[ESPN] 2025 年 NBA 模拟选秀:30 个首轮新秀预测

By Jonathan Givony, Jeremy Woo | ESPN, 2025-01-09 20:20:00



2024-25 赛季男子大学篮球联赛已经进行了两个月,我们开始看到哪些顶级球员和预计的 2025 年 NBA 选秀球员在 NCAA 锦标赛竞争者中崭露头角,这些球队正在进入常规赛阶段。

ESPN 选秀分析师乔纳森·吉沃尼 (Jonathan Givony) 和杰里米·伍 (Jeremy Woo) 对这个充满深度和天赋的选秀班级中的顶级 NBA 新秀进行了深入的观察。杜克大学的库珀·弗拉格 (Cooper Flagg)、贝勒大学的维杰·埃奇库姆 (VJ Edgecombe) 以及罗格斯大学的迪伦·哈珀 (Dylan Harper) 和艾斯·贝利 (Ace Bailey) 都展现了他们为何有望成为六月选秀大会上的顶级球员。

随着 NBA 常规赛接近半程,我们也越来越清楚地看到哪些球队最有希望获得状元签,哪些球队可能在首轮拥有多个选秀权(没错,说的就是圣安东尼奥马刺队、俄克拉荷马城雷霆队和布鲁克林篮网队)。

首轮顺位由 ESPN 的 BPI 预测产生,该预测预测了所有 30 支球队在剩余赛季中的表现。所有统计数据和选秀顺位截至周三上午,反映了通过交易所拥有和欠下的选秀权。

更多 NBA 选秀报道:

雷霆队和其他四支球队如何积累了超过 60 个首轮签

NBA 高管对弗拉格的优势和劣势的调查

百强排名 | 上一次模拟选秀 | 更多

1. 华盛顿奇才队

库珀·弗拉格(Cooper Flagg),小前锋/大前锋,杜克大学


赛季平均数据: 17.5 分(45.8% 命中率),8.5 个篮板,3.7 次助攻


弗拉格的使用率超过 30%,在预计的首轮秀中排名第二,他承担了大量的持球创造机会的角色。这有时会影响他的效率(两分球命中率 51%,三分球命中率 31%),但这对他和杜克大学的长期发展都是有益的。蓝魔队在非联盟赛中经受了重大考验,并且看起来已经为深入 NCAA 锦标赛做好了充分准备,弗拉格在攻防两端都发挥了领导作用。 – 吉沃尼

2. 新奥尔良鹈鹕队

迪伦·哈珀(Dylan Harper),得分后卫/控球后卫,罗格斯大学


赛季平均数据: 21.1 分(52.0% 命中率),5.2 个篮板,4.5 次助攻


哈珀甚至有足够的资格成为状元秀的候选人:他的持球创造能力、挡拆直觉和位置上的体型优势应该会让他在长期内成为某支球队进攻的核心。他的三分球命中率相当可观(场均近五次出手,命中率 36%),并且在承担重要角色的情况下能够有效地控制失误。虽然罗格斯大学目前战绩为 7 胜 6 负,晋级 NCAA 锦标赛的道路依然艰难,但哈珀拥有极好的机会来巩固自己在选秀大会榜首的地位。 – 伍

3. 犹他爵士队

艾斯·贝利(Airious “Ace” Bailey),得分后卫/小前锋,罗格斯大学


赛季平均数据: 19.1 分(46.3% 命中率),7.6 个篮板,1.2 次盖帽


球探们将关注随着赛季的进行,贝利的比赛节奏是否会放慢,他的投篮选择、决策和比赛感觉还有很大的提升空间。尽管如此,他还很年轻(18 岁),并且拥有无限的潜力——经常能把不可能的投篮变得轻而易举,但他在攻防两端也容易犯错。 – 吉沃尼

4. 多伦多猛龙队

维杰·埃奇库姆(VJ Edgecombe),得分后卫,贝勒大学


赛季平均数据: 12.2 分(41.3% 命中率),5.8 个篮板,2.5 次抢断

猛龙队似乎注定要获得一个高顺位选秀权,他们可能正在寻找像埃奇库姆这样的双能卫,他可以与球队的核心斯科蒂·巴恩斯一起打有球或无球。尽管埃奇库姆在贝勒大学的表现起起伏伏,但各支球队仍然对他感兴趣:他的爆发力、不断提高的比赛感觉,以及令人印象深刻的防守贡献(抢断率 5.1%,盖帽率 4.6%)是他的关键优势所在。

为了确保在这个顺位被选中,他可能需要在进攻端有更好的表现——他的投篮一直低于平均水平——但球队管理层会努力了解他本赛季在球场上的情况,因为他在一支以外线为主的球队中打了很多无球。如果埃奇库姆能在激烈的联盟比赛中有所突破,他将加强在这个顺位被选中的可能性。 – 伍

5. 夏洛特黄蜂队

卡斯帕拉斯·雅库西奥尼斯(Kasparas Jakucionis),控球后卫,伊利诺伊大学


赛季平均数据: 16.4 分(49.6% 命中率),5.6 个篮板,5.4 次助攻

自从 11 月 22 日以来只赢了两场比赛,黄蜂队似乎正朝着另一个高顺位选秀权前进。尽管拉梅洛·鲍尔的存在,雅库西奥尼斯的体型、比赛感觉以及打有球或无球的能力对于任何在这个顺位选择的球队都很有吸引力。

这位身高 6 英尺 6 英寸的立陶宛球员正在打出精彩的篮球,以出色的节奏控制着比赛,作为得分手和传球手,他能找到球场上的位置,通过对抗得分或巧妙地完成篮下终结,同时做出高水平的挡拆判断,并在运球后命中三分球。

这位 18 岁的球员在过去的 18 个月里在身体素质上取得了显著进步,并且正处于一个令人印象深刻的上升轨道上,他轻松地完成了从欧洲到大学的过渡。他一直在大学篮球最好的球队之一展示着自己的才华。 – 吉沃尼

6. 布鲁克林篮网队

诺兰·特雷奥(Nolan Traore), 控球后卫, 圣昆廷队


赛季平均数据: 10.4 分 (34.0% 命中率), 1.9 个篮板, 5.1 次助攻


但 NBA 球队仍然对他的长期潜力很感兴趣,这是有原因的。作为一名控球后卫,他拥有强大的组织天赋、速度和得分创造能力的组合。在困境中,他仍然展现出令人兴奋的闪光点,但特雷奥需要为自己作为一名有发展潜力的球员,争取在乐透区早期的位置提供更有力的证明。他的防守、决策和整体稳定性是需要改进的关键领域。 – 伍

7. 波特兰开拓者队

康·克努佩尔(Kon Knueppel),得分后卫/小前锋,杜克大学


赛季平均数据: 12.7 分(43.3% 命中率),3.5 个篮板,2.7 次助攻

开拓者队拥有 NBA 最差的净胜分之一 (-8.7),但他们也战胜了几支可能的季后赛球队,这使得预测未来几个月这个选秀权的走向变得困难。像克努佩尔这样多才多艺的侧翼球员可以在任何 NBA 球队效力。他带来了令人垂涎的组合:得分创造、传球、充满活力的投篮、比赛感觉和 6 英尺 7 英寸身高带来的韧性。

杜克大学本赛季把球交到了他手中很多次,要求他利用掩护并让其他人参与进来。他有效地完成了这项任务,成为了选秀大会上效率最高的挡拆球员之一。球探们希望看到他的三分球命中率能从 36% 提高,但也会注意到他 93% 的罚球命中率,以及他影响比赛胜利的各种方式。 – 吉沃尼

8. 萨克拉门托国王队

叶戈尔·杰明(Egor Demin),控球后卫/得分后卫,杨百翰大学


赛季平均数据: 11.4 分(43.6% 命中率),4.4 个篮板,1.6 次抢断

在解雇主教练迈克·布朗后,国王队仍然在为季后赛席位而战,但如果他们的赛季走向另一个方向,他们也控制着自己的选秀权。在强劲的开局使他成为前五顺位候选人之后,杰明在几次面对强队时的糟糕表现以及 12 月份的大部分时间因膝伤缺阵后,已经成为 NBA 球队评估中存在分歧的球员。


杰明仍然有很多支持者在球队管理层中,但如果想成为一个高顺位乐透秀,他可能需要扭转自己的赛季颓势。 – 伍

9. 休斯顿火箭队(来自菲尼克斯太阳队)

耶利米·菲尔斯(Jeremiah Fears),控球后卫,俄克拉荷马大学


赛季平均数据: 17.9 分(48.8% 命中率),4.4 次助攻,2.2 次抢断


菲尔斯是大学篮球最好的新生之一,凭借其令人印象深刻的速度、节奏、组织创造力、急停跳投、自信和得分直觉的结合,他已经稳固地确立了自己在前十顺位的地位。这位 18 岁的球员还有很大的成长空间。

他正带领着一支表现超出预期的俄克拉荷马大学队,但在接下来的几个月里,他们将受到充满挑战的 SEC 赛程的考验,这将更好地告诉我们他在选秀顺位中的位置。 – 吉沃尼

10. 圣安东尼奥马刺队

特雷·约翰逊(Tre Johnson),得分后卫,德克萨斯大学


赛季平均数据: 18.4 分(46.0% 命中率),2.7 个篮板,2.3 次助攻

潜在地拥有三个首轮选秀权,马刺队应该有机会储备年轻的天才球员,或者如果他们愿意的话,可以整合他们的一些选秀资本来进行交易。具有进攻天赋的约翰逊继续展现出乐透区的天赋,在德克萨斯大学承担着重要的角色,并且三分球命中率达到了 40%。


球队都很好奇约翰逊是否能够改掉一些习惯,并完善他的比赛,但他纯粹的得分天赋使他继续成为乐透区的候选人。 – 伍

11. 底特律活塞队

卡曼·马鲁阿奇(Khaman Maluach),中锋,杜克大学


赛季平均数据: 8.1 分(78.3% 命中率),5.6 个篮板,1.1 次盖帽

活塞队正处于一个强劲的赛季中,胜率达到五成。他们有希望避免参加附加赛,但 BPI 仍然只给了他们 34.6% 的机会避开乐透区。对于活塞队来说,增加更多年轻球员可能不是一个主要的优先事项,但在这个顺位选择一个像马鲁阿奇这样有发展潜力的内线球员可能是有意义的。

他在杜克大学场均 19 分钟的上场时间里表现非常出色,以惊人的 +61.0 的净效率值领先所有选秀新秀,这得益于他出色的得分效率(81% 的真实命中率)、进攻篮板和改变比赛的臂展。此外,他的比赛强度和防守直觉帮助杜克大学成为了全国防守最好的球队之一。

马鲁阿奇是这届新秀中最年轻的球员之一,9 月份才满 19 岁,他在很多方面仍然很粗糙,尤其是在进攻端,在 ACC 联赛和 NCAA 锦标赛中还有很多需要证明的地方。 – 吉沃尼

12. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队(来自费城76人队)

本·萨拉夫(Ben Saraf),控球后卫/得分后卫,乌尔姆比率制药队


赛季平均数据: 13.2 分(42.0% 命中率),5.0 次助攻,1.4 次抢断

雷霆队可能拥有 NBA 中最深的阵容和大量的选秀权,这让他们可以自由地选择最好的球员,而不考虑位置,或者根据报价来交易这个选秀权。

萨拉夫在乌尔姆队继续着稳定的赛季表现,他在组织端取得了成功,并展现了他作为得分手和传球手的无畏和技巧。萨拉夫的防守可能有点冒险,他的投篮选择也存在一些问题,即他的篮下终结和三分球命中率(27%)。他的失误(场均 2.8 次)是一个需要改进的关键领域。

尽管如此,像萨拉夫这样拥有体型和比赛感觉的青少年新秀值得在首轮得到关注,而他正在经历的高质量赛季可能会在六月份帮助他。 – 伍

13. 金州勇士队

雨果·冈萨雷斯(Hugo Gonzalez),得分后卫/小前锋,皇家马德里队


赛季平均数据: 5.4 分(50.0% 命中率),2.0 个篮板,1.0 次助攻

勇士队肯定需要一些侧翼深度来加强他们的轮换阵容,而冈萨雷斯将是每个在这个顺位选择的球队都会研究的潜在低风险高回报的候选人之一。可以肯定地说,我们还没有看到这位 18 岁的西班牙球员的最佳状态,他在欧洲最具深度和雄心壮志的球队之一(皇家马德里队)的上场时间并不稳定。

尽管如此,当他在高水平的比赛中获得上场时间时,他的效率很高,凭借他的强度、侵略性和爆发力在攻防两端都做出了贡献。他展示了他可以防守多个位置,偶尔会展现出传球能力,并且有很多获胜的特质。 – 吉沃尼

14. 圣安东尼奥马刺队(来自芝加哥公牛队)

利亚姆·麦克尼利(Liam McNeeley),得分后卫/小前锋,康涅狄格大学


赛季平均数据: 13.6 分(42.9% 命中率),5.8 个篮板,2.6 次助攻


麦克尼利在 1 月 1 日脚踝受伤,预计至少会缺席接下来的几周。在麦迪逊广场花园战胜冈萨加大学的比赛中,他得到了 26 分,这是他本赛季的最高光表现。尽管进攻端有些不稳定,但麦克尼利对胜利的影响很容易被欣赏。

他作为一名聪明的传球手、合格的射手(三分球命中率 37%)和机会主义的得分手,以及在侧翼位置上的体型,能够扮演连接的角色,这对于 NBA 球队来说,作为一名潜在的长期辅助球员,将具有吸引力。球探们告诉 ESPN,他们希望看到他的效率更高一些,但他已经很好地适应了大学比赛。 – 伍

15. 圣安东尼奥马刺队(来自亚特兰大老鹰队)

德雷克·鲍威尔(Drake Powell),得分后卫/小前锋,北卡罗来纳大学


赛季平均数据: 7.4 分(49.4% 命中率),3.6 个篮板,0.9 次助攻



鲍威尔不是一个主要的持球威胁,他必须提高三分球命中率(目前三分球命中率为 35%),才能在 NBA 中占据一个有意义的位置。他本赛季的信心起起伏伏,但如果他的投篮有所改善,他具备成为一名 3D 球员的积极因素。 – 伍

16. 印第安纳步行者队

德里克·奎因(Derik Queen),中锋,马里兰大学


赛季平均数据: 16.0 分(56.2% 命中率),8.0 个篮板,1.3 次抢断



球探们将研究他在大十联盟及以后比赛中的影响,以便更好地衡量他令人印象深刻的得分能力与他的弱点。 – 吉沃尼

17. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队(来自迈阿密热火队)

威尔·莱利(Will Riley),得分后卫/小前锋,伊利诺伊大学


赛季平均数据: 11.4 分(40.7% 命中率),3.7 个篮板,1.4 次助攻

热火队对这个选秀权拥有乐透保护,这给了他们在选秀中一个缓冲,因为他们的管理层正在 2 月 6 日交易截止日期前处理吉米·巴特勒的情况。如果迈阿密进入季后赛,就像在这个模拟中的情况一样,他们的选秀权将转移到俄克拉荷马城,这给了雷霆队第三个首轮选秀权来增加更多人才,并有可能增加一个具有巨大长期潜力的潜力新星。

18 岁的莱利在伊利诺伊大学的表现起起伏伏,最近状态不佳。但作为一名身高 6 英尺 8 英寸的多才多艺的得分手,他拥有出色的投篮能力,这让他充满天赋。由于他瘦弱的体型和防守端的明显局限性,莱利需要在大十联盟的比赛中展现出比过去一个月更多的东西。他需要找到一支足够耐心的球队来发展他的身体和全面的比赛。如果他能展现出足够的潜力来保持早期的吸引力,他就是那种球探们梦寐以求的长期潜力新秀。 – 吉沃尼

18. 犹他爵士队(来自明尼苏达森林狼队)

诺亚·埃森格(Noa Essengue),大前锋,乌尔姆比率制药队


赛季平均数据: 12.1 分(56.4% 命中率),4.9 个篮板,1.0 次助攻

这是犹他州三个首轮选秀权中的第二个,这个来自鲁迪·戈贝尔的交易。像埃森格这样的有发展潜力的球员,上个月刚满 18 岁,本赛季在德国站稳了脚跟,如果他去犹他州,将会处在一个有利的长期发展环境中。

埃森格拥有出色的体型,并且在大前锋位置上提供了攻防两端的全面性。长期的问题集中在他的外线投篮(三分球命中率 19%)和他对抗身体对抗的挣扎。他需要时间来增强力量和发展他的进攻,但埃森格的年轻以及他在乌尔姆队为一支获胜球队增加价值的事实,加强了他首轮被选中的可能性。 – 伍

19. 布鲁克林篮网队(来自密尔沃基雄鹿队)

科林·默里-博伊尔斯(Collin Murray-Boyles),大前锋/中锋,南卡罗来纳大学


赛季平均数据: 15.8 分(61.8% 命中率),9.4 个篮板,2.1 次助攻


默里-博伊尔斯在 12 月份为南卡罗来纳大学打出了强劲的表现,他需要将这种高效延续到充满挑战的 SEC 赛程中。除了两场对阵印第安纳大学和密西西比州立大学的糟糕表现外,他展现出了他的全面技能。

虽然他缺乏出色的体型可能会限制他最终的潜力,但 NBA 球队仍然对默里-博伊尔斯在攻防两端的比赛感觉和价值很感兴趣。在联盟比赛中强劲的表现可以帮助他在首轮中更接近乐透区,因为首轮内线球员可能有些稀缺。 – 伍

20. 亚特兰大老鹰队(来自洛杉矶湖人队)

拉巴伦·菲隆(Labaron Philon),控球后卫/得分后卫,阿拉巴马大学


赛季平均数据: 12.6 分(53.5% 命中率),3.8 个篮板,4.0 次助攻

老鹰队的选秀权可能会转移到马刺队,但这将被直接获得湖人队的选秀权和国王队的选秀权(如果它没有落在前 12 顺位)所抵消。


菲隆打球无私,相对来说很少犯错,这为他在这支深度和经验都很丰富的球队中赢得了上场时间。他没有最好的身体素质,更稳定地投篮(三分球命中率 28%)将使他更稳固地进入前 20 顺位,同时也能帮助阿拉巴马大学在 NCAA 锦标赛中走得更远。 – 吉沃尼

21. 达拉斯独行侠队

丹尼·沃尔夫(Danny Wolf),中锋,密歇根大学


赛季平均数据: 12.5 分(58.7% 命中率),10.2 个篮板,3.9 次助攻

一个能里能外,技术全面的内线球员将是对独行侠阵容的有趣补充。自从从耶鲁大学转学到密歇根大学后,沃尔夫的地位得到了极大的提升,尽管身高 7 英尺,他却被赋予了控球后卫的职责。由于他独特的视野和出色的比赛感觉,他能够精准地传球,这使他成为大学篮球最好的挡拆球员之一。

沃尔夫还通过篮板、盖帽和抢断来填满数据单,同时为这支看起来非常出色的密歇根大学队高效地得分。继续投篮并展示他独特的比赛风格应该会转化为胜利以及在六月份更好的选秀顺位。 – 吉沃尼

22. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队(来自洛杉矶快船队)

阿萨·纽厄尔(Asa Newell),大前锋,佐治亚大学


赛季平均数据: 15.5 分(58.6% 命中率),6.9 个篮板,1.2 次抢断

俄克拉荷马城可以再增加一个有发展潜力的前场球员纽厄尔,他在目前战绩为 13 胜 2 负的佐治亚大学队中表现稳定,但该队迄今为止的赛程比较轻松。各球队将密切关注,当佐治亚大学队面对更强的 SEC 对手时,他的趋势会如何发展。

纽厄尔拥有结实的体型,对于他的体型来说移动能力很好,并且在篮筐附近效率很高(两分球命中率 65%)。他擅长进攻篮板(场均 3.7 个),并且展现出成为一名防守贡献者的闪光点(抢断率 2.7%,盖帽率 4.9%)。

尽管雷霆队有一些积极的方面可以培养他,但关于他的长期角色仍然存在一些疑问。他目前还不是一个技术娴熟的控球手或射手(三分球命中率 31%),无法在外线增加价值,并且作为一名内线球员,他也没有顶级的体型或臂展。尽管如此,他的表现超出了预期,并在首轮中提供了长期吸引力。 – 伍

23. 奥兰多魔术队

阿杜·蒂耶罗(Adou Thiero),小前锋/大前锋,阿肯色大学


赛季平均数据: 16.9 分(61.1% 命中率),5.7 个篮板,2.0 次抢断



阿肯色大学需要他在 SEC 比赛中提高强度和稳定性。作为一名射手,他能提高多少将是魔术队和其他 NBA 球队的一个关键问题。 – 吉沃尼

24. 奥兰多魔术队(来自丹佛掘金队)

伊恩·杰克逊(Ian Jackson),得分后卫,北卡罗来纳大学


赛季平均数据: 15.1 分(50.6% 命中率),3.6 个篮板,0.8 次助攻

奥兰多的第二个首轮选秀权来自丹佛,这可能是一个增加后场深度的机会。杰克逊在过去几周里找到了状态,在前五场比赛中有四场得分超过 20 分,并通过为自己创造机会展现了他的竞争力和直觉。他在这个过程中相当高效,确立了自己作为 NBA 球队在未来几个月里需要关注的新秀的地位。

他的比赛也存在相当大的缺陷——他有时会过于沉迷于单打,他不是一个出色的组织者(助攻率 5.6%),并且他在防守端的影响很小。再加上他作为一名得分后卫低于平均水平的 6 英尺 4 英寸的身高和瘦弱的体型,杰克逊需要时间来进化成不仅仅是一个得分手,才能在 NBA 中占据一个有意义的位置。但最近的表现帮助了他自己,继续展示他的优势将加强他在这个选秀范围内的竞争力。 – 伍

25. 布鲁克林篮网队(来自纽约尼克斯队)

亚历克斯·卡拉班(Alex Karaban),大前锋,康涅狄格大学


赛季平均数据: 16.3 分(48.3% 命中率),5.2 个篮板,2.8 次助攻

篮网队拥有大量的首轮选秀权,在选秀之夜可以有很多选择,包括多次选择人才或积极参与交易谈判。卡拉班正处于他大学生涯的最佳赛季,在两次获得康涅狄格大学的冠军后,他是一个已知量。他是一个可靠的射手(职业生涯三分球命中率 39.6%)、传球手和空切手,应该能够在他的 NBA 生涯早期就融入并增加进攻端的价值。

由于他的运动能力有限,他对防守端的预测有点不确定——卡拉班的出色直觉弥补了他在大学里的不足,但在职业赛场上,他将面临更大的挑战,需要在空间中防守和追逐无球球员。无论如何,作为一名值得信赖、经验丰富的替补球员,他应该会吸引球队——或许是这里的篮网队——在首轮末段选择他。 – 伍

26. 孟菲斯灰熊队

布吉·弗兰德(Boogie Fland),控球后卫,阿肯色大学


赛季平均数据: 15.6 分(43.6% 命中率),3.4 个篮板,5.9 次助攻

灰熊队(24 胜 13 负)是西部联盟的顶级球队之一,他们可能会像近年来一样,通过选秀来储备人才。孟菲斯可以用弗兰德来加强他们的后场深度,这位 18 岁的球员是阿肯色大学的关键人物。他展现了令人印象深刻的得分能力,通过假动作、突破分球和在球场各处命中急停跳投,同时在防守端也充满竞争力。

由于没有出色的身体素质,弗兰德在面对更强的对手时,得分效率一直很挣扎(对阵前 100 名对手时,两分球命中率 39%,三分球命中率 25%)。球探们将关注他如何在残酷的 SEC 联赛中引导阿肯色大学,在那里他将在每场比赛中都受到考验。 – 吉沃尼

27. 布鲁克林篮网队(来自休斯顿火箭队)

卡特·布莱恩特(Carter Bryant),小前锋/大前锋,亚利桑那大学


赛季平均数据: 5.5 分(50.9% 命中率),3.0 个篮板,1.3 次助攻


他最近打出了一些他最好的篮球,并且是那种每支 NBA 球队都希望在选秀前更仔细观察的新秀类型。随着赛季的进行,布莱恩特需要有所产出,希望随着经验的积累,他的比赛感觉和韧性能够有所提高。他可能需要在亚利桑那大学额外的时间来最大化他的 NBA 前景。 – 吉沃尼

28. 波士顿凯尔特人队

琼·贝林格(Joan Beringer),中锋,采德维塔奥林匹亚队


赛季平均数据: 3.1 分(48.6% 命中率),3.3 个篮板,1.1 次盖帽


作为一名身高 6 英尺 10 英寸的球员,他非常敏捷,

By Jonathan Givony, Jeremy Woo | ESPN, via ESPN

点击查看原文:2025 NBA mock draft: New names among 30 first-round picks

2025 NBA mock draft: New names among 30 first-round picks


Two months into the 2024-25 men’s college basketball season, we’re starting to see which of the top players and projected 2025 NBA draft picks are making their marks with NCAA tournament contenders that are entering the conference portions of their schedules.

ESPN draft analysts Jonathan Givony and Jeremy Woo have gotten good looks at the top NBA prospects in a deep and talented draft class. Duke’s Cooper Flagg, Baylor’s VJ Edgecombe, and Rutgers duo Dylan Harper and Ace Bailey have shown why they are expected to be top players in June’s draft.

And with the NBA regular season nearing its halfway point, we’re also getting a clearer picture of which teams have the best shot at the No. 1 pick and which ones could be selecting multiple times in the first round (we see you San Antonio, Oklahoma City and Brooklyn).

The first-round order was generated by ESPN’s BPI forecast, which predicts how well all 30 teams will perform during the rest of the season. All stats and the draft order, as updated through Wednesday morning, reflects picks owed and owned via trades.

More NBA draft coverage:\

How OKC, four others amassed over 60 first-rounders\

Polling NBA execs on Flagg’s strengths, weaknesses\

Top 100 rankings | Previous mock draft | More

1. Washington Wizards

**Cooper Flagg, SF/PF, Duke\


Season averages: 17.5 points (45.8% FG), 8.5 rebounds, 3.7 assists

The Wizards would be thrilled to add a talent such as Flagg to their young core, forming a dynamic defensive duo with Alexandre Sarr, last year’s No. 2 pick. Flagg has been as good as advertised and appears to be hitting his stride. In the past month, he has been making jumpers and free throws more consistently while showing off his passing, finishing and defensive versatility with his outstanding intensity and feel for the game.

Sporting a 30-plus% usage rate, the second highest among projected first-rounders, Flagg has taken on an outsized role as a shot-creator. That has taken a toll on his efficiency (51% on 2-pointers, 31% on 3s) at times but it should be beneficial for him and Duke long term. The Blue Devils tested themselves in a major way in non-conference play and have looked well-equipped for a deep NCAA tournament run, with Flagg leading the way on both ends of the floor. – Givony

2. New Orleans Pelicans

**Dylan Harper, SG/PG, Rutgers\


Season averages: 21.1 points (52.0% FG), 5.2 rebounds, 4.5 assists

Injuries have ravaged New Orleans’ season, leading to a likely high draft pick. Harper has established himself among front offices as a consensus top-two pick at this stage and the Pelicans likely would be thrilled to add a player with his talent after such a difficult season.

Harper has even done enough to be a candidate for the No. 1 pick: His shot-creation prowess, pick-and-roll instincts and positional size should earn him the keys to some team’s offense in the long run. He’s making 3-pointers at a respectable clip (36% on nearly five attempts per game) and manages turnovers effectively in a huge role. Though Rutgers, at 7-6, will have an uphill climb to make the NCAA tournament, Harper has a terrific runway to strengthen his candidacy atop the draft. – Woo

3. Utah Jazz

**Airious “Ace” Bailey, SG/SF, Rutgers\


Season averages: 19.1 points (46.3% FG), 7.6 rebounds, 1.2 blocks

Utah will likely take a patient approach with its roster and should have a strong chance to select early in this lottery. A big, explosive wing such as Bailey would be a grand addition for the Jazz after a difficult season, offering All-Star potential with his exceptional shot-making prowess and overall scoring instincts. He has been up and down from game to game and possession to possession on both ends of the floor, but he is one of the draft’s best shooters. He brings insatiable aggressiveness and a strong motor defensively.

Scouts will be watching how much the game slows down for Bailey as the season moves on with his shot selection, decision-making and feel for the game a significant work in progress. Still, he’s young (18) and has a world of potential – often making impossible shots look easy but he’s also mistake-prone on both ends. – Givony

4. Toronto Raptors

**VJ Edgecombe, SG, Baylor\


Season averages: 12.2 points (41.3% FG), 5.8 rebounds, 2.5 steals

The Raptors appear destined for a high draft pick and could be in the market for a combo guard such as Edgecombe, who can play on or off the ball alongside franchise stalwart Scottie Barnes. Although Edgecombe has been up and down for Baylor, teams remain intrigued: His explosiveness, improving feel, and impressive defensive playmaking (5.1% steal rate, 4.6% block rate) are key attributes that point to his upside.

He might need to perform better offensively to secure a spot this high in the draft – his shooting has been subpar – but front offices will work to understand the on-court context of his season, as he has been playing away from the ball quite a bit on a guard-driven team. If Edgecombe can turn a corner through the thick of conference play, he’ll strengthen his draft case here. – Woo

5. Charlotte Hornets

**Kasparas Jakucionis, PG, Illinois\


Season averages: 16.4 points (49.6% FG), 5.6 rebounds, 5.4 assists

Having won two games since Nov. 22, the Hornets appear headed toward another high draft pick. Despite the presence of LaMelo Ball, Jakucionis’ size, feel for the game and ability to play on or off the ball will be attractive to any team selecting in this range.

The 6-foot-6 Lithuanian is playing fantastic basketball, controlling games with outstanding pace as a scorer and passer, getting to spots on the floor and playing through contact or finishing skillfully around the basket while making high-level pick-and-roll reads and hitting 3-pointers off the dribble.

The 18-year-old has made significant strides physically over the past 18 months and is on an impressive trajectory, making the transition from Europe to college look easy. He has been showcasing his talent on one of the best teams in college basketball. – Givony

6. Brooklyn Nets

**Nolan Traore, PG, Saint Quentin\


Season averages: 10.4 points (34.0% FG), 1.9 rebounds, 5.1 assists

It seems the Nets might not be in the tank for long – their forthcoming wealth of salary cap space gives them latitude to upgrade – making this year’s likely lottery pick a critical opportunity to add a core young player. Traore’s season in France hasn’t been totally smooth – role and minutes have been reduced of late.

But NBA teams remain intrigued by his long-term upside and for good reason. He has a strong mix of playmaking talent, speed and shot-creation ability for a lead guard. The exciting flashes have remained amid his struggles, but Traore will need to make a better case for himself to secure early-lottery positioning as a developmental talent. His defense, decision-making and overall consistency are key areas for improvement. – Woo

7. Portland Trail Blazers

**Kon Knueppel, SG/SF, Duke\


Season averages: 12.7 points (43.3% FG), 3.5 rebounds, 2.7 assists

The Trail Blazers have one of the NBA’s worst point differentials (-8.7) but have notched wins against several likely playoff teams, making it difficult to predict which direction this pick will head in over the next few months. A versatile wing such as Knueppel can play for any NBA team. He brings a coveted combination of shot creation, passing, dynamic shooting, feel for the game and toughness at 6-foot-7.

Duke has put the ball in his hands quite a bit this season, asking him to navigate screens and get others involved. He has done that effectively, ranking as one of the draft’s most efficient pick-and-roll players. Scouts will want to see him improve his 36% 3-point percentage but will note his 93% accuracy from the free throw line, as well as the myriad ways he impacts winning. – Givony

8. Sacramento Kings

**Egor Demin, PG/SG, BYU\


Season averages: 11.4 points (43.6% FG), 4.4 rebounds, 1.6 steals

The Kings remain in the playoff hunt after the firing of coach Mike Brown, but they also control their draft pick should their season go the other direction. After a strong start catapulted him into top-five pick discussions, Demin has become a divisive evaluation for NBA teams following several poor showings against quality competition and missing most of December due to a knee injury.

Demin has a case as the best pure passer in the draft, which coupled with his size makes him quite intriguing because teams are attracted to big, unselfish playmakers. His lack of strength and foot speed has made it difficult for him to create off the dribble, which could inhibit his ability to play a heavy on-ball role in the long run. Couple that with limited defensive utility, and there’s some downside to his profile as well.

Demin still has plenty of believers in front offices, but likely will need to turn around his season to gather momentum as a high-lottery pick. – Woo

9. Houston Rockets (via Phoenix)

**Jeremiah Fears, PG, Oklahoma\


Season averages: 17.9 points (48.8% FG), 4.4 assists, 2.2 steals

Houston could land a top-10 pick unexpectedly if the Suns’ struggles in the loaded Western Conference continue. Still, it’s unknown what the Rockets’ appetite will be for adding more young players after drafting (and retaining) seven players in the first round over the past four years.

Fears has been one of college basketball’s best freshmen and has firmly entrenched himself in top-10 conversations thanks to his impressive combination of speed, pace, playmaking creativity, pull-up shooting, confidence and scoring instincts. The 18-year-old has a lot of room to grow.

He is spearheading an Oklahoma team that has exceeded expectations but will be tested over the next few months by a challenging SEC schedule that will tell us quite a bit more about where he stands in the draft’s pecking order. – Givony

10. San Antonio Spurs

**Tre Johnson, SG, Texas\


Season averages: 18.4 points (46.0% FG), 2.7 rebounds, 2.3 assists

Potentially equipped with three first-round picks, the Spurs should have an opportunity to stockpile young talent, or consolidate some of their draft capital to move around if they choose. The offensively gifted Johnson has continued to look like a lottery talent, shouldering a big role at Texas and making 40% of his 3s.

He’s a sweet shooter who can make tough shots and projects to be a threat away from the ball, as well. The primary concern is what else Johnson will do to supply value. He isn’t known for making teammates better as a passer and is often content to hunt shots regardless of the situation. He also doesn’t contribute much defensively.

Teams are curious if Johnson can break some of those habits and round out his game, but his sheer scoring talent has continued to make him a lottery candidate. – Woo

11. Detroit Pistons

**Khaman Maluach, C, Duke\


Season averages: 8.1 points (78.3% FG), 5.6 rebounds, 1.1 blocks

The Pistons are in the midst of a strong season, winning half their games. They are within striking distance of potentially avoiding the play-in tournament, but BPI still gives them just a 34.6% chance of avoiding the lottery. Adding more young players might not be a massive priority for the Pistons, but a developmental big man such as Maluach could make sense for a team in this range.

He has been highly impactful in his 19 minutes per game for Duke, leading all draft prospects with a whopping +61.0 net rating, buoyed by his outstanding scoring efficiency (81% true shooting), offensive rebounding and game-changing reach. In addition, his intensity and defensive instincts have helped Duke become one of the best teams in the country on that end of the floor.

Maluach, one of the youngest prospects in this class with his 19th birthday in September, is still raw in many ways, especially offensively, and has a lot to prove in ACC play and the NCAA tournament. – Givony

12. Oklahoma City Thunder (via Philadelphia)

**Ben Saraf, PG/SG, Ratiopharm Ulm\


Season averages: 13.2 points (42.0% FG), 5.0 assists, 1.4 steals

The Thunder have possibly the deepest roster in the NBA and a stockpile of draft picks, giving them the freedom of selecting the best player available regardless of position or possibly dealing this pick depending on the offer.

Saraf continues to turn in a solid season at Ulm, where he has had success in a playmaking role and showcased his fearlessness and craft as a scorer and passer. Saraf’s defense can be a bit of an adventure, and there are some holes in his shot diet, namely his rim-finishing and 3-point shooting (27%). His turnovers (2.8 per game) are a critical area for improvement.

Still, teenage prospects with Saraf’s level of size and feel warrant long looks in the first round, and the quality season he is putting together likely could help him in June. – Woo

13. Golden State Warriors

**Hugo Gonzalez, SG/SF, Real Madrid\


Season averages: 5.4 points (50.0% FG), 2.0 rebounds, 1.0 assists

The Warriors certainly could use some wing depth to bolster their rotation, and Gonzalez will be one of the prospects every team in this range studies as a potential buy-low candidate. It’s safe to say we haven’t seen the best of the 18-year-old Spaniard, who has seen inconsistent playing time on one of the deepest and most ambitious teams (Real Madrid) in Europe.

Still, he has been effective when given minutes against high-level competition, making plays on both ends of the court thanks to his intensity, aggressiveness and explosiveness. He shows he can guard multiple positions, drops glimpses of passing and has plenty of winning qualities. – Givony

14. San Antonio Spurs (via Chicago)

**Liam McNeeley, SG/SF, UConn\


Season averages: 13.6 points (42.9% FG), 5.8 rebounds, 2.6 assists

This pick would remain with Chicago if it falls inside the top 10, but the Bulls have inched closer to .500 over the past month, making it more feasible that San Antonio could receive it.

McNeeley injured his ankle Jan. 1 and is slated to miss at least the next few weeks. A 26-point performance in a win against Gonzaga at Madison Square Garden was the high watermark of his season. Despite some offensive inconsistency, McNeeley’s winning impact is easy to appreciate.

His ability to play a connective role, as a smart passer, capable shooter (37% from 3) and opportunistic scorer with size on the wing, will be attractive to NBA teams as a potential long-term supporting piece. Scouts have told ESPN they’d like to see him be a bit more efficient, but he has acclimated well to the college game. – Woo

15. San Antonio Spurs (via Atlanta)

**Drake Powell, SG/SF, North Carolina\


Season averages: 7.4 points (49.4% FG), 3.6 rebounds, 0.9 assists

With three first-round picks (this one coming from the Hawks) and a young roster looking to make the jump to playoff contention, the Spurs likely will be opportunistic in navigating this draft. Adding wing depth likely will be an option, along with exploring trade opportunities.

The Spurs could use a big perimeter defender and might address that with this selection, making Powell an interesting potential fit. Powell is one of the more versatile defenders in this draft class, with the frame, strength and instincts to cover several positions adequately from the wing. Though that hasn’t manifested in steals and blocks, his motor and value are obvious, earning him a big role at North Carolina despite his offense needing work.

Powell isn’t a major threat playing on the ball and will have to knock down 3-pointers (he’s shooting 35% from 3) to carve out a meaningful place in the NBA. His confidence has been up and down this season, but there are positive ingredients for a likely 3-and-D role, presuming his shot comes around. – Woo

16. Indiana Pacers

**Derik Queen, C, Maryland\


Season averages: 16.0 points (56.2% FG), 8.0 rebounds, 1.3 steals

The Pacers’ frontcourt depth has been tested because of several injuries inside, which might cause the team to look at adding a young prospect whom it can develop behind Pascal Siakam and Myles Turner.

Queen is one of the most productive freshmen, bringing an advanced feel for the college game and skill level, creating shots for himself and others for Maryland, scoring and drawing fouls prolifically while filling up the box score. He has some questions to answer regarding his defense and perimeter shooting. He is not the most modern big man and wouldn’t be a fit for every team’s roster because of his average mobility, intensity and lack of shooting range.

Scouts will be studying his impact in the Big Ten and beyond to get a better gauge of how to weigh his impressive productivity versus his weaknesses. – Givony

17. Oklahoma City Thunder (via Miami)

**Will Riley, SG/SF, Illinois\


Season averages: 11.4 points (40.7% FG), 3.7 rebounds, 1.4 assists

The Heat will have lottery protection on this pick, giving them a cushion in the draft as their front office handles Jimmy Butler’s situation ahead of the Feb. 6 trade deadline. If Miami makes the playoffs, as it would in this scenario, its pick conveys to Oklahoma City, giving the Thunder a third first-round pick to add more talent and potentially add a high-upside prospect who would boast significant long-term potential.

Riley, 18, has been up and down at Illinois and is struggling as of late. But he’s oozing with talent as a 6-8 versatile scorer with outstanding shot-making prowess. With his thin frame and clear limitations on the defensive end, Riley will need to show more in Big Ten play than what we’ve seen over the past month. He will have to find a team patient enough to develop his body and all-around game. He is the type of long-term prospect scouts covet if he can drop enough glimpses of potential to maintain the early intrigue he built. – Givony

18. Utah Jazz (via Minnesota)

**Noa Essengue, PF, Ratiopharm Ulm\


Season averages: 12.1 points (56.4% FG), 4.9 rebounds, 1.0 assists

This is the second of Utah’s three first-round picks, this one coming from Minnesota in the Rudy Gobert trade. A developmental player such as Essengue, who turned 18 last month and has held his own this season in Germany, would land in a beneficial long-term situation should he go to Utah.

Essengue has a terrific frame and offers two-way versatility at power forward. The long-term questions center on his perimeter shooting (19% from 3) and he struggles with physicality. It’s going to take him time to add strength and develop his offense, but Essengue’s youth and the fact he’s adding value to a winning team at Ulm bolster his first-round case. – Woo

19. Brooklyn Nets (via Milwaukee)

**Collin Murray-Boyles, PF/C, South Carolina\


Season averages: 15.8 points (61.8% FG), 9.4 rebounds, 2.1 assists

The Nets currently hold four first-round picks, including this one from the Bucks. The stockpile could give them opportunities to add talent or start to consolidate some of their selections.

Murray-Boyles put together a strong December for the Gamecocks and will need to carry that productivity into a challenging SEC schedule. Outside of two poor showings against Indiana and Mississippi State, he has showcased the breadth of his skills.

Though his lack of great positional size might limit his ultimate upside, NBA teams remain intrigued by Murray-Boyles’ feel and value on both ends of the floor. A strong run in conference play could help him inch closer to lottery status in a first round that could wind up somewhat thin on interior talent. – Woo

20. Atlanta Hawks (via Los Angeles Lakers)

**Labaron Philon, PG/SG, Alabama\


Season averages: 12.6 points (53.5% FG), 3.8 rebounds, 4.0 assists

The Hawks’ pick likely would convey to the Spurs, but that would be offset by receiving the Lakers’ pick outright and Sacramento’s pick, provided it doesn’t fall in the top 12.

Philon has exceeded expectations, playing an essential role for one of the best teams in college basketball, showing off strong versatility on both ends of the floor and plenty of winning qualities. He is aggressive in the open court, a capable pick-and-roll option, an intense defender and he brings more toughness than one might expect from his thin frame.

Philon plays an unselfish, relatively mistake-free style that has earned him minutes on a deep, experienced team. Not blessed with the best physical tools, making shots more consistently (28% on 3-pointers) would solidify him more firmly in top-20 conversations while also helping Alabama make a deep NCAA tournament run. – Givony

21. Dallas Mavericks

**Danny Wolf, C, Michigan\


Season averages: 12.5 points (58.7% FG), 10.2 rebounds, 3.9 assists

A versatile big man who can play inside and out would be an interesting addition to the Mavs’ roster. Wolf has helped his standing tremendously since transferring from Yale to Michigan, being tasked with point guard responsibilities despite standing 7 feet. He ranks as one of college basketball’s best pick-and-roll players thanks to his unique ability to see over the top of defenses and deliver pinpoint passes with his impressive feel for the game.

Wolf also fills up the box score with rebounds, blocks and steals while scoring efficiently for what appears to be a very good Michigan team. Continuing to shoot and show off his unique style of play should translate to winning as well as better draft positioning in June. – Givony

22. Oklahoma City Thunder (via LA Clippers)

**Asa Newell, PF, Georgia\


Season averages: 15.5 points (58.6% FG), 6.9 rebounds, 1.2 steals

Oklahoma City could add another developmental frontcourt piece in Newell, who has turned in solid production for a 13-2 Georgia team that has played a light schedule thus far. Teams will be watching closely to see which direction he trends when the Bulldogs face stronger SEC competition.

Newell has a solid frame, good mobility for his size, and has been efficient around the basket (65% on 2s). He is good on the offensive glass (3.7 per game) and showing flashes as a defensive playmaker (2.7% steal rate, 4.9% block rate).

Though there are some positive tools for the Thunder to develop should he fall here, there are valid questions about his long-term role. He’s not a skilled enough ball handler or shooter yet (31% from 3) to add value on the perimeter, and doesn’t have high-end size or length for a big. Still, he has exceeded expectations and offers long-term appeal in the first round. – Woo

23. Orlando Magic

**Adou Thiero, SF/PF, Arkansas\


Season averages: 16.9 points (61.1% FG), 5.7 rebounds, 2.0 steals

The Magic have seen their depth tested this season after a series of injuries and could add another versatile forward to develop alongside their promising young core. Thiero is having a breakout season at Arkansas with highlight-reel plays on both ends of the floor, thanks to his explosive athletic profile.

He is difficult to contain in the open court, attacking in a straight line with his powerful first step and ability to absorb contact. But he has room to grow as a ball handler and perimeter shooter. He is more of a mixed bag defensively than one might expect because of his developing awareness and feel for the game.

Arkansas will need him to find another gear with his intensity and consistency in SEC play. How much improvement he makes as a shooter will be a key question for possibly the Magic and any other NBA teams. – Givony

24. Orlando Magic (via Denver)

**Ian Jackson, SG, North Carolina\


Season averages: 15.1 points (50.6% FG), 3.6 rebounds, 0.8 assists

Orlando’s second first-round pick, by way of Denver, could be an opportunity to add backcourt depth. Jackson has hit his stride over the past couple of weeks, scoring 20-plus points in four of his previous five games and showcasing his competitiveness and instincts by creating for himself. He has been fairly efficient in the process, establishing himself as a prospect for NBA teams to track over the next couple of months.

His game also has considerable holes – he can get too isolation-heavy at times, he’s a limited playmaker (5.6% assist rate) and he’s made minimal impact defensively. Coupled with his below-average size at 6-4 and narrow frame for a 2-guard, Jackson will need time to evolve into more than just a scorer to carve out a meaningful niche in the NBA. But he has helped himself with his recent performances, and continuing to showcase his strengths will bolster his case in this range of the draft. – Woo

25. Brooklyn Nets (via New York)

**Alex Karaban, PF, UConn\


Season averages: 16.3 points (48.3% FG), 5.2 rebounds, 2.8 assists

The Nets are flush with first-round picks and can go in many directions on draft night, including taking multiple swings on talent or being aggressive in trade conversations. Karaban, in the midst of his best college season to date, is a known quantity after two UConn championships. He’s a reliable shooter (career 39.6% from 3), passer and cutter who should plug in and add offensive value early in his NBA career.

His defensive projection is a bit more dubious because of his athletic limitations – Karaban’s strong instincts have made up for that in college, but he’ll be further challenged to guard in space and chase away from the ball in the pros. Regardless, he should be appealing to teams – and perhaps the Nets here – as a trustworthy, experienced bench addition late in the first round. – Woo

26. Memphis Grizzlies

**Boogie Fland, PG, Arkansas\


Season averages: 15.6 points (43.6% FG), 3.4 rebounds, 5.9 assists

The Grizzlies (24-13) are one of the Western Conference’s top teams and could look to stockpile talent through the draft, which they’ve done successfully in recent years. Memphis could deepen its backcourt with Fland, Arkansas’ go-to guy at 18 years old. He has shown impressive scoring prowess by playing off hesitation moves, driving and dishing, and hitting pull-up jumpers from all over the floor, all while being competitive on defense.

Not blessed with great physical tools, scoring efficiency has been a struggle for Fland against better opponents (39% on 2-point attempts, 25% on 3-pointers vs. Top-100 competition). Scouts will be monitoring how he guides Arkansas in the brutal SEC, where he’ll be tested each game. – Givony

27. Brooklyn Nets (via Houston)

**Carter Bryant, SF/PF, Arizona\


Season averages: 5.5 points (50.9% FG), 3.0 rebounds, 1.3 assists

Brooklyn is firmly in talent-acquisition mode and could look to take a swing late in the first round on a high-upside prospect in need of seasoning. Bryant is still finding his way for the Wildcats and isn’t putting up eye-popping numbers, but is oozing with talent and skills scouts are seeking: an intriguing combination of size, length, frame, shot-making prowess and flashes of defensive versatility.

He has played some of his best basketball as of late and is the type of prospect every NBA team will want to get a closer look at in the pre-draft process. Bryant will have to produce as the season moves on, hopefully making strides in his feel for the game and toughness as he gains experience. He might require additional time at Arizona to maximize his NBA outlook. – Givony

28. Boston Celtics

**Joan Beringer, C, Cedevita Olimpija\


Season averages: 3.1 points (48.6% FG), 3.3 rebounds, 1.1 blocks

Boston, which owns its pick and has no immediate need for rotation help, could take this opportunity to draft Beringer and develop younger talent. Though Beringer, a relatively inexperienced prospect who is still establishing himself in Europe, hasn’t offered much box score production, he has earned an important role at Cedevita based on his defensive impact.

At 6-10, he’s quite agile and has a presence covering space on the interior thanks to his length and fluid athleticism that project well long term in that role. Much of his game is still a work in progress – his offensive impact is minimal – but the upside on the other end will keep NBA teams interested. – Woo

29. Utah Jazz (via Cleveland)

**Michael Ruzic, PF, Joventut\


Season averages: 4.8 points (43.8% FG), 3.0 rebounds, 0.5 assists

With the last of their three projected first-round picks, the Jazz might take a swing on a younger international prospect with flexibility on where he plays next season. Ruzic has been out since mid-October because of a thumb injury but is nearing a return for his Spanish team, which has kept his stock in neutral as other players have ascended around the college realm.

Ruzic’s size, skill level, and feel for the game are intriguing at 18 years old. He possesses outstanding instincts on both ends of the floor and appears to have significant room for growth physically. Hitting the ground running won’t be easy in the ACB, but Ruzic is the type of talent NBA teams will want to monitor for the remainder of the season, which should extend into June. – Givony

30. LA Clippers (via Oklahoma City)

**Dink Pate, SG/SF, Mexico City Capitanes\

G League**\

Season averages: 11.8 points (41.3% FG), 5.5 rebounds, 2.0 assists

In his second G League season with Mexico City after the dissolution of the Ignite team, Pate’s draft stock has been in a bit of flux. At 18, he’s the youngest player in the league and is still searching for consistency but a well-timed 26-point breakout game at the G League Showcase in front of myriad NBA decision-makers appeared to be fortuitous.

Pate has excellent size for a guard and has looked more comfortable since moving into an off-ball role, but he would still be a project player for the projected Clippers. He will need time for his skills and feel to catch up with his physical tools though. The flashes of talent have helped him of late. Sneaking into the first round isn’t out of the question, provided he continues to make progress. – Woo

Remaining Big Board for the 2025 class

  1. Sergio De Larrea, PG/SG, Valencia ACB\

  2. Alex Toohey, SF/PF, Sydney (Australia)\

  3. Kam Jones, PG/SG, Marquette, senior\

  4. Motiejus Krivas, C, Arizona, sophomore\

  5. Darrion Williams, SF/PF, Texas Tech, junior\

  6. Ryan Kalkbrenner, C, Creighton, super senior\

  7. Kanon Catchings, SF/PF, BYU, freshman\

  8. Johann Grunloh, C, Vechta (Germany)\

  9. Chaz Lanier, SG, Tennessee, super senior\

  10. Noah Penda, SF/PF, Le Mans (France)\

  11. Rasheer Fleming, PF, Saint Joseph’s, junior\

  12. Tyrese Proctor, PG, Duke, junior\

  13. Joseph Tugler, PF/C, Houston, sophomore\

  14. Rocco Zikarsky, C, Brisbane (Australia)\

  15. Tomislav Ivisic, C, Illinois, sophomore\

  16. Derrion Reid, SF/PF, Alabama, freshman\

  17. Bogoljub Markovic, PF/C, Mega MIS Adriatic\

  18. Johni Broome, C, Auburn, super senior\

  19. Eric Dixon, C, Villanova, super senior\

  20. Sion James, SF, Duke, super senior\

  21. Maxime Raynaud, C, Stanford, senior\

  22. Cedric Coward, SF, Washington State, senior\

  23. Zvonimir Ivisic, PF/C, Arkansas, sophomore\

  24. Mouhamed Faye, C, Reggio Emilia (Italy)\

  25. JT Toppin, PF, Texas Tech, sophomore\

  26. Izan Almansa, PF/C, Perth (Australia)\

  27. Payton Sandfort, SF, Iowa, senior\

  28. Malique Lewis, SF/PF South East Melbourne (Australia)\

  29. Walter Clayton Jr., PG, Florida, senior

Note: The New York Knicks forfeited their 2025 second-round pick.