[PtR] 圣安东尼奥对阵洛杉矶,最终比分:马刺奋力反击,但快船在比赛末段拉开比分,116-128

马刺 vs 快船 116 - 128 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-30 11:31:12


NBA: 洛杉矶快船vs圣安东尼奥马刺


在经历了艰难的几周后,马刺终于在12天后首次回到主场,希望能够重回正轨。不幸的是,他们遇到了状态正佳的快船队,快船队阵容齐整,而且科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)的出场时间限制也放宽了,允许他在第四节比赛。上半场双方比分胶着,但到了第三节,马刺一度落后16分,眼看就要崩盘。他们奋起直追,甚至几次取得领先,但在第四节,他们无法阻止快船的罚球和进攻篮板,最终以116-128落败。

文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)得到全队最高的23分,还有12个篮板、4次助攻和3次盖帽,带领四名马刺球员得分上双。快船队的科怀·伦纳德和诺曼·鲍威尔(Norman Powell)各得27分,伊维察·祖巴茨(Ivica Zubac)则砍下21分和22个篮板,打出20+20的数据。


  • 首先,也是最重要的一点,赛前每个人都在想的问题是:马刺球迷是否会听从格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)上赛季的请求,停止嘘科怀?答案是否定的,他们没有。快船第二次进攻,科怀第一次触球,嘘声就立刻响起,并持续不断。虽然嘘声的音量不是最大的,但确实存在。
  • 米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)继续让杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)担任替补中锋,而且在可预见的未来,这种情况可能会持续下去。约翰逊在赛前表示,为了球员发展,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)将在可预见的未来继续首发。然后,当索汉下场休息时,桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)会短暂地与文班一起上场。这两名球员在场上都非常活跃,为球队注入了活力。索汉连续两次抢断了詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden),马穆则得分并积极拼抢篮板。
  • 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)最大的弱点可能是他的控球能力。他最近的很多失误似乎都是非受迫性失误,他在第一节连续两个回合出现这样的失误,第一次他在运球时把球弄出界外,接着在一次快攻中未能接住一个( admittedly低位传球),尽管面前有一个空篮,但他还是让球从腿上弹了出去。
  • 文班亚马在上半场没有尝试三分球,结果是4次出手——是所有五名首发中最少的——加上4次罚球,得到9分。人们想知道为什么他投那么多三分,有时还很不合理,这就是原因:缺乏触球机会。他在第三节终于找到了感觉,命中一记中投和一个三分球,还连续盖帽了祖巴茨,后者因为沮丧而把他推倒在地(不知何故没有被吹犯规)。可以这么说,他短暂地激怒了这头熊(指马刺全队),因为这发生在马刺一波25-11的进攻高潮中,这波进攻帮助他们在一度落后16分的情况下在第三节结束前将比分追近,避免了“垃圾时间”。
  • 快船,特别是祖巴茨,在篮板上彻底碾压了马刺,篮板总数为57-30,其中17个是进攻篮板,祖巴茨一人就抢下13个。他在内线予取予求,要么是快船迫使换防,文班不得不去防守跳投时抓住机会,要么就是在文班下场休息时完全掌控篮板。马刺唯一能咬住比分的地方是利用失误得分,他们利用快船的17次失误得到了25分,而他们自己只出现了10次失误。不幸的是,快船在其他方面都太火热了,马刺无法充分利用这一点。
  • 最后再来看一个经典的文班数据:



— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) 2025年1月30日


点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Los Angeles, Final Score: Spurs fight back but Clippers pull away late, 116-128

San Antonio vs. Los Angeles, Final Score: Spurs fight back but Clippers pull away late, 116-128

NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at San Antonio Spurs

Even home sweet home couldn’t put an end to the Spurs’ January struggles.

Finally back home for the first time in 12 days, the Spurs were hoping to get back on the right foot after a rough few weeks. Unfortunately, they ran into a buzzsaw Clippers squad that is fully healthy and has Kawhi Leonard’s minutes restrictions loosened, allowing him to play in the fourth quarter. After a tight first half, it looked like there was a turd quarter in the making as the Spurs got down by 16. They fought back, even taking the lead a few times, but they just couldn’t keep the Clippers off the free throw or the offensive glass in the fourth quarter, eventually falling 128-116.

Victor Wembanyama led four Spurs in double figures with 23 points, 12 rebounds 4 assists and 3 blocks. Kawhi Leonard and Norman Powell scored 27 apiece for the Clippers, and Ivica Zubac had a 20-20 game with 21 points and 22 rebounds.


  • First and foremost, the question on everyone’s mind heading into this game: would Spurs fans heed Gregg Popovich’s pleas from last season to stop booing Kawhi? The answer is no, they did not. He first touched the ball on their second offensive possession, and the boos began immediately and continued throughout. They weren’t the loudest they’ve ever been, but they were there.
  • Mitch Johnson continued the approach of rolling with Jeremy Sochan as backup center, and that may remain the case for the foreseeable future with Johnson stating before the game that Stephon Castle would continue starting for the foreseeable future for developmental purposes. Then, when Sochan sits, Sandro Mamukelashvili briefly comes in alongside Wemby. Both players were everywhere and created a spark when they came in, with Sochan getting back-to-back steals on James Harden and Mamu getting a bucket and flying in for rebounds.
  • Julian Champagnie’s biggest weakness may be his handles. Many of his turnovers lately seem to be unforced, and he had two such turnovers on consecutive possessions in the first quarter, first where he lost the ball out of bounds on the dribble, followed by failing to scoop up an (admittedly low pass) in transition, losing the ball off his leg despite having an open basket in front of him.
  • Victor Wembanyama did not attempt a three-pointer in the first half, and the result was four shot attempts — the least of all five starters — plus four free throws for 9 points. People wonder why he takes so many threes, sometimes out of rhythm, and this is why: a lack of touches. He finally got going in the third quarter with a middy and three-pointer, as well as a series of blocks against Zubac, who shoved him to the floor out of frustration (with somehow no call). Let’s just say he briefly poked the bear (as in the Spurs as a whole) as it came amidst a 25-11 run to close the quarter that got them back into the game after they trailed by as much as 16, avoiding a “turd quarter”.
  • The Clippers, namely Zubac, absolutely crushed the Spurs on boards with a 57-30 advantage in total rebounds, 17 of which were offensive rebounds, 13 of which belonged to Zubac. He had a field day down low, either taking advantage when the Clippers forced a switch and Wemby had to go out to defend a jumper or just straight up owning the boards when Wemby sat. The one area that kept the Spurs in the game was points off turnovers, getting 25 off the Clippers’ 17 while only coughing it up 10 times themselves. Unfortunately, the Clippers were too hot everywhere else to fully take advantage.
  • Another classic Wemby stat to close out:

Victor Wembanyama now has 35 straight games with a block and a three - the longest streak in NBA history (previously 21 by Kristaps Porzingis).

Second-longest active streak: 6 (Brook Lopez)

— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) January 30, 2025

The Spurs will return to the Frost Bank Center on Friday as the first part of a back-to-back ahead of the Rodeo Road Trip, beginning with the Milwaukee Bucks. Tip-off will be at 7:00 PM on FanDuel Sports Network.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock