By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2025-01-01 21:00:00
一些 NBA 球队希望在新的一年里延续成功,而另一些球队则希望在 2025 年重新设定目标。
在赛季初表现缓慢之后,费城 76 人队、明尼苏达森林狼队和丹佛掘金队都希望告别 2024 年,并在下半赛季强势反弹,争夺季后赛席位。
但需要注意的是,势头正猛的纽约尼克斯队和休斯顿火箭队在 12 月的比赛中表现出色,他们或许会在新的一年里带来惊喜。
以下是 2025 年第一期实力排行榜中所有 30 支球队的排名!
注:球队排名基于我们专家组成员(ESPN 的蒂姆·邦坦普斯、贾马尔·科利尔、迈克尔·莱特(Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪、戴夫·麦克梅纳明、Ohm Youngmisuk、克里斯·赫林和凯文·佩尔顿)对球队在本赛季的预期。
往期排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日 | 11 月 20 日 | 11 月 27 日 | 12 月 4 日 | 12 月 11 日 | 12 月 18 日 | 12 月 25 日
- 克利夫兰骑士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 29 胜 4 负
- 上期排名: 1
- 下一场比赛: @ DAL(1 月 3 日),vs. CHA(1 月 5 日)
联盟中最好的替补阵容之一刚刚变得更强了。克利夫兰骑士队的替补席场均得分 38.5 分,排名联盟第七。替补侧翼球员马克斯·斯特鲁斯在因脚踝伤势缺席了本赛季前 27 场比赛后,最近回到了轮换阵容。斯特鲁斯在复出的前四场比赛中表现平平,仅得到 4.8 分,投篮命中率 30.4%,场均 3.8 个篮板。然而,如果他能恢复到上赛季作为骑士队新援打出职业生涯最佳数据时的状态,这支联盟排名第一的球队的上限还会更高。 – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明
- 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 27 胜 5 负
- 上期排名: 3
- 下一场比赛: vs. LAC(1 月 2 日),vs. NYK(1 月 3 日),vs. BOS(1 月 5 日)
二年级新秀后卫阿杰·米切尔,作为一名双向合同的二轮秀,是本赛季俄克拉荷马城四名全勤球员之一。截至周二,米切尔在新秀总正负值榜上排名第二(+124),场均出场 16.3 分钟,得到 6.3 分,投篮命中率分别为 51.3% / 46.7% / 80.8%。雷霆队超级巨星谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大称赞了米切尔的努力,他说:“无论他的处境如何,无论他的名字周围有多少炒作,他都能在很高的水平上影响赢球。” – 蒂姆·麦克马洪
- 纽约尼克斯队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 23 胜 10 负
- 上期排名: 6
- 下一场比赛: vs. UTAH(1 月 1 日),@ OKC(1 月 3 日),@ CHI(1 月 4 日),vs. ORL(1 月 6 日)
尼克斯队将以东部联盟最佳的八连胜开启 2025 年。但随着新年的到来,尼克斯队也将面临更多挑战,他们在前 30 场比赛的赛程相对轻松。展望未来,即使引进了卡尔-安东尼·唐斯和米卡尔·布里奇斯,尼克斯队仍然拥有联盟第二高效的进攻,但他们在剩余常规赛中将面临东部最艰难的赛程。 – 克里斯·赫林
- 孟菲斯灰熊队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 23 胜 11 负
- 上期排名: 4
- 下一场比赛: @ SAC(1 月 3 日),@ GS(1 月 4 日),vs. DAL(1 月 6 日)
由于贾·莫兰特因右肩 AC 关节扭伤缺席比赛,灰熊队在周日输给了俄克拉荷马城,遭遇了本赛季最惨痛的失利。灰熊队还没有公布莫兰特的回归时间表,他们将以三场对阵西部对手的比赛结束五连客之旅。莫兰特、德斯蒙德·贝恩、杰伦·威尔斯、小贾伦·杰克逊和扎克·埃迪的阵容看起来很有希望(+57),但这套阵容在一起的时间还不够长,没有形成真正的凝聚力。 – 迈克尔·莱特
- 休斯顿火箭队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 21 胜 11 负
- 上期排名: 5
- 下一场比赛: vs. DAL(1 月 1 日),vs. BOS(1 月 3 日),vs. LAL(1 月 5 日),@ WAS(1 月 7 日)
在连续两场主场输给森林狼队和热火队之后,火箭队本赛季首次遭遇主场连败,而且都是在下半场领先两位数的情况下被翻盘。火箭队的主场比赛将继续迎战强劲的对手:达拉斯独行侠队、波士顿凯尔特人队和洛杉矶湖人队。关键时刻的表现一直是最近的一个问题,尤其是在进攻端,在过去两场最后五分钟分差在五分以内的比赛中,火箭队在最后时刻的得分都非常挣扎。在对阵独行侠的比赛中,火箭队将面临人员短缺的问题,因为阿门·汤普森因与泰勒·希罗的场上冲突被禁赛两场。 – 莱特
- 波士顿凯尔特人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 24 胜 9 负
- 上期排名: 2
- 下一场比赛: @ MIN(1 月 2 日),@ HOU(1 月 3 日),@ OKC(1 月 5 日),@ DEN(1 月 7 日)
在赛季初以 16 胜 3 负的战绩开局后,由于一系列的伤病和全队的投篮低迷,波士顿在 12 月的战绩为 8 胜 6 负。凯尔特人队继续场均出手 50.7 次三分球,这将是一个创纪录的数据,但在 12 月份他们的三分球命中率只有 34.4%,在联盟中排名第 23 位。尽管如此,凯尔特人队在 12 月份的进攻和防守效率都排在联盟第七位,这表明我们没有理由怀疑这支球队的高水平上限。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 达拉斯独行侠队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20 胜 13 负
- 上期排名: 7
- 下一场比赛: @ HOU(1 月 1 日),vs. CLE(1 月 3 日),@ MEM(1 月 6 日),vs. LAL(1 月 7 日)
独行侠队计划在卢卡·东契奇因左小腿拉伤缺席期间,谨慎管理凯里·欧文的出场时间。达拉斯不想让 32 岁的欧文过度疲劳,这也是他们决定在周一客场负于萨克拉门托的比赛中让他因右肩酸痛休战的原因之一。从 12 月 25 日开始的四天三赛中,欧文场均出场 38.5 分钟,得到 35.0 分,而东契奇则是在 12 月 25 日输给明尼苏达的比赛第二节受伤的。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪
- 奥兰多魔术队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20 胜 14 负
- 上期排名: 9
- 下一场比赛: @ DET(1 月 1 日),@ TOR(1 月 3 日),vs. UTAH(1 月 5 日),@ NYK(1 月 6 日)
魔术队还能承受多少伤病?在领先得分手保罗·班凯罗和弗朗茨·瓦格纳缺阵的情况下,奥兰多又看到弗朗茨的弟弟莫里茨·瓦格纳赛季报销,并在周日的比赛中看到杰伦·萨格斯因手腕扭伤退赛。然而,魔术队仍然反败为胜击败了布鲁克林篮网队,结束了连败。幸运的是,萨格斯的伤势不太可能导致他继续缺席比赛。目前排名东部第四的魔术队,他们的领先优势已经缩小到只有 1.5 场,领先亚特兰大老鹰队。 – 凯文·佩尔顿
- 洛杉矶湖人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 14 负
- 上期排名: 12
- 下一场比赛: vs. POR(1 月 2 日),vs. ATL(1 月 3 日),@ HOU(1 月 5 日),@ DAL(1 月 7 日)
对湖人队来说,利好的不仅仅是那笔交易——送出丹吉洛·拉塞尔、马克斯韦尔·刘易斯和三个二轮选秀权,从篮网队换来多里安·芬尼-史密斯和沙克·米尔顿——还有交易的时机。篮球运营副总裁兼总经理罗布·佩林卡在交易截止日期前 39 天完成了这笔交易。教练 J·J·雷迪克谈到这笔 12 月底的交易时说:“建立凝聚力、持续性和联系的价值是真实存在的。你拥有的时间越多,当你进入四月、五月,并希望进入六月时,你的机会就越好。” – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明
- 丹佛掘金队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 13 负
- 上期排名: 10
- 下一场比赛: vs. ATL(1 月 1 日),vs. SA(1 月 3 日),@ SA(1 月 4 日),vs. BOS(1 月 7 日)
丹佛的防守正在下滑,他们非常想念因小腿受伤缺阵的阿隆·戈登。但是迈克尔·马龙的球队在过去的 10 场比赛中赢了 7 场,因为拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克继续为掘金队提供火花,并显示出与核心球员尼古拉·约基奇之间不断提高的化学反应.威斯布鲁克在过去八场比赛中有七场得分上双。周一,他成为历史上第三位在没有失误的情况下拿下三双的球员,加入了约基奇和多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯的行列,他们是自 1977-78 赛季开始统计失误以来仅有的三位做到这一点的球员。 – Ohm Youngmisuk
- 洛杉矶快船队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19 胜 14 负
- 上期排名: 11
- 下一场比赛: @ OKC(1 月 2 日),vs. ATL(1 月 4 日),@ MIN(1 月 6 日)
这周科怀·伦纳德会回归吗?他一直在训练中努力恢复,周六主场对阵老鹰队的比赛他有可能复出。在球队确认他接受手术修复的右膝炎症消失之前,伦纳德不会被允许复出,所以快船队对他们的球星非常谨慎。泰伦·卢指导的快船队正处于季后赛的争夺中,随着球队进入下半程,他将迎回他的球队核心。 – Ohm Youngmisuk
- 密尔沃基雄鹿队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17 胜 14 负
- 上期排名: 8
- 下一场比赛: vs. BKN (1 月 2 日), vs. POR (1 月 4 日), @ TOR (1 月 6 日)
自从在拉斯维加斯赢得 NBA 杯赛冠军以来,雄鹿队的状态一直起伏不定,在周二战胜步行者队之前,他们输掉了五场比赛中的三场,同时还受到了伤病和疾病的困扰,包括扬尼斯·阿德托昆博和克里斯·米德尔顿在内的几名球员都缺席了比赛。但在缺席了四场比赛之后,阿德托昆博回归了,在对阵印第安纳的比赛中拿下了全队最高的 30 分,雄鹿队可以专注于在新的一年里回到正轨。 – 贾马尔·科利尔
- 明尼苏达森林狼队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17 胜 15 负
- 上期排名: 14
- 下一场比赛: vs. BOS (1 月 2 日), @ DET (1 月 4 日), vs. LAC (1 月 6 日), @ NO (1 月 7 日)
丹特·迪文琴佐在对阵火箭队和马刺队的背靠背比赛中分别得到 20 分,这是他本赛季加盟森林狼队以来的首次连续得分超过 20 分。森林狼队在三连败之后取得三连胜,然后在周二输给了雷霆队。尽管阵容健康,但森林狼队整个赛季都在努力寻找立足点,而本周的赛程并不会轻松,因为他们将回到主场迎战凯尔特人队。 – 贾马尔·科利尔
- 亚特兰大老鹰队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 18 胜 15 负
- 上期排名: 19
- 下一场比赛: @ DEN (1 月 1 日), @ LAL (1 月 3 日), @ LAC (1 月 4 日), @ UTAH (1 月 7 日)
2024 年的最后两周对于老鹰队来说是稳固的,他们取得了四连胜,场均得分 128.5 分。他们在连胜期间最引人注目的表现是:在 12 月 26 日逆转战胜公牛队的比赛中,他们在第四节得到了 50 分——这是老鹰队本赛季单节得分最高的纪录。总的来说,老鹰队在 12 月份的战绩为 8 胜 4 负。 – 克里斯·赫林
- 迈阿密热火队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16 胜 14 负
- 上期排名: 15
- 下一场比赛: vs. NO (1 月 1 日), vs. IND (1 月 2 日), vs. UTAH (1 月 4 日), @ SAC (1 月 6 日), @ GS (1 月 7 日)
NBA 最大的新闻之一是围绕吉米·巴特勒的持续不断的戏剧性事件。这位五届全明星球员自从在 12 月 20 日输给俄克拉荷马城的比赛第一节因病离场后就一直没有上场。但巴特勒预计将在周三对阵新奥尔良的比赛中复出,他的状态将一直受到密切关注,直到 2 月 6 日的交易截止日期。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 金州勇士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16 胜 16 负
- 上期排名: 13
- 下一场比赛: vs. PHI (1 月 2 日), vs. MEM (1 月 4 日), vs. SAC (1 月 5 日), vs. MIA (1 月 7 日)
勇士队的颓势仍在继续,他们在过去的 17 场比赛中输掉了 13 场,其中最突出的是周一再次惨败给骑士队。虽然斯蒂芬·库里承认勇士队本赛季的表现只是“中等”,但在过去一周里还是有一些亮点。乔纳森·库明加连续两场比赛都得到了职业生涯最高的 34 分,其中第二场是在库里和德雷蒙德·格林的帮助下战胜了菲尼克斯太阳队。这意义重大,因为它表明库明加可能开始明白如何与两位超级巨星一起发挥出最佳水平,因为他之前两场职业生涯最高的比赛都是在两位球星缺席的情况下取得的。丹尼斯·施罗德在战胜太阳队的比赛的最后 1 分 23 秒内也作为一名勇士队球员做出了他第一次重要的制胜球,他投进了一个三分球,抢到了一个关键的球,并在最后时刻罚球命中。 – Ohm Youngmisuk
- 圣安东尼奥马刺队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17 胜 16 负
- 上期排名: 16
- 下一场比赛: @ DEN (1 月 3 日), vs. DEN (1 月 4 日), @ CHI (1 月 6 日)
马刺队开始展现他们的潜力,这使得他们最近客场之旅的三场失利更加令人痛心。圣安东尼奥在客场之旅开始时就在费城惜败,随后又在对阵尼克斯队和森林狼队的比赛中错失了第四节的领先优势。截至周二,马刺队在赛季开始前设想的首发阵容(克里斯·保罗、德文·瓦塞尔、哈里森·巴恩斯、杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama))只一起打了八场比赛,净胜分为 11.9。现在阵容健康了,马刺队可能会调整阵容,寻找最佳组合。 – 迈克尔·莱特
- 菲尼克斯太阳队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15 胜 17 负
- 上期排名: 17
- 下一场比赛: @ IND (1 月 4 日), @ PHI (1 月 6 日), @ CHA (1 月 7 日)
在本赛季的前两个月,太阳队的球迷可以指出他们的球队在凯文·杜兰特出场的比赛中取得了 13 胜 2 负的战绩,以此作为证据证明,只要杜兰特健康,他们就有机会赢得总冠军。然而,这种安慰在过去几周里消失了。杜兰特已经为太阳队出战了过去八场比赛,但他们只取得了 2 胜 6 负的战绩,跌至西部第 11 位。似乎就在杜兰特回归的同时,德文·布克又受伤了,他因腹股沟拉伤缺席了过去五场比赛。 – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明
- 印第安纳步行者队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16 胜 18 负
- 上期排名: 18
- 下一场比赛: @ MIA (1 月 2 日), vs. PHX (1 月 4 日), @ BKN (1 月 6 日)
步行者队经历了对阵两支 NBA 最强球队的连续三场比赛,输给了雷霆队,并在主客场与凯尔特人队各胜一场,其中包括泰雷斯·哈利伯顿的一场经典比赛,他在那场比赛中 31 分中有 18 分来自内线。印第安纳队已经从赛季初的慢热中恢复过来,目前在东部排名第八,但他们需要哈利伯顿继续突破内线防守,而不是依赖他的外线投篮。 – 贾马尔·科利尔
- 费城 76 人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13 胜 17 负
- 上期排名: 23
- 下一场比赛: @ SAC (1 月 1 日), @ GS (1 月 2 日), @ BKN (1 月 4 日), vs. PHX (1 月 6 日)
对于费城在本赛季前两个月遇到的众多问题,或许最令人困惑的是泰瑞斯·马克西的挣扎。马克西上周荣膺周最佳球员,这对 76 人队来说意义重大——也是费城目前取得赛季最长的四连胜,即将背靠背挑战萨克拉门托和金州的原因之一。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 布鲁克林篮网队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12 胜 20 负
- 上期排名: 24
- 下一场比赛: @ TOR (1 月 1 日), @ MIL (1 月 2 日), vs. PHI (1 月 4 日), vs. IND (1 月 6 日)
布鲁克林在连续两周内进行了第二笔交易,将老将侧翼多里安·芬尼-史密斯交易到湖人,换来了控球后卫丹吉洛·拉塞尔和三个二轮选秀权。在此之前,篮网队——人们普遍认为他们正在追逐即将到来的选秀大会中的状元签,但他们的胜率高于预期——选择将首发控球后卫丹尼斯·施罗德交易到勇士队。最终,根据市场情况,布鲁克林可能会在 2 月 6 日的交易截止日期前尝试将合同即将到期的拉塞尔换成更多的选秀权。 – 克里斯·赫林
- 芝加哥公牛队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15 胜 18 负
- 上期排名: 21
- 下一场比赛: @ WAS (1 月 1 日), vs. NYK (1 月 4 日), vs. SA (1 月 6 日)
约什·基迪作为公牛队球员的最佳比赛——上周末对阵雄鹿队时,他拿下 23 分、15 个篮板和 10 次助攻的三双——也包括几次关键的防守,最终帮助球队战胜了势头正猛的雄鹿队。这是公牛队希望从他们年轻的、正在重建的球队身上看到的令人鼓舞的迹象,这支球队的战绩与上赛季那支本应具有竞争力的球队相当。公牛队上赛季前 32 场比赛的战绩也是 14 胜 18 负。 – 贾马尔·科利尔
- 底特律活塞队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14 胜 18 负
- 上期排名: 22
- 下一场比赛: vs. ORL (1 月 1 日), vs. CHA (1 月 3 日), vs. MIN (1 月 4 日), vs. POR (1 月 6 日)
活塞队在令人印象深刻的西海岸之旅中赢得了前三场比赛,然后在周六输给了丹佛掘金队。上周,活塞队顶住了湖人队后期的反扑,取得了胜利,然后在对阵萨克拉门托国王队的比赛中,凭借杰登·艾维最后时刻的“四分球” ,从最后四分钟落后 10 分的逆境中翻盘取胜。活塞队在还有 50 场比赛的情况下,已经追平了他们在 2023-24 赛季的 14 场胜利,并且提高了人们的期望值,进入附加赛看起来很现实。活塞队目前与东部第十名并列,占据最后一个附加赛名额。 – 凯文·佩尔顿
- 萨克拉门托国王队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14 胜 19 负
- 上期排名: 20
- 下一场比赛: vs. PHI (1 月 1 日), vs. MEM (1 月 3 日), @ GS (1 月 5 日), vs. MIA (1 月 6 日)
五连败,最后一场比赛是被活塞队在最后时刻从落后 10 分的情况下翻盘,最终导致迈克·布朗下课。五场失利中有三场分差在四分或四分以内,这是国王队一贯的主题。尽管阵中有前“关键先生”德阿隆·福克斯,但国王队发现依靠最后时刻的英雄主义是一个不稳定的公式,他们在进入关键时刻的 13 场比赛中都输掉了比赛(与黄蜂队并列联盟最多)。临时教练道格·克里斯蒂在周一取得了更轻松的首胜,以 10 分的优势击败了缺少卢卡·东契奇和凯里·欧文的独行侠队。 – 凯文·佩尔顿
- 波特兰开拓者队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11 胜 21 负
- 上期排名: 25
- 下一场比赛: @ LAL (1 月 2 日), @ MIL (1 月 4 日), @ DET (1 月 6 日)
圣诞节后令人鼓舞的三天里,开拓者队凭借斯科特·亨德森的压哨球逆转战胜了犹他爵士队,然后在主场击败了缺少卢卡·东契奇的达拉斯独行侠队。在亨德森职业生涯中可能是最好的两场比赛中,他总共得到 37 分、16 次助攻和 7 次抢断,27 投 14 中。唉,亨德森在周一只有 6 分入账,开拓者队在 2024 年的最后一场比赛中以 22 分之差输给了费城 76 人队。保持稳定性仍然是这支年轻的波特兰球队面临的最大挑战。 – 凯文·佩尔顿
- 犹他爵士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7 胜 24 负
- 上期排名: 26
- 下一场比赛: @ NYK (1 月 1 日), @ MIA (1 月 4 日), @ ORL (1 月 5 日), vs. ATL (1 月 7 日)
爵士队在西部联盟中排名倒数第二,后卫科林·塞克斯顿对于那些希望在交易截止日期前增加得分火力的球队来说,可能是一个高质量的补充。他场均得到 17.4 分,真实命中率为 60.4%,其中三分球命中率为职业生涯最高的 42.4%。26 岁的塞克斯顿下赛季的合同最后一年将获得 1920 万美元的薪水。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪
- 夏洛特黄蜂队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7 胜 25 负
- 上期排名: 27
- 下一场比赛: @ DET (1 月 3 日), @ CLE (1 月 5 日), vs. PHX (1 月 7 日)
夏洛特有一个令人羞愧、难以置信的数据:他们在过去两周内两次输给了奇才队,而奇才队拥有现代 NBA 历史上最差的净胜分之一,并且自 11 月初以来对阵其他球队的战绩为 1 胜 23 负。苦苦挣扎的黄蜂队整个赛季的首发五人组一起上场次数不超过两次。但好的一面是:它给了教练查尔斯·李一些在 2025 年的奋斗目标,因为球队正在寻求一种连续性。 – 克里斯·赫林
- 多伦多猛龙队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7 胜 26 负
- 上期排名: 28
- 下一场比赛: vs. BKN (1 月 1 日), vs. ORL (1 月 3 日), vs. MIL (1 月 6 日)
多伦多在经历了上赛季的重建后,开始了全面重建,他们预料到会输掉很多比赛。但事实上,猛龙队本赛季还没有一场比赛能够排出他们预期的首发五人,这又是一个令人失望的因素,因为他们无法完全评估这支球队。然而,这也使得多伦多目前处于乐透签的前五名——这可能是长期来看对这支球队最好的事情。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 5 胜 28 负
- 上期排名: 29
- 下一场比赛: @ MIA (1 月 1 日), vs. WAS (1 月 3 日), @ WAS (1 月 5 日), vs. MIN (1 月 7 日)
继周一输给快船队后,新奥尔良在 20 场比赛中输掉了 19 场,这是自 2004-05 赛季以来的第一次。这场失利让鹈鹕队遭遇了 10 连败,追平了队史第五长的连败纪录。然而,鹈鹕队在周末收到了好消息,锡安·威廉姆森已经恢复了有限的训练。考虑到球队的战绩,球队很可能不会急于让威廉姆森复出。 – 迈克尔·莱特
- 华盛顿奇才队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 5 胜 25 负
- 上期排名: 30
- 下一场比赛: vs. CHI (1 月 1 日), @ NO (1 月 3 日), vs. NO (1 月 5 日), vs. HOU (1 月 7 日)
在上周七天内第二次击败夏洛特之后,奇才队在上周六与尼克斯队的比赛中打进了加时赛,最终输掉了比赛,并在周一与尼克斯队的第二场比赛中,前三节与对手打得难解难分。这对奇才队的年轻球员来说是更多的经验,但华盛顿队在周一的比赛中经历了一个惊险时刻,新秀布布·卡灵顿不得不坐在轮椅上被抬出场外。他在奇才队的下一场比赛中被列为出战成疑。 – Ohm Youngmisuk
点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: Where all 30 teams stack up in the new year
NBA Power Rankings: Where all 30 teams stack up in the new year
Some teams across the NBA are looking to ring in the new year with continued success, while others are hoping to re-up resolutions for 2025.
After slow starts, the Philadelphia 76ers, Minnesota Timberwolves and Denver Nuggets are looking to leave 2024 behind and hop into a second-half surge to contend for the playoff picture.
Other teams, such as the Oklahoma City Thunder, Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers, are hoping to continue their dominant starts, having declared early command of their respective conferences.
But watch out – there might be good early tidings for the surging New York Knicks and Houston Rockets, who are coming off solid December campaigns.
Here is where all 30 teams stack up in the first power rankings of 2025!
Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.
Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 20 | Nov. 27 | Dec. 4 | Dec. 11 | Dec. 18 | Dec. 25
Jump to a team:\
NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\
1. Cleveland Cavaliers
- 2024-25 record: 29-4
- Previous ranking: 1
- Next games: @ DAL (Jan. 3), vs. CHA (Jan. 5)
One of the best benches in the league just got a little deeper. Cleveland, which ranks No. 7 in the NBA in bench scoring with 38.5 points per game, recently welcomed back Max Strus to the rotation after the reserve wing missed the first 27 games of the season with an ankle injury. Strus’ production was meager in his first four games – just 4.8 points on 30.4% shooting and 3.8 rebounds. However, if he can start to look like the guy who put up career-best numbers last season in his first year with the Cavs, the ceiling can go even higher for the NBA’s No. 1 team. – Dave McMenamin
2. Oklahoma City Thunder
- 2024-25 record: 27-5
- Previous ranking: 3
- Next games: vs. LAC (Jan. 2), vs. NYK (Jan. 3), vs. BOS (Jan. 5)
Rookie guard Ajay Mitchell, a second-round pick on a two-way deal, is one of four Oklahoma City players to play in every game this season. Entering Tuesday, Mitchell ranked second in the rookie class in total plus-minus (plus-124) and was averaging 6.3 points on .513/.467/.808 shooting splits in 16.3 minutes. Thunder superstar Shai Gilgeous-Alexander lauded Mitchell’s efforts, saying: “Regardless of his situation and the lack of hype around him [and] his name, he affects winning basketball at a very high level.” – Tim MacMahon
3. New York Knicks
- 2024-25 record: 23-10
- Previous ranking: 6
- Next games: vs. UTAH (Jan. 1), @ OKC (Jan. 3), @ CHI (Jan. 4), vs. ORL (Jan. 6)
The Knicks will open 2025 on an Eastern Conference-best eight-game winning streak. But the turn of the calendar figures to bring more challenges for New York, which played one of the easiest slates through its first 30 games. Going forward, the new-look Knicks – who, even with the addition of Karl-Anthony Towns and Mikal Bridges, have managed the league’s second-most efficient offense – have the East’s toughest remaining schedule the rest of the regular season. – Chris Herring
4. Memphis Grizzlies
- 2024-25 record: 23-11
- Previous ranking: 4
- Next games: @ SAC (Jan. 3), @ GS (Jan. 4), vs. DAL (Jan. 6)
With Ja Morant missing the game due to a right AC sprain, Memphis suffered its worst loss of the season Sunday to Oklahoma City. The Grizzlies haven’t yet announced a timetable for Morant’s return as they wrap up a five-game road trip with three matchups against West opponents. The lineup of Morant, Desmond Bane, Jaylen Wells, Jaren Jackson Jr. and Zach Edey has looked promising (plus-57), but that group hasn’t been on the floor long enough together to develop any real cohesion. – Michael Wright
5. Houston Rockets
- 2024-25 record: 21-11
- Previous ranking: 5
- Next games: vs. DAL (Jan. 1), vs. BOS (Jan. 3), vs. LAL (Jan. 5), @ WAS (Jan. 7)
Coming off consecutive home losses for the first time this season after blowing double-digit leads in the second halves against the Wolves and Heat, Houston’s homestand continues against stiff competition: Dallas, Boston and the Lakers. Clutch performance has been an issue lately, especially on offense, where the Rockets have struggled to score late in their past two losses that were within five points over the last five minutes. The Rockets will be short-handed against the Mavericks as Amen Thompson received a two-game suspension for his on-court altercation with Tyler Herro. – Wright
6. Boston Celtics
- 2024-25 record: 24-9
- Previous ranking: 2
- Next games: @ MIN (Jan. 2), @ HOU (Jan. 3), @ OKC (Jan. 5), @ DEN (Jan. 7)
After starting the season 16-3, Boston has gone 8-6 in December behind a series of nagging injuries and a teamwide shooting slump. The Celtics continue to average what would be a record 50.7 3-point attempts but shot only 34.4% on them in December, which ranked 23rd in the league for the month. Still, the Celtics ranked seventh in both offense and defense for the month, showing that there’s little reason to doubt this team’s high-level ceiling. – Tim Bontemps
7. Dallas Mavericks
- 2024-25 record: 20-13
- Previous ranking: 7
- Next games: @ HOU (Jan. 1), vs. CLE (Jan. 3), @ MEM (Jan. 6), vs. LAL (Jan. 7)
The Mavs intend to be conscious of managing Kyrie Irving’s workload during Luka Doncic’s absence due to a left calf strain. Dallas wants to guard against wearing down the 32-year-old Irving, which factored into the decision to sit him in Monday’s road loss in Sacramento with right shoulder soreness. Irving had 35.0 points in 38.5 minutes in a four-day, three-game stretch that started on Dec. 25, when Doncic was injured in the second quarter in a loss against Minnesota. – MacMahon
8. Orlando Magic
- 2024-25 record: 20-14
- Previous ranking: 9
- Next games: @ DET (Jan. 1), @ TOR (Jan. 3), vs. UTAH (Jan. 5), @ NYK (Jan. 6)
How many injuries can the Magic withstand? Already without leading scorers Paolo Banchero and Franz Wagner, Orlando saw Franz’s brother, Moritz Wagner, suffer a season-ending ACL tear – and saw Jalen Suggs exit Sunday’s game with a wrist sprain. Yet the Magic still rallied to beat Brooklyn, snapping a two-game losing streak. Fortunately for Orlando, Suggs’ injury won’t likely cause him to miss additional time. Still fourth in the East standings, the short-handed Magic have seen their advantage drop to just 1.5 games over Atlanta. – Kevin Pelton
9. Los Angeles Lakers
- 2024-25 record: 18-14
- Previous ranking: 12
- Next games: vs. POR (Jan. 2), vs. ATL (Jan. 3), @ HOU (Jan. 5), @ DAL (Jan. 7)
It wasn’t just the trade – sending D’Angelo Russell, Maxwell Lewis and three second-round picks to the Nets for Dorian Finney-Smith and Shake Milton – that was a boon for the Lakers. It was the timing of it. Vice president of basketball operations and general manager Rob Pelinka completed the deal 39 days before the Feb. 6 deadline. “There’s a real value in creating cohesion and continuity and connectedness,” coach JJ Redick said of the late-December swap. “And the more time you have to do that, the better I think your chances are when you get to April and May and hopefully June.” – McMenamin
10. Denver Nuggets
- 2024-25 record: 18-13
- Previous ranking: 10
- Next games: vs. ATL (Jan. 1), vs. SA (Jan. 3), @ SA (Jan. 4), vs. BOS (Jan. 7)
Denver’s defense is suffering, and Aaron Gordon (calf) is missed dearly in that department. But Michael Malone’s team has won seven of its past 10 games as Russell Westbrook continues to give the Nuggets a spark and shows improved chemistry with centerpiece Nikola Jokic. Westbrook has scored in double figures in seven of his past eight games. On Monday, he became just the third player in history with a triple-double and no turnovers, joining Jokic and Domantas Sabonis as the only players to do that since turnovers were first tracked in 1977-78. – Ohm Youngmisuk
11. LA Clippers
- 2024-25 record: 19-14
- Previous ranking: 11
- Next games: @ OKC (Jan. 2), vs. ATL (Jan. 4), @ MIN (Jan. 6)
Could this be the week that Kawhi Leonard makes a return? He has been working his way back in practices, and Saturday’s game against the Hawks at home could be a possibility. Leonard will not be cleared to return until the team sees that the inflammation in his surgically repaired right knee is gone, so the Clippers are being incredibly cautious with their star. Ty Lue has the Clippers in the playoff conversation and will get his franchise star back as the team enters the second half. – Youngmisuk
12. Milwaukee Bucks
- 2024-25 record: 17-14
- Previous ranking: 8
- Next games: vs. BKN (Jan. 2), vs. POR (Jan. 4), @ TOR (Jan. 6)
The Bucks have been up-and-down since their NBA Cup championship win in Las Vegas, losing three out of five games prior to Tuesday’s win over the Pacers while dealing with injuries and an illness that saw several players, including Giannis Antetokounmpo and Khris Middleton miss games. But after missing four games, Antetokounmpo is back, scoring a team-high 30 points against Indiana, and the Bucks can focus on getting back on track for the new year. – Jamal Collier
13. Minnesota Timberwolves
- 2024-25 record: 17-15
- Previous ranking: 14
- Next games: vs. BOS (Jan. 2), @ DET (Jan. 4), vs. LAC (Jan. 6), @ NO (Jan. 7)
Donte DiVincenzo scored 20 points in back-to-back games against the Rockets and Spurs, his first 20-point games since joining Minnesota this season. The Wolves won three in a row to follow a three-game losing streak before dropping Tuesday’s matchup with the Thunder. Despite a healthy roster, the Wolves have been struggling all season to find their footing, and this week doesn’t get any easier as they return home to host the Celtics. – Collier
14. Atlanta Hawks
- 2024-25 record: 18-15
- Previous ranking: 19
- Next games: @ DEN (Jan. 1), @ LAL (Jan. 3), @ LAC (Jan. 4), @ UTAH (Jan. 7)
It was a solid final two weeks of 2024 for the Hawks, who are on a four-game winning streak, averaging 128.5 points. Their most eye-popping stretch in that run: a 50-point fourth quarter – Atlanta’s highest-scoring period of the season – in a come-from-behind victory over the Bulls on Dec. 26. In all, the Hawks went 8-4 in December. – Herring
15. Miami Heat
- 2024-25 record: 16-14
- Previous ranking: 15
- Next games: vs. NO (Jan. 1), vs. IND (Jan. 2), vs. UTAH (Jan. 4), @ SAC (Jan. 6), @ GS (Jan. 7)
One of the biggest stories in the NBA is the ongoing drama surrounding Jimmy Butler. The five-time All-NBA selection has been out of action since leaving in the first quarter of Miami’s loss to Oklahoma City on Dec. 20 with an illness. But Butler is expected to return to the court for Wednesday’s game against New Orleans, and his status will be closely monitored all the way up to the Feb. 6 deadline. – Bontemps
16. Golden State Warriors
- 2024-25 record: 16-16
- Previous ranking: 13
- Next games: vs. PHI (Jan. 2), vs. MEM (Jan. 4), vs. SAC (Jan. 5), vs. MIA (Jan. 7)
The Warriors’ slide continues as they have lost 13 of their past 17 games, highlighted by a second crushing loss to the Cavaliers on Monday. While Stephen Curry admits that the Warriors have been just “mid” this season, there have been a couple of bright spots in the past week. Jonathan Kuminga scored a career-high 34 points in consecutive games, with the latter coming in a win over Phoenix with Curry and Draymond Green playing alongside him. That’s significant because it shows Kuminga might be starting to figure out how to play his best with the two superstars after his two previous career-high games came with the two stars out. Dennis Schroder also made his first big winning plays as a Warrior in the final 1:23 of the win over Phoenix with a 3-pointer, securing a crucial loose ball and sinking late free throws. – Youngmisuk
17. San Antonio Spurs
- 2024-25 record: 17-16
- Previous ranking: 16
- Next games: @ DEN (Jan. 3), vs. DEN (Jan. 4), @ CHI (Jan. 6)
The Spurs are starting to realize their potential, which makes the three losses on their most recent road trip sting even more. San Antonio squandered two fourth-quarter leads against the Knicks and Wolves after starting the road trip with a heartbreaking loss in Philadelphia. Entering Tuesday, the starting lineup San Antonio envisioned before the start of the season (Chris Paul, Devin Vassell, Harrison Barnes, Jeremy Sochan and Victor Wembanyama) has played only eight games together, posting a net rating of 11.9. Now that the roster is healthy, the Spurs might tweak lineups to look for the best fit. – Wright
18. Phoenix Suns
- 2024-25 record: 15-17
- Previous ranking: 17
- Next games: @ IND (Jan. 4), @ PHI (Jan. 6), @ CHA (Jan. 7)
For the first couple months of the season, Suns fans could point to the fact that their team was 13-2 with Kevin Durant in the lineup as proof that they have a chance to win big as long as he is healthy. However, that solace has dissipated in the past couple of weeks. Durant has been on the court for the Suns’ past eight games and they’ve gone just 2-6, falling to No. 11 in the West. Seemingly just as Durant returned, Devin Booker went on the mend, missing the past five games with a groin strain. – McMenamin
19. Indiana Pacers
- 2024-25 record: 16-18
- Previous ranking: 18
- Next games: @ MIA (Jan. 2), vs. PHX (Jan. 4), @ BKN (Jan. 6)
The Pacers had a three-game stretch against two of the best teams in the NBA, losing to the Thunder and splitting a home-and-away with the Celtics that included a vintage Tyrese Haliburton performance where 18 of his 31 points came from the paint. Indiana has rebounded from a slow start to currently be in the No. 8 spot in the Eastern Conference, but it needs Haliburton to keep breaking down defenses in the paint as opposed to relying on his outside shot. – Collier
20. Philadelphia 76ers
- 2024-25 record: 13-17
- Previous ranking: 23
- Next games: @ SAC (Jan. 1), @ GS (Jan. 2), @ BKN (Jan. 4), vs. PHX (Jan. 6)
For the many issues that Philadelphia has had over the opening two months of the season, perhaps the most confounding is Tyrese Maxey’s struggles. Maxey winning last week’s Player of the Week award feels significant for the 76ers – and is a huge part of why Philadelphia is now riding a season-high four-game winning streak heading into a back-to-back in Sacramento and Golden State. – Bontemps
21. Brooklyn Nets
- 2024-25 record: 12-20
- Previous ranking: 24
- Next games: @ TOR (Jan. 1), @ MIL (Jan. 2), vs. PHI (Jan. 4), vs. IND (Jan. 6)
Brooklyn made its second trade in as many weeks, dealing veteran wing Dorian Finney-Smith to the Lakers for point guard D’Angelo Russell and three second-round picks. Before that, the Nets – who were widely perceived to be chasing a top pick in the upcoming draft but winning at a higher clip than anticipated – opted to deal starting point guard Dennis Schroder to the Warriors. Ultimately, depending on the nature of the market, Brooklyn could try to flip Russell, whose contract is expiring, for more picks ahead of the Feb. 6 trade deadline. – Herring
22. Chicago Bulls
- 2024-25 record: 15-18
- Previous ranking: 21
- Next games: @ WAS (Jan. 1), vs. NYK (Jan. 4), vs. SA (Jan. 6)
Josh Giddey’s best game as a Bull – a 23-point, 15-rebound and 10-assist triple-double over the weekend – also came with a few defensive stops that led to a win over the surging Bucks. It was the kind of encouraging sign the Bulls are looking for from their young, rebuilding team, which is putting together a record comparable to last season’s team that was supposed to be competitive. The Bulls were an identical 14-18 through 32 games last season. – Collier
23. Detroit Pistons
- 2024-25 record: 14-18
- Previous ranking: 22
- Next games: vs. ORL (Jan. 1), vs. CHA (Jan. 3), vs. MIN (Jan. 4), vs. POR (Jan. 6)
An impressive West Coast trip saw the Pistons win the first three games before dropping the conclusion Saturday in Denver. Detroit survived a late Lakers surge to win last week, then rallied from a 10-point deficit in the final four minutes to beat Sacramento on Jaden Ivey’s late four-point play. The Pistons head into 2025 having already matched their 2023-24 total of 14 wins with 50 games to spare and have raised expectations to the point where a play-in appearance looks realistic. The Pistons are currently tied for the 10th and final spot in the East. – Pelton
24. Sacramento Kings
- 2024-25 record: 14-19
- Previous ranking: 20
- Next games: vs. PHI (Jan. 1), vs. MEM (Jan. 3), @ GS (Jan. 5), vs. MIA (Jan. 6)
Five consecutive losses, capped by the Pistons rallying from a 10-point deficit in the final minutes to win in Sacramento, cost Mike Brown his job. Three of the five losses came by four points or fewer, a consistent theme for the Kings. Despite the presence of a former Clutch Player of the Year in De’Aaron Fox, the Kings have found relying on late heroics a fickle formula, having lost 13 games that reached clutch time (tied for most with Charlotte). Interim coach Doug Christie got a more comfortable first win Monday, beating the Mavericks without Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving by 10. – Pelton
25. Portland Trail Blazers
- 2024-25 record: 11-21
- Previous ranking: 25
- Next games: @ LAL (Jan. 2), @ MIL (Jan. 4), @ DET (Jan. 6)
An encouraging three-day span after Christmas saw the Blazers come back to beat Utah on a Scoot Henderson buzzer-beater, then defeat a Dallas team playing without Luka Doncic at home. In probably the best two-game stretch of Henderson’s career, he totaled 37 points, 16 assists and 7 steals on 14-of-27 shooting. Alas, Henderson had just six points Monday as the Blazers lost their final game of 2024 by 22 points to Philadelphia. Consistency remains the biggest challenge for a young Portland team. – Pelton
26. Utah Jazz
- 2024-25 record: 7-24
- Previous ranking: 26
- Next games: @ NYK (Jan. 1), @ MIA (Jan. 4), @ ORL (Jan. 5), vs. ATL (Jan. 7)
The Jazz are second from last in the Western Conference, and guard Collin Sexton could be a quality addition for a team looking to add a scoring punch before the trade deadline. He’s averaging 17.4 points per game on 60.4% true shooting, including a career-best 42.4% from 3-point range. Sexton, 26, is due to make $19.2 million next season in the final year of his contract. – MacMahon
27. Charlotte Hornets
- 2024-25 record: 7-25
- Previous ranking: 27
- Next games: @ DET (Jan. 3), @ CLE (Jan. 5), vs. PHX (Jan. 7)
A humbling, hard-to-believe stat for Charlotte: It has lost twice in the past two weeks to the Wizards, who have one of the worst point differentials in modern NBA history and have gone 1-23 against the rest of the league since the start of November. The struggling Hornets haven’t had their preferred starting five together more than twice all season. But the bright side: It gives coach Charles Lee something to aspire to in 2025 as the team seeks a sense of continuity. – Herring
28. Toronto Raptors
- 2024-25 record: 7-26
- Previous ranking: 28
- Next games: vs. BKN (Jan. 1), vs. ORL (Jan. 3), vs. MIL (Jan. 6)
Toronto expected to take its fair share of losses as it embarked on a full-scale rebuild following last season’s teardown. But the fact the Raptors haven’t had a single game with their expected starting five available this season is another disappointment as they are unable to fully assess this group. However, it has also played a part in Toronto currently sitting in the top five in lottery odds – which could be the best thing to happen to this group long term. – Bontemps
29. New Orleans Pelicans
- 2024-25 record: 5-28
- Previous ranking: 29
- Next games: @ MIA (Jan. 1), vs. WAS (Jan. 3), @ WAS (Jan. 5), vs. MIN (Jan. 7)
New Orleans has lost 19 times over a 20-game span for the first time since the 2004-05 season after Monday’s setback against the Clippers, which gave the club its 10th straight loss and ties the fifth-longest losing streak in franchise history. However, the Pels received positive news over the weekend as Zion Williamson returned to practice in a limited capacity. It’s likely the team won’t be in any hurry to get Williamson back on the floor given where it sits in the standings. – Wright
30. Washington Wizards
- 2024-25 record: 5-25
- Previous ranking: 30
- Next games: vs. CHI (Jan. 1), @ NO (Jan. 3), vs. NO (Jan. 5), vs. HOU (Jan. 7)
After beating Charlotte for a second time in seven days last week, the Wizards took the Knicks to overtime last Saturday before losing and were competitive with New York for three quarters in a rematch on Monday. It was more experience for the Wizards’ young players, but Washington had a scary moment when rookie Bub Carrington had to be taken off the floor in a wheelchair in Monday’s game. He is listed as questionable for the Wizards’ next game. – Youngmisuk
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