[PtR] 集锦:文班亚马在马刺负于快船的比赛中砍下两双 ▶️

By Son Q. Trinh | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-30 22:04:52




“所以我错过了什么?” 好久没写集锦文章了,感觉自己就像《汉密尔顿》里戴维·迪格斯(Daveed Diggs)扮演的杰斐逊一样与世隔绝,尤其是在我们的小伙子们在巴黎打球的时候。马刺最终未能强势收尾,不敌洛杉矶快船。文班亚马以23分、12个篮板、2次抢断和3次盖帽的数据领跑全场。斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)贡献了20分和2次抢断。

德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)的假后撤步跳投骗得防守球员团团转,甚至让他们心甘情愿地购买延保服务,还加了份鳄梨酱。至于文班亚马,他与快船中中锋伊维察·祖巴茨(Ivica Zubac)的对抗是一场史诗级的大个子对决,进一步展现了文班在内线肉搏的意愿。

德文传给文班 pic.twitter.com/HnTdptWDN5

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月30日

说到史诗级的对决,不如安排这两人来一场三重铁笼赛,输家就得去问史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)为什么我不能直接买一台新电脑玩纸牌,非得联网登录才行。


— Pounding the Rock (@ poundingtherock) 2025年1月30日

你一定很爱看杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)盖帽后立刻快下的积极表现。


— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月30日



— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月30日


杰里米·索汉@ JeremySochan连续抢断!pic.twitter.com/U6iz2ZmGoc

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月30日

如果你因为忙着让AI重现《宋飞》里乔治·科斯坦扎(George Costanza)试图被洋基队解雇的那一集而错过了比赛,而且还想把吉米·巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的脸换成乔治,帕特·莱利(Pat Riley)的脸换成乔治·斯坦布伦纳(George Steinbrenner),那么以下是全场比赛集锦:


点击查看原文:Highlights: Victor Wembanyama notches double-double in Spurs loss to the Clippers

Highlights: Victor Wembanyama notches double-double in Spurs loss to the Clippers

NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at San Antonio Spurs

Where have you been? Uh France?

“So what did I miss?” Been a minute since being assigned to a highlights article so I feel like Hamilton’s Daveed Diggs’s Jefferson being out of the loop especially with our boys ballin’ out in Paris. The Spurs could not quite finish strong as they fell to the L.A. Clippers. Victor Wembanyama led all players with 23 points, 12 rebounds, 2 steals, and 3 blocks. Stephon Castle contributed 20 points along with 2 steals.

Devin Vassell sold this fake step-back jumper so well that he was able to convince his defender to buy the extended warranty and add guacamole. For Wembanyama’s part, his battle with Clippers center Ivica Zubac was an epic clash of the big men that further demonstrated Wemby’s willingness to mix it up down low.

DEV :arrow_upper_right: VIC pic.twitter.com/HnTdptWDN5

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 30, 2025

Speaking of epic clashes, let’s book these two for a triple-steel cage match where the loser has to ask Steve Ballmer why I can’t just buy a new PC without having to log into the internet just to use it to play Solitaire.

An in-depth look at the Wembanyama - Zubac tussle: https://t.co/2x4qyxOMDi

— Pounding the Rock (@ poundingtherock) January 30, 2025

You love to see this hustle from Jeremy Sochan as he immediately cuts up the court after blocking a shot.

YESSIR! pic.twitter.com/D7ln07CVuS

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 30, 2025

Another block which leads to easy points in transition. The answer to the test is always generating easy points in transition while limiting your opponents’ points in transition. But like on Wednesday night, sometimes in life you have the answers to the test but forget to write your name up top—not that I would know anything about that or failing AP Biology.

It’s a block party! pic.twitter.com/xgV61CtHFv

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 30, 2025

Sochan continued to come off the bench but was effective using his swarming defense to generate easy buckets for the team. The third-year forward has been in and out of the lineup all season so the Spurs hope Sochan can stay healthy the rest of the way as they make a push for the playoffs.

.@ JeremySochan with back-to-back steals! pic.twitter.com/U6iz2ZmGoc

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 30, 2025

If you missed the game because you were too busy trying to get AI to recreate that episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza was trying to get fired from the Yankees but with Jimmy Butler superimposed as George and Pat Riley as George Steinbrenner, here are the full-game highlights:

Next up, the Spurs remain at home to take on the Milwaukee Bucks on Friday, January 31, 2025.

By Son Q. Trinh, via Pounding The Rock