By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-04 14:27:09
马刺队有效控制了油漆区和近距离中投区域,并且统治了篮板,在本赛季与掘金队的两场比赛中先拔头筹,同时也获得了他们的第六场客场胜利。文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)克服了犯规麻烦,拿下35分和18个篮板。这场比赛出现了7次平局和13次领先交换,其中第四节就有7次。
“每次他们把我们逼入绝境时,我认为我们都让自己冷静下来,并努力回到比赛中,这很好,”主教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)赛后说道。
比赛开始五分钟,马刺队就以17-8领先,让掘金队主教练迈克尔·马龙(Michael Malone)在场边愤怒地踱步。但随着比赛的进行,在文班休息期间,主队逐渐发力,慢慢追回比分。马刺队的防守无法限制尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokić),而当约基奇下场休息时,小迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter Jr.)则用两记跳投和一个盖帽填补了空缺。
第一节结束时,马刺队以32-30领先。随后,文班的远投开始命中,凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)也贡献了三个进球,将优势重新带回圣安东尼奥。马龙叫了一个暂停,主队将区域联防和人盯人防守混合使用,减缓了马刺队的进攻速度。尽管如此,圣安东尼奥的防守更加顽强,将丹佛队的投篮命中率限制在37%。
第三节进行了七分钟,文班因为四次犯规不得不下场休息。扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)上场后,球队以10-9的比分稍微领先主队。这一节的大部分失分都来自约基奇,他得分轻而易举。
第四节开始时,马刺队以87-90落后。他们在约基奇休息的四分钟里抓住了机会,因为已经五次犯规的文班投进了两个三分球,哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)和特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)也分别得分。
比赛还剩两分钟时,马刺队落后五分,朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)投进一个三分球,文班假装投三分,然后将球传给内线的凯尔登·约翰逊,后者完成一次“2+1”得分。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在一次进攻即将结束时,用一记压哨上篮救活了球权,马刺队在比赛还剩17秒时以1分领先。丹佛队把球传给约基奇,马刺队对他进行包夹,当他传球出去时,德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)完成抢断并上篮得分,为丹佛队的棺材钉上了最后一颗钉子。
- 根据Cleaning the Glass的数据,马刺队的半场阵地进攻每100回合得分90.8分,在本赛季所有比赛中仅排在第33个百分位。他们在半场阵地进攻中花费了74.4%的时间。
- 球队创造了赛季最低的罚球命中率(61.5%),并且只罚了13次。
- 球队在防守贾马尔·穆雷(Jamal Murray)方面做得很好,干扰了他的运球。防守在第四节也发挥了巨大作用,将掘金队的投篮命中率限制在29.2%,并且在开始阶段连续六次投篮不中。球队紧密防守,紧追不舍,并及时干扰投篮。
- 文班的七次失误中有三次是由于传球随意造成的。其他的失误则是由于球被断掉。其他球员共有六次失误,没有人超过一次。
- 文班22投14中,得分来自近距离、中距离和远距离投篮。这是他本赛季效率第二高的夜晚,也是他第三次投篮命中率超过60%。
- 尚帕尼和约翰逊是替补席上的主要火力点,两人合计25投12中,得到31分。他们的大部分得分都来自上半场。特雷·琼斯和科林斯是仅有的其他替补球员,他们一共得到6分。
- 约基奇只得到准三双(得分、篮板或助攻中的一项少一分、一个或一次即可获得三双),并且他的投篮命中率被限制在本赛季最低(41.7%)。文班和科林斯在身体对抗方面做得很好。
点击查看原文:Spurs escape Denver with a nail-biter over the Nuggets
Spurs escape Denver with a nail-biter over the Nuggets
Wemby takes round one over Joker.
The Spurs contained the paint plus a short mid-range area and dominated the boards, taking first blood in the miniseries with the Nuggets and getting their sixth road win of the year. Victor Wembanyama overcame foul trouble to record 35 points and 18 rebounds. And this game featured seven ties and 13 lead changes, seven in the fourth quarter.
“Every time they had us on the ropes, I thought we kind of composed ourselves and fought ourselves back into the game, which was nice to see,” coach Mitch Johnson said after the game.
The Spurs had Nuggets coach Michael Malone angrily pacing the sidelines five minutes in as they dashed to a 17-8 lead. But the hosts powered up as the quarter went on, recovering as Wembanyama rested. The Spurs D couldn’t contain Nikola Jokić, and when he took his break, Michael Porter Jr. picked up the slack with a pair of jumpers and a block.
The first quarter ended with the Spurs up 32 - 30. Then Wemby’s jumper started falling from long range, plus Keldon Johnson added three baskets, swinging the advantage back to San Antonio. Malone called a timeout, and the hosts mixed in a zone with man-to-man coverage that slowed down the Spurs. Nonetheless, San Antonio’s defense was stingier, holding Denver to 37 percent shooting for the frame.
Despite shooting 30 percent from deep, the Spurs led at halftime 60-52. They had the edge in points in the paint 30-26, were ahead in second-chance points 8-2 and led on the break 11-5. Wemby had 22 points on nine of 12 shots but the concern was that he picked up three fouls. And Denver was in charge of the block party, racking up 6-1.
Then the Spurs came out after halftime comfortable, like a boxer who had built a nice lead on the cards through six rounds, but the Nuggets clapped back with an 11-4 run, forcing Johnson to pause the action. When the game continued, both teams started trading baskets, resembling two fighters finally letting their hands go.
Wembanyama had to sit with his four fouls seven minutes into the third. When Zach Collins came in, the team outscored the hosts 10-9. Most of the damage suffered in the period was from Jokić, who scored easily.
The fourth quarter started with the Spurs down 90-87. They capitalized in the four minutes Jokić took his rest because Wembanyama, who had picked up his fifth foul, splashed two triples and Harrison Barnes plus Tre Jones made baskets.
With two minutes left, the Spurs were down five when Julian Champagnie made a triple, Wemby faked a three and hit Keldon Johnson in the lane for a basket and one, Chris Paul rescued a dead possession with a buzzer beating drive for a layup, and the Spurs were up 1 with 17 seconds left. Denver got the ball to Jokic, the Spurs doubled him, and when he passed out, Vassell ran in a pick-6 to close Denver’s coffin.
The Spurs won 113-110, outscoring Denver in three pivotal categories: 52-48 in points in the paint, 15-14 on the break and 15-10 on second chance points.
When asked what was the difference, Malone said, “We just didn’t close… We lost Champagnie on the baseline for a three, we gave up a three-point play to Keldon Johnson and obviously that last play, we weren’t able to get a shot off.”
Play of the game
Devin Vassell took Jokić off the dribble and finished a two handed jam in between two Nuggets to tie the game in crunch time.
- The Spurs’ half-court attack was halted to 90.8 points per 100 plays, good enough for the 33rd percentile of the stat in all games played this season, per Cleaning the Glass. They spent 74.4 percent of their plays in the half court.
- The team set a new season low in free throw percentage (61.5) and only attempted 13.
- The team did a good job on Jamal Murray, bothering his dribble. The defense also came up big in the fourth quarter, holding the Nuggets to 29.2 percent shooting and six straight misses to start. The team locked and trailed well and contested shots promptly.
- Three of Wemby’s seven turnovers were from lazy passes. The other giveaways were from getting the ball poked loose. The rest of the team had six turnovers, and nobody had more than one.
- Wembanyama’s 14 of 22 baskets came from short, mid and long range. This was his second-highest night in efficiency this season and the third time to break 60 percent from the field.
- Champagnie and Johnson were the big guns off the bench, combining for 31 points on 12 of 25 attempts. Most of their production came in the first half. Tre Jones and Collins were the only other reserves to play and they totaled six points.
- Jokić only got a Sombor double (one point, rebound or assist shy of a triple-double), and he was held to his season low in field goal percentage (41.7). Wemby and Collins did a nice job of playing him physically.
By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock