By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2025-01-08 21:00:00
所有目光都将聚焦在周三俄克拉荷马城雷霆队和克利夫兰骑士队之间的一场重要对决(以及可能是 NBA 总决赛的预演)上,这两支联盟顶尖球队将展开正面交锋。
两队都拥有各自联盟的最佳战绩,并且都保持着令人印象深刻的连胜纪录(雷霆队 15 连胜,骑士队 10 连胜)。两队都拥有全明星级别的球员,如谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander),多诺万·米切尔(Donovan Mitchell) 和达柳斯·加兰(Darius Garland)。
在场外,NBA 的热门话题是吉米·巴特勒(Jimmy Butler),以及迈阿密热火队在上周对他处以七场禁赛后,将如何在 2 月 6 日的交易截止日期前处理这位心怀不满的球员。金州勇士队和洛杉矶湖人队在 12 月就开始了交易行动,而距离交易截止日期还有不到一个月的时间,随着各支球队为季后赛或重建计划而展开角逐,预计交易将会增多。
本周,我们请我们的 NBA 内部人士为所有 30 支球队寻找一个交易选择——有些是秘密的,有些则不是——无论是为了填补明显的阵容漏洞,还是为了在下半赛季开始前增加一些阵容深度。
以下是所有 30 支俱乐部的最新排名。
注:球队排名基于我们专家组成员(ESPN 的蒂姆·邦坦普斯(Tim Bontemps)、贾马尔·科利尔(Jamal Collier)、迈克尔·莱特(Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪(Tim MacMahon)、戴夫·麦克梅纳明(Dave McMenamin)、奥姆·扬米苏克(Ohm Youngmisuk)、克里斯·赫林(Chris Herring) 和凯文·佩尔顿(Kevin Pelton))认为球队在本赛季应有的位置。
以前的排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日 | 11 月 20 日 | 11 月 27 日 | 12 月 4 日 | 12 月 11 日 | 12 月 18 日 | 12 月 25 日 | 1 月 1 日
- 克利夫兰骑士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 31 胜 4 负
- 先前排名: 1
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵雷霆队(1 月 8 日),对阵猛龙队(1 月 9 日),对阵步行者队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵步行者队(1 月 14 日)
用卡里斯·勒维尔(Caris LeVert)、乔治斯·尼昂(Georges Niang)和选秀权从篮网队换来卡梅隆·约翰逊(Cameron Johnson)和麦克斯韦·刘易斯(Maxwell Lewis)将为骑士队带来一名梦寐以求的攻防兼备的球员。约翰逊的合同在未来几年都很合理,而勒维尔的合同即将到期。消息人士告诉 ESPN,骑士队表现如此出色,以至于这不是绝对必要的举动——骑士队管理层不愿为了任何边缘交易而破坏更衣室的化学反应,但约翰逊似乎可以用他的比赛和风度融入任何地方。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 30 胜 5 负
- 先前排名: 2
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵骑士队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵尼克斯队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵奇才队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵 76 人队(1 月 14 日)
俄克拉荷马城将与更引人注目的交易候选人联系在一起,因为雷霆队拥有交易任何人的资产。但是对于一支预计能赢 70 场比赛的球队来说,可以提出反对在赛季中期进行改变核心阵容交易的理由,特别是考虑到当切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)回归时,雷霆队将需要经历一段适应期。不过,雷霆队可以为替补席再添一名射手。萨克拉门托国王队的道格·麦克德莫特(Doug McDermott)怎么样?本赛季他为国王队出场 25 场比赛,并且在其职业生涯早期曾在雷霆队短暂效力。 – 麦克马洪
- 波士顿凯尔特人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 27 胜 10 负
- 先前排名: 6
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵国王队(1 月 10 日),对阵鹈鹕队(1 月 12 日)
凯尔特人队的阵容基本确定,在交易截止日期前,他们要么按兵不动,要么削减薪水。后一种选择最明显的人选是后卫杰登·斯普林格(Jaden Springer),他的合同最后一年,年薪略高于 400 万美元。如果凯尔特人队将斯普林格送到另一支球队,并且在交易中不收回薪水,他们可以节省大约 1600 万美元。 – 邦坦普斯
- 纽约尼克斯队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 24 胜 13 负
- 先前排名: 3
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵猛龙队(1 月 8 日),对阵雷霆队(1 月 10 日),对阵雄鹿队(1 月 12 日),对阵活塞队(1 月 13 日)
尼克斯队的替补球员上场时间和得分都比其他任何球队少,因此可以从另一名替补大个子中受益。侧翼上场时间主要由米卡尔·布里奇斯(Mikal Bridges)、OG·阿努诺比(OG Anunoby) 和约什·哈特(Josh Hart) 承担。但在卡尔-安东尼·唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns)之后,除了身高 6 英尺 8 英寸的普雷舍斯·阿丘瓦(Precious Achiuwa)之外,拥有一名高大可靠的中锋至关重要,而米切尔·罗宾逊(Mitchell Robinson)的健康状况一直是个问题。像华盛顿奇才队的约纳斯·瓦兰丘纳斯(Jonas Valanciunas) 这样的 7 英尺长人虽然在防守端远非完美,但可以填补这一空缺。 – 赫林
- 休斯顿火箭队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 24 胜 12 负
- 先前排名: 5
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵灰熊队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵老鹰队(1 月 11 日),对阵灰熊队(1 月 13 日)
火箭队可以引进一名能够融入主教练伊梅·乌多卡(Ime Udoka)防守至上理念的关键侧翼得分手,但总经理拉斐尔·斯通(Rafael Stone)似乎并不想破坏俱乐部的年轻核心(至少目前是这样)。休斯顿似乎已准备好进入上升的下一步。但对于一支拥有大量年轻新秀和选秀资产来完成重大交易的球队来说,夏季可能是进行重大交易(德阿龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)?)的最佳时机。交易吉米·巴特勒的可能性感觉不大。 – 莱特
- 孟菲斯灰熊队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 24 胜 13 负
- 先前排名: 4
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵火箭队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵森林狼队(1 月 11 日),客场对阵火箭队(1 月 13 日)
另一支据传参与吉米·巴特勒争夺战的球队是灰熊队,他们在西部排名第三,拥有 NBA 最深厚的阵容之一,这使得马库斯·斯玛特(Marcus Smart)、卢克·肯纳德(Luke Kennard)、约翰·孔查尔(John Konchar) 和布兰登·克拉克(Brandon Clarke) 等球员成为潜在交易中具有吸引力的选择。灰熊队拥有获得像巴特勒这样的球星的资源,他们一直在寻找能够创造机会的攻防兼备的侧翼球员。但巴特勒已经 35 岁了,他似乎更像是当前目标的潜在解决方案,而不是孟菲斯光明未来的一部分。 – 莱特
- 丹佛掘金队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20 胜 15 负
- 先前排名: 10
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵快船队(1 月 8 日),对阵篮网队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵独行侠队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵独行侠队(1 月 14 日)
拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)在休赛期被掘金队签下后的表现比预期的要好得多。但尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic)需要更多帮助来减轻他和贾马尔·穆雷(Jamal Murray)肩上的负担。虽然掘金队非常需要一名攻防兼备的侧翼来帮助改进防守,但他们也需要另一名得分手。公牛队后卫扎克·拉文(Zach LaVine)在进入周二之前的五场比赛中有四场得分达到或超过 30 分,掘金队可以再用像他这样的得分高手,但这几乎肯定需要用迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter Jr.)来交换。 – 扬米苏克
- 洛杉矶湖人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20 胜 16 负
- 先前排名: 9
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵黄蜂队(1 月 9 日),对阵马刺队(1 月 11 日),对阵马刺队(1 月 13 日)
如果湖人队能够保留安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)、勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James) 和奥斯汀·里夫斯(Austin Reaves) 这三位最好的球员,同时用八村塁(Rui Hachimura)、加布·文森特(Gabe Vincent)、贾里德·范德比尔特(Jarred Vanderbilt)、杰伦·胡德-希菲诺(Jalen Hood-Schifino)和选秀权的打包交易换来像扎克·拉文这样的两届全明星球员,这将给 JJ·雷迪克(JJ Redick)的进攻带来急需的提升,同时在防守端也不会牺牲太多。多里安·芬尼-史密斯(Dorian Finney-Smith)可以接替八村塁的角色,而湖人队可以成为买断球员在常规赛末段的目的地。拉文本赛季场均得分 23.1 分,命中率为 51/45/82%,而且只有 29 岁,他可以帮助湖人队现在和未来的发展。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 洛杉矶快船队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20 胜 16 负
- 先前排名: 11
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵掘金队(1 月 8 日),对阵黄蜂队(1 月 11 日),对阵热火队(1 月 13 日)
快船队刚刚迎回了科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard),他将加入一支围绕着防守型球员打造的阵容。虽然他们可以再找一名得分手来帮助伦纳德、詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)、诺曼·鲍威尔(Norman Powell) 和伊维察·祖巴茨(Ivica Zubac),但快船队也可以再找一名有潜力的年轻球员。他们需要在中锋位置上为祖巴茨提供一些持续的帮助。波特兰开拓者队的罗伯特·威廉姆斯三世(Robert Williams III)一直受伤,但他仍然只有 27 岁,而且是那种快船队可以多用一些的有潜力的年轻天才球员。而且他只会让杰夫·范甘迪(Jeff Van Gundy)的防守更加难以攻破。当然,开拓者队对威廉姆斯的心理价位对快船队来说可能太高了。 – 扬米苏克
- 奥兰多魔术队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 22 胜 16 负
- 先前排名: 8
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵森林狼队(1 月 9 日),对阵雄鹿队(1 月 10 日),对阵 76 人队(1 月 12 日)
自从弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)加入保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero)的伤病名单以来,魔术队的进攻效率排名第 29 位,仅高于黄蜂队。奥兰多排名前五的防守帮助球队保持在东部前四,班凯罗也可能很快回归,但魔术队在交易截止日期前仍将寻求更多的进攻火力。随着科尔·安东尼(Cole Anthony)有时会沦落到奥兰多轮换阵容的边缘,魔术队是否愿意像犹他爵士队的乔丹·克拉克森(Jordan Clarkson)那样增加一名替补席上的老将得分手? – 佩尔顿
- 达拉斯独行侠队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 21 胜 16 负
- 先前排名: 7
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵开拓者队(1 月 9 日),对阵掘金队(1 月 12 日),对阵掘金队(1 月 14 日)
独行侠队能否找到一笔交易来弥补卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic)和凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)因伤缺阵时所缺少的进攻火力?当然不能。如果他们健康的话,无论排名如何,达拉斯都将被认为是一个危险的季后赛对手,但独行侠队可以引进一名像鹈鹕队的贾文特·格林(Javonte Green)这样的具有破坏性的持球防守者,他的合同是底薪合同。 – 麦克马洪
- 密尔沃基雄鹿队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 16 负
- 先前排名: 12
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵马刺队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵魔术队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵尼克斯队(1 月 12 日),对阵国王队(1 月 14 日)
雄鹿队是联盟中在整个赛季中最积极寻找交易的球队之一,在赛季初开局缓慢后,他们在 11 月初就开始搜索交易市场。但密尔沃基正面临着第二工资帽的限制,这意味着雄鹿队不能在交易中累计薪水,也不能收回比送出的薪水多一分钱。但这并没有阻止雄鹿队总经理乔恩·霍斯特(Jon Horst),他在过去几个赛季的交易截止日期前一直是最活跃的总经理之一。雄鹿队甚至可以放手一搏去争取巴特勒,但这需要对马琼·比彻姆(MarJon Beauchamp)、克里斯·米德尔顿(Khris Middleton)和鲍比·波蒂斯(Bobby Portis)进行一些薪资管理。 – 科利尔
- 金州勇士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 18 负
- 先前排名: 16
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵活塞队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵猛龙队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵猛龙队(1 月 13 日)
勇士队可能会等到接近交易截止日期再做决定,这不仅是为了给目前的阵容更多时间来摆脱最近的困境,也是为了看看市场上其他交易的情况。一个可以帮助勇士队的球员——而且可能不会像一个更大的球星那样花费他们那么多——是芝加哥公牛队的尼科拉·武切维奇(Nikola Vucevic)。这位公牛队的大个子似乎很适合史蒂夫·科尔(Steve Kerr)的进攻体系,可以给斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)另一个得分选择,还可以拉开空间,并在篮板上提供帮助。不过,金州勇士队除非能换来一个改变球队命运的球员,否则不愿放弃像乔纳森·库明加(Jonathan Kuminga)和布兰丁·波杰姆斯基(Brandin Podziemski)这样的年轻资产。 – 扬米苏克
- 圣安东尼奥马刺队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 18 负
- 先前排名: 17
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵雄鹿队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵湖人队(1 月 11 日),客场对阵湖人队(1 月 13 日)
考虑到这位 27 岁的球员与年轻的马刺队阵容的时间线以及他与法国天才文班亚马的潜在场上配合,萨克拉门托国王队的后卫德阿龙·福克斯在圣安东尼奥很有意义。但马刺队仍在尝试找出与文班亚马最佳的组合,这使得他们不太可能在交易截止日期前真正争取福克斯,除非合适的交易出现。圣安东尼奥可能要到夏天才会真正争取福克斯。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)、特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)和扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)似乎都在球队的最具交易价值球员名单上。 – 莱特
- 印第安纳步行者队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19 胜 18 负
- 先前排名: 19
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵公牛队(1 月 8 日),对阵勇士队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵骑士队(1 月 12 日),对阵骑士队(1 月 14 日)
印第安纳上赛季在交易截止日期前收购了帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆(Pascal Siakam),并在东部决赛中大放异彩。今年是否有类似的举动能够再次推动他们进入东部决赛?这不太可能,但步行者队——他们已经取得了三连胜,并且在过去的 10 场比赛中赢了 7 场——在侧翼位置上需要一些帮助,这就是为什么他们与篮网队的射手卡梅隆·约翰逊联系在一起的原因。 – 科利尔
- 迈阿密热火队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 17 负
- 先前排名: 15
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵爵士队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵开拓者队(1 月 11 日),客场对阵快船队(1 月 13 日)
由于吉米·巴特勒被禁赛,无法参加从周一开始在萨克拉门托进行的整个西海岸客场之旅,热火队有几周的时间来让双方之间的气氛冷却下来。在巴特勒被交易或交易截止日期到来之前,他的未来将在迈阿密占据主导地位。很难想象在解决这件大事之前,迈阿密会关注其他任何事情。 – 邦坦普斯
- 亚特兰大老鹰队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19 胜 18 负
- 先前排名: 14
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵太阳队(1 月 9 日),对阵火箭队(1 月 11 日),对阵太阳队(1 月 14 日)
在去年夏天通过交易获得了戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels)——他的防守能力为他赢得了“大堡礁神偷”的绰号——之后,老鹰队应该明智地以像芝加哥公牛队的杰文·卡特(Jevon Carter)这样的球员为目标,他也以防守为重。卡特并不以得分能力闻名,但这位 29 岁的球员在 12 月 26 日输给亚特兰大的比赛中爆发,得到 26 分——其中包括在第一节得到的 19 分,在那节比赛中他投进了 6 个三分球。考虑到卡特在公牛队并非每晚都出场,他可能不会花老鹰队太多钱。 – 赫林
- 明尼苏达森林狼队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19 胜 17 负
- 先前排名: 13
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵魔术队(1 月 9 日),对阵灰熊队(1 月 11 日),客场对阵奇才队(1 月 13 日)
明尼苏达在本赛季开始前进行了一笔重磅交易,将卡尔-安东尼·唐斯送往纽约,换来了朱利叶斯·兰德尔(Julius Randle)和唐特·迪温琴佐(Donte DiVincenzo)。在经过如此重大的调整之后,森林狼队更有可能在交易截止日期前保持沉默。但如果他们想进行交易,森林狼队可以交易兰德尔,并利用他 3300 万美元的薪水去追求一位与安东尼·爱德华兹(Anthony Edwards)搭档的超级巨星。 – 科利尔
- 底特律活塞队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 18 负
- 先前排名: 23
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵篮网队(1 月 8 日),对阵勇士队(1 月 9 日),对阵猛龙队(1 月 11 日),客场对阵尼克斯队(1 月 13 日)
活塞队处境特殊,是 NBA 中唯一一支在交易截止日期前拥有薪金空间的球队。通常情况下,拥有薪金空间的球队都处于积分榜的底部,但最近的四连胜让底特律加入了东部联盟前六名的争夺战。活塞队可以利用这种灵活性来补充他们的核心阵容,也许可以在杰登·艾维(Jaden Ivey)腓骨骨折后引进另一名后卫。马库斯·萨瑟(Marcus Sasser)在零星的机会中表现出色后进入了轮换阵容,但除了他之外,底特律的后场深度很浅。 – 佩尔顿
- 萨克拉门托国王队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 19 负
- 先前排名: 24
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵凯尔特人队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵公牛队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵雄鹿队(1 月 14 日)
在临时主教练道格·克里斯蒂(Doug Christie)的带领下,五连胜不太可能改变国王队在交易截止日期前寻求升级的目标,尽管这可能会改变他们的目标。随着基翁·埃利斯(Keon Ellis)在首发位置上表现出色,以及新秀德文·卡特(Devin Carter)在肩部手术后首次亮相,增加一名后卫对萨克拉门托来说可能不再重要。国王队需要在前场得到帮助,他们在前场缺乏多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯(Domantas Sabonis)的可靠替补,并且在锋线位置上身高有限。杰拉米·格兰特(Jerami Grant)、布兰登·英格拉姆(Brandon Ingram)、卡梅隆·约翰逊和凯尔·库兹马(Kyle Kuzma)是填补这一空缺的合理目标。 – 佩尔顿
- 费城 76 人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14 胜 20 负
- 先前排名: 20
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵奇才队(1 月 8 日),对阵鹈鹕队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵魔术队(1 月 12 日),对阵雷霆队(1 月 14 日)
达里尔·莫雷(Daryl Morey)在交易截止日期前总是很积极,不要指望今年会有什么不同,因为 76 人队是一支以赢球为目标的球队,但一直受到伤病的困扰。在 3 胜 14 负的灾难性开局之后,76 人队在过去几周稳步攀升,回到了东部季后赛的行列。76 人队拥有一些中等水平的薪水和几个首轮选秀权,他们可以进行多笔交易来提高自己的排名,并在机会出现时使用 KJ·马丁(KJ Martin)——他将在下周获得交易资格。 – 邦坦普斯
- 芝加哥公牛队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17 胜 19 负
- 先前排名: 22
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵步行者队(1 月 8 日),对阵奇才队(1 月 10 日),对阵国王队(1 月 12 日),对阵鹈鹕队(1 月 14 日)
近年来,公牛队在交易截止日期前并不活跃,连续三个赛季在截止日期那一周都没有进行交易。然而,芝加哥本赛季似乎有可能改变这种情况,因为老将尼科拉·武切维奇和扎克·拉文开局都非常出色,但并不符合球队长期重建的愿景。目前公牛队在东部排名第十,但如果他们在 2025 年的选秀顺位跌出前十,就需要把选秀权给马刺队,因此公牛队可能会以有潜力的年轻球员为目标,而不是收集选秀权。 – 科利尔
- 菲尼克斯太阳队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16 胜 19 负
- 先前排名: 18
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵老鹰队(1 月 9 日),对阵爵士队(1 月 11 日),对阵黄蜂队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵老鹰队(1 月 14 日)
这并不是什么秘密,但菲尼克斯应该一心一意地争取吉米·巴特勒,直到交易完成,或者很明显交易不会发生——要么是因为迈阿密不愿意把巴特勒送到一个他们喜欢的目的地,要么是因为布拉德利·比尔(Bradley Beal)拒绝放弃他的不可交易条款。巴特勒将为一支找不到节奏的太阳队带来改变,而这一举动将向凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)和德文·布克(Devin Booker)表明球队继续迫切希望利用他们在一起的时间。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 波特兰开拓者队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12 胜 23 负
- 先前排名: 25
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵鹈鹕队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵独行侠队(1 月 9 日),对阵热火队(1 月 11 日),对阵篮网队(1 月 14 日)
如果开拓者队交易他们的老将首发之一,杰拉米·格兰特或安芬尼·西蒙斯(Anfernee Simons),预计他们会以能够立即提供帮助的球员为目标,而不是选秀权。这种方法在德尼·阿夫迪亚(Deni Avdija)身上得到了回报,他在选秀之夜被用两个首轮选秀权换来后,成为了波特兰效率最高的周边得分手。尽管开拓者队拥有很多年轻后卫,但他们仍然可以通过在一笔这样的交易中增加像萨克拉门托国王队的凯文·赫尔特(Kevin Huerter)这样的球员作为匹配薪水来提高他们的投篮能力。– 佩尔顿
- 布鲁克林篮网队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13 胜 23 负
- 先前排名: 21
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵活塞队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵掘金队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵爵士队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵开拓者队(1 月 14 日)
布鲁克林最近几周已经交易了两名首发球员,丹尼斯·施罗德(Dennis Schroder)和多里安·芬尼-史密斯,这表明篮网队——希望在乐透抽签中获得一个高顺位——仍然更有可能交易走有天赋的球员。(篮网队前锋卡梅隆·约翰逊预计会在交易截止日期前出现在几支球队的愿望清单上。)俱乐部并不担心寻找能够立即获胜的球员。尽管如此,由于控球后卫和即将成为自由球员的丹吉洛·拉塞尔(D’Angelo Russell)和本·西蒙斯(Ben Simmons)都在球队名单上,布鲁克林可以打听一下像圣安东尼奥马刺队的特雷·琼斯这样的稳健年轻后卫,因为篮网队正在进行重建的下一步。 – 赫林
- 犹他爵士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9 胜 26 负
- 先前排名: 26
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵热火队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵太阳队(1 月 11 日),对阵篮网队(1 月 12 日)
爵士队进行的任何交易,在补偿方面都可能更多地考虑选秀权而不是球员,但也许犹他可以获得一名年轻新秀。灰熊队前锋杰克·拉拉维亚(Jake LaRavia)就是那种可能符合这种模式的球员,因为他已经展现出了潜力,但在孟菲斯的前途未卜,孟菲斯拒绝了他的第四年球员选项。这位三年级后卫本赛季表现出色——场均 22.2 分钟内得到 8.4 分、4.5 个篮板和 3.4 次助攻,投篮命中率为 50%,三分球命中率为 45.3%——如果灰熊队确实想留下他,那么工资帽规则可能会限制他们所能提供的报价。 – 麦克马洪
- 多伦多猛龙队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8 胜 28 负
- 先前排名: 28
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵尼克斯队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵骑士队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵活塞队(1 月 11 日),对阵勇士队(1 月 13 日)
经过多年的竞争,多伦多正在进入以全明星前锋斯科蒂·巴恩斯(Scottie Barnes)为中心的重建阶段。猛龙队在下个月面临的最大问题是后卫布鲁斯·布朗(Bruce Brown)的未来,他终于回到了球场上,而且他的合同价值 2300 万美元,即将到期,如果多伦多能找到合适的交易,这使他成为被交易的主要候选人。 – 邦坦普斯
- 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7 胜 30 负
- 先前排名: 29
- 接下来的比赛: 对阵开拓者队(1 月 8 日),客场对阵 76 人队(1 月 10 日),客场对阵凯尔特人队(1 月 12 日),客场对阵公牛队(1 月 14 日)
布兰登·英格拉姆即将成为一名不受限制的自由球员,而他所在的球队似乎还没有准备好真正冲击季后赛。交易这位 27 岁的球员是鹈鹕队的首要任务,他们似乎也愿意交易老将后卫 CJ·麦科勒姆(CJ McCollum)。锡安·威廉姆森(Zion Williamson)在这里并不是完全不可触碰的,但他仍然只有 24 岁,并且拥有鹈鹕队还没有准备好放弃的超级巨星潜力。 – 莱特
- 夏洛特黄蜂队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8 胜 27 负
- 先前排名: 27
- 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵湖人队(1 月 9 日),客场对阵快船队(1 月 11 日),客场对阵太阳队(1 月 12 日)
夏洛特更有可能依靠他们稳固的乐透抽签几率,而不是在下半赛季争取更多胜利,他们不需要积极争取一名贡献者。如果说有什么区别的话,那就是最好找到一些经验丰富的老将来为像拉梅洛·鲍尔(LaMelo Ball)和布兰登·米勒(Brandon Miller)这样的年轻球星树立榜样,他们将在未来几年带领球队前进。黄蜂队可以通过利用他们的薪金空间来促成第三方交易——并在此过程中收集额外的选秀权——就像他们帮助尼克斯队和森林狼队完成涉及卡尔-安东尼·唐斯的重磅交易那样。– 赫林
- 华盛顿奇才队
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点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: Under-the-radar trade moves for all 30 teams
NBA Power Rankings: Under-the-radar trade moves for all 30 teams
All eyes will be on Wednesday’s big matchup (and a possible NBA Finals preview) between the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Cleveland Cavaliers in a clash between the league’s top two teams.
Both boast the best records in their conferences and both are riding impressive winning streaks (OKC’s 15 to Cleveland’s 10). Both have All-Star talent in Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland.
Off the court, the buzz around the NBA has been on Jimmy Butler and what the Miami Heat will do with the disgruntled player ahead of the Feb. 6 deadline after suspending him for seven games last week. The Golden State Warriors and Los Angeles Lakers got the trade action started in December, and with less than a month to go until the deadline, expect deals to pick up as teams jockey for postseason push or rebuilding plans.
This week, we asked our NBA insiders to look at one trade option – some sneaky, some less so – for all 30 teams, whether it’s to fill a glaring roster hole or add some depth ahead of the second half of the season.
Here are the updated rankings for all 30 clubs.
Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.
Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 20 | Nov. 27 | Dec. 4 | Dec. 11 | Dec. 18 | Dec. 25 | Jan. 1
Jump to a team:\
NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\
1. Cleveland Cavaliers
- 2024-25 record: 31-4
- Previous ranking: 1
- Next games: vs. OKC (Jan. 8), vs. TOR (Jan. 9), vs. IND (Jan. 12), @ IND (Jan. 14)
Acquiring Cameron Johnson and Maxwell Lewis from the Nets for Caris LeVert, Georges Niang and draft capital would give the Cavs a coveted two-way player. Johnson is on a reasonable contract for years to come, while LeVert is on an expiring deal. Cleveland has been so good that this isn’t an absolute must move – the Cavs front office is reluctant to disturb the chemistry in that locker room for any marginal deal, sources told ESPN, but Johnson seems like he could fit in anywhere with his game and demeanor. – Dave McMenamin
2. Oklahoma City Thunder
- 2024-25 record: 30-5
- Previous ranking: 2
- Next games: @ CLE (Jan. 8), @ NYK (Jan. 10), @ WAS (Jan. 12), @ PHI (Jan. 14)
Oklahoma City will be tied to much splashier trade candidates because the Thunder have the assets to deal for anyone. But for a team projected to win 70 games, an argument can be made against making a core-altering deal midseason, especially considering that OKC will need to go through an adjustment period when Chet Holmgren returns. The Thunder could use another shooter for the bench, though. How about Sacramento’s Doug McDermott, who’s played in 25 games this season for the Kings and had a brief stint in OKC earlier in his career? – Tim MacMahon
3. Boston Celtics
- 2024-25 record: 27-10
- Previous ranking: 6
- Next games: vs. SAC (Jan. 10), vs. NO (Jan. 12)
The Celtics, with a roster that’s basically set, will either stand pat or trim salary between now and the trade deadline. The most obvious candidate for the latter option is guard Jaden Springer, who is in the final year of his deal making a little north of $4 million. If the Celtics send Springer to another team and don’t take back salary in the deal, they can save roughly $16 million. – Tim Bontemps
4. New York Knicks
- 2024-25 record: 24-13
- Previous ranking: 3
- Next games: vs. TOR (Jan. 8), vs. OKC (Jan. 10), vs. MIL (Jan. 12), vs. DET (Jan. 13)
The Knicks have gotten fewer minutes and less scoring production out of their bench than any other team and could benefit from another reserve big man. Wing minutes are largely covered by Mikal Bridges, OG Anunoby and Josh Hart. But having a big, reliable center behind Karl-Anthony Towns – other than 6-foot-8 Precious Achiuwa – will be vital, and Mitchell Robinson’s health has been a question for a while. A 7-footer like Washington’s Jonas Valanciunas is far from perfect on defense, but would fill a need. – Chris Herring
5. Houston Rockets
- 2024-25 record: 24-12
- Previous ranking: 5
- Next games: @ MEM (Jan. 9), @ ATL (Jan. 11), vs. MEM (Jan. 13)
The Rockets could use a go-to wing scorer capable of fitting into coach Ime Udoka’s defense-first philosophy, but general manager Rafael Stone doesn’t appear to be interested in disrupting the club’s young core (at least for now). Houston seems ready to take the next step in its ascension. But the summer might be the best time to do something major (De’Aaron Fox?) for a team that possesses plenty of young prospects and draft assets to pull off big moves. A move for Jimmy Butler feels unlikely. – Michael Wright
6. Memphis Grizzlies
- 2024-25 record: 24-13
- Previous ranking: 4
- Next games: vs. HOU (Jan. 9), @ MIN (Jan. 11), @ HOU (Jan. 13)
Another team rumored to be involved in the Jimmy Butler sweepstakes, Memphis ranks third in the West with one of the NBA’s deepest rosters, making players such as Marcus Smart, Luke Kennard, John Konchar and Brandon Clarke attractive options in potential trades. The Grizzlies have the resources to acquire a star such as Butler, and they’ve been looking to grab a two-way wing who can create. But at 35, Butler appears to be more of a potential solution to current goals than the bright future in Memphis. – Wright
7. Denver Nuggets
- 2024-25 record: 20-15
- Previous ranking: 10
- Next games: vs. LAC (Jan. 8), vs. BKN (Jan. 10), @ DAL (Jan. 12), @ DAL (Jan. 14)
Russell Westbrook has worked out a lot better than expected when the Nuggets added him in the offseason. But Nikola Jokic could use more help to alleviate some of the burden on his and Jamal Murray’s shoulders. While the Nuggets could desperately use a two-way wing to help improve the defense, they also need another scorer. Bulls guard Zach LaVine has scored 30 or more in four of his previous five games entering Tuesday, and the Nuggets can use another big-time scorer like him, but it would almost certainly cost Michael Porter Jr. in return. – Ohm Youngmisuk
8. Los Angeles Lakers
- 2024-25 record: 20-16
- Previous ranking: 9
- Next games: vs. CHA (Jan. 9), vs. SA (Jan. 11), vs. SA (Jan. 13)
If L.A. could keep its best three players in Anthony Davis, LeBron James and Austin Reaves while adding a two-time All-Star like Zach LaVine – for a package of Rui Hachimura, Gabe Vincent, Jarred Vanderbilt, Jalen Hood-Schifino and draft capital – it would give JJ Redick’s offense a much-needed boost, while not sacrificing too much on the defensive end. Dorian Finney-Smith could step into Hachimura’s role, and L.A. could be a destination for buyout players for the stretch run. LaVine, averaging 23.1 points on 51/45/82% splits this season, and still just 29, can help L.A. now and in the future. – McMenamin
9. LA Clippers
- 2024-25 record: 20-16
- Previous ranking: 11
- Next games: @ DEN (Jan. 8), vs. CHA (Jan. 11), vs. MIA (Jan. 13)
The Clippers just got Kawhi Leonard back to join a roster that has been built around having complimentary defensive-minded players. While they could use another scorer to help Leonard, James Harden, Norman Powell and Ivica Zubac, the Clippers also could use a young player with potential. They need some consistent help behind Zubac at center. Portland’s Robert Williams III has been injured, but he’s still only 27 and the kind of young talented player with potential that the Clippers can use more of. And he would only make Jeff Van Gundy’s defense even stingier. Of course, Portland’s price tag for Williams might be too much for the Clippers. – Youngmisuk
10. Orlando Magic
- 2024-25 record: 22-16
- Previous ranking: 8
- Next games: vs. MIN (Jan. 9), vs. MIL (Jan. 10), vs. PHI (Jan. 12)
Since Franz Wagner joined Paolo Banchero on the sidelines, the Magic’s offensive rating ranks 29th, ahead of only the Hornets. Orlando’s top-five defense has helped the team stay in the East’s top four, and Banchero could return soon, but the Magic will still be in the market for more offensive punch at the deadline. With Cole Anthony falling to the fringes of Orlando’s rotation at times, would the Magic be willing to add a veteran scorer off the bench like Utah’s Jordan Clarkson? – Kevin Pelton
11. Dallas Mavericks
- 2024-25 record: 21-16
- Previous ranking: 7
- Next games: vs. POR (Jan. 9), vs. DEN (Jan. 12), vs. DEN (Jan. 14)
Can the Mavs find a trade to replace the offensive production they’re missing while Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving are sidelined by injuries? Of course not. If healthy, Dallas will be considered a dangerous playoff matchup regardless of seeding, but the Mavs could use a disruptive on-ball defender such as the Pelicans’ Javonte Green, who is on a minimum contract. – MacMahon
12. Milwaukee Bucks
- 2024-25 record: 18-16
- Previous ranking: 12
- Next games: vs. SA (Jan. 8), @ ORL (Jan. 10), @ NYK (Jan. 12), vs. SAC (Jan. 14)
The Bucks have been one of the most aggressive teams in the league looking for deals throughout the season, scouring the trade market as early as the start of November after a slow start. But Milwaukee is up against the second apron, meaning the Bucks can’t aggregate salaries in a trade or bring back a single dollar more than it sends out. That hasn’t stopped Bucks general manager Jon Horst, who has been one of the most active general managers at the deadline the past few seasons. The Bucks could even make a long-shot play for Butler but that would require some salary management moves with MarJon Beauchamp, Khris Middleton and Bobby Portis. – Jamal Collier
13. Golden State Warriors
- 2024-25 record: 18-18
- Previous ranking: 16
- Next games: @ DET (Jan. 9), @ TOR (Jan. 10), @ TOR (Jan. 13)
The Warriors might wait until closer to the trade deadline to not only give their current roster more time to get out of their recent struggles but also see what the market will be for other deals. One player who could help the Warriors – and might not cost them as much as a bigger star – is Chicago’s Nikola Vucevic. The Bulls’ big man would seem to be a nice fit for Steve Kerr’s offense and could give Stephen Curry another scoring option as well as stretch the floor and help on the glass. Golden State, though, won’t want to part with young assets like Jonathan Kuminga and Brandin Podziemski unless it brings back a franchise-altering player. – Youngmisuk
14. San Antonio Spurs
- 2024-25 record: 18-18
- Previous ranking: 17
- Next games: @ MIL (Jan. 8), @ LAL (Jan. 11), @ LAL (Jan. 13)
Sacramento guard De’Aaron Fox makes plenty of sense in San Antonio, given how the 27-year-old fits within the timeline of the young Spurs roster and his potential on-court fit alongside French phenom Victor Wembanyama. But the Spurs are still trying to figure out what combinations work best with Wembanyama, making it unlikely they will make a legit play for Fox at the deadline unless the right deal falls into place. San Antonio probably won’t make a real push for Fox until the summer. Keldon Johnson, Tre Jones and Zach Collins appear to be on the team’s list of most tradeable players. – Wright
15. Indiana Pacers
- 2024-25 record: 19-18
- Previous ranking: 19
- Next games: vs. CHI (Jan. 8), vs. GS (Jan. 10), @ CLE (Jan. 12), vs. CLE (Jan. 14)
Indiana made a big splash last season by acquiring Pascal Siakam before the trade deadline en route to the Eastern Conference finals. Is there a similar splash that could propel them there again this year? It’s unlikely, but the Pacers – who have won three in a row and seven of their past 10 games – could use some help on the wings, which is why they have been connected to Nets sharpshooter Cameron Johnson. – Collier
16. Miami Heat
- 2024-25 record: 18-17
- Previous ranking: 15
- Next games: @ UTAH (Jan. 9), @ POR (Jan. 11), @ LAC (Jan. 13)
With Jimmy Butler suspended for their entire West Coast road trip, which began Monday in Sacramento, the Heat have a couple of weeks to let the temperature cool between the two sides. Butler’s future will dominate in Miami until he’s traded, or the deadline passes. It’s hard to see Miami focusing on anything else until that massive piece of business is resolved. – Bontemps
17. Atlanta Hawks
- 2024-25 record: 19-18
- Previous ranking: 14
- Next games: @ PHX (Jan. 9), vs. HOU (Jan. 11), vs. PHX (Jan. 14)
After acquiring Dyson Daniels – whose defensive prowess earned him the nickname the Great Barrier Thief – via trade last summer, the Hawks would be wise to target a player like Chicago’s Jevon Carter, who also prioritizes defense. Carter isn’t known for his scoring ability, but the 29-year-old exploded for 26 points – including 19 in the first quarter, during which he drilled six triples – in a Dec. 26 loss to Atlanta. Carter likely wouldn’t cost the Hawks much, given that he doesn’t play every night for the Bulls. – Herring
18. Minnesota Timberwolves
- 2024-25 record: 19-17
- Previous ranking: 13
- Next games: @ ORL (Jan. 9), vs. MEM (Jan. 11), @ WAS (Jan. 13)
Minnesota made a major trade before the start of the season by sending Karl-Anthony Towns to New York in exchange for Julius Randle and Donte DiVincenzo. After such a major shake-up, the Wolves are more likely to be quiet at the deadline. But if they wanted to make a move, the Wolves could move Randle and use his $33 million salary to pursue a superstar to fit alongside Anthony Edwards. – Collier
19. Detroit Pistons
- 2024-25 record: 18-18
- Previous ranking: 23
- Next games: @ BKN (Jan. 8), vs. GS (Jan. 9), vs. TOR (Jan. 11), @ NYK (Jan. 13)
The Pistons are in an unusual position as the only NBA team with cap space leading up to the trade deadline. Ordinarily, teams with cap room are near the bottom of the standings, but a recent four-game winning streak has Detroit in a battle for a top-six seed in the Eastern Conference. The Pistons could use that flexibility to add to their core, perhaps by bringing in another guard following Jaden Ivey’s fibula fracture. Marcus Sasser has moved into the rotation after playing well in spot opportunities, but Detroit has little depth in the backcourt beyond him. – Pelton
20. Sacramento Kings
- 2024-25 record: 18-19
- Previous ranking: 24
- Next games: @ BOS (Jan. 10), @ CHI (Jan. 12), @ MIL (Jan. 14)
A five-game winning streak under interim coach Doug Christie won’t likely do much to change the Kings’ pursuit of a deadline upgrade, although it might change their target. With Keon Ellis excelling in a starting role and rookie Devin Carter debuting after shoulder surgery, adding a guard may no longer be important for Sacramento. The Kings could use help in the frontcourt, where they lack a reliable backup for Domantas Sabonis and have limited size at the forward spots. Jerami Grant, Brandon Ingram, Cameron Johnson and Kyle Kuzma are logical targets to fill that void. – Pelton
21. Philadelphia 76ers
- 2024-25 record: 14-20
- Previous ranking: 20
- Next games: vs. WAS (Jan. 8), vs. NO (Jan. 10), @ ORL (Jan. 12), vs. OKC (Jan. 14)
Daryl Morey is always aggressive at the trade deadline, and don’t expect this year to be any different with a win-now 76ers roster that has been beset by injuries. It’s been a steady climb back into the East playoff picture over the past few weeks after Philadelphia’s disastrous 3-14 start. Armed with some mid-tier salaries and several first-round picks, the 76ers could make multiple moves to improve their standing and use KJ Martin – he becomes trade eligible next week – if the opportunities arise. – Bontemps
22. Chicago Bulls
- 2024-25 record: 17-19
- Previous ranking: 22
- Next games: @ IND (Jan. 8), vs. WAS (Jan. 10), vs. SAC (Jan. 12), vs. NO (Jan. 14)
The Bulls have not been an active team at the trade deadline in recent years, going three straight seasons without making a deal during deadline week. However, Chicago seems likely to change that this season with veterans Nikola Vucevic and Zach LaVine off to terrific starts but not fitting in with the long-term vision for the team’s rebuild. Currently in 10th place in the East but with a 2025 draft pick due to the Spurs if it falls outside the top 10, the Bulls are likely to target young players with upside rather than a collection of draft picks. – Collier
23. Phoenix Suns
- 2024-25 record: 16-19
- Previous ranking: 18
- Next games: vs. ATL (Jan. 9), vs. UTAH (Jan. 11), vs. CHA (Jan. 12), @ ATL (Jan. 14)
This is not so sneaky but acquiring Jimmy Butler should be the move Phoenix obsesses over until it is completed or it becomes clear it will not happen – either because of Miami’s unwillingness to send Butler to a preferred destination or Bradley Beal’s refusal to waive his no-trade clause. Butler would shake things up for a Suns team that just can’t find a rhythm, and the move would signal to Kevin Durant and Devin Booker the franchise’s continued urgency to capitalize on their time together. – McMenamin
24. Portland Trail Blazers
- 2024-25 record: 12-23
- Previous ranking: 25
- Next games: @ NO (Jan. 8), @ DAL (Jan. 9), vs. MIA (Jan. 11), vs. BKN (Jan. 14)
If the Blazers trade one of their veteran starters, Jerami Grant or Anfernee Simons, expect them to target players who can help now rather than draft picks. That approach paid off with Deni Avdija, who’s been Portland’s most efficient perimeter scorer after being acquired on draft night for two first-round picks. As flush as the Blazers are with young guards, they could stand to upgrade their shooting by adding a player like Sacramento’s Kevin Huerter as matching salary in such a trade.– Pelton
25. Brooklyn Nets
- 2024-25 record: 13-23
- Previous ranking: 21
- Next games: vs. DET (Jan. 8), @ DEN (Jan. 10), @ UTAH (Jan. 12), @ POR (Jan. 14)
Brooklyn already dealt two starters in Dennis Schroder and Dorian Finney-Smith in recent weeks, indicating that the Nets – hoping to land a top pick in the lottery – are still more likely to trade away talent. (Nets forward Cameron Johnson figures to be on several teams’ wish lists leading up to the deadline.) The club isn’t concerned about finding win-now players. Still, with floor generals and free-agents-to-be D’Angelo Russell and Ben Simmons on the roster, Brooklyn could inquire about a solid young guard like San Antonio’s Tre Jones as the Nets take the next steps in their rebuild. – Herring
26. Utah Jazz
- 2024-25 record: 9-26
- Previous ranking: 26
- Next games: vs. MIA (Jan. 9), @ PHX (Jan. 11), vs. BKN (Jan. 12)
Any trade the Jazz make will likely be more about picks than players in terms of compensation, but perhaps Utah can acquire a young prospect. Grizzlies forward Jake LaRavia is the type of player who might fit that mold, as he’s shown potential but has a murky future in Memphis, which declined his fourth-year player option. The third-year guard has had a good season – 8.4 points, 4.5 rebounds, 3.4 assists in 22.2 minutes per game while shooting 50% from the floor and 45.3% from 3-point range – and the salary cap rules might hamper the Grizzlies on what they can offer if they do want to keep him. – MacMahon
27. Toronto Raptors
- 2024-25 record: 8-28
- Previous ranking: 28
- Next games: @ NYK (Jan. 8), @ CLE (Jan. 9), @ DET (Jan. 11), vs. GS (Jan. 13)
After years of contention, Toronto is entering into a rebuild centered around All-Star forward Scottie Barnes. The biggest question for the Raptors over the next month is the future of guard Bruce Brown, who is finally back on the court and is on a $23 million expiring contract, making him a prime candidate to be moved if Toronto can find the right deal. – Bontemps
28. New Orleans Pelicans
- 2024-25 record: 7-30
- Previous ranking: 29
- Next games: vs. POR (Jan. 8), @ PHI (Jan. 10), @ BOS (Jan. 12), @ CHI (Jan. 14)
Brandon Ingram is about to be an unrestricted free agent on a team that doesn’t appear to be close to making a real push for the postseason. Trading the 27-year old is a priority for the Pelicans, who also appear open to potentially moving veteran guard CJ McCollum. Zion Williamson isn’t exactly untouchable here, but he’s still 24 and dripping with superstar potential that the Pelicans aren’t ready to give up on yet. – Wright
29. Charlotte Hornets
- 2024-25 record: 8-27
- Previous ranking: 27
- Next games: @ LAL (Jan. 9), @ LAC (Jan. 11), @ PHX (Jan. 12)
Far more likely to lean into its solid lottery odds than to push for more wins in the second half, Charlotte doesn’t need to take an aggressive swing for a contributor. If anything, it’d be best served by finding solid veterans to serve as examples for star youngsters like LaMelo Ball and Brandon Miller, who figure to lead the organization for years to come. That could potentially be accomplished by the Hornets using their cap space to help to facilitate deals as a third party – and collecting spare draft picks by doing so – the way they did to help the Knicks and Wolves close the blockbuster deal involving Karl-Anthony Towns.– Herring
30. Washington Wizards
- 2024-25 record: 6-28
- Previous ranking: 30
- Next games: @ PHI (Jan. 8), @ CHI (Jan. 10), vs. OKC (Jan. 12), vs. MIN (Jan. 13)
Washington has been more connected to who they could trade – Kyle Kuzma – rather than who they could get. The Wizards will keep collecting as many assets as they can as they continue to build for the future. But if they do land any players in trades, Memphis veteran point guard Marcus Smart could be someone who could help them in a variety of ways. Smart is more suitable for a team ready to win now, so that could serve Washington well in relocating the veteran in exchange for more assets. But if the Wizards were to land someone like Smart and hold onto him for a bit, he could help mentor young talent like Bilal Coulibaly, Alex Sarr, Bub Carrington and Kyshawn George. – Youngmisuk
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