[PtR] 维克托·文班亚马入选 2025 年 NBA 全明星替补阵容 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-31 07:53:21


NBA: 圣安东尼奥马刺对阵洛杉矶湖人


维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)首次入选 NBA 职业生涯的全明星替补阵容。全明星首发阵容由球迷、球员和媒体投票选出,而替补阵容则由教练选择。在西部联盟前场球员的票选中,文班排名第四,位列尼古拉·约基奇、勒布朗·詹姆斯和凯文·杜兰特之后。他是自 2022 年德章泰·穆雷以来首位入选全明星赛的马刺球员。

首次亮相#NBAAllStar……来自@ spurs的维克托·文班亚马。

作为 2023 年 NBA 选秀的状元,来自法国的@ wemby本赛季场均为马刺贡献 24.4 分、10.8 个篮板和 3.9 次盖帽。pic.twitter.com/r82kU6i93I

#NBAAllStar (@ NBAAllStar) January 30, 2025

仅仅第二个赛季,文班场均就能得到 24.4 分、10.8 个篮板、3.7 次助攻、联盟领先的 3.9 次盖帽和 1.1 次抢断,被广泛认为是年度最佳防守球员的热门人选,如果当选,他将跻身极其罕见的行列。他还将与马刺新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)一起参加新秀挑战赛,卡斯尔还将参加扣篮大赛,因此马刺将在全明星周末期间拥有多名代表。

值得一提的是,今年的全明星赛将采用新的赛制,与新秀挑战赛的小型锦标赛模式相同,四支队伍将捉对厮杀。24 名全明星球员将被分成三支八人队伍,第四支队伍将是新秀挑战赛的冠军。各队将以小型锦标赛的形式进行比赛。A 队将在第一场半决赛中对阵 B 队,C 队将在第二场半决赛中对阵 D 队。先得到 40 分的球队获胜,然后两支获胜队伍将在决赛中对决,先得到 25 分的球队将成为最终的冠军。


全明星周末将于 2 月 14 日星期五至 2 月 16 日星期日在旧金山的 Chase 中心举行。全明星正赛将于周日晚上 7:00(中部时间)在 TNT 播出。恭喜你,文班!

点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama named a 2025 NBA All-Star reserve

Victor Wembanyama named a 2025 NBA All-Star reserve

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Los Angeles Lakers

Wemby makes his first All-Star game in year 2 of his career.

Victor Wembanyama has been nominated as an All Star reserve for the first time in his NBA career. While starters were selected by the fans, players and media, the reserves are selected by the coaches. Wemby came in fourth in starter votes for front court players in the Western Conference behind Nikola Jokic, LeBron James and Kevin Durant. He is the first Spurs to make the All-Star game since Dejounte Murray in 2022.

Making his 1st #NBAAllStar appearance… Victor Wembanyama of the @ spurs.

Drafted as the 1st overall pick in the 2023 NBA Draft out of France, @ wemby is averaging 24.4 PPG, 10.8 RPG and 3.9 BPG for Spurs this season. pic.twitter.com/r82kU6i93I

#NBAAllStar (@ NBAAllStar) January 30, 2025

In only his second season, Wemby is averaging 24.4 points, 10.8 rebounds, 3.7 assists, a league-leading 3.9 blocks and 1.1 steals and is widely considered the favorite to win Defensive Player of the Year, which would put him in some extremely rare company. He will also participate in the Rising Stars Challenge along with Spurs rookie Stephon Castle, who will also participate in the Slam Dunk Contest, so the Spurs will be well represented.

As a reminder, the All-Star game is taking on a new format this year, matching the Rising Stars mini-tournament format, where four teams will face each other. The 24 All Stars will be drafted into three teams of eight, and the fourth team will be the winner of Rising Stars. The teams will play in a mini-tournament format. Team A will face Team B in the first semifinal, and Team C will play Team D in the second semifinal. The first teams to 40 points wins, and the two winners will then face each other in the finale, where the first to 25 points is the champion.

This of course presents an interesting proposition for Wemby: assuming he makes the All Star game as a reserve, what happens if his team advances from the Rising Stars Challenge? (My assumption is he would join his All Star team, and someone from another Rising Stars team would be selected to take his place, but we’ll have to wait and find out if that situation even presents itself.)

All Star Weekend will take place at the Chase Center in San Francisco from Friday, Feb. 14 through through Sunday, Feb. 16. The All Star Game will take place on Sunday at 7:00 PM CT on TNT. Congrats, Wemby!

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock