[PtR] 比赛前瞻:圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵芝加哥公牛队

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-06 16:00:00


NBA: 芝加哥公牛队对阵圣安东尼奥马刺队



圣安东尼奥马刺队在与公牛队的上一场交锋中以 124-139 败北。那场比赛发生在马刺队在首发中锋维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)缺阵的情况下防守端极度挣扎的一段时间。随着这位潜在的全明星球员的回归,即使是在客场,他们也将更有机会击败芝加哥公牛队。


圣安东尼奥马刺队 (18-17) 对阵 芝加哥公牛队 (16-19)

2025年1月6日 | 晚7:00 (中部时间)

观看:FanDuel西南体育网 | 收听:WOAI (1200 AM)

马刺队伤病情况: 锡迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko) – 缺阵(发展联盟),莱利·米尼克斯(Riley Minix) – 缺阵(发展联盟),哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram) – 缺阵(发展联盟),大卫·杜克二世(David Duke Jr.) – 缺阵(发展联盟)

公牛队伤病情况: 托里·克雷格(Torrey Craig) – 缺阵(腿部),阿约·多森穆(Ayo Dosunmu) – 缺阵(小腿),E.J.利德尔(E.J. Liddell) – 缺阵(发展联盟),伊曼纽尔·米勒(Emanuel Miller) – 缺阵(发展联盟),阿达玛·萨诺戈(Adama Sanogo) – 缺阵(发展联盟)



公牛队是一支进攻端令人胆寒的球队,但在防守端却毫无威慑力。芝加哥公牛队场均失分 121.3 分,排在联盟第 29 位。他们是联盟中防守两分球最差的球队。芝加哥公牛队场均让对手出手 39.4 个三分球,但对手并没有抓住机会,三分命中率只有 34%。圣安东尼奥马刺队应该利用文班在内线的优势惩罚公牛队。如果他们能够抓住芝加哥公牛队留给他们的三分机会,他们应该能够跟上公牛队的得分节奏。


在最近的几场比赛中,马刺队的替补席大部分时间表现稳定。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson) 表现出色,特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones) 在比赛的某些时段也发挥了作用,朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie) 状态正佳,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 也从赛季中期的菜鸟低迷中反弹。替补中锋的位置仍然是一个没有明确解决方案的问题。圣安东尼奥马刺队需要替补席持续提供进攻火力,即使在首发球员休息的时候。


当克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul) 在场上时,马刺队显然是一支更好的球队。当他积极地组织进攻时,他们会变得更好。在过去的两场比赛中,保罗将进攻的重任交给了其他马刺球员,但仍然通过传球发挥了作用。如果他在挡拆中积极出手并命中投篮,他可以将球队的进攻提升到另一个层次。当他持球时能够构成得分威胁,这会为马刺队的进攻打开更多的空间。让我们看看这位老将后卫能否在面对实力较弱的芝加哥公牛队防守时打出一场精彩的比赛。

点击查看原文:Game Preview: San Antonio Spurs at Chicago Bulls

Game Preview: San Antonio Spurs at Chicago Bulls

NBA: Chicago Bulls at San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio hits the road for a rematch with the Bulls.

After a toughly contested home and away back-to-back with the Denver Nuggets, the San Antonio Spurs are hitting the road for a four-game road trip that’ll take them to the Midwest and the West Coast. They’ll start it Monday night against the Chicago Bulls.

San Antonio lost its last matchup to the Bulls 139-124. That game came during a stretch where the Spurs were struggling mightily defensively without starting center Victor Wembanyama. With their potential All-Star in the fold, they’ll have a much better shot at defeating Chicago, even on the road.

The Bulls have won 3 of their last four games, including a big win over the New York Knicks last week. Chicago’s run-and-gun style of play emphasizes taking and making a lot of threes. The Spurs’ defense will need to be on point to slow down one of the better offensive attacks in the NBA. If San Antonio’s defense from the last two games is any indication, they’ll be ready to run with the Bulls.

San Antonio Spurs (18-17) at Chicago Bulls (16-19)

January 6th, 2025 | 7:00 CT

Watch: FanDuel Sports Network Southwest | Listen: WOAI (1200 AM)

Spurs Injuries: Sidy Cissoko – Out (G League), Riley Minix – Out (G League), Harrison Ingram – Out (G League), David Duke Jr. – Out (G League)

Bulls Injuries: Torrey Craig – Out (leg), Ayo Dosunmu – Out (calf), E.J. Liddell – Out (G League), Emanuel Miller – Out (G League), Adama Sanogo – Out (G League)

What to watch for

Taking advantage of a poor defense

The Bulls are a scary offensive team but strike no fear on the defensive end. Chicago is 29th in the NBA in points allowed (121.3). They are the worst team in the league at defending two-pointers. Chicago lets teams put up a lot of threes (39.4), but teams aren’t taking advantage, making just 34% of their triples. San Antonio should punish the Bulls inside with Wembanyama in the lineup. If they can take advantage of the threes Chicago will allow them to take, they should be able to keep up with the Bulls scoring.

Bench production

The Spurs bench, for the most part, has been solid in the last few games. Keldon Johnson is playing well, Tre Jones has made things happen in spurts, Julian Champagnie is heating up, and Stephon Castle has bounced back from some mid-season rookie struggles. The backup center position continues to be a problem that has no clear solution. San Antonio will need consistent offensive production from the bench, even when the starters get a breather.

A Chris Paul bounce-back

The Spurs are clearly a better team when CP3 is on the court. They are even better when he’s aggressively creating offense. In the last two games, Paul has taken a back seat to the other Spurs, still making an impact with his passing. He can take the offense to another level if he’s taking and making shots in the pick-and-roll. It opens up so much for the Spurs offense when he’s a threat to score with the ball in his hands. We’ll see if the veteran guard can have a big game against a weaker Chicago defense.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock