[PtR] 开放讨论:马刺球迷推出特里·卡明斯节日经典歌曲的全新版本 ▶️

By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-27 20:00:00



“1989年,特里·卡明斯(Terry Cummings)带领马刺队实现了队史最大逆转。但大多数圣安东尼奥人不知道的是,T.C.写出了NBA历史上最好的圣诞歌曲。现在,我们把它带回来了……”

这番话拉开了2024年版《又到一年圣诞时》的序幕,这首歌是对特里·卡明斯创作的原版歌曲的致敬,原版歌曲的演唱者还包括他的队友大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)、肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliott)、约翰尼·摩尔(Johnny Moore)和威利·安德森(Willie Anderson)。

为了找到启发这首节日歌曲重新演绎的原版录像带,当地乐队Sweet Charbonneau and The Fur Trappers的查克·赫尔南德斯(Chuck Herñañdez)和约翰·费尔南德斯(John Fernandez)花费了数月时间翻遍了他们的VHS录像带收藏。

赫尔南德斯的调查将他引向了当地音乐传奇人物乔·雷耶斯(Joe Reyes),他最著名的身份是Buttercup乐队的成员,他参与了1989年的原版录音。

卡明斯的歌曲是在迈克尔·莫拉莱斯(Michael Morales)的M工作室完成的,雷耶斯和莫拉莱斯都参与了录制。

赫尔南德斯和费尔南德斯,以及乔·雷耶斯,重新编曲并录制了这首歌曲,由雷耶斯混音,布兰特·桑基(Brant Sankey)进行母带处理。

这首歌还邀请了迈克尔·格拉(Michael Guerra)(手风琴和bajo sexto)、雷内·怀斯(Rene Wise)(grito)以及马刺队的传奇播音员杰伊·霍华德(Jay Howard)参与。




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点击查看原文:Open Thread: Spurs fans present an updated version of Terry Cummings’ holiday classic

Open Thread: Spurs fans present an updated version of Terry Cummings’ holiday classic

The Ginobilis release “It’s That Christmas Time of Year” (2024)

“In 1989, Terry Cummings led the Spurs to the biggest turnaround in franchise history. But what most San Antonians don’t know is that T. C. wrote the best Christmas song in the history of the NBA. Now we’re bringing it back…”

These words kick off the 2024 release “It’s That Christmas Time of Year,” an homage to the original song written by Terry Cummings that featured fellow teammates David Robinson, Sean Elliott, Johnny Moore, and Willie Anderson.

The project was many months in the making as Chuck Herñañdez and John Fernandez of the local band Sweet Charbonneau and The Fur Trappers scoured their VHS cassette collections to find the original that inspired the reimagining of this holiday tune.

Herñañdez’s research brought him to local music legend Joe Reyes, most notably of Buttercup, who performed in the original 1989 recording.

Cummings track, which was completed at Michael Morales’ Studio M, featured Reyes and Morales in the session.

Herñañdez and Fernandez, with the addition of Joe Reyes, then rewrote the tune and recorded the track with Reyes mixing and Brant Sankey mastering the final product.

The song also featured Michael Guerra (accordion and bajo sexto), Rene Wise (grito), as well as legendary voice of the Spurs Jay Howard.

Now a complete band, they have branded themselves The Ginobilis.

Last month they filmed the above video.

A few days later, I sat down with Chuck Herñañdez, Joe Reyes, John Fernandez, and Spurs legend Terry Cummings to discuss Cummings’ inspiration and his thoughts on the fans bringing the song back for the next generation of Spurs fans.

Catch interview highlights in print a future Pounding The Rock post as well as in recorded form on KPSARadio.com Details to come!

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By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock