[PtR] 马刺在新年前夜摧毁快船 ▶️

By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-01 11:51:38




马刺队以摧枯拉朽之势击败了快船队,以一场酣畅淋漓的胜利结束了2024年,并成功复仇了11月4日的失利。文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)虽然三分球手感不佳,但在篮下予取予求,频频冲击篮筐。马刺队自始至终都保持领先,一度将分差拉开到41分,并将快船队的投篮命中率限制在34%。

“我认为球队的对抗性非常出色,”主教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)在赛后谈到防守时说道。“我认为队员们彼此紧密联系,对比赛计划的执行非常到位。从攻防转换到半场阵地战,这都是一场非常精彩的表现。”

通常慢热的马刺队本场开局就展现出了极强的进攻欲望。文班盖掉了伊维察·祖巴茨(Ivica Zubac)的投篮,并用传球撕裂了快船队的内线和底角防守。杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)也贡献了两记扣篮,迫使快船队请求了第一次暂停,此时马刺队以14-6领先。比赛恢复后,扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)换下文班,客队回敬了一波11-6的攻势。


在第二节,马刺队的防守让快船队21投仅9中,并迫使对手出现3次失误。文班和科林斯在篮下筑起了铜墙铁壁,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)则在全场紧逼中不断给持球人施压。进攻端,马刺队通过挡拆和快攻得分,但在最后两分钟,球队的进攻有所放缓,连续投丢了最后五次出手。半场结束时,马刺队以63-43领先。球队得到了26分内线得分,5分二次进攻得分,14分快攻得分和13分抢断得分。

下半场,卡斯尔接管了比赛。他让快船队的进攻陷入停滞,迫使哈登出现一次八秒违例,并完成一次抢断,随后快攻得分,这是他四个进球中的一个。此外,文班和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)也分别为马刺队贡献了多个进球。


联盟中最危险的射手之一诺曼·鲍威尔(Norman Powell)本场三分球手感冰凉。快船队的进攻如此糟糕,以至于主教练泰伦·卢(Tyronn Lue)孤注一掷,派上了很少上场的博恩斯·海兰(Bones Hyland),但他依然没能找到答案。马刺队在第三节将快船队的投篮命中率限制在22投8中,其中包括开局连续五次投篮不中。




克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)从祖巴茨手中断球,快速推进到前场,并将球抛向篮板,跟进的文班完成空接暴扣。


投票#NBAAllStar https://t.co/ovVcT11GyM pic.twitter.com/I1scwf1fwu

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月1日


  • 快船队试图用小个子球员来防守文班,因为祖巴茨和穆罕默德·班巴(Mohamed Bamba)的速度跟不上他。这对文班来说轻而易举,他的10个进球中有7个是在非大个子球员的防守下完成的。
  • 卡斯尔打出了他本赛季最好的比赛之一。他8投5中得到15分,还有4个篮板,4次助攻,1次抢断,1次盖帽和1次失误。他的所有投丢都来自三分线外。他通过挡拆、快攻得分,并在底线命中了一记跳投。
  • 除了卡斯尔,替补球员中表现最好的是凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson),他11投7中得到17分,还有6个篮板,1次助攻和1次失误。他的进球中只有一个是三分球,其中四个来自快攻,最后一个是文班助攻的底线空切上篮。
  • 除了索汉,保罗是首发球员中上场时间最少的(20分钟),但他的表现依然出色。他的四次助攻分别给了文班、卡斯尔和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes),此外他还通过抢断和拦截传球完成了三次抢断。
  • 索汉在上半场因背部受伤离场,没有再回到比赛。他上场15分钟,5投2中得到4分,还有5个篮板,2次助攻,1次抢断和1次失误。约翰逊在赛后没有更新他的伤情。
  • 马刺队将快船队在禁区的命中率限制在55%,比联盟平均水平低10.8个百分点。此外,根据Cleaning the Glass的数据,马刺队29.6%的进攻时间来自攻防转换,这足以排在本赛季所有比赛的第100百分位。
点击查看原文:The Spurs destroyed the Clippers on New Year’s Eve

The Spurs destroyed the Clippers on New Year’s Eve

NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at San Antonio Spurs

Domination ends the year

The Spurs incinerated the Clippers, ending 2024 on a high note and getting payback over the loss on Nov. 4. Victor Wembanyama shot poorly from deep but got anything he wanted, hunting the rim. The Spurs were never behind, and at one point, the lead grew as high as 41 as they held LAC to 34 percent shooting.

“I thought the physicality was superb,” coach Mitch Johnson said about the defense postgame. “I thought they were connected, the game plan execution was sharp. From transition to the half court, it was a very good showing.”

The normally slow-starting Spurs were in the fast lane early. Wemby got things rolling, denying the rim from Ivica Zubac and spraying the Clippers in the paint and corner. Jeremy Sochan also added a pair of dunks, forcing the Clippers’ first timeout as the Spurs led 14-6. But when play resumed, Zach Collins came in for Wemby, and the visitors responded with an 11-6 run.

Wemby returned instantly, burying jumpers and attacking the rim. He had 17 first-quarter points, tying the Clippers’ output by himself, on 86 percent shooting. The rest of the team made six of 15 shots as they led 31-17 after one period. Harden was the only threat they were dealing with then, as he amassed 13 of his team’s points.

Then, the defense allowed nine of 21 shots and forced three turnovers in the second quarter. Wembanyama and Collins were disruptive at the cup, and Stephon Castle bothered the ball handler in full-court press. On offense, the Spurs scored on screen rolls and in transition, but the attack slowed down in the last two minutes as the team missed its last five attempts. At halftime, the Spurs were up 63-43. The team had 26 paint points, five via second chances, 14 on the break and 13 off turnovers.

Afterward, Castle took over the third quarter. He made the Clippers offense stall, forcing Harden into an eight-second violation and intercepting a pass that led to a fastbreak score among one of his four baskets. Additionally, Wembanyama and Julian Champagnie were the other Spurs who logged multiple field goals.

“It doesn’t matter when you come in,” Castle said. “If I didn’t start the second half, I feel like I would have came in ready, but my mindset was focusing on our defensive game plan, on Harden, knowing I had to take that assignment from Jeremy [Sochan] when he went out.”

Norman Powell, one of the league’s most dangerous snipers, went cold from deep. The destruction was so bad that coach Tyronn Lue summoned Bones Hyland, who is rarely used, because he was desperate for answers. Those never came as the Spurs finished the quarter holding them to eight of 22 attempts, including five straight misses in the beginning.

The fourth quarter started with San Antonio ahead by 28 points. Johnson subbed out his last two starters- Wembanyama and Barnes- out with nearly nine minutes left. The rest of the game was the background Spurs enjoying garbage time, and the Spurs won 122-86. They had 62 paint points, 12 via second chances, 32 on the break and 21 off turnovers.

When Johnson was asked what worked for Wemby in December, he said, “He’s playing stronger, more physical, more fundamentally sound. And it’s crazy how spectacular his simple is.”

Play of the game

Chris Paul ripped the ball from Zubac’s grasp, ran up the court, and threw a lob off the backboard to Wembanyama trailing him.


Vote #NBAAllStar https://t.co/ovVcT11GyM pic.twitter.com/I1scwf1fwu

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 1, 2025

Game Notes

  • The Clippers tried to guard Wembanyama with smalls because Zubac and Mohamed Bamba don’t have the footspeed to hang with him. This was easy work for him as seven of his 10 baskets came against non bigs.
  • Castle had one of his best games of the season. He had 15 points on five of eight shots, with four rebounds, four assists, one steal, one block and one turnover. None of his misses were inside the arc. He scored on screen rolls, transition strikes and made a jumper on the baseline
  • Next to to Castle, the top reserve was Keldon Johnson, who had 17 points on 63.6 percent shooting, with six rebounds, one assist and a turnover. Only one of his baskets was a 3-pointer while four were on the break and the last on a baseline cut fed by Wembanyama.
  • Aside from Sochan, Paul was the starter who played the least amount of minutes (20), but he did well. His four assists went to Wemby, Castle and Harrison Barnes, plus he had three steals by poking the ball loose and intercepting a pass.
  • Sochan did not return because of a back injury in the first half. He played 15 minutes, logging four points on two of five attempts, with five rebounds, two assists, one steal and a turnover. Johnson gave no update after the game on his condition.
  • The Spurs held the Clippers to 55 percent shooting in the restricted area, which is 10.8 percentage points below the league average. Additionally, the team spent 29.6 percent of its time on offense in transition, which is good enough for the 100th percentile of all games played this in the category, per Cleaning the Glass.

By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock

1 个赞

做好防守,25年能走的更远!! :muscle:t3: