By Lee Dresie | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-12 13:10:20
实时观看洛杉矶大火及其 aftermath。
多亏了朋友们的慷慨,我弄到了周六和周一的马刺洛杉矶两场比赛的球票。我非常期待看到由文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和其他马刺队年轻人率领的这支进步神速的马刺队。我甚至会忍住不为克里斯·保罗加油。
就像每年马刺来洛杉矶一样,我计划写下我的观赛体验(今年是复数的“比赛”)。我通常会拍一些穿着马刺队服和帽子的马刺球迷,以及穿着邓肯和帕克球衣的人的照片。今年,我预计会看到很多文班亚马的球衣,在一个正常体型的人的背上几乎印不下他名字的所有字母。我可能会写一小段关于我如何从我的众多马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)球衣中挑选一件穿去斯台普斯中心(也就是现在的 Crypto——随便吧)的过程。不幸的是,人间地狱降临了。
周四早上,在一个 Zoom 会议上,当我们正在讲述我们认识的失去家园的人时,最后一位加入会议的人宣布,他正在前往帕利塞兹的路上,确认他也成为了突然无家可归的人之一。他和他的家人住在酒店里。我问他二月份会住在哪里。他不知道。我把我家街道上一栋出租房屋的联系方式发给了他——可能已经有很多人都打过那个电话了。我们将如何为5000多个家庭找到住房?
史蒂夫·科尔(Steve Kerr),帕利塞兹高中的校友,在一个新闻发布会上宣布他失去了房子,他的高中也没了。通过一位朋友,我设法把这段视频发给了他,我希望这能给他带来一些安慰。小小的胜利,但这就是我们目前所拥有的一切。
点击查看原文:From the scene of the canceled Spurs-Lakers game
From the scene of the canceled Spurs-Lakers game
Watching the LA fires and aftermath in real time.
Thanks to the generosity of friends, I had tickets to both of the Spurs games in Los Angeles scheduled for Saturday and Monday. I was very much looking forward to seeing the greatly improved Spurs team, led by Victor Wembanyama and the other Spurs youngsters. I would even bite my tongue and root for Chris Paul.
As I do every year when the Spurs come to town, I planned to write about my experience at the game (this year “games” in plural). I normally include pictures of fellow Spurs fans in Spurs uniforms and hats and folks wearing Duncan and Parker jerseys. This year, I was expecting to see many Wembanyama jerseys, barely fitting all the letters in his name onto the back of a normal sized person. I probably would have included a short section about the process of choosing which of my many Manu Ginobili shirts I wore to Staples Center, a.k.a. Crypto — whatever. Unfortunately, hell on earth intervened.
Tuesday morning was very windy. My office looks west from Century City, towards the ocean, with Pacific Palisades about five miles away. At about 10 a.m., I saw a small amount of smoke coming from a canyon. By noon, the smoke was much more visible, and had darkened from a light grey to a darker grey, and brown. Mid-afternoon, the amount of smoke made it obvious that this was a serious fire. Then, after sunset, as it became dark, this was my view:
Pacific Palisades was burning.
The days since Tuesday have been surreal. Smoke everywhere across the LA basin from several different fires. Red sunrises. Warnings not to go outside into the unhealthy air. The local news covered nothing but the fires. Sporting events were cancelled, first the Lakers - Hornets game Thursday night, then the Rams Monday night playoff game moved to Arizona, and Saturday’s Lakers - Spurs game.
Each day, we learned of someone else who lost their home, First, a partner at my law firm. Then, the brother of another partner. A basketball buddy in Altadena who had just brought his newborn son home.
On a Zoom call Thursday morning, as we were recounting people we knew who had lost their homes, the last guy on the call joined in and announced that he was on his way into the Palisades to confirm that he too was one of the suddenly unhoused. He and his family are staying in a hotel. I asked where he would be living in February. He did not know. I sent him contact information for a house for rent on my street — many people have probably already called that number. Where will we find housing for 5,000+ families?
My son Pablo, who I have mentioned here before, has a family of five staying in his apartment — a young couple, and their three children, the youngest one-year old. Pablo does not know how long his friends will be staying with him.
I have no idea how all the lost houses can be rebuilt. There are not enough contractors and architects and people who approve building permits. There may not be enough wood and other construction materials. And will the insurers who issued policies have enough money to satisfy the billions of dollars in claims?
There has been some good news. I just heard from another basketball buddy that, contrary to all expectations, his Palisades house survived. The place we play our weekly games, Palisades High, was widely reported to have burnt down. But then a good friend/fellow hooper at a local television station sent one of the news team members on his bicycle to Pali High. His video showed that Pali High, while damaged, is largely intact, including the gym:
Steve Kerr, a Pali High alumni, announced in a news conference that he lost his house and that his high school was gone. Through a friend, I was able to send him this video, which I hope gave him some relief. Small victories, but that is all we have at the moment.
In an effort to clear my mind a bit, this morning I rode my bike to the outdoor court near my house to get some shooting in. The court was covered in ash.
By Lee Dresie, via Pounding The Rock