[SAEN] 文班与小球迷赛后交换球衣的暖心一幕 ▶️

By Rhyma Castillo, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-12-28 14:30:04


在 ESPN 录制的赛后片段中,观众可以看到文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)与球迷合影。然而,一位小球迷尤其吸引了他的注意——一个举着牌子的小男孩,牌子上写着:“维克托·文班亚马,你愿意和我交换球衣吗?”

球衣交换和碰拳 :pleading_face:@ wemby | @ spurs pic.twitter.com/7gO9NI3VKe

— SportsCenter (@ SportsCenter) December 28, 2024


“这真是太可爱了,简直就是文班的完美写照,”一位 YouTube 用户在评论中写道。

这已经不是文班第一次因为回馈小球迷而走红网络。今年一月,这位出生于法国的运动员与圣安东尼奥市长罗恩·尼伦伯格(Ron Nirenberg)一起,在圣安东尼奥国际学校为孩子们举办了一场阅读活动,以庆祝该校正式获得“法国教育标签”(LabelFrancÉducation)认证。

“马刺球迷真是太幸福了!”另一位 YouTube 用户在评论中写道。“加油马刺!”

点击查看原文:Wemby shares adorable jersey trade with small fan after win over Nets

Wemby shares adorable jersey trade with small fan after win over Nets

In post-game footage captured by ESPN, viewers can see Wemby posing with fans for photos. However, one small fan in particular seemed to catch his attention — a young boy holding a sign that read: “Victor Wembanyama, will you swap jerseys with me.”

The jersey swap and the fist bump :pleading_face:@ wemby | @ spurs pic.twitter.com/7gO9NI3VKe

— SportsCenter (@ SportsCenter) December 28, 2024

Wemby walked over to the boy and his family, took off his full-size jersey and traded it for the boy’s child-size one. As Wemby and the boy posed for photos, the two shared a fist bump. For Spurs fans, it was a wholesome moment that was the cherry on top of a winning game.

“This is the cutest thing ever and literally summarizes Wemby in a nutshell,” wrote one YouTube user in the comments.

This isn’t the first time Wemby has gone viral for giving back to his littlest fans. In January, the French-born athlete joined San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg to hold a reading event for kids at the the International School of San Antonio, in celebration of its official LabelFrancÉducation accreditation.

“Spurs fans are truly blessed!” wrote another YouTube user in the comments. “Go Spurs Go!”

By Rhyma Castillo, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News