[PtR] 我们从马刺输给76人的比赛中学到了什么

By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-24 23:34:36





尽管文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)在第四节联手投进7记三分球,但马刺队在一度落后两位数的情况下,还是没能拿下第八场胜利。这也是球队第四次以五分或更少的差距落败。他们在比赛还剩80秒时看到了胜利的曙光,但76人队最终避免了被爆冷的尴尬。

文班和查尔斯·巴塞伊(Charles Bassey)的慢热开局使得球队在第一节未能拉开比分。乔尔·恩比德(Joel Embiid)盯防文班,导致文班两次投篮不中,盖尔雄·亚布塞莱(Guerschon Yabusele)也从身后封盖了他一次,因为他选择了上篮而不是扣篮。

但文班在第二节开始发力,五投三中。由于76人队保持着强大的防守,凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)是他在这一节中唯一一位多次投篮命中的队友。


关键 takeaways

  • 《洛杉矶时报》的马尔·弗洛伦斯(Mal Florence)曾写道,观看威尔特·张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain)的比赛就像“看着格列佛在对玩游戏的小人们发泄他的愤怒”。作为一名盖帽手,文班亚马是最接近这种描述的球员。他在攻防转换和半场阵地中都弥补了球队的失误,并且是破坏76人上半场进攻的主要力量。我最喜欢的是他的第三个盖帽——他预判到了一个手递手传球,保持高位,然后破坏了凯尔·洛瑞(Kyle Lowry)的跳投。在这些回合中的成功将确保他不会像其他大个子一样成为外线的防守漏洞。
  • 马刺队在第四节纪律涣散,出现了6次失误,这让他们付出了7分的代价。倒数第二个尚帕尼的失误,其心理上的打击如同在一场势均力敌的比赛中被击中下巴一样,因为马克西(Tyrese Maxey)随后利用对抗完成了一记精彩的单手扣篮,进一步点燃了主场球迷的热情。这些失误更加令人难以接受,因为76人队无法有效防守三分线,所以如果圣安东尼奥多投进一两个三分球,他们可能就已经崩溃了。
  • 从数据上看,这是斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)职业生涯中最有效率的一晚。他的命中率达到了77.8%,而他之前的最高纪录是11月15日输给洛杉矶湖人队的比赛中的58.3%。他的7个进球中有5个来自第三节,其中包括两次对抗中的得分。他很有效率,用运球突破内线。
  • 马刺队一直难以限制NBA速度更快的后卫。第四节也不例外,马克西在空位中的速度和关键时刻的投篮英雄主义扼杀了马刺的反扑。当他在防守球员面前一骑绝尘时,马刺的协防球员多次未能及时到位阻止他的得分。
  • 索汉(Jeremy Sochan)在第四节没有得分(2投0中),但他在前三节7投6中。文班成功地给他送出了两次空接,这是我最喜欢的配合之一——它让我想起了尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic)传球给他的安全保障,阿隆·戈登(Aaron Gordon)。此外,索汉的所有得分都来自禁区内或禁区边缘。别忘了,他上赛季在近距离的终结能力很一般,而今年他的命中率提高了7个百分点。
  • 马刺队只得到了30分内线得分和3分二次进攻得分。赛后,主教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)表示,当你只有这样的得分输出时,比赛将会非常艰难。
点击查看原文:What we learned from the Spurs loss to the 76ers

What we learned from the Spurs loss to the 76ers

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Philadelphia 76ers

Close losses like this build character

The Spurs can be such a tease.

Victor Wembanyama and Julian Champagnie combining for seven fourth-quarter triples couldn’t deliver the Spurs’ eighth win after being down double-digits. It’s also the team’s fourth loss by five points or fewer. They were in sight of the finish line with 80 seconds left, but the 76ers saved themselves from humiliation.

A slow start from Wemby and Charles Bassey kept the squad from creating separation in the first quarter. Joel Embiid keyed in on Wemby, causing two misses, and Guerschon Yabusele blocked him from behind because he went up softly instead of dunking.

But then Wembanyama got rolling in the second quarter, making three of five baskets. Keldon Johnson was his only teammate to record multiple field goals in the period as the 76ers maintained a potent defense.

But then came the drama. Has someone told Embiid that Benjamin Franklin said, “Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame”? He disagreed with a call and was tossed late in the second quarter for trying to intimidate a ref, but his team was surprisingly better without him. The Spurs had difficulty guarding in the second half, logging a 121.2 defensive rating and committing 10 turnovers, which didn’t help them either because they couldn’t get into position on the retreat. Don’t forget the league worst average in defensive rating is 119.4.


  • The LA Times’ Mal Florence once wrote that Wilt Chamberlain’s performance was like watching “Gulliver venting his rage on the little folks who play the game.” Wembanyama, as a shot blocker, is as close as it gets to that. He erased mistakes in transition and the half-court and was the main force in soiling the 76ers’ first-half attack. My favorite was his third block- he anticipated a handoff, stayed high and blew up Kyle Lowry’s jumper. Success on these plays will ensure that he can’t be targeted on the perimeter as other big men are.
  • The Spurs were undisciplined in the fourth quarter, turning the ball over six times, which cost them seven points. The second to last Champagnie blunder had the psychological effect of catching an uppercut to the jaw in a close fight because Maxey punched in a mean jam with his off-hand through contact, further igniting the crowd. The giveaways are harder to stomach because the 76ers couldn’t cover the three-point line, so one or two more San Antonio makes could have made them fold.
  • Statistically, this was Stephon Castle’s most efficient night as a pro. He made 77.8 percent of attempts and his previous high was 58.3 percent in the loss against the Los Angeles Lakers on Nov. 15. Five of his seven baskets came in the third quarter which included two through contact. He was effective, breaking into the lane with his dribble.
  • The Spurs have struggled to contain the NBA’s quicker guards. The fourth quarter was no different as Maxey’s speed in the open court and late shot heroics killed the Spurs’ comeback. When he left the defense up top in the dust, the help wasn’t there to stop him in the back on multiple plays.
  • Sochan didn’t contribute any points in the fourth frame (0/2), but he made six of seven through three. Wemby successfully threw him two lobs, which are some of my favorite plays- it reminds me of Nikola Jokić tossing it to Aaron Gordon, his security blanket. Additionally, all of his baskets were in the restricted area or just outside of it. Don’t forget that he was an average finisher at close range last season and this year he is logging seven percentage points higher.
  • The Spurs only scored 30 paint points and three via second chances. After the game, coach Mitch Johnson said when you only produce that, it’s an uphill battle.

By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock