[PtR] 比赛前瞻:圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 密尔沃基雄鹿 ▶️

By Tanner Bowen | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-31 16:00:00


NBA: 圣安东尼奥马刺vs密尔沃基雄鹿


密尔沃基雄鹿 的赛季开局并不顺利,但他们已经基本回到了正轨。在常年MVP候选人扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo),状态回升的达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)以及一众三分球命中率极高的球员的带领下,今年的密尔沃基拥有接近联盟前十的进攻火力(目前排名第11),以及场均得分排名联盟第九的防守。虽然赛季还很长,但雄鹿似乎注定在东部排名不会高于第四,部分原因是克利夫兰的惊人表现以及波士顿凯尔特人纽约尼克斯的预期成功。尽管他们赢得了NBA季中锦标赛,但对于像阿德托昆博这样级别的球员来说,最终目标仍然是拉里·奥布莱恩奖杯,他们无疑是一支任何球队在季后赛都不想碰到的对手。

对于马刺来说,残酷的一月赛程只取得了3场胜利。他们一直在努力寻找某种稳定性,但往往在下半场崩盘。有时候很难记住,名单上几乎没有球员真正懂得如何赢球,而这一点在本月得到了充分的体现。也许在交易截止日期前的一笔大交易会改变现状,改变他们目前的轨迹,但他们真正需要的是文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)每晚都打出像场上最佳球员一样的表现。

圣安东尼奥马刺 (20-24) vs 密尔沃基雄鹿 (26-19)

2025年1月31日 | 晚上7:00 (中部时间)

观看: KENS | 收听: WOAI (1200 AM)

马刺伤病 : 锡迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko),脑震荡(出战成疑)

雄鹿伤病 : 扬尼斯·阿德托昆博,膝盖(大概率出战),克里斯·米德尔顿(Khris Middleton),脚踝(大概率出战),鲍比·波蒂斯(Bobby Portis),个人原因(缺席),AJ·格林(AJ Green),股四头肌(出战成疑)


  • 新晋全明星文班亚马在本月早些时候两队在密尔沃基的交锋中,在进攻端表现得异常拘谨。那场比赛文班在33分钟内只出手了10次,这是他本赛季第二低的出手次数,而且那场比赛也没有获得罚球机会。密尔沃基拥有由阿德托昆博和布鲁克·洛佩斯(Brook Lopez)组成的 formidable 防守阵容,尤其是在第一次交锋中,阿德托昆博似乎把这场对决视为个人挑战。阿德托昆博拥有罕见的身长、身高和运动能力的结合,能够真正地在外線和三分线内防守文班。今晚文班能与他匹敌吗?
  • 达米安·利拉德在密尔沃基的第二个赛季表现得更加强劲,并且在与阿德托昆博并肩作战时也显得更加自在。34岁的利拉德仍然是一个进攻威胁,在任何一个晚上都有可能爆发。他的三分球命中率为38%,高于去年的35%,而且他的各项数据都与他的职业生涯平均水平持平或更好。
  • 自从在马刺与雄鹿的上一场比赛中得到18分以来,克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的单场得分从未超过13分。期待这位年近40岁的保罗还能像以前那样在进攻端占据统治地位是不现实的,但如果他要获得大量的上场时间,马刺至少需要他尽可能地保持高效。
  • 伤病似乎带走了克里斯·米德尔顿的巅峰状态。作为四年前密尔沃基夺冠的功臣之一,米德尔顿此后一直饱受伤病困扰。本赛季他大部分时间都替补出场,只打了21场比赛,场均上场时间约为23分钟。在过去的三场比赛中,他有两次得分挂零,而这两场比赛雄鹿都输了。

想了解雄鹿球迷的视角,请访问 Brew Hoop

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点击查看原文:Game Preview: San Antonio Spurs vs Milwaukee Bucks

Game Preview: San Antonio Spurs vs Milwaukee Bucks

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Milwaukee Bucks

The Spurs and Bucks face off for the 2nd time this month, this time in San Antonio

The Milwaukee Bucks had a rocky start to the season, but they’ve largely righted the ship. Led by perennial MVP candidate Giannis Antetokounmpo, a resurgent Damian Lillard, and a cast of players that have been incredibly efficient shooting the 3, Milwaukee this year has a borderline top 10 offense (currently 11th) and the 9th ranked defense per 100 possessions. While there’s still a lot of season left, the Bucks do seem destined to rank no higher than 4th in the standings out East, thanks in part to the surprising year Cleveland is having and the largely-expected success of the Boston Celtics and New York Knicks. Though they won the NBA’s in-season tournament, the ultimate goal for a player of Antetokounmpo’s caliber remains the Larry O’Brian trophy, and they’re certainly a team that no one would want to see in the playoffs.

For the Spurs, a brutal January schedule has yielded just 3 wins. They’ve struggled to find any sort of consistency, all too often falling apart in the 2nd half of games. It’s tough to keep in mind at times that basically none of the players on the roster really know anything about playing winning basketball, and it’s definitely been on display this month. Maybe a big trade before the deadline shakes things up and changes their current trajectory, but what they really need is for Victor Wembanyama to play like the best player on the court night in and night out.

San Antonio Spurs (20-24) vs Milwaukee Bucks (26-19)

January 31 2025 | 7:00 PM CT

Watch: KENS | Listen: WOAI (1200 AM)

Spurs Injuries: Sidy Cissoko, concussion (questionable)

Bucks Injuries: Giannis Antetokounmpo, knee (probable), Khris Middleton, ankle (probable), Bobby Portis, personal (OUT), AJ Green, quad (questionable)

What to watch for

  • Newly named All Star Victor Wembanyama was uncharacteristically timid on offense when these two clubs met earlier this month in Milwaukee. Wemby attempted just 10 shots that game in 33 minutes, his second lowest total of the season, and made no trips to the free throw line that game either. Milwaukee possesses a formidable defensive backline with the combination of Giannis and Brook Lopez, with Giannis in particular appearing to take the match-up personally in that first meeting. Antetokounmpo possesses the rare combination of length, height, and athleticism to truly guard Wemby out on the perimeter, as well as inside the 3-point line. Can Wemby match him tonight?
  • Damian Lillard has had a much stronger 2nd season in Milwaukee and is looking much more comfortable playing next to Antetokounmpo as well. At 34 years old, Lillard remains an offensive threat that is more than capable of going off on any given night. He’s shooting 38% from 3, up from the 35% that he shot last year, and is averaging numbers across the board that are in line or better in some cases with his career averages.
  • Chris Paul hasn’t scored more than 13 points in a game since he poured in 18 in San Antonio’s last meeting with Milwaukee. It’s not really realistic to expect the nearly 40-year old Paul to be the dominating force on offense that he once was, but if he’s going to be getting significant minutes the Spurs need him to at least be as efficient as possible.
  • Injuries appear to have taken away what was the the best of Khris Middleton. One of the heroes of Milwaukee’s run to the championship 4 years ago, Middleton has struggled with injuries ever since. He’s come off the bench for Milwaukee for much of this season, appearing in only 21 games and averaging roughly 23 minutes in those contests. He’s scored 0 points in 2 of his last 3 games, both losses for Milwaukee.

For the Bucks fan’s perspective, please visit Brew Hoop.

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By Tanner Bowen, via Pounding The Rock