马刺 @ 步行者 140 - 110 技术统计 | 视频集锦
By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-24 05:29:15
今晚在巴黎,圣安东尼奥用单节 45 分的爆炸性表现解决了第三节的顽疾,比赛最后时刻,“加油马刺!”的呼喊声响彻整个球馆。
在杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)(13 分 9 篮板)伤愈复出之际,胜利属于凯旋回到祖国的维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)以及他们的马刺队友们。他们全队命中率高达 60%,前 29 次得分中有 25 次来自助攻,并且在拼抢积极性上始终压制对手(13 个进攻篮板、10 次盖帽和 10 次抢断),最终以 140-110 击败了印第安纳步行者。
法国篮球大使文班亚马(30 分、11 个篮板、6 次助攻和 5 次盖帽)在家乡父老面前献上了一场精彩的表演。瓦塞尔(25 分、4 次助攻、2 次抢断和 2 次盖帽)与这位备受赞誉的队友默契配合,确保步行者没有翻盘的机会。哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)(20 分、7 个篮板和 2 次抢断)扮演了粘合剂的角色,而替补后卫特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)(11 分和 8 次助攻)在替补席上表现出色,慷慨地为队友创造机会,并在关键时刻找到自己的进攻节奏。
步行者队方面,本内迪克特·马图林(Benedict Mathurin)(24 分和 2 次抢断)和帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆(Pascal Siakam)(18 分和 6 个篮板)表现稳定。奥比·托平(Obi Toppin)贡献了 13 分,其中大部分得分来自上半场,为步行者的进攻提供了支持。
- NBA Cobwebs 今天早上为马刺和马努的球迷们分享了这段珍贵的回忆。马努的两个最佳快攻集锦都发生在对阵萨克拉门托的比赛中。
- 非常遗憾的是,NBA TV 的转播采用了步行者队的解说团队。
- 该解说团队将文班亚马的姓氏念成“WembanYANA”的次数:超过十二次。
- 从步行者队大个子球员(特纳、托马斯·布莱恩特、托平)的三分出手位置来看,似乎三分线弧顶是他们被鼓励的出手点。
- 瓦塞尔的贡献 :虽然他今晚投进了一连串漂亮的投篮,但他在第一节还完成了一次破坏性防守,并在第三节末段完成了一次抢断,并在整场比赛中为队友送出了几次令人印象深刻的传球。
- 比赛最佳镜头 #1 :在比赛开始的头几分钟,文班亚马虽然被特纳突破,但他仍然迅速回防并在篮下封盖了特纳的出手。巴恩斯在下快攻中完成了一次反手上篮。
- 比赛最佳镜头 #2 :第三节末段,在巴克纳评论说“这场比赛远未结束”之后,文班亚马将安德鲁·内姆哈德(Andrew Nembhard)的投篮钉在了篮板上,并为索汉送上了一次轻松的空接助攻。在接下来的进攻回合中,文班亚马强势封盖了TJ·麦康奈尔(TJ McConnell)的投篮,并助攻朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)命中底角三分。随后,文班亚马又封盖了托平的投篮,索汉则回敬文班亚马一次空接助攻。在步行者队的第四次得分尝试中,文班亚马的补防虽然迟了,但步行者还是因为干扰球得到了两分。
- 特雷·琼斯的领袖级表现(?) :琼斯在第三节中段抢断步行者的传球,并在油漆区完成上篮。在接下来的进攻回合中,他将球传给了空位的凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson),后者命中了一记三分,使马刺领先 14 分。
- 致敬鲍里斯·迪奥(Boris Diaw)的精彩配合 :在上半场最后一分钟,马刺队的进攻配合如下:约翰逊 → 琼斯 → 瓦塞尔 → 索汉 → 瓦塞尔 → 文班亚马 → 索汉上篮得分。你需要一遍又一遍地观看才能体会到这种“从优秀到伟大”的精妙配合。
- 51 区 :文班亚马在完成自己的进攻后,在第一节中段用一记轻巧的传球在快攻中找到了斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle),后者轻松上篮得分。
- 鲜有上场的球员 :由于主力球员的出色表现,马刺队的替补球员多米尼卡斯·莫泰尤纳斯(Dominickas Mamukelashivili)、西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)、布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)和马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)都获得了上场时间。
在雅高体育馆的灯光下,瓦塞尔令人鼓舞地命中了两记跳投,而卡斯尔则完成了两次抢断。西亚卡姆和哈利伯顿的三分球帮助步行者取得了四分的领先优势。文班亚马则打出 7-0 的个人得分高潮,帮助马刺反超比分。特雷·琼斯在篮下抢断了TJ·麦康奈尔,并在约翰逊投篮不中后补篮得分。索汉很快用一记扣篮和一记三分球影响了比赛。前扣篮大赛冠军托平命中了三个三分球(没想到他现在还有这本事)。索汉助攻文班亚马命中三分。圣安东尼奥在第一节结束时以微弱优势领先一分。
第二节开始后的 30 秒内,尚帕尼被吹罚了两次犯规。这使得莫泰尤纳斯获得了上场时间并抢到一个进攻篮板。TJ·麦康奈尔的上篮帮助步行者打出一波 6-0 的小高潮。不久之后,莫泰尤纳斯助攻文班亚马完成一次突破扣篮和一记三分球。琼斯完成了一次反手上篮,并在底线完成一次高难度传球助攻约翰逊完成一记势大力沉的扣篮,随后又巧妙地助攻瓦塞尔命中三分。圣安东尼奥在本节疯狂抢夺进攻篮板,约翰逊的补篮帮助他们领先三分。瓦塞尔在进攻时间即将结束时命中一记抛投,帮助圣安东尼奥以三分的优势进入下半场。
第三节开始,巴恩斯和瓦塞尔分别命中底角三分,帮助马刺领先九分,但特纳连得七分予以回应。巴恩斯继续着他的努力,完成了一次突破上篮和一次补篮得分。保罗和文班亚马的连线——第一次以文班亚马的三分球结束,第二次以擦板球结束——帮助圣安东尼奥领先 13 分。在一次进攻回合中,由于他们抢到了多个进攻篮板,看起来场上好像有八名马刺球员。步行者队短暂地采用了联防战术,但巴恩斯的三分球迅速终结了这种尝试。马图林攻击篮筐得到七分,缩小了分差。琼斯重新回到比赛中,立即完成了一次快攻得分,并助攻约翰逊命中三分。索汉和瓦塞尔在连续的进攻回合中互相连线得分,帮助圣安东尼奥以 90-71 领先。在一个令人难忘的回合中,文班亚马封盖了步行者队的三次投篮,并助攻圣安东尼奥队完成两次得分,自己也完成了一次空接扣篮。为了完美地结束这精彩的表演,文班亚马在 buzzer beater 时补篮得分,帮助球队以 103-80 领先。
想了解步行者球迷的观点,请访问 Indy Cornrows 。
两队将于周六上午 11:00(中部夏令时间)再次交手。
点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Indiana, Final Score: Spurs drop 140 on Pacers in Paris
San Antonio vs. Indiana, Final Score: Spurs drop 140 on Pacers in Paris
San Antonio slays its third quarter demons tonight in Paris with a 45 point detonation as a chorus of “GO SPURS GO” echoed through the arena in the waning moments.
In Jeremy Sochan’s (13 points and 9 rebounds) return to meaningful action, it was Victor Wembanyama - in his triumphant return to his home country - and Devin Vassell and their fellow Spurs that shot lights out (60%), assisted on 25 of their first 29 makes, and persistently outhustled their counterparts (13 offensive rebounds, 10 blocks, and 10 steals) to complete a 140-110 blitzing of the Indiana Pacers.
France’s Ambassador of Basketball, Wembanyama (30 points, 11 rebounds, 6 assists, and 5 blocks), threw a party in front of his fellow citizens. Vassell (25 points, 4 assists, 2 steals, and 2 blocks), paired like a fine wine with his celebrated teammate to ensure there would be no Indiana comeback. Harrison Barnes (20 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 steals) played his role as glue-guy, while backup guard Tre Jones (11 points and 8 assists) had a solid effort off the bench, generously setting up teammates and finding his own offense in timely spots.
Indiana was paced by an unfazed Benedict Mathurin (24 points and 2 steals) and Pascal Siakam (18 points and 6 rebounds). Obi Toppin chipped in 13 points with most of them coming in the opening half to bolster the Pacers attack.
- NBA Cobwebs had this little gem of a memory for Spurs and Manu fans this morning. Two of Manu’s top fastbreak highlights occurred against Sacramento.
- Pretty regrettable that the Pacers broadcasting crew was the one featured on NBA TV’s telecast.
- Number of times that broadcast team pronounced his last name “WembanYANA” = over a dozen.
- From the looks of where the Indiana bigs were launching their threes, it seems like the top of the key is the spot that was encouraged (Turner, Thomas Bryant, Toppin)
- Devin’s Deeds: While he hit a slew of smooth shots tonight, he earned a deflection, as well, in the first quarter and outright got a steal late in the third period along with a handful of impressive set-up of teammates throughout.
- Sequence of the Game #1: In the first couple of minutes, Wembanyama, after getting beaten off the dribble by Turner, still made up ground and blocked the Pacer’s attempt at the rim. Barnes converted a reverse lay-up downcourt.
- Sequence of the Game #2: Late in the third quarter, after Buckner opined that “This game is a long way from being over,” Wembanyama, pinned Andrew Nembhard’s shot against the backboard, and set-up Sochan for easy alley-oop. On the next possession, Wembanyama swatted away TJ McConnell’s shot emphatically, and assisted on Julian Champagnie’s wing three. Wembanyama then blocked Toppin’s flailing attempt, and Sochan returned the favor to Wembanyama for an alley-oop. On Indiana’s fourth attempt to score, they DID get a goaltend on a late Wembanyama contest.
- Tre Jones’ Podium Game(?): Jones stole an errant Indiana pass midway through the third and floated into the paint for a lay-up. He then kicked it out on the next possession to an open Keldon Johnson for a wing three to put the Spurs up 14.
- Beautiful Game Sequence that honors Boris Diaw: In the last minute of the first half, the sequence went like this: Johnson → Jones → Vassell → Sochan → Vassell → Wembanyama → Sochan for a lay-up. You’ll have to watch it over and over to bask in the ‘good to great’ness.
- Area 51: Wembanyama, after getting his own offense, found Castle with a feathery pass in transition midway through the opening frame to get the guard a lay-up.
- Little-used: Spurs backups that got playing time as a result of the starters’ excellent work: Mamukelashivili, Sidy Cissoko, Blake Wesley, Malaki Branham.
Game Rundown
Under the bright lights in Accor Arena, Vassell encouragingly hit two early jumpers, while Castle picked up two turnovers. Siakam and Haliburton connected from three to stake Indiana to a four point advantage. Wembanyama had his own 7-0 run to eke the Spurs into the lead. Tre Jones stripped TJ McConnell at the rim and followed a Johnson miss with a tip-in. Sochan impacted the game quickly with a driving jam and wing three. Former dunk contest champion Toppin hit a trio of threes (didn’t know that was in his bag now). Sochan spoonfed Wembanyama a pass that allowed the center to swish a three. San Antonio left a well-played first period up by one.
Champagnie was whistled for two fouls in the first 30 seconds of the second. This allowed Mamukelashvili to get playing time and secure an offensive rebound. TJ McConnell’s lay-up kickstarted a 6-0 run. Mamukelashvili assisted on a Wembanyama drive and dunk and a wing three shortly after. Jones willed home a reverse lay-up, made a tough dumpoff to Johnson on the baseline for a power dunk, and set-up Vassell expertly for a transition three. San Antonio ravenously hit the offensive boards throughout the stanza and Johnson’s putback put them up three. Vassell willed home a shotclock beating floater to get San Antonio to the half up three.
At the start of hte third, a pair of corner threes from Harrison Barnes and Vassell put the Spurs up nine, but Turner countered with seven of his own. Barnes continued his yeoman effort with a driving lay-up and a tip-in. The Paul-Wembanyama battery paired - the first ending with a Wembanyama three and the second ending with a bankshot - to put San Antonio up 13. During one sequence, it looked like there were eight Spurs on the floor as they snagged offensive rebounds. Indiana briefly went into a zone, but Barnes’ wing three quickly ended that nonsense. Mathurin attacked the basket to put up seven points and shave the deficit. Jones came back into the game and immediately scored a transition bucket and assisted on a Johnson three. Sochan and Vassell found each other on consecutive possessions to put San Antonio up 90-71. In one memorable seqeuence, Wembanyama blocked three Pacers’ shots, and assisted on two San Antonio makes and received his own alley-oop at the other end. To perfectly tie a bow on this “piece de resistance,” Wembanyama tipped home a miss at the buzzer to put his team up 103-80.
For the Pacers fan’s perspective, please visit Indy Cornrows.
The teams play each other again on Saturday at 11:00 AM CDT.
By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock