[PtR] 圣安东尼奥 vs. 洛杉矶,最终比分:马刺下半场以 73-40 震惊湖人,以 126-102 获胜

马刺 @ 湖人 126 - 102 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-14 14:16:40


NBA: 圣安东尼奥马刺 vs. 洛杉矶湖人

德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)的投篮激活了圣安东尼奥,他的队友们纷纷效仿,在今晚洛杉矶的比赛中取得了一场令人鼓舞的胜利。

在老将哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)(17 分和 4 个篮板)和克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)(13 分、10 次助攻和 3 次抢断)的带领下,圣安东尼奥在第四节取得了 18 分的领先优势,并最终以 126-102 轻松获胜。保罗的激光传球精准地找到了埋伏在左侧底角的瓦塞尔,后者三分命中,锁定胜局,也为马刺巩固了这场客场反弹的伟大胜利。

这场本应是洛杉矶和圣安东尼奥之间的两场迷你系列赛,马刺凭借本赛季最佳下半场表现之一赢下了唯一进行的这场比赛。超级巨星安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)(开场 9 投 8 中)和勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)(开场 5 投 4 中)火力全开,在前两节多钟的时间里压制着客队。然而,圣安东尼奥在第四节打出 37-13 的比分,帮助他们胜率重回五成,他们还利用湖人 18 次失误得到了 25 分。

德文·瓦塞尔(23 分和 2 次抢断)摆脱了投篮低迷,今晚所有五名首发球员都得分上双,更重要的是,他们抵消了湖人超级巨星的巨大产量。新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)(23 分和 2 次抢断)在第三节的大部分时间里扛起了圣安东尼奥的大旗,直到老将们在最后一节接管比赛。首发球员的得分(99 分)几乎与湖人全队的得分(102 分)持平。

戴维斯(30 分、13 个篮板和 2 次抢断)和詹姆斯(18 分、8 个篮板和 5 次助攻)在上半场造成了大部分的伤害。奥斯汀·里夫斯(Austin Reaves)(12 分、8 个篮板和 5 次助攻)是湖人的第三个得分点,直到圣安东尼奥在下半场打出 73-40 的摧枯拉朽的进攻。


  • 我真的为我们的赫克托·香蕉面包感到骄傲!
  • 开场那一分钟的轻松上篮将是卡斯尔整个赛季最轻松的得分。
  • 比赛精彩瞬间 #1 :开场几分钟,哈里森·巴恩斯在转换进攻中不慌不忙,当他吸引了一名湖人防守球员后,他轻轻地将球抛给了文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)。
  • 比赛精彩瞬间 #2 :第三节末段,特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)完成抢断并将球传给凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson),后者找到了底角的瓦塞尔,瓦塞尔又将球传给了跟进的文班亚马,完成一记双手暴扣。
  • 比赛精彩瞬间 #3 :在第三节末段一波 10-0 的进攻中,瓦塞尔抢断成功,朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)跟进补篮命中,弥补了文班亚马的投篮不中。
  • 凯尔登的厨房 :在第四节初期,这位强壮的前锋给查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)送出了一记精妙的击地传球,后者轻松上篮得分。我都不知道他还有这招!
  • 文班的轻松得分 :看起来文班亚马在这场比赛中一直在练习篮下的上篮技巧。在第二节中段,他用一个转身和一记指尖挑篮晃过了里夫斯。
  • 保罗本赛季的罚球命中率高达惊人的 58 投 57 中 (98.3%)!
  • 向他的球衣退役仪式致敬,迈克尔·库珀(Michael Cooper)是 20 世纪 80 年代最初的 3D 球员。
  • 巴恩斯在上半场末段在一群湖人球员中抢下了一个进攻篮板。他的拼劲始终如一。在第四节一些胶着的时刻,巴恩斯重现了他在 2013 年勇士队时的角色(试图利用托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)),他在低位要位,努力得分。
  • 查尔斯·巴塞非常努力。他的努力有时会取得好结果,有时则会得到奇怪的结果。但他的活力是毋庸置疑的。


行动迟缓的马刺让里夫斯轻松上篮和空位三分命中,湖人取得了领先。与维京人不同,瓦塞尔用几次得分予以回应,文班也贡献了接下来的 6 分,帮助圣安东尼奥迅速追平比分。卡斯尔用一记高难度的反手上篮弥补了之前的几次失误,帮助马刺反超一分。戴维斯在进攻端轻松得分,并让文班亚马在防守端疲于奔命。约翰逊一上场就攻击篮筐,拿下两分。马刺阻止戴维斯的唯一方法就是诱使他两次犯规。在第一节几乎没有暂停的情况下,圣安东尼奥以 26-28 落后。

第二节开始,詹姆斯和文班亚马互射三分。卡斯尔完成了一记精彩的突破扣篮和一次稳健的右侧低位上篮。洛杉矶在本节中段开始拉开比分,主要依靠外线投篮。戴维斯在文班亚马的防守下吃到第三次犯规,但道尔顿·克奈希特(Dalton Knecht)的抢断和“打三分”成功让圣安东尼奥落后 11 分。琼斯用一记抛投和助攻瓦塞尔命中三分,打出一波 5-0 的小高潮。马刺上半场仅落后 9 分,算是比较幸运。

在库珀的球衣退役仪式后的长时间休息之后,瓦塞尔和文班亚马打出了漂亮的二人配合,为圣安东尼奥拿下前两次得分。卡斯尔的底角三分一度将马刺的落后缩小到两分,并在接下来的几分钟关键时刻连续得分,帮助球队稳住阵脚。戴维斯继续蹂躏任何挡在他和篮筐之间的球员。尽管卡斯尔表现出色,但马克斯·克里斯蒂(Max Christie)的三分球让圣安东尼奥落后 10 分。文班亚马(空接和快攻)和瓦塞尔(隔扣戴维斯)的三记精彩扣篮,以及约翰逊的三分球,作为一波 15-5 的进攻高潮的一部分,让马刺在进入第四节时与湖人战平。这为圣安东尼奥在第四节的统治级表现奠定了基调,并最终赢得了这场重要的胜利。

想了解湖人球迷的看法,请访问 Silver Screen and Roll.

圣安东尼奥将于周三晚上 7:00 CDT 回到主场,与贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)和孟菲斯灰熊队进行两场比赛。

点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Los Angeles, Final Score: Spurs stun Lakers with a 73-40 second half to win 126-102

San Antonio vs. Los Angeles, Final Score: Spurs stun Lakers with a 73-40 second half to win 126-102

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Los Angeles Lakers

Devin Vassell’s shooting energized San Antonio and his teammates followed suit to secure a very encouraging triumph tonight in Los Angeles.

San Antonio, behind veterans Harrison Barnes (17 points and 4 rebounds) and Chris Paul (13 points, 10 assists, and 3 steals), amassed an 18-point lead in the fourth quarter, and held on for a comfortable 126-102 victory. Paul’s laser pass to an awaiting Vassell in the left corner resulted in a three that put the game away and cemented a great bounce-back win on the road for the Spurs.

In what was supposed to be a two-game mini-series between Los Angeles and San Antonio, the Spurs claimed the only one that took place with one of its best second-half efforts of the season. Superstars Anthony Davis (who started 8-for-9 from the field) and LeBron James (who started 4-for-5) shot lights out to keep the visitors at bay for 2+ periods. However, San Antonio’s 37-13 fourth quarter helped push them back to .500, and they capitalized on 18 LA turnovers to get 25 opportunistic points.

Devin Vassell (23 points and 2 steals) snapped out of a shooting funk and all five starters tonight hit double-digits and, more importantly, offset the huge production from the Lakers’ superstars. Rookie Stephon Castle (23 points and 2 steals) carried San Antonio for a good part of the third before the veterans took over in the closeout quarter. The starters’ output (99) nearly matched the Lakers’ total (102) for the night.

Davis (30 points, 13 rebounds, and 2 steals) and James (18 points, 8 rebounds, and 5 assists) mightily did the bulk of the damage in the first half. Austin Reaves (12 points, 8 rebounds, and 5 assists) filled in as the third contributor before San Antonio’s 73-40 second-half destruction.


  • I’m really proud of our own Hector Banana-Bread!
  • That opening-minute bunny will be the easiest shot Castle gets all season.
  • Sequence of the Game #1: Minutes into the opening action, Harrison Barnes took his time in transition, and when he sucked in a Lakers defender towards him, he softly tossed a lob to Wembanyama.
  • Sequence of the Game #2: Late in the third quarter, Tre Jones secured a steal and fed Keldon Johnson - who found Vassell in the corner, and the guard dumped it to a trailing Wembanyama for a two-handed slam.
  • Sequence of the Game #3: As part of a 10-0 run late in the third, Vassell stole the ball, and Julian Champagnie followed a Wembanyama miss to get a lay-up.
  • Keldon’s Kitchen: In the early moments of the fourth, the bruising forward uncorked a nifty pocket-bounce pass to Charles Bassey for a nice lay-up. I didn’t know he still had that in his arsenal!
  • Victor Ease: It seemed like Wembanyama was working on a lay-up package in the lane during this trip. He stunned Reaves with a twist and a finger roll in the lane partway into the second.
  • Paul ran up his free throw percentage to a stunning 57-of-58 (98.3%) for the season!
  • In respect to his jersey retirement ceremony, Michael Cooper was the original 3-and-D wing in the 1980s.
  • Barnes pulled down an offensive rebound amidst a thicket of Lakers late in the opening half. The hustle is always there. In some tenuous minutes in the fourth, Barnes reprised his role on the 2013 Warriors (trying to exploit Tony Parker) - planting himself in the post to get hard-earned points.
  • Charles Bassey tries very hard. It gets good results part of the time, and it gets strange results the rest of the time. His motor is unmistakable.

Game Rundown

The sluggish Spurs ceded a lay-up and open three to Reaves, and LA went up a touchdown. Unlike the Vikings, Vassell answered with a handful of points, and Wembanyama chipped in the next six to help San Antonio quickly catch up. Castle made up for a few goofy plays by converting a tough reverse lay-up to put the Spurs up one. Davis had an easy time putting up a flurry of points and made Wembanyama work on the defensive end. As soon as he came in, Johnson attacked the basket for two quick buckets. The only way the Spurs could stop Davis was to lure him into two cheap fouls. In an opening stanza with few stoppages, San Antonio left it up 28-26.

James and Wembanyama matched threes at the start of the second. Castle paired an impressive driving dunk with a sound lay-up deep on the right block. Los Angeles started to pull away midway through the frame - doing most of the damage from behind the arc. Davis picked up his third foul going over Wembanyama’s back, but Dalton Knecht’s steal and and-1 put San Antonio down 11. Jones sparked a 5-0 run with a floater and fed Vassell for a wing three. The Spurs went into the half lucky to be down nine.

After an extended break due to Cooper’s jersey retirement, Vassell and Wembanyama played a nice two-man game to get the first two scores for San Antonio. Castle’s corner three brought the Spurs within two momentarily, and he kept the team afloat over several critical minutes with score after score after score. Davis continued to work over whoever was in between him and the basket. Despite Castle’s wreckage, Max Christie’s three put San Antonio down ten. Three straight impressive dunks by Wembanyama (alley-oop and breakaway) and Vassell (over Davis) as part of a closing 15-5 run - punctuated by a Johnson three - allowed the Spurs to go to the fourth even with Los Angeles. This set the tone for that dominant closeout by San Antonio for the important win.

For the Lakers fan’s perspective, please visit Silver Screen and Roll.

San Antonio returns home for a two-game series with Ja Morant and the Memphis Grizzlies on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM CDT.

By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock