[PtR] 直播讨论:马刺主场比赛画面被赞助商广告遮挡 ▶️

By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-31 20:00:00




在过去的几个赛季里,地区比赛转播——先是福克斯体育西南台,然后是巴利体育,现在是Fan Duel Network——已经习惯于将赞助商的名称和标志作为电视画面的一部分叠加在球场上。这意味着,如果你去现场观看比赛,地板上并没有像疫情前那样印有赞助商的标志。



在下面的画面中,你可以看到黑色字体叠加在快船白色球衣、杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和尼古拉斯·巴图姆(Nicolas Batum)的腿上,以及克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的头上。







点击查看原文:Open Thread: Graphics layover distracts during Spurs home game

Open Thread: Graphics layover distracts during Spurs home game

Sponsor names and logos are superimposed over the players

There are many of us watching Spurs games through different systems.

Over the past few seasons, the regional game feed— first Fox Sports Southwest, then Bally Sports, now Fan Duel Network — has taken to laying sponsors names and logos over the hardwood as a graphic on television. Meaning, if you attend the game, there is no sponsor painted on the floor as they were in a more pre-pandemic world.

The issue is that the graphic doesn’t just appear as if it is on the floor, it is tied to the screen. So on occasion, the graphics are in the wrong spot, especially coming from a commercial where the standard court camera is not on the screen.

But what happens more often than it should is that the sponsor logos cover the players.

In the show below you can see the contracts of the black lettering over the white Clippers jerseys, the legs of Jeremy Sochan and Nicolas Batum, and Chris Paul’s head.

When the game is in motion, it is even more distracting, especially when the game becomes out of reach. It was all I could play attention to for the final two minutes.

It seems like it could be right out of a Will Ferrell movie:

I wish I had the solution. Probably big money to the technician who can solve it.

Or at least steady work in television.

Spurs celebrate Coast Guard Night tonight at Frost Bank Center as they host the Milwaukee Bucks.

Go Spurs Go!

By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock