[PtR] 圣安东尼奥马刺对阵密尔沃基雄鹿,最终比分:马刺大胜雄鹿,144-118 ▶️

马刺 vs 雄鹿 144 - 118 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-01 11:42:46


NBA: 密尔沃基雄鹿vs圣安东尼奥马刺



文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)以30分、14个篮板和6次盖帽的出色表现领衔马刺队六位得分上双的球员,而扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)则拿下35分、14个篮板和6次助攻。


  • 让我们先来谈谈最受关注的话题:关于一笔可能涉及四支(或更多!)球队的交易的传闻,这笔交易可能会把达龙·福克斯带到马刺。虽然交易流言是生意的一部分,尤其是在距离交易截止日期还有一周的时候,但在比赛前,尤其是在背靠背的比赛前,这无疑是尴尬的。这让人不禁想知道,这是否是最后一次看到马刺以这套阵容出战,我们可能会最后一次看到哪些球员身披马刺球衣等等。
  • 这些交易传闻可能激励了马刺球员,因为每个人似乎都带着额外的活力和动力出场。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)——交易传闻中的常客——似乎比平时更加亢奋(如果这有可能的话),他在上半场就砍下24分中的20分,包括三分球5投4中以及多次冲击篮筐。我只希望这不是我们最后一次看到约翰逊身披(或接近)马刺球衣。他是那种尽管有时会受到球迷的批评,却是更衣室核心的球员,如果他离开我会很难过。
  • 今晚文班的轮换时间再次发生了变化,他在第一节还剩五分钟时下场,在还剩不到三分钟时重新上场,然后在第二节开始时再次下场。之后,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)在第二节还剩8分27秒时吃到三次犯规不得不下场休息,但斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)替补上场,马刺打了一套完全的小个阵容,直到文班在还剩六分钟时重新上场。尽管布鲁克·洛佩兹在场,他们仍然保持了自己的节奏,在这段时间内比雄鹿多得一分。
  • 我将继续倡导NBA采用一项规则,允许对未判罚的干扰球(进攻或防守)进行录像回放,并在下一个死球时进行更正,类似于三分球的判罚。要么就采用FIBA规则,彻底取消干扰球。虽然这无关紧要,但这已经是连续第二场比赛对手(快船的伊维察·祖巴茨,雄鹿的扬尼斯)在球还在篮筐上时明显地把球拨回篮筐而逃脱了判罚。好消息是,米奇·约翰逊几分钟后成功挑战了对文班一次错误的防守干扰球判罚!
  • 卡斯尔最近在突破方面的侵略性大大提高,今晚他获得了10次罚球机会,并贡献了20分、8个篮板和6次助攻。当他开始学习如何在对抗中完成终结时,他将成为一股不可阻挡的力量。他还以三分球6投3中的表现补充了他的突破。他和克里斯·保罗尤其擅长在底角找到彼此。
  • 扬尼斯在一次转身动作中被保罗绊倒后,在第四节变得火热。他坐在地板上指着保罗大喊“你!”,然后站起来开始了一场无伤大雅的冲突。赛后他仍然怒气未消,继续对保罗大喊大叫,并推迟了与丹·韦斯的采访。我唯一的猜测是他认为保罗在犯规时推了他(他没有),或者之前说过一些话导致紧张气氛升级,而那是爆发的导火索。无论如何,这很奇怪。
  • 尽管马刺在上赛季一月份的主场比赛中输给了雄鹿,但这场比赛被认为是球队的转折点和信心助推器,而且它以文班盖帽扬尼斯为象征。在马刺早早取得12-2领先时,他连续两次盖帽扬尼斯,两人之间崭露头角的竞争贯穿全场。而这一次,马刺取得了一场酣畅淋漓的胜利,所以希望这又能成为一个转折点,帮助他们度过艰难的一月,向季后赛发起冲击。
  • 当这样的球都能进的时候,你就知道这是属于你的夜晚:

这说不通 pic.twitter.com/uSciRUHoME

— Spurs Culture (@ SpursCulture) 2025年2月1日

马刺将在明晚迎战缺少吉米·巴特勒的迈阿密热火,这是他们在牛仔竞技表演之旅前的最后一场比赛。比赛将于晚上7:30在KENS 5台开球。

点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Milwaukee, Final Score: Spurs explode against Bucks, win 144-118

San Antonio vs. Milwaukee, Final Score: Spurs explode against Bucks, win 144-118

NBA: Milwaukee Bucks at San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs get a much-needed home win to close out a rough January.

Desperate to end a rough Janaury on a high note, the Spurs came out more focused and determined than they’ve looked all month against a Milwaukee Bucks squad that cooked them a couple of weeks prior. After a close first half, the Spurs exploded in the second, outscoring the Bucks 74-47, getting everything they wanted while turning a one-point deficit into a 144-118 blowout win.

Victor Wembanyama led six Spurs in double figures with 30 points, 14 rebounds, and 6 blocks, while Giannis Antetokounmpo had 35 points, 14 rebounds and 6 assists.


  • Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way: the massive trade rumors that are swirling about a potential four (or more!) team trade that would bring De’Aaron Fox to the Spurs. While trade talk is part of the business, especially now that we’re within a week of the deadline, it’s certainly awkward going into a game, and especially a back-to-back. It makes you wonder if this is the last time we’ll see the Spurs with this particular roster, who we might be seeing in a Spurs uniform for the last time, etc.
  • Those trade talks may have had the Spurs motivated, as everyone seemingly came out with some extra pep and motivation. Keldon Johnson — a common source of trade rumors — seemed even more amped up than usual (if that’s even possible) with 20 of his 24 points in the first half, including 4-5 from three and many drives to the rim. I just hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen of KJ in a Spurs uniform (or close to it). He’s one of those players that despite the fan hate he gets at times, he’s the heart of the locker room, and I would be sad to see him go.
  • There was another change up in Wemby’s minutes rotation tonight, where he subbed out with five minutes left in the first, came back in with a little under 3 minutes left, then subbed out again to start the second quarter. Then, Jeremy Sochan had three fouls and had to sit with 8:27 left in the second, but Stephon Castle came in in his place, and the Spurs played an entirely small lineup until Wemby re-entered with six minutes left. They actually held their own despite Brook Lopez being out there, outscoring the Bucks by one in that time span.
  • I will keep advocating for the NBA to adopt a rule that allows uncalled goal tends, offensive or defensive, to be reviewed by Secaucus and updated at the next dead ball, similar to three-pointers. Either that or just adopt FIBA rules and get rid of goal-tending all together. Not that it mattered much, but this was the second game in a row where the opponent (Ivica Zubac for the Clippers, Giannis for the Bucks) got away with pretty blatantly tipping the ball back in while it was still on the rim. On the bright side, Mitch Johnson did successfully challenge a bad defensive goal tending on Wemby a few minutes later!
  • Castle has really upped his aggression in driving to the basket lately, and he was rewarded tonight with 10 free throws as part of a 20 point, 8 rebound, 6 assist performance. When he starts learning how to finish through that contact, he will be an unstoppable force. He also complimented his drives with a 3-6 night from three. He and Chris Paul in particular did a good job of finding each other in the corners.
  • Giannis got hot in the fourth quarter after tripping over Paul on a spin move. He then sat on the floor pointing and yelling “you!” at Paul before getting up and starting a no-harm, no-foul scuffle. He remained hot after the game, still yelling at Paul and delaying his interview with Dan Weiss. My only guess is he thought Paul pushed him on the foul (he didn’t) or something had been said earlier that was building up tension, and that was the boiling point. It was bizarre, nonetheless.
  • Even though the Spurs lost to the Bucks at home in January last season, it was remembered as a turning point and confidence booster for the team, plus it was symbolized by Wemby blocking Giannis. He got two on consecutive plays as the Spurs got out to a 12-2 lead early, and the budding rivalry between those two continued throughout. This time, though, the Spurs got a resounding win, so here’s to hoping it once again acts as a turning point as they look to get past a tough Janaury stretch and make a run for the postseason.
  • You know it’s your night when stuff like this is going in:

This just doesn’t make sense pic.twitter.com/uSciRUHoME

— Spurs Culture (@ SpursCulture) February 1, 2025

The Spurs will be right back tomorrow night to take on the Jimmy Butler-less Miami Heat for their final game before the Rodeo Road Trip. Tip-off will be at 7:30 PM on KENS 5.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock