[PtR] 圣安东尼奥马刺队在布鲁克林以 96-87 战胜篮网队 ▶️

马刺 @ 篮网 96 - 87 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By Tanner Bowen | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-28 11:31:50



马刺队开场表现得像一支刚刚在纽约市度过了 4 天的年轻球队,但他们在下半场找回了状态,取得了本赛季的第 16 场胜利

本场比赛开始时,马刺队看起来像是经历了背靠背比赛的那一方,而不是布鲁克林篮网队,后者昨晚在密尔沃基打了一场比赛(并赢了)。银黑军团在第一节的大部分时间里都感觉像是圣诞节宿醉后的迷茫状态,直到该节的最后一秒才勉强得分上双。他们在第二节凭借出色的三分球命中率和稳定的罚球,将比分追至 41 平,进入中场休息。圣安东尼奥在第三节真正苏醒,最终取得了两位数的领先优势,并将这一优势保持到最后一节,并且最终从未真正放弃。布鲁克林有几个人投篮得分,使分差保持在可控范围内,但他们再也没能真正威胁到马刺队。


  • 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)自称布鲁克林是他的家乡,他在整场比赛中都受到了篮网队电视转播的喜爱,可以说是圣安东尼奥本场比赛的英雄。尚帕尼出生于斯塔顿岛,但在布鲁克林长大,就读于主教洛夫林纪念高中,之后在圣约翰大学打大学篮球。在经历了糟糕的第一节之后,他的表现对马刺队在第二节重回正轨有很大帮助,他在第二节的前几分钟就得到了他 18 分中的 10 分,并在银黑军团重回正轨的过程中发挥了重要作用。
  • 在比赛开始时只有 16% 的命中率后,圣安东尼奥在下半场以 72% 的命中率出场,在第三节 18 投 13 中。
  • 如果没有罚球线,马刺队几乎不可能从比赛开始的糟糕投篮状态中挣扎出来。圣安东尼奥罚球 27 次,而篮网只有 8 次,马刺 27 罚 20 中,其中很大一部分来自第二节。因此,马刺队能够在克服进攻困境的过程中将分差控制在可控范围内。
  • 凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)在第一节结束时的压哨三分球是马刺队在该节比赛中唯一的亮点,在约翰逊的三分球之前,马刺队的投篮命中率只有 16%,只得了 8 分。

KJ 压哨三分

第一节结束 | SAS 11, BRK 22 pic.twitter.com/X4gT76WSes

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年12月28日

  • 尼古拉斯·克拉克斯顿(Nic Claxton)在防守维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)方面做得非常出色。克拉克斯顿利用他的力量、臂展和位置不断地贴近文班,让他远离他的舒适区,这让这位年轻的法国人感到不舒服,尤其是在比赛初期。然而,在第三节,情况发生了逆转,文班投进了几个三分球,这似乎为他打开了球场上的其他空间。
  • 又一场比赛,这位年轻的法国人再次在纪录簿上留下了自己的名字。他本场比赛完成了 6 次盖帽:

凭借这记三分球,维克托·文班亚马创造了连续 22 场比赛至少有一个盖帽和一个三分球的 NBA 新纪录,超过了克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯在 2019 年创造的纪录。

— Dan Weiss (@ DanWeissPBP) 2024年12月28日

  • 布鲁克林篮网队的诺厄·克劳尼(Noah Clowney)在第四节末段被驱逐出场,原因似乎是他与杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)发生了轻微的争执,并斥责了裁判。这一事件似乎是比赛早些时候的延续,索汉在第三节与克劳尼发生了一些场外冲突后被判技术犯规。
  • 传奇的 NBA 广播员、现已退休的马夫·阿尔伯特(Marv Albert)出席了今晚的比赛。阿尔伯特的声音出现在联盟历史上无数个传奇时刻中,他在 2021 赛季后退休。他的最后一场比赛是亚特兰大老鹰队密尔沃基雄鹿队东部决赛系列赛的第六场。

马刺队 (16胜15负) 在今晚的胜利以及输给费城76人队纽约尼克斯队之后,以 1胜2负的战绩结束了本次 4 场客场之旅的东海岸部分。他们将于周日晚上在明尼苏达对阵明尼苏达森林狼队,结束本次客场之旅。

点击查看原文:San Antonio Spurs at Brooklyn Final Score: Spurs shake off rough start, beat the Nets in Brooklyn 96-87

San Antonio Spurs at Brooklyn Final Score: Spurs shake off rough start, beat the Nets in Brooklyn 96-87

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Brooklyn Nets

The Spurs came out looking like a young team that had just spent 4 days in New York City, but found their form in the 2nd half to pick up their 16th win of the season

The Spurs started this game looking like they were the ones on a SEGABABA and not the Brooklyn Nets, who played (and won) on the road last night in Milwaukee. The Silver and Black played much of the first quarter in what felt like the daze of a Christmas hangover, unable to break double-digits until the literal final second of the frame. They managed to claw their way back into it in the 2nd quarter with very good 3-point shooting and a steady diet of trips to the free throw line, tying the game at 41 going into the half. San Antonio really woke up in the 3rd quarter, eventually claiming a double digit lead that they took into the final frame and ultimately never truly relinquished. Brooklyn had a couple guys make shots to keep it manageable in the 4th, but they were never able to truly threaten the Spurs again.


  • Julian Champagnie, who claims Brooklyn as his hometown, got love from the Nets telecast throughout the game and was arguably the hero of the game for San Antonio. Champagnie was born on Staten Island but grew up in Brooklyn, going to Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School before playing college basketball at St. John’s. His play had a lot to do with getting the Spurs back on track in the 2nd quarter after that horrendous opening frame, scoring 10 of his 18 points in the first few minutes of the 2nd quarter and played a huge part in getting the Silver and Black back on track.
  • After shooting just 16% to start the game, San Antonio came out of halftime and shot 72% in the 3rd quarter, going 13/18 in the frame.
  • Without the free throw line, it would have been nearly impossible for the Spurs to fight their way out of that horrible shooting start to the game. San Antonio shot 27 free throws compared to just 8 for the Nets, going 20/27 from the charity stripe, with a good chunk of them coming in the 2nd quarter. As a result, the Spurs were able to keep the deficit manageable as they worked their way through their offensive woes.
  • Keldon Johnson’s buzzer beater to end the 1st quarter was the lone bright spot in a quarter where the Spurs shot 16% from the field and had just 8 points before Johnson’s 3-ball.

KJ at the buzzer

END 1 | SAS 11, BRK 22 pic.twitter.com/X4gT76WSes

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 28, 2024

  • Nic Claxton did an admirable job guarding Victor Wembanyama. Claxton, using his strength, length, and positioning to keep a body on Wemby and keep him away from his spots, made things uncomfortable for the young Frenchman, something that was especially true in the early going. Things turned on their head in the 3rd quarter though, as Vic got a few 3s to go down that seemed to open up the rest of the court for him.
  • Another game, another place for that same young Frenchman in the record books. He finished the game with 6 blocks:

With that 3-pointer, Victor Wembanyama sets a new NBA record of 22 straight games with at least one block and one made 3-pointer, surpassing Kristaps Porzingis record from 2019.

— Dan Weiss (@ DanWeissPBP) December 28, 2024

  • Brooklyn Net Noah Clowney was ejected towards the end of the 4th quarter for what looked like a very minor spat with Jeremy Sochan and for berating the refs. The incident seemingly spilled over from earlier in the game, as Sochan was given a technical in the 3rd quarter following some extracurriculars with Clowney.
  • Legendary NBA broadcaster and now-retired Marv Albert was in attendance for tonight’s game. Albert, who’s voice can be heard on countless legendary moments from the history of the league, retired after the 2021 season. His final game was Game 6 of the Atlanta Hawks-Milwaukee Bucks Eastern Conference Finals series.

The Spurs (16-15) finish the East coast portion of this 4-game road trip 1-2 after tonight’s win and the losses to the Philadelphia 76ers and New York Knicks. They wrap it up Sunday night in Minnesota against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

By Tanner Bowen, via Pounding The Rock