[ESPN] NBA 实力排行榜:每支球队的青年新星

By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2024-12-25 21:00:00



在圣诞大战的重磅赛程之前,NBA 常规赛正如火如荼地进行,各支球队已经为 2 月 6 日的交易截止日期之前的潜在交易做好了准备。赛季两个月过去了,克利夫兰骑士队继续保持着东部榜首的位置,卫冕总冠军波士顿凯尔特人紧随其后。密尔沃基雄鹿队也回到了竞争行列,而费城 76 人队仍然在底部挣扎。


本周,我们请我们的 NBA 内部人士挑选每支球队中一位已经做出贡献的新秀或年轻球员(定义为 25 岁或以下的球员)。无论是作为突破性的首发球员还是替补席上的关键替补,这些年轻球员都在本赛季展现了自己的存在感。

以下是本周实力排行榜上所有 30 支球队的排名。

注:球队排名基于我们专家组成员(ESPN 的蒂姆·邦坦普斯、贾马尔·科利尔、迈克尔·莱特 (Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪、戴夫·麦克梅纳明、奥姆·扬米苏克、克里斯·赫林和凯文·佩尔顿)认为球队本赛季应有的位置。

先前排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日 | 11 月 20 日 | 11 月 27 日 | 12 月 4 日 | 12 月 11 日 | 12 月 18 日


  1. 克利夫兰骑士
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 26-4
  • 先前排名: 2
  • 下一场比赛: @ DEN (12 月 27 日), @ GS (12 月 30 日), @ LAL (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 大前锋 埃文·莫布里 (Evan Mobley)

这也很容易是达柳斯·加兰,但由于他年龄更大并且已经入选过全明星,这个称号就属于这位 23 岁的内线球员。在克利夫兰于 2021 年用探花签从南加州大学选中他之后,他在自己的第四个赛季继续进步。身高 6 英尺 11 英寸的莫布里在三分球命中率 (40%) 和罚球命中率 (78.6%) 上都创下了职业生涯新高,同时他的整体投篮命中率在 NBA 排名第 11 位 (57.1%),盖帽数排名第 14 位 (场均 1.4 次)。 – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明

  1. 波士顿凯尔特人
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 22-7
  • 先前排名: 1
  • 下一场比赛: vs. PHI (12 月 25 日), vs. IND (12 月 27 日), vs. IND (12 月 29 日), vs. TOR (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 乔丹·沃尔什 (Jordan Walsh)

对波士顿来说,没有明确的答案——考虑到这是一支拥有总冠军期望的老将球队,这并不令人意外——但这名二年级后卫是最接近答案的人选。这位 2023 年的二轮秀在本赛季有限的上场时间里展现出了闪光点,最终决定他作为一名球员上限的将是他能否为 6 英尺 6 英寸的身材增加力量,以及他能否成为一名可靠的三分射手。如果他能做到,他未来将成为一名有身高有天赋的防守者。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯

  1. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 23-5
  • 先前排名: 3
  • 下一场比赛: @ IND (12 月 26 日), @ CHA (12 月 28 日), vs. MEM (12 月 29 日), vs. MIN (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 杰伦·威廉姆斯 (Jalen Williams)

切特·霍姆格伦的崛起由于骨盆骨折而暂停,但同为 2022 年乐透秀的杰伦·威廉姆斯却继续冉冉升起。这位 23 岁的侧翼球员在得分 (场均 21.6 分)、篮板 (5.9)、助攻 (5.0)、抢断 (1.8) 和盖帽 (0.8) 上都创下了职业生涯新高,这让他有机会与谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大一起成为西部最佳球队的第二位全明星球员。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪

  1. 孟菲斯灰熊
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20-10
  • 先前排名: 4
  • 下一场比赛: vs. TOR (12 月 26 日), @ NO (12 月 27 日), @ OKC (12 月 29 日), @ PHX (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 控球后卫 贾·莫兰特 (Ja Morant)

25 岁的莫兰特本赛季因伤缺席了 12 场比赛。最近一次受伤是在周四对阵勇士的比赛中,他在一次对抗性突破后重重摔倒。莫兰特的爆发力让他容易遭受不必要的伤病,尤其是在他试图做出精彩的比赛时,但他开始明白最好是选择合适的时机。尽管如此,莫兰特几周前自行宣布的扣篮禁令结束得和他开始时一样快。因此,认真重视健康是莫兰特充分发挥潜力的关键。 – 迈克尔·莱特

  1. 休斯顿火箭
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 20-9
  • 先前排名: 5
  • 下一场比赛: @ NO (12 月 26 日), vs. MIN (12 月 27 日), vs. MIA (12 月 29 日)

青年新星: 中锋 阿尔佩伦·申京 (Alperen Sengun)

22 岁的四年级老将申京在夏天与火箭队助理教练卡姆·霍奇斯和其他球员发展人员在他的祖国土耳其进行了七周的训练,他的发展迈出了一大步。俱乐部立即注意到了申京在成熟度和比赛方法上的进步,这每晚都在数据统计中体现出来。申京在篮板 (10.6)、助攻 (5.3) 和盖帽 (1.0) 上都创下了职业生涯新高。但和休斯顿的大多数年轻球员一样,申京需要提高他的投篮能力。 – 莱特

  1. 纽约尼克斯
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19-10
  • 先前排名: 8
  • 下一场比赛: vs. SA (12 月 25 日), @ ORL (12 月 27 日), @ WAS (12 月 28 日), @ WAS (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 杜斯·麦克布莱德 (Deuce McBride)

作为纽约 24 岁的替补后卫和第六人,麦克布莱德在主教练汤姆·锡伯杜的带领下,在攻防两端都表现得非常稳固。麦克布莱德已经成为一个更愿意投篮和组织进攻的球员——即使是与队长兼场上指挥官杰伦·布伦森一起在场时也是如此——俱乐部效率最高的五个五人阵容(至少一起上场 25 分钟)都包括麦克布莱德,这并非巧合。 – 克里斯·赫林

  1. 达拉斯独行侠
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19-10
  • 先前排名: 6
  • 下一场比赛: vs. MIN (12 月 25 日), @ PHX (12 月 27 日), @ POR (12 月 28 日), @ SAC (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 中锋 德雷克·莱夫利二世 (Dereck Lively II)

这位 20 岁的球员让球队在 2022-23 赛季最后一周为了保住前十顺位保护的选秀权而做出的备受争议的摆烂决定看起来像是一次神来之笔。这位弹跳力十足的 7 英尺长人作为防守核心和挡拆终结者,是对独行侠明星二人组的绝佳补充。作为与丹尼尔·加福德组成的篮下终结二人组的一员,他场均得到 9.0 分、7.8 个篮板和 1.7 次盖帽,投篮命中率为 70.8%。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 密尔沃基雄鹿
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16-12
  • 先前排名: 7
  • 下一场比赛: vs. BKN (12 月 26 日), @ CHI (12 月 28 日), @ IND (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 安德烈·杰克逊二世 (Andre Jackson Jr.)

杰克逊的影响力在雄鹿队赢得 NBA 杯赛冠军的比赛中得到了体现,当时他作为主要防守者将雷霆队球星谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大的投篮限制在 12 投 3 中。在雄鹿队的前四场比赛中,杰克逊的出场时间都不到 10 分钟,但在第八场比赛中,他就成为了球队的全职首发,为这支老将阵容注入了青春、运动能力和防守的多样性。 – 贾马尔·科利尔

  1. 奥兰多魔术
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19-12
  • 先前排名: 9
  • 下一场比赛: vs. MIA (12 月 26 日), vs. NYK (12 月 27 日), vs. BKN (12 月 29 日)

青年新星: 前锋 弗朗茨·瓦格纳 (Franz Wagner)

随着 23 岁的瓦格纳加入保罗·班凯罗 (22 岁) 和杰伦·萨格斯 (23 岁) 的行列,魔术队可能拥有 NBA 所有球队中最多的 25 岁以下人才。这三人都在 ESPN 的 25 岁以下 25 强榜单中,班凯罗 (第三) 和瓦格纳 (第四) 位列前五。虽然班凯罗仍然是球队的门面,但瓦格纳在班凯罗缺席的情况下,通过他的比赛取得了更大的进步。在因斜肌受伤而加入班凯罗的伤病名单之前,瓦格纳在没有班凯罗的 19 场比赛中场均得到 26.5 分、6.3 次助攻和 5.8 个篮板,魔术队取得了 13 胜 6 负的战绩,继续争夺东部季后赛的主场优势。 – 凯文·佩尔顿

  1. 丹佛掘金
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16-11
  • 先前排名: 10
  • 下一场比赛: @ PHX (12 月 25 日), vs. CLE (12 月 27 日), vs. DET (12 月 28 日), @ UTAH (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 克里斯蒂安·布劳恩 (Christian Braun)

人们很容易忽略这位三年级后卫,因为他做了很多掘金队在尼古拉·约基奇、贾马尔·穆雷、阿隆·戈登和迈克尔·波特 Jr. 身边需要做的细小的事情。但布劳恩是球队中最有成就的潜力新星。在新秀赛季作为掘金队夺冠的重要轮换球员之后,布劳恩本赛季成功地进入了首发阵容,以帮助弥补肯塔维厄斯·考德威尔-波普的损失。布劳恩场均得到 15 分、4.9 个篮板、1.3 次抢断,三分球命中率为 40.6%,并提供了宝贵的防守和拼搏精神。 – 奥姆·扬米苏克

  1. 洛杉矶快船
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17-13
  • 先前排名: 15
  • 下一场比赛: vs. GS (12 月 27 日), @ NO (12 月 30 日), @ SA (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 乔丹·米勒 (Jordan Miller)

尽管小凯文·波特可能是这里的明显选择,但米勒是一名有潜力的新秀。这位 2023 年的二轮秀已经证明他可以得分,他在 2024 年 NBA 夏季联赛中场均得到 25.4 分。当快船队健康时,米勒不在泰伦·卢的轮换阵容中,但当被迫上场时,米勒本赛季已经有五次得分上双。 – 扬米苏克

  1. 洛杉矶湖人
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16-13
  • 先前排名: 17
  • 下一场比赛: @ GS (12 月 25 日), vs. SAC (12 月 28 日), vs. CLE (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 马克斯·克里斯蒂 (Max Christie)

湖人队在今年夏天与这位 2022 年的二轮秀签下了一份为期四年、价值 3200 万美元的合同,尽管克里斯蒂在前两个赛季只为球队打了很少的比赛。但由于湖人队的防守在本赛季四分之一的赛程中表现不佳 (联盟第 21 位),新任湖人队主教练 Джей Джей Редик 将这位 21 岁的球员插入首发阵容,他已经帮助解决了他们在外线的问题。在克里斯蒂首发的比赛中,湖人队取得了 5 胜 2 负的战绩,他在进攻端也变得更加可靠,连续九场比赛至少投中一个三分球。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 金州勇士
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-13
  • 先前排名: 11
  • 下一场比赛: vs. LAL (12 月 25 日), vs. LAC (12 月 27 日), vs. PHX (12 月 28 日), vs. CLE (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 前锋 乔纳森·库明加 (Jonathan Kuminga)

自从在 2021 年 NBA 选秀中以第七顺位被选中以来,库明加一直是球队的青年新星。库明加、摩西·穆迪和布兰丁·波杰姆斯基都被认为是能够帮助金州勇士队从库里-追梦格林时代过渡的年轻球员。在他第四个赛季,库明加仍然只有 22 岁,并且充满了潜力。库明加连续六场首发出任大前锋——并在 12 月 5 日对阵火箭的比赛中得到职业生涯最高的 33 分——但在丹尼斯·施罗德被交易来之后,他回到了替补席。周一,主教练史蒂夫·科尔批评了库明加在上周对阵孟菲斯和明尼苏达的比赛中的投篮选择和决策。目前看来,勇士队已经放弃了让库明加首发的尝试。 – 扬米苏克

  1. 明尼苏达森林狼
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14-14
  • 先前排名: 12
  • 下一场比赛: @ DAL (12 月 25 日), @ HOU (12 月 27 日), vs. SA (12 月 29 日), @ OKC (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 罗伯·迪林厄姆 (Rob Dillingham)

本赛季他仍然没有打太多比赛,但这位 2024 年选秀的 8 号秀在本赛季早些时候顶替迈克·康利时,在对阵凯尔特人和火箭的比赛中有一段很有希望的表现。迪林厄姆面对联盟中最好的两支防守球队,场均得到 13.0 分和 4.0 次助攻,投篮命中率为 47.8%。目前他可能很难进入森林狼队的轮换阵容,但他已经展现出了一些他为什么是乐透秀的闪光点。 – 科利尔

  1. 迈阿密热火
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14-13
  • 先前排名: 14
  • 下一场比赛: @ ORL (12 月 26 日), @ ATL (12 月 28 日), @ HOU (12 月 29 日)

青年新星: 后卫 佩尔·拉尔森 (Pelle Larsson)

尽管泰勒·希罗本赛季取得了一些重大进步,但拉尔森才是真正崭露头角的人。作为今年六月 NBA 选秀大会上的 44 号秀,这位 6 英尺 5 英寸的后卫已经证明自己是一名可靠的三分射手,并在主教练埃里克·斯波尔斯特拉的轮换阵容中赢得了一些相当稳定的出场时间——这可不是一件容易的事——作为本赛季开始承担更大角色的一批新年轻人中的一员。这是一个充满希望的发展,因为热火队可能会在本赛季或下赛季开始进入后吉米·巴特勒时代。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 圣安东尼奥马刺
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-14
  • 先前排名: 19
  • 下一场比赛: @ NYK (12 月 25 日), @ BKN (12 月 27 日), @ MIN (12 月 29 日), vs. LAC (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 中锋 文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)

你可以看到他的闪光点,但 20 岁的文班亚马正在逐渐弄清楚何时展现他不断发展的比赛的各个方面。球队相信文班亚马的技能组合没有极限。但代理主教练米奇·约翰逊表示,对于一个能够做任何事情的年轻球员来说,很难知道在每一场比赛中如何处理每一种情况。圣安东尼奥的录像分析团队已经向他展示了每支球队是如何防守他的,这有助于文班亚马的学习曲线。 – 莱特

  1. 菲尼克斯太阳
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14-14
  • 先前排名: 13
  • 下一场比赛: vs. DEN (12 月 25 日), vs. DAL (12 月 27 日), @ GS (12 月 28 日), vs. MEM (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 前锋 瑞安·邓恩 (Ryan Dunn)

作为太阳队的顶级年轻球员,邓恩并没有太多的竞争对手。球队名单上只有六名 25 岁或以下的球员。邓恩和 22 岁的中锋奥索·伊格霍达罗是该组中唯二进入主教练迈克·布登霍尔泽轮换阵容的球员。邓恩是选秀夜从丹佛交易来的,到目前为止一直是一个亮点,他在职业生涯的前 23 场比赛中投中了 25 个三分球,而在弗吉尼亚大学的 65 场比赛中只投中了 12 个三分球。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 印第安纳步行者
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-15
  • 先前排名: 20
  • 下一场比赛: vs. OKC (12 月 26 日), @ BOS (12 月 27 日), @ BOS (12 月 29 日), vs. MIL (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 前锋 贾莱斯·沃克 (Jarace Walker)

由于步行者队的轮换阵容在赛季初受到伤病的打击,2023 年选秀大会上的 8 号秀沃克充分利用了他的上场时间。他的数据仍然不多,每场比赛都有一些起伏,但他在防守端的影响对步行者队至关重要,他们正在寻找防守端的答案。随着步行者队逐渐恢复健康,他们可能不得不找到让沃克留在场上的方法。 – 科利尔

  1. 亚特兰大老鹰
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-15
  • 先前排名: 16
  • 下一场比赛: vs. CHI (12 月 26 日), vs. MIA (12 月 28 日), @ TOR (12 月 29 日)

青年新星: 后卫 戴森·丹尼尔斯 (Dyson Daniels)

到目前为止,21 岁的丹尼尔斯是老鹰队新来者中最大的惊喜。他以场均 3.2 次抢断轻松领先联盟——并因此获得了“大堡礁窃贼”的绰号,这是对他澳大利亚血统的致敬——同时场均还能贡献 13 分。他在防守端的破坏力——使得亚特兰大队以联盟最高的频率制造对手失误——帮助球队保持了竞争力。 – 赫林

  1. 萨克拉门托国王
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13-17
  • 先前排名: 18
  • 下一场比赛: vs. DET (12 月 26 日), @ LAL (12 月 28 日), vs. DAL (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 基根·穆雷 (Keegan Murray)

国王队令人失望的开局的部分原因是他们的年轻球员本赛季缺乏发展。预计首发出任得分后卫的基恩·埃利斯的三分球命中率很高 (40%),但他的角色一直在波动。穆雷仍然是萨克拉门托最有天赋的年轻球员,但由于德玛尔·德罗赞的加盟,他被安排到了一个无球的角色。三分球命中率创下职业生涯新低 30% 的穆雷出色地完成了担任国王队防守大闸的任务,但他的技能组合表明他在进攻端可以提供更多。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 芝加哥公牛
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13-17
  • 先前排名: 21
  • 下一场比赛: @ ATL (12 月 26 日), vs. MIL (12 月 28 日), @ CHA (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 前锋 马塔斯·布泽利斯 (Matas Buzelis)

公牛队在六月份的选秀中用第 11 顺位选中了布泽利斯,早期的回报令人感兴趣。他在赛季初没有打很多分钟,但已经赢得了更多的上场时间。在 12 月份,他作为替补场均上场约 18 分钟,得到 8.1 分和 3.8 个篮板,三分球命中率为 37.9%。 – 科利尔

  1. 底特律活塞
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13-17
  • 先前排名: 22
  • 下一场比赛: @ SAC (12 月 26 日), @ DEN (12 月 28 日)

青年新星: 后卫 凯德·坎宁安 (Cade Cunningham)

在他的第四个赛季,这位 2021 年的状元秀已经成为他 23 岁时首次入选全明星的强有力候选人。坎宁安在各项数据上都创下了职业生涯新高,包括场均 9.7 次助攻。坎宁安还通过三分球命中率达到职业生涯最佳的 38.5% 来提高了他的得分效率。失误 (场均 4.5 次,NBA 第三高) 仍然是一个弱点,但活塞队可以更有信心坎宁安是潜在季后赛球队的基石。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 费城 76 人
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-17
  • 先前排名: 24
  • 下一场比赛: @ BOS (12 月 25 日), @ UTAH (12 月 28 日), @ POR (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 贾里德·麦凯恩 (Jared McCain)

对于 76 人队来说,这个问题的答案是一位因半月板撕裂而缺席的球员,这很合适,因为近十年来,伤病一直是定义这支球队的一个因素。这位新秀后卫和 TikTok 明星是 NBA 本赛季前四分之一的最大惊喜之一,也是 76 人队惨淡开局期间几乎唯一的亮点。然而,在本月早些时候成功接受手术后,麦凯恩将缺席很长一段时间。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 布鲁克林篮网
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-18
  • 先前排名: 23
  • 下一场比赛: @ MIL (12 月 26 日), vs. SA (12 月 27 日), @ ORL (12 月 29 日)

青年新星: 后卫 凯姆·托马斯 (Cam Thomas)

即使他已经崛起了几年,并且仍在从腿筋受伤中恢复,托马斯——场均得分 24.7 分,领跑全队——仍然是这里的答案。尽管俱乐部在不断发展,并且他们的目标是获得即将到来的选秀大会上的状元签,但布鲁克林的球员平均年龄为 26 岁——略高于联盟平均水平。24 岁的托马斯仍然是球队中较年轻的球员之一,一年级主教练霍尔迪·费尔南德斯表示,他希望托马斯在组织进攻和防守方面获得更多经验。 – 赫林

  1. 波特兰开拓者
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-20
  • 先前排名: 25
  • 下一场比赛: vs. UTAH (12 月 26 日), vs. DAL (12 月 28 日), vs. PHI (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 谢顿·夏普 (Shaedon Sharpe)

在交易掉达米安·利拉德一年多之后,开拓者队仍在寻找他们的下一位伟大球星。没有波特兰球员进入 ESPN 的 25 岁以下 25 强榜单,但夏普可能有最有力的理由入选。在核心肌肉手术限制了他在 2023-24 赛季只打了 32 场比赛之后,他取得了进步。夏普场均得到 17.7 分,并展现出作为终结者的进步,他的两分球命中率高达 58%。如果夏普能够增加稳定的三分球能力 (他的三分球命中率只有 28%),他不断增长的天赋可能难以阻挡。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 犹他爵士
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-21
  • 先前排名: 28
  • 下一场比赛: @ POR (12 月 26 日), vs. PHI (12 月 28 日), vs. DEN (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 中锋 沃克·凯斯勒 (Walker Kessler)

理想情况下,爵士队阵容中最近的几名首轮秀应该在这个位置上有更多竞争,但三年级中锋凯斯勒在人群中脱颖而出。这位 23 岁、身高 7 英尺的中锋场均两双 (10.5 分、10.7 个篮板),同时在投篮命中率 (71.9%) 和盖帽 (场均 2.9 次) 上名列联盟前茅。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 夏洛特黄蜂
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-22
  • 先前排名: 26
  • 下一场比赛: @ WAS (12 月 26 日), vs. OKC (12 月 28 日), vs. CHI (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 特雷·曼恩 (Tre Mann)

布兰登·米勒具备与球队球星拉梅洛·鲍尔一起成为夏洛特年轻的攻防俱佳的明星的所有条件。但在因下背部酸痛和椎间盘刺激而缺席之前,23 岁的后卫特雷·曼恩正处于职业生涯的巅峰期,三分球命中率达到 40%,场均得分达到职业生涯最高的 14 分。他的板凳得分能力对俱乐部来说是一个巨大的提升,上周,这支球队的首发五虎在本赛季首次同时在场。 – 赫林

  1. 多伦多猛龙
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-23
  • 先前排名: 27
  • 下一场比赛: @ MEM (12 月 26 日), vs. ATL (12 月 29 日), @ BOS (12 月 31 日)

青年新星: 后卫 格雷迪·迪克 (Gradey Dick)

在一支拥有众多年轻球员的球队中,这位二年级后卫凭借他自新秀赛季以来的快速进步而脱颖而出。在被任命为猛龙队的首发得分后卫后,这位 6 英尺 6 英寸的后卫的各项数据都大幅提升。他的场均得分翻了一番多,达到 18.3 分,同时场均出手超过 7 次三分球。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 新奥尔良鹈鹕
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 5-25
  • 先前排名: 29
  • 下一场比赛: vs. HOU (12 月 26 日), vs. MEM (12 月 27 日), vs. LAC (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 前锋 特雷·墨菲三世 (Trey Murphy III)

墨菲不太可能成为球队的门面。但他有望成为球队首发阵容中稳定的长期成员,以及球队攻防两端的主要贡献者之一。这位 24 岁的球员在上赛季的得分 (14.8)、篮板 (4.9) 和助攻 (2.2) 上都创下了职业生涯新高。本赛季,他的得分 (18.7) 和助攻 (2.3) 数据都有所提高。作为一名多才多艺的 3D 侧翼球员,墨菲随着经验的积累而不断进步。在鹈鹕队这个伤病缠身的赛季中,他是为数不多的亮点之一。 – 莱特

  1. 华盛顿奇才
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 4-23
  • 先前排名: 30
  • 下一场比赛: vs. CHA (12 月 26 日), vs. NYK (12 月 28 日), vs. NYK (12 月 30 日)

青年新星: 后卫 比拉尔·库利巴利 (Bilal Coulibaly)

库利巴利给出了他成为华盛顿新星的最新也是最令人信服的理由。在周四奇才队本赛季第四场战胜夏洛特的比赛的第四节末段,库利巴利接乔丹·普尔的传球,高高跃起完成了一记单手空接扣篮。库利巴利是迈克尔·温格-威尔·道金斯管理层迄今为止的选秀瑰宝。他在新秀赛季证明了他的发展速度超前,场均得到 8.4 分、4.1 个篮板,三分球命中率为 34.6%。本赛季,这位 20 岁的球员场均得到 13.1 分、5.7 个篮板、3.4 次助攻和 1.5 次抢断。 – 扬米苏克

点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: Every team's young riser

NBA Power Rankings: Every team’s young riser


The NBA regular season is in full swing ahead of a blockbuster slate of games on Christmas Day, and teams are already bracing for potential moves ahead of the Feb. 6 trade deadline. Two months into the season, the Cleveland Cavaliers are keeping their hold atop the Eastern Conference standings with the defending NBA Finals champions Boston Celtics right behind. The Milwaukee Bucks are back in the mix, while the Philadelphia 76ers are still floundering near the bottom.

Out West, the Oklahoma City Thunder have remained the constant leaders, with other teams jockeying up and down the standings. While the Golden State Warriors are struggling to keep pace, the Memphis Grizzlies are continuing to impress.

For this week, we asked our NBA insiders to pick one rookie or young player (defined as someone 25 years old or younger) on each team who is already contributing. Whether as breakout starters or key reserves off the bench, these youngsters are making their presence felt this season.

Here is where all 30 teams stack up in this week’s power rankings.

Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.

Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 20 | Nov. 27 | Dec. 4 | Dec. 11 | Dec. 18

Jump to a team:\




NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\


1. Cleveland Cavaliers

  • 2024-25 record: 26-4
  • Previous ranking: 2
  • Next games: @ DEN (Dec. 27), @ GS (Dec. 30), @ LAL (Dec. 31)

Young riser: PF Evan Mobley

This could have just as easily been Darius Garland, but since he’s a year older and has already been an All-Star, the distinction goes to the 23-year-old big man who continues to improve in his fourth season after Cleveland selected him with the No. 3 pick in 2021 out of USC. The 6-foot-11 Mobley is shooting career bests from 3 (40%) and the free throw line (78.6%) while ranking 11th in the NBA in overall field goal percentage (57.1) and 14th in blocks per game (1.4). – Dave McMenamin

2. Boston Celtics

  • 2024-25 record: 22-7
  • Previous ranking: 1
  • Next games: vs. PHI (Dec. 25), vs. IND (Dec. 27), vs. IND (Dec. 29), vs. TOR (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Jordan Walsh

There’s no clear answer for Boston – not exactly a surprise, given it’s a veteran team with championship expectations – but the second-year guard is the closest thing to it. The 2023 second-round pick has shown flashes in limited playing time this season, with the things that will ultimately determine his ceiling as a player being his ability to add strength to his 6-6 frame and whether he can become a reliable 3-point shooter. If he can, he’s got a future as a talented defender with length. – Tim Bontemps

3. Oklahoma City Thunder

  • 2024-25 record: 23-5
  • Previous ranking: 3
  • Next games: @ IND (Dec. 26), @ CHA (Dec. 28), vs. MEM (Dec. 29), vs. MIN (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Jalen Williams

Chet Holmgren’s ascension has been put on pause because of his fractured pelvis, but fellow 2022 lottery pick Jalen Williams’ star rise has continued. The 23-year-old wing is averaging career highs in scoring (21.6 points per game), rebounds (5.9), assists (5.0), steals (1.8) and blocks (0.8) to build a case for the West’s best team getting a second All-Star selection alongside Shai Gilgeous-Alexander. – Tim MacMahon

4. Memphis Grizzlies

  • 2024-25 record: 20-10
  • Previous ranking: 4
  • Next games: vs. TOR (Dec. 26), @ NO (Dec. 27), @ OKC (Dec. 29), @ PHX (Dec. 31)

Young riser: PG Ja Morant

Morant, 25, has missed 12 games this season due to injuries. The latest setback occurred Thursday, when he took a hard fall after a contested drive through traffic against Golden State. Morant’s explosiveness lends itself to unnecessary injuries, especially when he tries to make spectacular plays, but he’s starting to learn it’s best to choose his spots. Still, Morant’s self-imposed ban on dunks weeks ago ended just about as quickly as it started. So, seriously prioritizing health is a must for Morant to reach his full potential. – Michael Wright

5. Houston Rockets

  • 2024-25 record: 20-9
  • Previous ranking: 5
  • Next games: @ NO (Dec. 26), vs. MIN (Dec. 27), vs. MIA (Dec. 29)

Young riser: C Alperen Sengun

A fourth-year veteran, Sengun, 22, took a major step in his development over the summer working out for seven weeks in his native Turkey with Rockets assistant Cam Hodges and other player development staffers. The club immediately noticed improvements in Sengun’s maturity and approach to the game, and that is manifesting itself every night in the box scores. Sengun is averaging career highs in rebounds (10.6), assists (5.3) and blocks (1.0). But like most of Houston’s young roster, Sengun needs to improve as a shooter. – Wright

6. New York Knicks

  • 2024-25 record: 19-10
  • Previous ranking: 8
  • Next games: vs. SA (Dec. 25), @ ORL (Dec. 27), @ WAS (Dec. 28), @ WAS (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Deuce McBride

As New York’s 24-year-old backup guard and sixth man, McBride has been completely solid on both ends of the floor for coach Tom Thibodeau. McBride has been a more willing shooter and playmaker – even when captain and fellow floor general Jalen Brunson is on the court with him – and it’s no coincidence that the club’s five most efficient five-man lineups (with a minimum of 25 minutes played together) all include McBride. – Chris Herring

7. Dallas Mavericks

  • 2024-25 record: 19-10
  • Previous ranking: 6
  • Next games: vs. MIN (Dec. 25), @ PHX (Dec. 27), @ POR (Dec. 28), @ SAC (Dec. 30)

**Young riser:**C Dereck Lively II

The 20-year-old has made the team’s controversial decision to tank in the final week of the 2022-23 season to keep its top-10-protected pick seem like a stroke of genius. The springy 7-footer is a phenomenal complement to the Mavs’ star duo as a defensive anchor and pick-and-roll finisher. He’s averaging 9.0 points, 7.8 rebounds and 1.7 blocks while shooting 70.8% from the floor as part of a rim-running tag team with Daniel Gafford. – MacMahon

8. Milwaukee Bucks

  • 2024-25 record: 16-12
  • Previous ranking: 7
  • Next games: vs. BKN (Dec. 26), @ CHI (Dec. 28), @ IND (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Andre Jackson Jr.

An example of Jackson’s impact was on display during Milwaukee’s victory in the NBA Cup championship game when he held Thunder star Shai Gilgeous-Alexander to 3-of-12 shooting as the primary defender. After playing less than 10 minutes in each of the Bucks’ first four games, Jackson became a full-time starter by the eighth game, injecting youth, athleticism and defensive versatility into a veteran roster. – Jamal Collier

9. Orlando Magic

  • 2024-25 record: 19-12
  • Previous ranking: 9
  • Next games: vs. MIA (Dec. 26), vs. NYK (Dec. 27), vs. BKN (Dec. 29)

Young riser: F Franz Wagner

With the 23-year-old Wagner joining Paolo Banchero (22) and Jalen Suggs (23), the Magic might boast the most under-25 talent of any NBA team. All three were ranked in ESPN’s top 25 under 25, with Banchero (third) and Wagner (fourth) in the top five. Although Banchero is still the face of the franchise, Wagner has taken a bigger step forward with his play in Banchero’s absence. Before joining him on the sidelines due to an oblique injury, Wagner averaged 26.5 points, 6.3 assists and 5.8 rebounds in 19 games without Banchero as Orlando went 13-6 to stay in the hunt for home court in the East playoffs. – Kevin Pelton

10. Denver Nuggets

  • 2024-25 record: 16-11
  • Previous ranking: 10
  • Next games: @ PHX (Dec. 25), vs. CLE (Dec. 27), vs. DET (Dec. 28), @ UTAH (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Christian Braun

It’s easy to overlook the third-year guard because he does many of the little things the Nuggets need around Nikola Jokic, Jamal Murray, Aaron Gordon and Michael Porter Jr. But Braun is the team’s most accomplished prospect. After being a valuable role player in his rookie season as the Nuggets won a title, Braun has successfully moved into the starting lineup this season to help offset the loss of Kentavious Caldwell-Pope. Braun is averaging 15 points, 4.9 rebounds, 1.3 steals, 40.6% 3-point shooting and providing valuable defense and hustle. – Ohm Youngmisuk

11. LA Clippers

  • 2024-25 record: 17-13
  • Previous ranking: 15
  • Next games: vs. GS (Dec. 27), @ NO (Dec. 30), @ SA (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Jordan Miller

Although Kevin Porter Jr. might be the obvious choice here, Miller is a prospect with potential. The 2023 second-round pick has shown that he can score as he averaged 25.4 points in the 2024 NBA summer league. When the Clippers are healthy, Miller isn’t in Ty Lue’s rotation, but when forced into action, Miller has scored in double figures five times this season. – Youngmisuk

12. Los Angeles Lakers

  • 2024-25 record: 16-13
  • Previous ranking: 17
  • Next games: @ GS (Dec. 25), vs. SAC (Dec. 28), vs. CLE (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Max Christie

The Lakers signed the 2022 second-round pick to a four-year, $32 million contract this past summer despite Christie playing only sparingly his first two seasons with the team. But with L.A.'s defense floundering a quarter of the way through the season (21st in the league), new Lakers coach JJ Redick inserted the 21-year-old into the starting lineup and he has helped fix their problems on the perimeter. The Lakers have gone 5-2 with Christie starting and he’s also becoming more reliable on offense, hitting at least one 3 in nine straight games. – McMenamin

13. Golden State Warriors

  • 2024-25 record: 15-13
  • Previous ranking: 11
  • Next games: vs. LAL (Dec. 25), vs. LAC (Dec. 27), vs. PHX (Dec. 28), vs. CLE (Dec. 30)

Young riser: F Jonathan Kuminga

Kuminga has been the franchise’s young riser since he was selected seventh in the 2021 NBA draft. Kuminga, Moses Moody and Brandin Podziemski are all considered young talents who could help Golden State transition from the Steph-Draymond era. In his fourth season, Kuminga is still only 22 and full of potential. Kuminga started six consecutive games at power forward – and scored a career-high 33 points against Houston on Dec. 5 – but returned to the bench after Dennis Schroder was acquired. And on Monday, coach Steve Kerr was critical of Kuminga’s shot selection and decision-making in last week’s games at Memphis and Minnesota. As of now, it appears the Warriors have shelved the experiment of starting Kuminga. – Youngmisuk

14. Minnesota Timberwolves

  • 2024-25 record: 14-14
  • Previous ranking: 12
  • Next games: @ DAL (Dec. 25), @ HOU (Dec. 27), vs. SA (Dec. 29), @ OKC (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Rob Dillingham

He still hasn’t played much this season, but the No. 8 pick in the 2024 draft had a promising stretch of games against the Celtics and Rockets while filling in for Mike Conley earlier this season. Dillingham averaged 13.0 points and 4.0 assists and shot 47.8% against two of the best defenses in the league. It might be tough for him to crack the Wolves’ rotation at the moment, but he has shown some flashes of why he was a lottery pick. – Collier

15. Miami Heat

  • 2024-25 record: 14-13
  • Previous ranking: 14
  • Next games: @ ORL (Dec. 26), @ ATL (Dec. 28), @ HOU (Dec. 29)

Young riser: G Pelle Larsson

Though Tyler Herro has made some big strides this season, it has been Larsson who has emerged. A 6-5 guard who was the 44th pick in June’s NBA draft, Larsson has proven to be a reliable 3-point shooter and earned some fairly consistent minutes in coach Erik Spoelstra’s rotation – no easy feat – as part of a new crop of youngsters beginning to take on bigger roles this season. It’s a promising development as the Heat potentially start to edge into a post-Jimmy Butler world either this season or next. – Bontemps

16. San Antonio Spurs

  • 2024-25 record: 15-14
  • Previous ranking: 19
  • Next games: @ NYK (Dec. 25), @ BKN (Dec. 27), @ MIN (Dec. 29), vs. LAC (Dec. 31)

Young riser: C Victor Wembanyama

You see it in flashes, but Wembanyama, 20, is gradually figuring out when to unleash various aspects of his ever-evolving game. The team believes there’s no limit to Wembanyama’s skill set. But acting coach Mitch Johnson said it’s difficult for a young player who is capable of doing everything to know on a game-by-game basis how to approach each situation. San Antonio’s video staff has shown him how each team tries to defend him, helping Wembanyama’s learning curve. – Wright

17. Phoenix Suns

  • 2024-25 record: 14-14
  • Previous ranking: 13
  • Next games: vs. DEN (Dec. 25), vs. DAL (Dec. 27), @ GS (Dec. 28), vs. MEM (Dec. 31)

Young riser: F Ryan Dunn

Dunn doesn’t have too much competition for consideration as the Suns’ top young talent. There are only six players 25 or younger on the roster. Dunn and 22-year-old center Oso Ighodaro are the only players in that group to crack coach Mike Budenholzer’s rotation. Dunn, a draft night acquisition from Denver, has been a bright spot so far, hitting 25 3-pointers in his first 23 games in the pros after knocking down just 12 3s in 65 games in college at Virginia. – McMenamin

18. Indiana Pacers

  • 2024-25 record: 15-15
  • Previous ranking: 20
  • Next games: vs. OKC (Dec. 26), @ BOS (Dec. 27), @ BOS (Dec. 29), vs. MIL (Dec. 31)

Young riser: F Jarace Walker

With Indiana’s rotation hit by injuries early on, Walker, the former No. 8 pick in the 2023 draft, has made the most of his playing time. His numbers are still modest, with some up-and-down swings from game to game, but his impact on defense has been crucial for the Pacers, who are searching for answers on that end of the floor. As the Pacers continue to get healthy, they might have to find ways to keep Walker on the floor. – Collier

19. Atlanta Hawks

  • 2024-25 record: 15-15
  • Previous ranking: 16
  • Next games: vs. CHI (Dec. 26), vs. MIA (Dec. 28), @ TOR (Dec. 29)

Young riser: G Dyson Daniels

Daniels, 21, has been by far the biggest revelation in the Hawks’ group of newcomers. He is comfortably leading the league in steals (3.2) – earning the nickname Great Barrier Thief, a nod to his Australian roots – while also pouring in 13 points per game. His disruptiveness on the defensive end – which has resulted in Atlanta forcing turnovers at one of the highest rates in the league – has helped keep the team afloat. – Herring

20. Sacramento Kings

  • 2024-25 record: 13-17
  • Previous ranking: 18
  • Next games: vs. DET (Dec. 26), @ LAL (Dec. 28), vs. DAL (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Keegan Murray

Part of the reason for the Kings’ disappointing start has been their young talent’s lack of development this season. Keon Ellis, expected to start at shooting guard, has shot well from 3-point range (40%) but his role has fluctuated. Murray remains Sacramento’s most talented young player, but has been shunted into an off-ball role due to the addition of DeMar DeRozan. Murray, who is shooting a career-low 30% on 3s, has capably handled the task of serving as the Kings’ defensive stopper, but his skill set suggests he has more to offer on offense. – Pelton

21. Chicago Bulls

  • 2024-25 record: 13-17
  • Previous ranking: 21
  • Next games: @ ATL (Dec. 26), vs. MIL (Dec. 28), @ CHA (Dec. 30)

Young riser: F Matas Buzelis

The Bulls drafted Buzelis with the 11th pick in June and the early returns have been intriguing. He did not play a lot of minutes at the start of the season, but has earned more playing time. He is averaging 8.1 points, 3.8 rebounds and shooting 37.9% from 3 in about 18 minutes per game off the bench in December. – Collier

22. Detroit Pistons

  • 2024-25 record: 13-17
  • Previous ranking: 22
  • Next games: @ SAC (Dec. 26), @ DEN (Dec. 28)

Young riser: G Cade Cunningham

In his fourth season, the 2021 No. 1 pick has emerged as a strong candidate for his first All-Star selection at age 23. Cunningham is recording career highs across the board, including 9.7 assists per game. Cunningham has also boosted his scoring efficiency by shooting a career-best 38.5% on 3s. Turnovers (4.5 per game, third highest in the NBA) remain a weakness but the Pistons can be more confident that Cunningham is the building block for a potential playoff team. – Pelton

23. Philadelphia 76ers

  • 2024-25 record: 10-17
  • Previous ranking: 24
  • Next games: @ BOS (Dec. 25), @ UTAH (Dec. 28), @ POR (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Jared McCain

It is fitting that the answer to this question for the 76ers, who have been defined for the better part of a decade by injuries, is a player sidelined due to a meniscus tear. The rookie guard and TikTok star was one of the biggest surprises in the NBA over the first quarter of the season, and virtually the only bright spot during a dismal start for the 76ers. Now, though, McCain is out for an extended period after successful surgery earlier this month. – Bontemps

24. Brooklyn Nets

  • 2024-25 record: 11-18
  • Previous ranking: 23
  • Next games: @ MIL (Dec. 26), vs. SA (Dec. 27), @ ORL (Dec. 29)

Young riser: G Cam Thomas

Even though he has been on the rise for a few years now and remains out as he recovers from a hamstring injury, Thomas – who’s averaging a team-best 24.7 points per game – is the answer here. Despite the club’s continued development, and its perceived aim to land the top pick in the upcoming draft, the average age of Brooklyn’s roster is 26 – just north of the league average. At 24, Thomas is still one of the younger players on the roster, and first-year coach Jordi Fernandez has said he wants him to get more seasoning as a playmaker and defender. – Herring

25. Portland Trail Blazers

  • 2024-25 record: 9-20
  • Previous ranking: 25
  • Next games: vs. UTAH (Dec. 26), vs. DAL (Dec. 28), vs. PHI (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Shaedon Sharpe

More than a year after trading Damian Lillard, the Blazers are still searching for their next great star. No Portland player cracked ESPN’s top 25 under 25, but Sharpe might have the strongest case. He has taken a step forward after core muscle surgery limited him to 32 games in 2023-24. Sharpe has averaged 17.7 points and shown progress as a finisher, hitting an impressive 58% of his 2-point attempts. If Sharpe can add consistent 3-point range (he’s shooting just 28% on 3s), his growing talent could prove difficult to contain.– Pelton

26. Utah Jazz

  • 2024-25 record: 7-21
  • Previous ranking: 28
  • Next games: @ POR (Dec. 26), vs. PHI (Dec. 28), vs. DEN (Dec. 30)

Young riser: C Walker Kessler

Ideally, there would be more competition for this distinction among the several recent first-round picks on the Jazz’s roster, but Kessler, a third-year center, stands above the crowd. The 23-year-old 7-footer is averaging a double-double (10.5 points, 10.7 rebounds per game) while ranking among the league leaders in field goal percentage (71.9%) and blocks per game (2.9). – MacMahon

27. Charlotte Hornets

  • 2024-25 record: 7-22
  • Previous ranking: 26
  • Next games: @ WAS (Dec. 26), vs. OKC (Dec. 28), vs. CHI (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Tre Mann

Brandon Miller has all the makings of a young, two-way star in Charlotte alongside franchise player LaMelo Ball. But 23-year-old guard Tre Mann was in the midst of a career season, shooting 40% from deep and averaging a personal-best 14 points per game, before being sidelined due to lower-back soreness and disk irritation. His scoring ability off the bench was a massive boost for a club that last week had its preferred starting five on the floor for the first time this season. – Herring

28. Toronto Raptors

  • 2024-25 record: 7-23
  • Previous ranking: 27
  • Next games: @ MEM (Dec. 26), vs. ATL (Dec. 29), @ BOS (Dec. 31)

Young riser: G Gradey Dick

On a team with a bunch of young talent, the second-year guard has stood out for his rapid improvement from his rookie season. The 6-6 guard has seen massive statistical gains after being named the starting shooting guard for the Raptors. He has more than doubled his scoring average to 18.3 points while shooting more than seven attempts from 3 a game. – Bontemps

29. New Orleans Pelicans

  • 2024-25 record: 5-25
  • Previous ranking: 29
  • Next games: vs. HOU (Dec. 26), vs. MEM (Dec. 27), vs. LAC (Dec. 30)

Young riser: F Trey Murphy III

Murphy likely won’t be the face of the franchise. But he’s positioned to be a solid long-term fixture in the starting lineup and one of the team’s main contributors on both ends of the floor. The 24-year-old averaged career highs last season in points (14.8), rebounds (4.9) and assists (2.2). He has improved his scoring (18.7) and assist (2.3) numbers this season. A versatile 3-and-D wing, Murphy continues to improve as he gains more experience. He has been one of the few bright spots in what has been an injury-riddled season for the Pelicans. – Wright

30. Washington Wizards

  • 2024-25 record: 4-23
  • Previous ranking: 30
  • Next games: vs. CHA (Dec. 26), vs. NYK (Dec. 28), vs. NYK (Dec. 30)

Young riser: G Bilal Coulibaly

Coulibaly delivered the latest and most emphatic reason he is Washington’s young riser. Late in the fourth quarter of the Wizards’ fourth victory of the season against Charlotte on Thursday, Coulibaly soared for a one-handed alley-oop dunk from a pass by Jordan Poole. Coulibaly is the draft jewel of the Michael Winger-Will Dawkins regime so far. He proved he was ahead of his development curve as a rookie when he averaged 8.4 points, 4.1 rebounds and shot 34.6% from 3 last season. This season, the 20-year-old is averaging 13.1 points, 5.7 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 1.5 steals. – Youngmisuk

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