as anybody in our league,” Milwaukee coach Doc Rivers said. “So if he was upset at something, I’m going to probably guess something happened.”
The incident somewhat marred a competitive showdown between two of the league’s top international players in Antetokounmpo and Wembanyama.
Antetokounmpo scored a game-high 35 points with 14 rebounds and 6 assists. It was Antetokounmpo’s fourth consecutive game with at least 35 points and 10 rebounds, tying Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for the longest streak in franchise history.
Wembanyama posted his sixth career game with at least 30 points, 10 rebounds and 5 blocks, tying the second-most such games in the past 20 seasons.
The Spurs made a franchise-record 24 3-pointers, with Wembanyama connecting on 5 of 11.
By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, via ESPN