By Multiple Contributors | ESPN, 2024-12-30 21:29:00
勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)于周一成为NBA现役唯一一位40岁的球员,也是联盟历史上第32位达到这一年龄的球员。因此,我们不禁思考:
我们着手确定了这一点。效仿NFL夏季的倒计时,我们邀请了NBA资深作家蒂姆·邦坦普斯(Tim Bontemps)、选秀专家乔纳森·吉沃尼(Jonathan Givony)和招募专家保罗·比安卡迪(Paul Biancardi)来评选从14岁到40岁的最佳球员。(比安卡迪负责14-16岁,吉沃尼负责17-19岁,邦坦普斯负责20-40岁。)
虽然有些年龄段的最佳人选很容易确定,但其他一些年龄段的竞争却异常激烈:杰森·塔图姆(Jayson Tatum)还是谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)?杰伦·布伦森(Jalen Brunson)还是多诺万·米切尔(Donovan Mitchell)?斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)还是凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)?这些选择都让人难以抉择。
詹姆斯不仅是当今NBA唯一一位40岁的球员,而且仍然是联盟中的精英人才之一。本赛季场均至少得到20分、7个篮板和7次助攻的球员只有三位:尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic)、卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic)……以及詹姆斯。他在刚刚创造了联盟历史出场时间纪录的同时,还能与这些球员并驾齐驱——而且几乎在所有个人统计类别中都名列前五——这证明我们将再也看不到这样的壮举了。
保罗再次担任一支新兴球队的经验丰富的导师,并且成果显著,马刺队胜率徘徊在50%左右,并在竞争激烈的西部联盟中保持着争夺附加赛席位的机会。虽然这很大程度上归功于文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的非凡天赋,但马刺队在保罗在场时每百回合得分净胜对手超过16分的事实表明,他仍然可以在每场比赛中产生巨大影响。
亚军: 泰·吉布森(Taj Gibson),夏洛特黄蜂队
亚军: 凯尔·洛瑞(Kyle Lowry),费城76人队
亚军: 乔·英格尔斯(Joe Ingles),森林狼队
亚军: 库里
巴特勒无法与他在这里的主要竞争对手——洛杉矶快船队后卫詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)和萨克拉门托国王队前锋德玛尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan)——的常规赛履历相提并论,但他过去几年在迈阿密的季后赛成功令人瞩目,包括两次带领热火队打入NBA总决赛和一次打入分区决赛。尽管本赛季关于他的交易传闻不断,但他仍然是联盟中更全能的前锋之一,场均得到18.5分、5.8个篮板和4.9次助攻,投篮命中率超过55%。
亚军: 哈登
这是另一个年龄段,尽管全联盟只有11名候选人,但仍有几位名副其实的球员可供选择——勇士队前锋德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)、凯尔特人队后卫朱·霍勒迪(Jrue Holiday)和76人队前锋保罗·乔治(Paul George)。最终选择利拉德,他本月初帮助密尔沃基赢得了NBA杯冠军。他仍然是NBA的精英后卫之一,连续第六个赛季场均至少得到24分和7次助攻。
亚军: 乔治
NBA中只有41名球员超过32岁。33岁的球员有7名,米德尔顿——尽管刚刚从休赛期的双踝手术中恢复过来——领先于新奥尔良鹈鹕队后卫CJ·麦科勒姆(CJ McCollum)。米德尔顿在季后赛中作为关键球员的记录,包括去年春天在字母哥缺阵的情况下,雄鹿队在首轮输给印第安纳步行者队的比赛中,是他在这里胜出的原因。
亚军: 麦科勒姆
亚军: 鲁迪·戈贝尔(Rudy Gobert),森林狼队
亚军: 诺曼·鲍威尔(Norman Powell),快船队
在过去几年里,字母哥和乔尔·恩比德(Joel Embiid)之间的选择一直很引人注目。但是,恩比德在过去一年的大部分时间里都在与膝伤作斗争,而字母哥则处于最佳状态——包括本月初在拉斯维加斯带领雄鹿队夺得NBA杯冠军——这使得选择“希腊怪兽”成为一个简单的决定,他以场均32.7分和61.3%的投篮命中率领跑联盟得分榜。
亚军: 恩比德
约基奇正处于真正历史性的阶段,他在过去四年中赢得了三次MVP——以及2023年的总冠军和总决赛MVP奖杯。在他试图加入比尔·拉塞尔(Bill Russell)和詹姆斯的行列,成为仅有的在五年内赢得四次MVP的球员时,他本赛季为掘金队的数据令人惊叹:场均30.8分、12.5个篮板和9.5次助攻,投篮命中率为57.1%,三分球命中率为50%(场均出手4.5次)。
亚军: 卡尔-安东尼·唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns),纽约尼克斯队
这是另一个艰难的决定,有四名球员——布伦森、克利夫兰骑士队后卫多诺万·米切尔、太阳队后卫德文·布克(Devin Booker)和凯尔特人队前锋杰伦·布朗(Jaylen Brown)——都有充分的理由占据这个位置。最终选择了布伦森,他是纽约进攻的引擎,同时比米切尔拥有更高的效率和更出色的数据。不过,这个位置很容易被其他任何一名球员占据。
亚军: 米切尔
作为NBA中最全能的大个子之一,阿德巴约一直是热火队过去几年在季后赛中取得出色战绩的关键球员,包括两次打入NBA总决赛。阿德巴约还连续五次入选最佳防守阵容,并随美国队获得了两枚金牌,所有这些都让他在这个位置上领先于他的前肯塔基队友、国王队后卫达龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)。
亚军: 福克斯
亚军: 塔图姆
这是榜单上更容易的选择之一,尽管有几位优秀的球员可供选择,例如孟菲斯灰熊队的队友贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)和贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.)。但东契奇几乎在任何年龄段都会是首选——尽管由于小腿拉伤长期缺阵,他连续五次入选全明星和最佳阵容的记录岌岌可危——因为他带领独行侠队自2011年以来首次打入NBA总决赛。
亚军: 莫兰特
哈利伯顿还没有回到上赛季1月份腿筋受伤之前的巅峰状态,当时他打得像一位MVP候选人。但在这个年龄段,没有其他人能接近他当时的水平。不久前,这个答案应该是锡安·威廉姆森(Zion Williamson),但伤病限制了他在四年多的NBA生涯中只打了190场比赛。
亚军: 泰瑞斯·马克西(Tyrese Maxey),76人队
另一个容易的选择:爱德华兹在去年季后赛的突破性表现后,已经成为NBA的精英球员之一,当时他带领森林狼队打入了西部决赛——这是森林狼队历史上第二次赢得季后赛系列赛。这一点,加上他爆炸性的得分能力,使他在这个年龄段的球员中名列前茅,其他几位球星包括拉梅洛·鲍尔(LaMelo Ball)、斯科蒂·巴恩斯(Scottie Barnes)和弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)。
亚军: 埃文·莫布里(Evan Mobley),骑士队
如果雷霆队大个子切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)本赛季早些时候没有遭受臀部伤病,那么在他和班凯罗之间做出选择将会非常困难。但是,虽然班凯罗也因斜肌受伤缺席了一些比赛,但2023年NBA年度最佳新秀和2023-24赛季全明星球员班凯罗凭借他帮助魔术队扭转颓势的方式而胜出。
亚军: 霍姆格伦
这是一个很难确定答案的年龄段。六个月前,答案还不会是丹尼尔斯,因为在2022年NBA选秀大会上以第六顺位被选中后,他在NBA的前两个赛季中很少上场。但是丹尼尔斯在今年夏天被交易到亚特兰大,作为德章泰·穆雷(Dejounte Murray)交易的一部分,此后他成为了联盟中顶级的防守球员之一,场均抢断数(3.1次)领跑NBA,并确立了自己作为亚特兰大核心球员的地位。
亚军: 阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson),休斯顿火箭队
亚军: 德里克·莱弗利二世(Dereck Lively II),独行侠队
19岁:VJ·埃奇科姆(VJ Edgecombe),贝勒大学
亚军: 里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard),火箭队
18岁:库珀·弗拉格(Cooper Flagg),杜克大学
亚军: 迪伦·哈珀(Dylan Harper),罗格斯大学
17岁:卡梅隆·布泽尔(Cameron Boozer),哥伦布高中
卡梅隆·布泽尔,像他的父亲、前NBA全明星球员卡洛斯·布泽尔(Carlos Boozer)一样,即将进入杜克大学。像他的父亲一样,布泽尔预计将成为一名大前锋。与在低位拼搏的父亲不同,布泽尔被认为更像是另一位前杜克大前锋:2022年状元保罗·班凯罗。正是这种技术使布泽尔略微领先于AJ·戴班萨(AJ Dybantsa),一位充满活力的侧翼球员,他承诺下赛季为杨百翰大学效力。
亚军: 戴班萨
16岁:巴巴通德·奥拉多顿(Babatunde Oladotun),詹姆斯·休伯特·布莱克高中
亚军: 杰森·克劳(Jason Crowe)
15岁:CJ·罗瑟(CJ Rosser),纳什北部高中
亚军: 小马库斯·斯皮尔斯(Marcus Spears Jr.)
14岁:JJ·克劳福德(JJ Crawford),华盛顿州西雅图
JJ·克劳福德,三届最佳第六人贾马尔·克劳福德(Jamal Crawford)的儿子,拥有技术、射程和手感,以及让防守者失去平衡的犹豫步和后撤步跳投。身高6英尺1英寸的他打球富有得分能力、传球视野和转移球的意愿。
亚军: 乔什·桑德斯(Josh Sanders),佐治亚州
点击查看原文:Best NBA, college, high school basketball players by age 14-40
Best NBA, college, high school basketball players by age 14-40
LeBron James became the NBA’s only active 40-year-old on Monday, and just the 32nd in league history. As a result, we thought:
Who is the best player at every age in men’s basketball right now?
We set out to determine just that. Mirroring the NFL’s countdown over the summer, we enlisted the help of NBA senior writer Tim Bontemps, draft expert Jonathan Givony and recruiting expert Paul Biancardi to name the best players from age 14 all the way through age 40. (Biancardi handled ages 14-16, Givony picked for 17-19 and Bontemps did 20-40.)
And while some ages were easy to choose, other battles were excruciatingly difficult: Jayson Tatum or Shai Gilgeous-Alexander? Jalen Brunson or Donovan Mitchell? Stephen Curry or Kevin Durant? Good luck deciding any of those.
Let’s get into the picks, starting with King James himself and counting down to players in high school.
Age 40: LeBron James, Los Angeles Lakers
Not only is James the lone 40-year-old in the NBA today, he remains one of the league’s elite talents. There are three players this season averaging at least 20 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists per game: Nikola Jokic, Luka Doncic … and James. That he’s keeping that sort of company while just setting the record for most minutes played in league history – and sitting in the top five in virtually every individual statistical category – is proof that we’ll never see anything like this again.
Age 39: Chris Paul, San Antonio Spurs
Paul is once again serving as a veteran mentor for an up-and-coming team, and the results are bearing fruit, with the Spurs hovering around .500 and staying in the race for a play-in spot in the loaded Western Conference. And while plenty of that is down to the singular talents of Victor Wembanyama, the fact San Antonio is over 16 points per 100 possessions better with Paul on the court shows how much impact he can still have on a nightly basis.
Runner-up: Taj Gibson, Charlotte Hornets
Age 38: Al Horford, Boston Celtics
Horford has shown remarkable longevity and continues to impact winning teams at virtually every stage of his career. He remains a vital part of the defending champions, as he gives them high-level floor spacing (38% on 5.5 attempts per game from 3) and defensive versatility while either starting or coming off the bench behind Kristaps Porzingis.
Runner-up: Kyle Lowry, Philadelphia 76ers
Age 37: Mike Conley, Minnesota Timberwolves
Conley is showing signs of his age this season – he’s shooting a career-low 34.5% – but he remains a vital and stabilizing influence on the Timberwolves even as his 38th birthday approaches.
Runner-up: Joe Ingles, Timberwolves
Age 36: Kevin Durant, Phoenix Suns
Here was the most difficult choice on the list: Durant or Curry? There’s absolutely no wrong choice here, and the fact that both are still in contention for All-NBA selections (and shoo-ins to be All-Stars) as two of the 18 players in the league older than 35 is a testament to their longevity and skill. But Durant’s defensive impact combined with his metronomic scoring ability – he has averaged at least 25 points every season since 2008-09 and has shot at least 50% from the field for 12 consecutive seasons – gives him the slightest of nods over his former teammate and the greatest shooter of all time.
Runner-up: Curry
Age 35: Jimmy Butler, Miami Heat
Butler can’t match the regular-season résumés of his top competition here – LA Clippers guard James Harden and Sacramento Kings forward DeMar DeRozan – but his playoff success over the past few years in Miami is stellar, including leading the Heat to the NBA Finals twice and the conference finals a third time. And while trade speculation swirls around him this season, he remains one of the league’s more versatile forwards, averaging 18.5 points, 5.8 rebounds and 4.9 assists on over 55% shooting.
Runner-up: Harden
Age 34: Damian Lillard, Milwaukee Bucks
This is another age group where, despite there being only 11 candidates leaguewide, there are several legitimate names to choose from – Warriors forward Draymond Green, Celtics guard Jrue Holiday and 76ers forward Paul George. The choice is Lillard, who helped lead Milwaukee to the NBA Cup title earlier this month. He remains one of the NBA’s elite offensive guards and is averaging at least 24 points and 7 assists for a sixth consecutive season.
Runner-up: George
Age 33: Khris Middleton, Bucks
There are only 41 players in the NBA who are over 32 years old. There are seven at 33, with Middleton – despite just coming back from bilateral ankle surgery in the offseason – getting the nod over New Orleans Pelicans guard CJ McCollum. Middleton’s record as a difference-maker in the playoffs, including last spring in Milwaukee’s first-round loss to the Indiana Pacers without Antetokounmpo, is what gives him the nod here.
Runner-up: McCollum
Age 32: Kyrie Irving, Dallas Mavericks
Irving is in the middle of an excellent season in Dallas, shooting a career-best 44.5% from 3, and will carry the load for an extended period for the Mavericks while Doncic remains sidelined with a calf strain. Although Irving’s career has certainly been full of controversy, his talent has never been in question, and he remains one of the league’s most explosive scorers.
Runner-up: Rudy Gobert, Timberwolves
Age 31: Anthony Davis, Lakers
Davis has racked up plenty of accolades since being the first overall pick in the 2012 NBA draft, including an NBA title with the Lakers in 2020, five All-NBA selections, nine All-Star appearances, five All-Defensive team picks and two Olympic gold medals in the London and Paris games. He’s in the midst of another strong season, which should add to those accomplishments and makes him an easy choice here.
Runner-up: Norman Powell, Clippers
Age 30: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks
Antetokounmpo or Joel Embiid would’ve been a fascinating choice to make over the past few years. But the combination of Embiid battling knee issues for much of the past year and Antetokounmpo playing as well as he ever has – including powering the Bucks to the NBA Cup title earlier this month in Las Vegas – has made it an easy choice to go with the “Greek Freak,” who is leading the league in scoring at 32.7 points per game on 61.3% shooting.
Runner-up: Embiid
Age 29: Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets
Jokic is in the middle of a truly historic run, having won three of the past four MVPs – with the 2023 title and Finals MVP award along with it. As he tries to join Bill Russell and James as the only players to win four MVPs in five years, he’s putting up some wild numbers for the Nuggets this season: 30.8 points, 12.5 rebounds and 9.5 assists per game while shooting 57.1% from the field and 50% from 3-point range on 4.5 attempts per game.
Runner-up: Karl-Anthony Towns, New York Knicks
Age 28: Jalen Brunson, New York Knicks
This was another excruciating decision with four players – Brunson, Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell, Suns guard Devin Booker and Celtics forward Jaylen Brown – who all have a good argument for this spot. The edge goes to Brunson, who is the engine of New York’s offense while putting up bigger numbers on better efficiency than Mitchell. This one could easily have gone in any of those other directions, though.
Runner-up: Mitchell
Age 27: Bam Adebayo, Miami Heat
One of the most versatile big men in the NBA, Adebayo has been a fixture of Miami’s deep runs in the playoffs over the past few years, including a pair of NBA Finals appearances. Adebayo also has five consecutive All-Defense selections and has won a pair of gold medals with Team USA, all of which gave him the nod over his former Kentucky teammate, Kings guard De’Aaron Fox, for this spot.
Runner-up: Fox
Age 26: Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Oklahoma City Thunder
This was among the most difficult choices to make, as Gilgeous-Alexander and Celtics star Jayson Tatum are among the best players at any age. In the end, Gilgeous-Alexander gets the nod on the back of averaging more than 30 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists for a second consecutive season – all while shooting over 50% from the field with just under two steals per game.
Runner-up: Tatum
Age 25: Luka Doncic, Mavericks
One of the easier choices on the list, and that’s with a couple of excellent options available in Memphis Grizzlies teammates Ja Morant and Jaren Jackson Jr. But Doncic would be the top choice at just about any age – although his run of five consecutive All-Star and All-NBA selections are in jeopardy because of his extended absence with a calf strain – on the heels of leading the Mavericks to the NBA Finals for the first time since 2011.
Runner-up: Morant
Age 24: Tyrese Haliburton, Pacers
Haliburton hasn’t returned to the highs he enjoyed before injuring his hamstring in January last season, when he was playing like an MVP candidate. But no one else at this age has come close to that same level. Not long ago this answer would’ve been expected to be Zion Williamson, but injuries have limited him to just 190 games in four-plus NBA seasons.
Runner-up: Tyrese Maxey, 76ers
Age 23: Anthony Edwards, Timberwolves
Another easy one: Edwards has turned himself into one of the NBA’s elite talents after his breakout performance in last year’s playoffs, when he led the Timberwolves to the Western Conference finals – it was only the second time in franchise history the Wolves have won a playoff series. That, coupled with his explosive scoring ability, puts him atop the heap at an age with several other stars including LaMelo Ball, Scottie Barnes and Franz Wagner.
Runner-up: Evan Mobley, Cavaliers
Age 22: Paolo Banchero, Orlando Magic
If Thunder big man Chet Holmgren hadn’t suffered a hip injury earlier this season, it would’ve been very difficult to choose between him and Banchero. But while Banchero has also missed time with an oblique injury, the 2023 NBA Rookie of the Year and 2023-24 All-Star gets the nod for the way he has helped spearhead the turnaround in Orlando.
Runner-up: Holmgren
Age 21: Dyson Daniels, Atlanta Hawks
This was one of the ages where it was far from clear who the answer should be. Six months ago, it would not have been Daniels, after he played sparingly across his first two seasons in the NBA with the Pelicans after being the sixth overall pick in the 2022 NBA draft. But Daniels was traded to Atlanta in the Dejounte Murray deal this summer and has since exploded into one of the league’s elite perimeter defenders, leading the NBA in steals per game (3.1) and establishing himself as part of Atlanta’s core.
Runner-up: Amen Thompson, Houston Rockets
Age 20: Victor Wembanyama, Spurs
There were some tough choices on this list but this wasn’t one of them. Wembanyama, with his singular combination of size, speed and skill, is arguably the most unique prospect in the history of the sport and is off to a great start over his first year-plus in the NBA, including being a unanimous pick for Rookie of the Year last season. If Wembanyama stays healthy, the Hall of Fame awaits.
Runner-up: Dereck Lively II, Mavericks
Age 19: VJ Edgecombe, Baylor
Between the combination of a weak 2024 NBA draft class that has collectively gotten off to a slow start, and the depth of the 2025 class, we ultimately opted for Edgecombe, ESPN’s fourth-ranked 2025 prospect and top-ranked 19-year-old. Edgecombe impressed with the Bahamian National Team this summer over players taken in the 2024 draft.
Runner-up: Reed Sheppard, Houston Rockets
Age 18: Cooper Flagg, Duke
Flagg, the projected No. 1 pick in next year’s draft, turned 18 this month. He possesses a rare combination of court vision, nonstop intensity, playmaking and supernatural basketball instincts in a 6-foot-9 frame. This is why he sits atop the deepest draft in a generation and is as hyped as any prospect this side of Wembanyama.
Runner-up: Dylan Harper, Rutgers
Age 17: Cameron Boozer, Christopher Columbus High School
Cameron Boozer, like his father and former NBA All-Star Carlos Boozer, is headed to Duke. Like his father, Boozer is projected to be a power forward. Unlike his father, who battled in the low post, Boozer is considered to be more in the mold of another former Duke power forward: 2022 first overall pick Paolo Banchero. It was that skill set that gave Boozer a slight nod over A.J. Dybantsa, a dynamic wing prospect who is committed to BYU for next season.
Runner-up: Dybantsa
Age 16: Babatunde Oladotun, James Hubert Blake High School
Oladotun is the No. 1 prospect in the class of 2027 and, at 6-9, his versatility is blossoming. He possesses big-time shotmaking ability behind impressive mechanics, and the ability to create space for his jumper resembles a young Kevin Durant. Oladotun demonstrates the unique blend of an elite future prospect and a productive player right now.
Runner-up: Jason Crowe
Age 15: CJ Rosser, Northern Nash High School
Rosser sits at No. 2 in the class of 2027 and is just scratching the surface of his game. At 6-9, Rosser has a fluid style with a soft touch around the rim. He displays early instincts to score inside and out with a budding IQ. Defensively, he utilizes his length and wingspan to block shots, deflect passes and shrink the floor.
Runner-up: Marcus Spears Jr.
Age 14: JJ Crawford, Seattle, Washington
JJ Crawford, son of three-time Sixth Man of the Year Jamal Crawford, has skill, shooting range and touch, with hesitation moves and step-back jumpers to keep defenders off balance. At 6-1, he plays with scoring prowess, passing vision and a willingness to move the ball.
Runner-up: Josh Sanders, Georgia
By Multiple Contributors | ESPN, via ESPN