[ESPN] NBA 选秀资产排名 - 30 支球队的七年展望

By Bobby Marks | ESPN, 2025-01-29 05:41:00



哪些 NBA 球队掌控着未来五、六甚至七年的选秀权?

随着未来选秀大年的到来——以及 2025 年交易截止日的临近——我们将开始关注最重要的选秀权、保护条款和互换权。


随着更多选秀权肯定会在 2 月 6 日联盟交易截止日前被交易,ESPN NBA 前台内部人士鲍比·马克斯将每支球队的选秀资产从 1 排名到 30。

亚特兰大老鹰 | 波士顿凯尔特人 | 布鲁克林篮网 | 夏洛特黄蜂 | 芝加哥公牛 | 克利夫兰骑士
达拉斯独行侠 | 丹佛掘金 | 底特律活塞 | 金州勇士 | 休斯顿火箭 | 印第安纳步行者
洛杉矶快船 | 洛杉矶湖人 | 孟菲斯灰熊 | 迈阿密热火 | 密尔沃基雄鹿 | 明尼苏达森林狼
新奥尔良鹈鹕 | 纽约尼克斯 | 俄克拉荷马雷霆 | 奥兰多魔术 | 费城76人 | 菲尼克斯太阳
波特兰开拓者 | 萨克拉门托国王 | 圣安东尼奥马刺 | 多伦多猛龙 | 犹他爵士 | 华盛顿奇才

1. 俄克拉荷马雷霆

在掌控 2025 年首轮选秀权的五支球队中,没有哪支球队比雷霆更有能力在现在未来取得持续的成功。由于从其他球队获得了六个首轮签,以及与洛杉矶快船队两年的互换权,雷霆队可以在乐透区选中新秀,并且每个赛季都能以联盟最佳战绩之一结束。

获得的首轮签: 13

  • 全部七个自己的首轮签
  • 来自洛杉矶快船的无保护首轮签 (2026)
  • 来自休斯顿火箭的前四顺位保护首轮签 (2026)
  • 来自犹他爵士的前十顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 年为前八顺位保护)
  • 来自迈阿密热火的前十四顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 年无保护)
  • 来自费城 76 人的前六顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 和 2027 年为前四顺位保护)
  • 来自丹佛掘金的前五顺位保护首轮签 (2027,如果 2027 年首轮签已兑现,则 2028 年为前五顺位保护,如果 2028 年首轮签已兑现,则 2030 年为前五顺位保护)
  • 互换权:洛杉矶快船 (2025 和 2027)
  • 互换权:休斯顿火箭 (2025,前十顺位保护)
  • 互换权:达拉斯独行侠 (2028)

备注: 2026 年,俄克拉荷马雷霆拥有三个最有利的首轮签中的两个,分别是自己的、休斯顿火箭的(如果顺位为 5-30)和洛杉矶快船的。三个首轮签中最不利的将归费城 76 人所有。2027 年,雷霆可以将自己和丹佛掘金(如果顺位为 6-30)中更优的首轮签与洛杉矶快船互换。

可交易的首轮签: 10

次轮签: 16

送出的首轮签: 无

2. 圣安东尼奥马刺

圣安东尼奥马刺注重的是质量而非数量,尽管拥有的首轮签比排名第三的布鲁克林篮网少,但马刺仍然位居第二。亚特兰大老鹰 2025 年和 2027 年无保护首轮签的价值,以及 2026 年与老鹰互换首轮签的权利,胜过篮网积累的任何首轮签。

马刺的 12 个首轮签和四年的选秀互换权,应该会加速球队自 2018 年科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)被交易后开始的重建进程,而维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)将成为球队的门面。

获得的首轮签: 12

  • 全部七个自己的首轮签
  • 来自亚特兰大老鹰的两个无保护首轮签 (2025 和 2027)
  • 来自夏洛特黄蜂的前十四顺位保护首轮签 (2025)
  • 来自芝加哥公牛的前十顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 和 2027 年为前八顺位保护)
  • 来自明尼苏达森林狼的无保护首轮签 (2031)
  • 互换权:亚特兰大老鹰 (2026)
  • 互换权:波士顿凯尔特人 (2028,状元签保护)
  • 互换权:达拉斯独行侠和明尼苏达森林狼中更优的首轮签 (状元签保护; 2030)
  • 互换权:萨克拉门托国王 (2031)

可交易的首轮签: (9)

次轮签: (17)

送出的首轮签: 无

3. 布鲁克林篮网

米卡尔·布里奇斯(Mikal Bridges)的交易使得布鲁克林篮网在未来七年拥有联盟最多的 15 个首轮签,其中包括 2025 年选秀大会上的四个首轮签。与休斯顿火箭的交易也让重建中的篮网重新掌控了他们在 2025 年和 2026 年的首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 15

  • 全部七个自己的首轮签
  • 来自纽约尼克斯的四个无保护首轮签 (2025, 2027, 2029 和 2031)
  • 来自密尔沃基雄鹿的前五顺位保护首轮签 (2025)
  • 菲尼克斯太阳、休斯顿火箭(如果顺位为 11-30)和俄克拉荷马雷霆中最不利的首轮签 (2025)
  • 来自费城 76 人的前八顺位保护首轮签 (2027 或 2028)
  • 达拉斯独行侠、菲尼克斯太阳和休斯顿火箭中最不利的首轮签 (2029)
  • 互换权:菲尼克斯太阳或纽约尼克斯 (2028)

可交易的首轮签: 12

次轮签: 16

送出的首轮签: 与休斯顿火箭的互换权 (2027)

4. 犹他爵士

爵士队继续处于观望状态。在鲁迪·戈贝尔(Rudy Gobert)和多诺万·米切尔(Donovan Mitchell)的重磅交易中获得的七个首轮签中,只有一个已经兑现。犹他用明尼苏达森林狼的 2023 年首轮签选中了后卫基翁特·乔治(Keyonte George)。爵士最近用三个次要的首轮签换取了菲尼克斯太阳 2031 年的无保护首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 11

  • 未来七个自己的首轮签中的六个
  • 自己、克利夫兰骑士和明尼苏达森林狼中最有利的两个首轮签 (2025)
  • 自己、克利夫兰骑士和明尼苏达森林狼中最有利的两个首轮签 (2027)
  • 自己、克利夫兰骑士和明尼苏达森林狼中最有利的两个首轮签(如果顺位为 6-30)(2029)
  • 来自洛杉矶湖人的前五顺位保护首轮签 (2027)
  • 来自菲尼克斯太阳的无保护首轮签 (2031)
  • 互换权:明尼苏达森林狼或克利夫兰骑士 (2026) 和克利夫兰骑士 (2028)

可交易的首轮签: 7

次轮签: 3

送出的首轮签: 前十顺位保护首轮签给俄克拉荷马雷霆 (2025,2026 年为前八顺位保护,否则为 2028 年次轮签)

5. 休斯顿火箭

火箭队拥有的首轮签数量不如前面提到的四支球队多。但是,像俄克拉荷马雷霆一样,休斯顿的阵容在本赛季有能力争夺季后赛席位。作为与布鲁克林篮网交易的一部分,火箭队获得了四项选秀资产,包括菲尼克斯太阳 2027 年的无保护首轮签。休斯顿继续面临的一个劣势是,俄克拉荷马雷霆控制着他们未来两年的首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 9

  • 2025、2026(如果顺位为 1-4)、2027、2028、2029、2030 和 2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自菲尼克斯太阳的无保护首轮签 (2027)
  • 自己、达拉斯独行侠和菲尼克斯太阳中更优的两个首轮签 (2029)
  • 菲尼克斯太阳 (2025) 中更优的互换权和自己(如果顺位为 11-30)与俄克拉荷马雷霆中较差的互换权;另一个给布鲁克林篮网
  • 与布鲁克林篮网的首轮互换权 (2027)

可交易的首轮签: 4

次轮签: 5

送出的首轮签: 前十顺位保护的互换权给俄克拉荷马雷霆 (2025);前四顺位保护的首轮签给俄克拉荷马雷霆 (2026)

6. 夏洛特黄蜂

自 2024 年 1 月以来,夏洛特黄蜂获得了两个首轮签和八个次轮签。如果迈阿密热火本赛季未进入季后赛,来自热火的这个首轮签可能会在 2028 年变成无保护。黄蜂在 2027 年拥有来自达拉斯独行侠的前二顺位保护首轮签,但欠圣安东尼奥马刺一个前十四顺位保护的首轮签。如果夏洛特未进入季后赛,他们将在 2026 年和 2027 年向圣安东尼奥马刺送出次轮签。

获得的首轮签: 8

  • 2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自迈阿密热火的前十四顺位保护首轮签 (2027,2028 年无保护)
  • 来自达拉斯独行侠的前二顺位保护首轮签 (2027)

可交易的首轮签: 5

次轮签: 9

送出的首轮签: 前十四顺位保护的首轮签给圣安东尼奥马刺 (2025)

7. 华盛顿奇才

自 2023 年上任以来,奇才总裁迈克尔·温格(Michael Winger)和他的团队已经进行了 11 笔交易,为华盛顿奇才净赚两个首轮签、12 个次轮签和四年的选秀互换权。奇才欠纽约尼克斯一个受保护的首轮签,该首轮签在未来四年中的每一年都有条件。

获得的首轮签: 8

  • 2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 波特兰开拓者、波士顿凯尔特人和密尔沃基雄鹿中次有利的首轮签 (2029)
  • 来自金州勇士的前 20 顺位保护首轮签 (2030,否则为 2030 年次轮签)

可交易的首轮签: 4

次轮签: 17

送出的首轮签: 前十顺位保护的首轮签给纽约尼克斯 (2025,2026 年为前八顺位保护,否则为 2026 和 2027 年次轮签)

8. 奥兰多魔术

奥兰多魔术拥有未来七年自己的首轮签以及在亚伦·戈登(Aaron Gordon)交易中获得的来自丹佛掘金的首轮签。魔术被允许交易最多五个首轮签,并在七年内交换首轮签。自从球队总裁杰夫·韦尔特曼(Jeff Weltman)在 2017 年上任以来,魔术从未交易过自己的首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 8

  • 全部七个自己的首轮签
  • 来自丹佛掘金的前五顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 年为前五顺位保护,2027 年为前五顺位保护)
  • 在 2026 年拥有自己与菲尼克斯太阳或华盛顿奇才(如果顺位为 1-8)中较差顺位互换后更优的顺位

可交易的首轮签: 5

次轮签: 12

送出的首轮签: 无

9. 多伦多猛龙

猛龙队更习惯于交易掉首轮签。在 2022 年和 2023 年,多伦多在不同的交易中将两个首轮签送给了圣安东尼奥马刺。现在,随着 OG·阿奴诺比(OG Anunoby)和帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆(Pascal Siakam)被交易后开始的重建,猛龙队拥有未来七年自己的首轮签以及来自印第安纳步行者的前四顺位保护的 2026 年首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 8

  • 全部七个自己的首轮签
  • 来自印第安纳步行者的前四顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 年为前四顺位保护)

可交易的首轮签: 5

次轮签: 7

送出的首轮签: 无

10. 孟菲斯灰熊

灰熊队拥有未来七个赛季自己的首轮签,并被允许交易最多四个首轮签,并且可以交换所有七个首轮签。自从总经理扎克·克莱曼(Zach Kleiman)在 2019 年上任以来,灰熊队从未直接交易过自己的首轮签。克莱曼在马库斯·斯玛特(Marcus Smart)的交易中将一个首轮签送给了波士顿凯尔特人,但该首轮签之前是从金州勇士队获得的。

获得的首轮签: 7

  • 全部七个自己的首轮签
  • 自己与奥兰多魔术和菲尼克斯太阳互换中最差顺位后更优的顺位 (2026)
  • 将自己的首轮签与菲尼克斯太阳和华盛顿奇才中较差的首轮签互换的权利 (2030)

可交易的首轮签: 4

次轮签: 5

送出的首轮签: 无

11. 新奥尔良鹈鹕

鹈鹕队控制着未来七年自己的首轮签,如果密尔沃基雄鹿队的首轮签在 2025 年或 2027 年落在前四顺位,他们可以增加自己的收藏。新奥尔良还可以与雄鹿队在 2026 年互换首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 9

  • 2025、2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自密尔沃基雄鹿的前四顺位首轮签 (2025)
  • 来自密尔沃基雄鹿的前四顺位首轮签 (2027)
  • 与密尔沃基雄鹿的互换权 (2026)

可交易的首轮签: 6

次轮签: 3

送出的首轮签: 自己(如果顺位为 5-30)或密尔沃基雄鹿(如果顺位为 5-30)中更优的首轮签给亚特兰大老鹰 (2027)

12. 亚特兰大老鹰

老鹰队直到 2028 年才拥有自己首轮签的控制权,但在未来七年内拥有五个可交易的首轮签。作为凯文·赫尔特(Kevin Huerter)和德章泰·穆雷(Dejounte Murray)交易的一部分,亚特兰大可能会在六月份从萨克拉门托国王和洛杉矶湖人那里获得两个首轮签。他们被允许从 2029 年开始交易自己的首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 8

  • 2026、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自洛杉矶湖人的无保护首轮签 (2025)
  • 来自萨克拉门托国王的前十二顺位保护首轮签 (2025)
  • 密尔沃基雄鹿和新奥尔良鹈鹕中较差的首轮签(如果两个顺位都在 5-30 之间)

可交易的首轮签: 5

次轮签: 6

送出的首轮签: 无保护首轮签给圣安东尼奥马刺 (2025 和 2027);与圣安东尼奥马刺的互换权 (2027)

13. 费城 76 人

2023 年 11 月将詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)交易到快船队,补充了 76 人队的选秀资产。费城至少在 2029 年之前都不能交易自己的首轮签,但在 2026 年拥有俄克拉荷马雷霆、休斯顿火箭(如果顺位为 5-30)和快船中最不利的首轮签。他们还拥有快船 2028 年的无保护首轮签以及在 2029 年互换首轮签的权利(如果顺位为 4-30)。费城还有六个可交易的次轮签。

获得的首轮签: 7

  • 2026、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 俄克拉荷马雷霆、休斯顿火箭(如果顺位为 5-30)和洛杉矶快船中最不利的首轮签 (2026)
  • 来自洛杉矶快船的无保护首轮签 (2028)
  • 前三顺位保护的与洛杉矶快船的互换权 (2029)

可交易的首轮签: 4

次轮签: 6

送出的首轮签: 前六顺位保护的首轮签给俄克拉荷马雷霆 (2025,2026 年为前四顺位保护,2027 年为前四顺位保护);前八顺位保护的首轮签给布鲁克林篮网 (如果满足 2025 年给俄克拉荷马雷霆的条件,则为 2027 年,2028 年为前八顺位保护)。

14. 波特兰开拓者

开拓者队已经慢慢开始重建他们的选秀资产。作为达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)和朱·霍勒迪(Jrue Holiday)交易的一部分,他们获得了两个首轮签(其中一个被送到华盛顿奇才换取德尼·阿夫迪亚(Deni Avdija))以及在 2028 年和 2030 年与密尔沃基雄鹿互换首轮签的权利。

由于他们在未来四年欠芝加哥公牛一个前十四顺位保护的首轮签,开拓者队只被允许交易两个首轮签:2029 年自己、波士顿凯尔特人和密尔沃基雄鹿中次有利的首轮签,以及 2030 年自己的首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 7

  • 2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 自己、波士顿凯尔特人和密尔沃基雄鹿中次有利的首轮签 (2029)
  • 与密尔沃基雄鹿的互换权 (2028 和 2030)

可交易的首轮签: 2

次轮签: 6

送出的首轮签: 前十四顺位保护的首轮签给芝加哥公牛 (2025,2026、2027、2028 年为前十四顺位保护);自己、波士顿凯尔特人和密尔沃基雄鹿中次有利的首轮签给华盛顿奇才 (2029)。

15. 底特律活塞

对于一支持续重建的球队来说,活塞队没有在之前的交易中获得首轮签。他们欠明尼苏达森林狼一个 2025 年的前十一顺位保护首轮签,并且在 2029 年之前都不能交易自己的首轮签。底特律有 11 个可用的次轮签。

获得的首轮签: 6

  • 2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 2

次轮签: 11

送出的首轮签: 前十三顺位保护的首轮签给明尼苏达森林狼 (2025,2026 年为前十一顺位保护,2027 年为前九顺位保护)

16. 印第安纳步行者

步行者队上赛季表现积极,在帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆的交易中将两个首轮签送给了多伦多猛龙队。他们仍然欠猛龙队一个 2026 年的前四顺位保护首轮签。


获得的首轮签: 6

  • 2025、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 2

次轮签: 9

送出的首轮签: 前四顺位保护的首轮签给多伦多猛龙 (2026,2027 年为前四顺位保护)

17. 波士顿凯尔特人

在可预见的未来,凯尔特人队将是一支受第二工资帽限制的球队,但他们拥有可以补充阵容或包含在交易中的选秀资产。作为朱·霍勒迪交易的一部分,波士顿欠波特兰开拓者或华盛顿奇才一个 2029 年的首轮签,但仍然被允许在任何交易中移动最多三个首轮签 (2025、2027 和 2031)。凯尔特人队可以包含多个次轮签(他们有六个)来附加到合同中。

获得的首轮签: 6

  • 2025、2026、2027、2028、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 3

次轮签: 6

送出的首轮签: 无保护首轮签给波特兰开拓者或华盛顿奇才 (2029);与圣安东尼奥马刺的互换权 (2028,如果顺位为 2-30)。

18. 金州勇士

如果一名全明星球员可以被交易,勇士队有足够的首轮资本和年轻球员来进行一次大的尝试。包括交易 2030 年前 20 顺位首轮签的权利,金州勇士被允许在 2026 年和 2028 年交易一个无保护首轮签。他们还被允许在所有七个赛季交换首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 7

  • 2025、2026、2027、2028、2029、2030(如果顺位为 1-20)、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 3

次轮签: 2

送出的首轮签: 前 20 顺位保护的首轮签给金州勇士 (2030)

19. 芝加哥公牛

公牛队,就像他们的阵容一样,在选秀资产方面处于中等水平。作为 2022 年获得德玛尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan)的交易的一部分,他们欠圣安东尼奥马刺自己本赛季的首轮签(如果顺位为 11-30)。由于该首轮签在接下来的三个赛季都受到保护,公牛队直到 2029 年才能交易选秀权。芝加哥拥有来自波特兰开拓者的 2025 年首轮签,但该首轮签受到前十四顺位保护,本赛季不太可能兑现。

获得的首轮签: 7

  • 2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自波特兰开拓者的前十四顺位保护首轮签 (2025,该首轮签到 2028 年都受到前十四顺位保护)

可交易的首轮签: 3

次轮签: 5

送出的首轮签: 前十顺位保护的首轮签给圣安东尼奥马刺 (2025,2026 和 2027 年为前八顺位保护)

20. 洛杉矶湖人

湖人队将他们的 2025 年首轮签送给了亚特兰大老鹰,将 2027 年前四顺位保护的首轮签送给了犹他爵士。他们被允许交易三个首轮签——他们的 2029、2030 或 2031 年选秀权——但不能在连续的赛季进行交易。他们可以交易的首轮签最多为两个 (2029 和 2031)。湖人队可以在 2027 年增加第三个首轮签,但前提是它的顺位在前四名之内。洛杉矶有五年内交换首轮签的权利 (2026、2028、2029、2030 和 2031)。

获得的首轮签: 6

  • 2026、2027(如果顺位为 1-4)、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 3

次轮签: 2

送出的首轮签: 无保护首轮签给亚特兰大老鹰 (2025);前四顺位保护首轮签给犹他爵士 (2027)。

21. 达拉斯独行侠

独行侠队一直是联盟中选秀权使用效率最高的球队。在三笔单独的交易中,达拉斯获得了凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)、P.J.·华盛顿(P.J. Washington)和丹尼尔·加福德(Daniel Gafford)。三个首轮签 (2024、2027、2029) 和选秀互换权 (2028) 仍然使独行侠队有能力在未来七年交易两个首轮签 (2025 和 2031)。

获得的首轮签: 5

  • 2025、2026、2028、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 2

次轮签: 2

送出的首轮签: 前二顺位保护的首轮签给夏洛特黄蜂 (2027);与俄克拉荷马雷霆的互换权 (2028);无保护首轮签给休斯顿火箭或布鲁克林篮网 (2029);与圣安东尼奥马刺的互换权 (2030)。

22. 纽约尼克斯

纽约尼克斯抵押了他们的未来以获得米卡尔·布里奇斯和卡尔-安东尼·唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns),在这两笔交易中送出了史无前例的六个首轮签。尼克斯队不被允许交易自己的首轮签,但仍然拥有来自华盛顿奇才的 2025 年前十顺位保护首轮签。纽约还可以交换 2026 年和 2030 年的首轮签,并且有八个可用的次轮签。

获得的首轮签: 4

  • 2026、2028、2030 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自华盛顿奇才的前十顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 年为前八顺位保护)

可交易的首轮签: 1

次轮签: 8

送出的首轮签: 无保护首轮签给布鲁克林篮网 (2025、2027、2029、2031);与布鲁克林篮网的互换权 (2028)。

23. 萨克拉门托国王


由于今年有前十二顺位保护,2026 年有前十顺位保护,因此可以送出的第一个允许年份是 2028 年。这意味着萨克拉门托最多可以交易两个首轮签。



获得的首轮签: 6

  • 2026、2027、2028、2029、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 2

次轮签: 1

送出的首轮签: 前十二顺位保护的首轮签给亚特兰大老鹰 (2025,2026 年为前十顺位保护)。与圣安东尼奥马刺的互换权 (2031)。

24. 克利夫兰骑士

骑士队在 2022 年交易多诺万·米切尔时孤注一掷。

克利夫兰欠爵士队 2025、2027 和 2029 年的无保护首轮签。犹他还有权在 2026 年和 2028 年互换首轮签。

克利夫兰可以交易其 2031 年的首轮签,并有八个可用的次轮签。

获得的首轮签: 4

  • 2026、2028、2030、2031 年自己的首轮签

可交易的首轮签: 1

次轮签: 8

送出的首轮签: 无保护首轮签给犹他爵士 (2025、2027、2029)。与犹他爵士的互换权 (2026 和 2028)。

25. 明尼苏达森林狼


他们在 2022 年交易了前所未有的四个首轮签以获得鲁迪·戈贝尔,并用 2031 年的无保护首轮签从圣安东尼奥马刺换来了首轮秀罗布·迪林厄姆(Rob Dillingham)的权利。爵士队和马刺队也有权在 2026 年和 2030 年互换首轮签。

明尼苏达被允许交易在卡尔-安东尼·唐斯与纽约的交易中获得的 2025 年底特律受保护首轮签,并在 2026 年互换首轮签。

获得的首轮签: 4

  • 2026、2028、2030 年自己的首轮签
  • 来自底特律活塞的前十四顺位保护首轮签 (2025,2026 年为前十一顺位保护,2027 年为前九顺位保护)

可交易的首轮签: 1


点击查看原文:NBA draft asset rankings - Seven-year outlooks for all 30 teams

NBA draft asset rankings - Seven-year outlooks for all 30 teams


Which NBA franchises control the next five, six or even seven drafts?

With strong draft classes ahead – and the 2025 trade deadline even sooner – we’ll start to see the most important draft picks, protections and swap rights come into focus.

Eight draft picks have already been traded in deals this season, headlined by the Los Angeles Lakers moving D’Angelo Russell and three second-rounders to the Brooklyn Nets for Dorian Finney-Smith. The Nets had traded former starting guard Dennis Schroder to the Golden State Warriors two weeks earlier in a trade that featured four second-rounders.

With more picks certain to be dealt between now and the league’s Feb. 6 trade deadline, ESPN NBA Front Office Insider Bobby Marks is ranking each team’s collection of draft assets from 1 to 30.

Jump to a team:\




NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\


1. Oklahoma City Thunder

Out of the group of five teams that control the 2025 draft’s first round, no team is better positioned than OKC to win now and have sustainable success in the future. Because of the six first-round picks acquired from other teams and two years of swaps with the LA Clippers, the Thunder could select in the lottery and also finish each season with one of the best records in the NBA.

Incoming first-round picks: 13

  • All seven of their own
  • Unprotected from LA Clippers (2026)
  • Top-4 protected from Houston (2026)
  • Top-10 protected from Utah (2025, top-8 in 2026)
  • Top-14 protected from Miami (2025, unprotected in 2026)
  • Top-6 protected from Philadelphia (2025, top-4 protected in 2026 and 2027)
  • Top-5 protected from Denver (2027, top-5 protected in 2028)
  • Top-5 protected from Denver (2029, if first conveyed in 2027, top 5-protected in 2030 if first is conveyed by 2028)
  • Swap rights: LA Clippers (2025 and 2027)
  • Swap rights: Houston (2025, top-10 protected)
  • Swap rights: Dallas (2028)

Notes: In 2026, Oklahoma City has two of the most favorable of its own, Houston (if 5-30) and LA Clippers. The least favorable of the three firsts will go to Philadelphia. In 2027, the Thunder can swap the more favorable of their own and Denver (if 6-30) with the LA Clippers.

Tradable first-round picks: 10

Second-round picks: 16

Outgoing first-round picks: None

2. San Antonio Spurs

It’s quality over quantity for San Antonio, which sits in the second spot of the ranking despite having fewer first-round picks than third-place Brooklyn. The value of the Hawks’ unprotected 2025 and 2027 first-round picks and the right to swap a first in 2026 with Atlanta trumps any first-round pick the Nets have accumulated.

The Spurs’ 12 first-round picks and four years of pick swaps should accelerate a rebuild that started when Kawhi Leonard was traded in 2018 and continues with Victor Wembanyama as the face of the franchise.

Incoming first-round picks: 12

  • All seven of their own
  • Two unprotected from Atlanta (2025 and 2027)
  • Top-14 protected from Charlotte (2025)
  • Top-10 protected from Chicago (2025, top-8 protected in 2026 and 2027)
  • Unprotected from Minnesota (2031)
  • Swap rights: Atlanta (2026)
  • Swap rights: Boston (2028, top-1 protected)
  • Swap rights: More favorable of Dallas and Minnesota (top-1 protected; 2030)
  • Swap rights: Sacramento (2031)

Tradable first-round picks: (9)

Second-round picks: (17)

Outgoing first-round picks: None

3. Brooklyn Nets

The Mikal Bridges trade has Brooklyn possessing a league-high 15 first-round picks over the next seven years, including four in the 2025 draft. The trade with Houston also puts the rebuilding Nets back in control of their own first in 2025 and 2026.

Incoming first-round picks: 15

  • All seven of their own
  • Four unprotected from New York (2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031)
  • Top-5 protected from Milwaukee (2025)
  • Least favorable of Phoenix, Houston (if 11-30) and Oklahoma City (2025)
  • Top-8 protected from Philadelphia (2027 or 2028)
  • Least favorable of Dallas, Phoenix and Houston (2029)
  • Swap rights: Phoenix or New York (2028)

Tradable first-round picks: 12

Second-round picks: 16

Outgoing first-round picks: Swap rights with Houston (2027)

4. Utah Jazz

The Jazz continue to sit in a holding pattern. Out of the seven first-round picks acquired in the Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell blockbuster trades, only one has been conveyed. Utah drafted guard Keyonte George with the 2023 first-round pick from Minnesota. Utah recently consolidated three of their lesser firsts in exchange for a 2031 unprotected Phoenix first.

Incoming first-round picks: 11

  • Six of their next seven own
  • Two of the most favorable from their own, Cleveland, Minnesota (2025)
  • Two of the most favorable from their own, Cleveland, Minnesota (2027)
  • Two of the most favorable from their own, Cleveland, Minnesota (if 6-30) (2029)
  • Top-5 protected from Los Angeles Lakers (2027)
  • Unprotected first from Phoenix (2031)
  • Swap rights: Minnesota or Cleveland (2026) and Cleveland (2028)

Tradable first-round picks: 7

Second-round picks: 3

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-10 protected to Oklahoma City (2025, top-8 in 2026, else a 2028 second-round pick)

5. Houston Rockets

The Rockets do not have the quantity of first-round picks like the four teams mentioned above. But, like Oklahoma City, Houston has a roster that can compete for a playoff spot this season. It picked up four draft assets as part of the trade with Brooklyn, including an unprotected first from Phoenix in 2027. One disadvantage Houston continues to face is that Oklahoma City controls their first-round picks in the next two years.

Incoming first-round picks: 9

  • Own first in 2025, 2026 (if 1-4), 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030 and 2031
  • Unprotected first from Phoenix (2027)
  • Two of the more favorable firsts of own, Dallas and Phoenix (2029)
  • The more favorable first-round swap of Phoenix (2025) and less favorable of own (if 11-30) and Oklahoma City; other to Brooklyn
  • First-round swap with Brooklyn (2027)

Tradable first-round picks: 4

Second-round picks: 5

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-10-protected swap with Oklahoma City (2025); top-4-protected first to Oklahoma City (2026)

6. Charlotte Hornets

Charlotte has acquired two first-round picks and eight second-rounders since January 2024. The first from Miami could become unprotected in 2028 if they miss the playoffs this season. The Hornets have a top-2 protected first in 2027 from the Mavericks but owe San Antonio a top-14 protected first in June. If Charlotte misses the playoffs, they will send San Antonio a second in 2026 and 2027.

Incoming first-round picks: 8

  • Own first in 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Top-14 protected first from Miami (2027, unprotected in 2028)
  • Top-2 protected first from Dallas (2027)

Tradable first-round picks: 5

Second-round picks: 9

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-14 protected first to San Antonio (2025)

7. Washington Wizards

Since taking over in 2023, Wizards president Michael Winger and his staff have made 11 trades that have netted Washington two firsts, twelve seconds and four years of pick swaps. The Wizards owe New York a protected first that is conditional in each of the next four years.

Incoming first-round picks: 8

  • 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Second most favorable of Portland, Boston, Milwaukee (2029)
  • Top-20 protected first from Golden St. (2030, else 2030 second)

Tradable first-round picks: 4

Second-round picks: 17

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-10 protected first to New York (2025, top-8 protected in 2026, else 2026 and 2027 second)

8. Orlando Magic

Orlando has its own first in the next seven years and a first from Denver that was acquired in the Aaron Gordon trade. The Magic are allowed to trade up to five firsts and swap firsts in seven years. The Magic have never traded their own first-round pick since team president Jeff Weltman took over in 2017.

Incoming first-round picks: 8

  • All seven of their own first
  • Top-5 protected first from Denver (2025, top-5 protected in 2026, top-5 protected in 2027)
  • Has more favorable swap of own and less favorable Phoenix or Washington (if 1-8) in 2026

Tradable first-round picks: 5

Second-round picks: 12

Outgoing first-round picks: None

9. Toronto Raptors

The Raptors have been more accustomed to trading away first-round picks. In 2022 and 2023, Toronto sent two first-rounders to San Antonio in separate trades. Now with a rebuild that started when OG Anunoby and Pascal Siakam were traded, the Raptors have their own first in the next seven years and a top-4 protected 2026 first from Indiana.

Incoming first-round picks: 8

  • All seven of their own
  • Top-4 protected first from Indiana (2025, top-4 protected in 2026)

Tradable first-round picks: 5

Second-round picks: 7

Outgoing first-round picks: None

10. Memphis Grizzlies

The Grizzlies have their own first-round picks in the next seven seasons and are allowed to trade up to four and can swap all seven. Since general manager Zach Kleiman took over in 2019, the Grizzlies have never traded one of their own firsts outright. Kleiman sent a first to Boston as part of the Marcus Smart trade, but that was previously acquired from Golden State.

Incoming first-round picks: 7

  • All seven of their own first-round picks
  • More favorable swap of their own and least favorable swap of Orlando and Phoenix (2026)
  • The right to swap their own with the less favorable first of Phoenix and Washington (2030)

Tradable first-round picks: 4

Second-round picks: 5

Outgoing first-round picks: None

11. New Orleans Pelicans

The Pelicans control their own first-round picks in the next seven years and could add to their collection if Milwaukee’s pick falls in the top four in 2025 or 2027. New Orleans can also swap firsts with the Bucks in 2026.

Incoming first-round picks: 9

  • 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Top-4 first from Milwaukee (2025)
  • Top-4 first from Milwaukee (2027)
  • Swap rights with Milwaukee (2026)

Tradable first-round picks: 6

Second-round picks: 3

Outgoing first-round picks: More favorable of own (if 5-30) or Milwaukee (if 5-30) to Atlanta (2027)

12. Atlanta Hawks

The Hawks have no control over their own first-round pick until 2028 but have five tradable firsts in the next seven years. As part of the Kevin Huerter and Dejounte Murray trades, Atlanta could have two firsts in June from Sacramento and the Los Angeles Lakers. They are allowed to trade their own first starting in 2029.

Incoming first-round picks: 8

  • Own first in 2026, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Unprotected first from Lakers (2025)
  • Top-12 protected first from Sacramento (2025)
  • Less favorable of Milwaukee and New Orleans (if both are 5-30)

Tradable first-round picks: 5

Second-round picks: 6

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to San Antonio (2025 and 2027); swap rights with San Antonio (2027)

13. Philadelphia 76ers

The James Harden trade to the Clippers in November 2023 replenished the 76ers’ draft assets. Philadelphia can’t trade its own first-round pick until at least 2029 but have the least favorable first of Oklahoma City, Houston (if 5-30) and the Clippers in 2026. They also have an unprotected 2028 Clippers first and the right to swap firsts in 2029 (if 4-30). Philadelphia also has six tradable second-round picks.

Incoming first-round picks: 7

  • 2026, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Less favorable of Oklahoma City, Houston (if 5-30) and LA Clippers (2026)
  • Unprotected first from Clippers (2028)
  • Top-3 protected swap rights with LA Clippers (2029)

Tradable first-round picks: 4

Second-round picks: 6

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-6 protected first to Oklahoma City (2025, top-4 protected in 2026, top-4 protected in 2027); top-8 protected first to Brooklyn (2027 if conditions met to Oklahoma City in 2025, top-8 protected in 2028).

14. Portland Trail Blazers

The Trail Blazers have slowly begun to rebuild their draft assets. They acquired two firsts (one was sent to Washington for Deni Avdija) and the right to swap firsts with Milwaukee in 2028 and 2030 as part of the Damian Lillard and Jrue Holiday trades.

Because they owe Chicago a top-14 protected first in the next four years, the Blazers are allowed to trade only two firsts: the second most favorable of their own, Boston and Milwaukee in 2029 and their own in 2030.

Incoming first-round picks: 7

  • 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Second most favorable of own, Boston and Milwaukee (2029)
  • Swap rights with Milwaukee (2028 and 2030)

Tradable first-round picks: 2

Second-round picks: 6

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-14 protected first to Chicago (2025, top-14 protected in 2026, 2027, 2028); second most favorable first of their own, Boston and Milwaukee to Washington (2029).

15. Detroit Pistons

For a team that continues to rebuild, the Pistons do not have first-round picks acquired in previous trades. They owe Minnesota a top-11 protected first in 2025 and are not allowed to trade their own first until 2029. Detroit has 11 second-rounders available.

Incoming first-round picks: 6

  • Own first in 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 2

Second-round picks: 11

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-13 protected first to Minnesota (2025, top-11 protected in 2026, top-9 protected in 2027)

16. Indiana Pacers

The Pacers were aggressive last season, sending two firsts to Toronto in the Pascal Siakam trade. They still owe the Raptors a top-4 protected first in 2026.

They are allowed to trade up to two firsts starting after the conditions to Toronto have been met. Indiana does have nine second-rounders available.

Incoming first-round picks: 6

  • Own first in 2025, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 2

Second-round picks: 9

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-4 protected first to Toronto (2026, top-4 protected in 2027)

17. Boston Celtics

The Celtics are a second apron team for the foreseeable future but have the draft assets to add to their roster or include in a trade. Boston owes Portland or Washington a first in 2029 as part of the Jrue Holiday trade but are still allowed to move up to three firsts in any deal (2025, 2027 and 2031). The Celtics can include multiple seconds (they have six) to attach to a contract.

Incoming first-round picks: 6

  • Own first in 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 3

Second-round picks: 6

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to Portland or Washington (2029); swap rights with San Antonio (2028 if 2-30).

18. Golden State Warriors

The Warriors have enough first-round capital and young players to take a big swing if an All-Star becomes available. Including the rights to trade a top-20 first in 2030, Golden State is allowed to trade an unprotected first in 2026 and 2028. They are also allowed to swap firsts in all seven seasons.

Incoming first-round picks: 7

  • Own first in 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030 (if 1-20), 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 3

Second-round picks: 2

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-20 protected first to Golden State (2030)

19. Chicago Bulls

The Bulls, like their roster, are stuck in the middle when it comes to draft assets. They owe their own first (if 11-30) this season to San Antonio as part of the 2022 trade to acquire DeMar DeRozan. Because the first is protected the next three seasons, the Bulls are not allowed to trade a pick until 2029. Chicago has a 2025 first from Portland, but that is protected top-14 and unlikely to convey this season.

Incoming first-round picks: 7

  • Own first in 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031
  • Top-14 protected first from Portland (2025, the first is protected top-14 through 2028)

Tradable first-round picks: 3

Second-round picks: 5

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-10 protected first to San Antonio (2025, top-8 protected in 2026, 2027)

20. Los Angeles Lakers

The Lakers owe their 2025 first-round pick to Atlanta and their 2027 top-4 protected first to Utah. They are allowed to trade three firsts – their 2029, 2030 or 2031 picks – but are not allowed to trade in back-to-back seasons. The maximum number of firsts they can trade is two (2029 and 2031). The Lakers could add a third first in 2027, but only if it falls in the top 4. Los Angeles has the right to swap firsts in five years (2026, 2028, 2029, 2030 and 2031).

Incoming first-round picks: 6

  • 2026, 2027 (if 1-4), 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 3

Second-round picks: 2

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to Atlanta (2025); top-4 protected first to Utah (2027).

21. Dallas Mavericks

The Mavericks have been the league’s most efficient team with their draft picks. In three separate trades, Dallas acquired Kyrie Irving, P.J. Washington and Daniel Gafford. The three first-round picks (2024, 2027, 2029) and pick swap (2028) still has the Mavericks with the ability to trade two firsts (2025 and 2031) over the next seven years.

Incoming first-round picks: 5

  • Own first in 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 2

Second-round picks: 2

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-2 protected first to Charlotte (2027); swap rights with Oklahoma City (2028); unprotected first to Houston or Brooklyn (2029); swap rights to San Antonio (2030).

22. New York Knicks

New York mortgaged its future to acquire Mikal Bridges and Karl-Anthony Towns, sending an unprecedented six first-round picks in the two deals. The Knicks are not allowed to trade their own first but still have a 2025 top-10 protected first from Washington. New York can also swap firsts in 2026 and 2030 and has eight second-round picks available.

Incoming first-round picks: 4

  • 2026, 2028, 2030
  • Top-10 protected first from Washington (2025, top-8 protected in 2026)

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 8

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to Brooklyn (2025, 2027, 2029, 2031); swap rights to Brooklyn (2028).

23. Sacramento Kings

The first sent to Atlanta as part of the Kevin Huerter trade still hinders how many picks Sacramento can include.

Because there is top-12 protection this year and top-10 in 2026, the first allowable year a pick can be sent out is in 2028. That means Sacramento has a maximum of two allowable firsts to trade.

The Kings’ pool of second draft assets has also diminished.

In the last two trades, Sacramento sent out four seconds and had two remaining.

Incoming first-round picks: 6

  • 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 2

Second-round picks: 1

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-12 protected first to Atlanta (2025, top-10 protected in 2026). Swap rights with San Antonio (2031).

24. Cleveland Cavaliers

The Cavaliers went all-in when they traded for Donovan Mitchell in 2022.

Cleveland owes the Jazz unprotected firsts in 2025, 2027 and 2029. Utah also has the right to swap firsts in 2026 and 2028.

Cleveland can trade its 2031 first and have eight seconds available.

Incoming first-round picks: 4

  • Own first in 2026, 2028, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 8

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to Utah (2025, 2027, 2029). Swap rights with Utah (2026 and 2028).

25. Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota has been aggressive in using draft assets to upgrade its roster.

It traded a then-unprecedented four firsts to acquire Rudy Gobert in 2022 and a 2031 unprotected first to San Antonio for the rights to first-round pick Rob Dillingham. The Jazz and Spurs also have the right to swap firsts in 2026 and 2030.

Minnesota is allowed to trade the 2025 Detroit protected first acquired as part of the Karl-Anthony Towns trade with New York and swap firsts in 2026.

Incoming first-round picks: 4

  • 2026, 2028, 2030
  • Top-14 protected first from Detroit (2025, top-11 protected in 2026, top-9 protected in 2027)

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 4

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to Utah (2025 and 2027); top-5 protected first to Utah (2029); unprotected first to San Antonio (2031); swap rights with Utah (2026); swap rights (if 2-30) with San Antonio (2030).

26. Phoenix Suns

The Suns continue to make high risk moves, this time trading their 2031 unprotected first to Utah. The trade now gives Phoenix the optionality of using the three first-round picks acquired in different transactions. The Suns have a total of six firsts in the next seven years, and three that can be traded.

Incoming first-round picks: 6

  • Own: 2026, 2028, 2030
  • 2025 least favorable of Cleveland, Minnesota, Utah
  • 2027 least favorable of Cleveland, Minnesota, Utah
  • 2029 least favorable of Cleveland, Minnesota (if 6-30), Utah

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 1

Outgoing first-round picks: Unprotected first to Houston or Brooklyn (2025); unprotected first to Houston (2027); unprotected first to Houston or Brooklyn (2029); unprotected first to Utah (2031); swap rights with Orlando, Washington (if 1-8) and Memphis (2026); swap rights with Washington, Brooklyn, New York (2028); swap rights with Washington and Memphis (2030).

27. Miami Heat

Miami has five firsts in the next seven years but are restricted in what they can send in a trade. Because there is protection on the pick owed to Oklahoma City (2025) and Charlotte (two years after first to the Thunder is sent), the earliest Miami can trade a first is in 2030. The Heat could trade their 2029 and 2031 first but that would require them to eliminate the protections on those picks. The firsts were used in the Jimmy Butler (sent to the Clippers and rerouted to Oklahoma City) and Terry Rozier trades.

Incoming first-round picks: 5

  • 2026, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 3

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-14 protected first to Oklahoma City (2025, unprotected in 2026); top-14 protected first to Charlotte (2027, unprotected in 2028).

28. LA Clippers

The Clippers decimated their draft assets, first with the Paul George trade in 2019 and then last November to acquire James Harden. The Thunder still have the right to swap firsts with the Clippers in 2025, 2027 and have an unprotected first in 2026, even with George not on the roster. Meanwhile, George’s new team, Philadelphia, controls the Clippers’ first-round pick in 2028 and 2029. LA is allowed to swap its first in 2030 and 2031 and can trade its 2031 first outright.

Incoming first-round picks: 4

  • Own first in 2025, 2027, 2029, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 2

Outgoing first-round picks: First-round swap with Oklahoma City (2025); unprotected first to Oklahoma City or Philadelphia (2026); first-round swap with Oklahoma City or Denver (2027); unprotected first to Philadelphia (2028); top-3 protected swap with Philadelphia (2029).

29. Milwaukee Bucks

The Bucks have no control over their first-round pick until 2031, a result of the Jrue Holiday trade in 2020 and then acquiring Damian Lillard before the start of the 2023-24 regular season. The Holiday trade played a role in Milwaukee winning a championship in 2021; the jury is still out on the addition of Lillard. The Bucks are allowed to swap or trade their first in 2031.

Incoming first-round picks: 4

  • 2026, 2028, 2030, 2031

Tradable first-round picks: 1

Second-round picks: 1

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-4 first to New Orleans or 5-30 to Brooklyn (2025); swap with New Orleans (2026); unprotected first to New Orleans or Atlanta (if 5-30, 2027); swap with Portland (2028 and 2030); unprotected first to Portland or Washington (2029).

30. Denver Nuggets

The Nuggets parlayed future first-round picks for two reasons; to put a championship roster around MVP Nikola Jokic, and to put a foundation in place with young players. The three outstanding firsts still owed turned into Aaron Gordon, Peyton Watson, Julian Strawther, Jalen Pickett and Hunter Tyson.

As a result, Denver has no first-round picks available to trade (unless the conditions to Oklahoma City are met by 2029) and one second.

Incoming first-round picks: 4

  • Own first in 2026, 2028, 2030, 2031 (Note: The only first that can be swapped is in 2031.)

Tradable first-round picks: None

Second-round picks: 1

Outgoing first-round picks: Top-5 protected first to Orlando (2025, top-5 protected in 2026, 2027); top-5 protected first to Oklahoma City (2027, top-5 protected in 2028, 2029); top-5 protected first to Oklahoma City (2029, top-5 protected in 2030).

By Bobby Marks | ESPN, via ESPN

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