[PtR] 马刺因末节失误在充满争议的比赛中负于76人 ▶️

By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-24 12:11:41


NBA: 圣安东尼奥马刺vs费城76人



比赛开始时,很难预料双方球员的情绪会如何爆发,以及现场观众会有多投入。两队都以缓慢的节奏进行比赛,缺乏活力,这种风格对76人队更有利。在这种情况下,乔尔·恩比德(Joel Embiid)占据了对阵文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的优势,文班亚马投篮不中,并且难以限制住这位上一次交手时砍下70分的对手。由于文班状态不佳,为了避免犯规麻烦比平时更早地被换下场,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和德文·瓦塞尔承担起了带领马刺前进的责任,他们也做出了回应。替补阵容的表现并不理想,得分十分困难,但在这样一场节奏缓慢、得分低的比赛中,这并没有太大影响。当恩比德休息,文班亚马重新回到场上时,他看起来更像自己了,并在积极而充满侵略性的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的帮助下,带领圣安东尼奥以20-19领先一分结束首节。



  • 安德烈·德拉蒙德因为在发界外球时推搡文班亚马而被判技术犯规。克里斯·保罗执行罚球。\
  • 德拉蒙德在第二次发界外球时再次“推搡”文班亚马,被判第二次技术犯规/驱逐出场。\
  • 判罚经过回看后被更改为文班亚马假摔,德拉蒙德没有被罚出场。泰瑞斯…… pic.twitter.com/TT1afC5LBb

— Erin Grugan (@ eringrugan) 2024年12月24日






— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年12月24日


  • 比赛中一度出现了一些对马刺有利的糟糕判罚,但有理由认为,从长远来看,这些判罚反而帮助了76人。比赛开始时,球馆里毫无气氛,但在球员被罚出场后,气氛发生了变化。恩比德的缺阵也迫使76人让亚布塞莱打中锋,这降低了文班亚马在防守端的影响力,因为他必须尊重这位同胞的外线投篮。
  • 文班亚马再次交出令人瞩目的数据,得到26分、9个篮板、4次助攻和8次盖帽。这位西部周最佳球员继续着他的超级巨星级表现。
  • 杰里米·索汉和其他人一样,在防守马克西时遇到了困难,但他的整体表现不错。米奇·约翰逊最近一直让他担任替补中锋,他很好地扮演了这个角色,这表明了他的多才多艺。他也是少数几个从一开始就充满活力的马刺球员之一。索汉的表现非常稳健。
  • 哈里森·巴恩斯和凯尔登·约翰逊的三分球合计9投0中。巴恩斯一分未得,上场时间也减少了,而约翰逊6投2中仅得4分。尚帕尼在第四节爆发之前,大部分时间也难以命中投篮。缺乏三分球命中率使得马刺无法及时打出进攻高潮,这也是76人能够在一些糟糕的时段逃过一劫的原因之一。
  • 德文·瓦塞尔的三分球也不佳(5投1中),但他获得了7次罚球机会来弥补。有时很难评价瓦塞尔的进攻表现,因为很难判断他在进攻端消失的时刻是他的责任还是球队的责任,毕竟保罗掌控着球权,而文班是明显的头号选择。无论如何,马刺需要他表现得更加稳定。
  • 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔展现了攻击模式,这在这样一场比赛中是非常必要的。卡斯尔一度一心想着冲击内线,利用对手缺乏护框球员的优势。这位新秀对球队需求的理解超出了他的年龄。他有一些缺点,但也有一些特殊的优势。
  • 克里斯·保罗本赛季出场时间达到了34分40秒,创下赛季新高。这太多了,尤其是在卡斯尔和特雷·琼斯都在阵容中的情况下。琼斯在与伤病作斗争后,今年的表现一直不好,而卡斯尔并不总是能够控制比赛节奏,但米奇·约翰逊或许应该更多地依赖他们,尤其是在对手对保罗进行身体对抗,试图消耗他的情况下。保罗的表现依然出色,但如果马刺希望他在整个赛季都保持最佳状态,就需要控制他的出场时间。



点击查看原文:Spurs pay for their late-game mistakes in controversial loss to the 76ers

Spurs pay for their late-game mistakes in controversial loss to the 76ers

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Philadelphia 76ers

San Antonio had opportunities to steal a game that will be remembered for its many officiating blunders but couldn’t close it out.

The Spurs couldn’t pull off the win on the road against a 76ers team that lost Joel Embiid to an ejection in the first half. Great performances by Tyrese Maxey and Gershon Yabusele were too much to handle for the Silver and Black which made mistakes in the clutch and will head into their matchup with the Knicks following a painful and avoidable 111-106 loss.

It was hard to predict how tempers flare up and how involved the crowd would get in the game at the start. Both teams were playing at a glacial pace and with not a lot of zip, a style that benefited the 76ers. In that environment, Joel Embiid was getting the best of Victor Wembanyama, who couldn’t hit shots and struggled to contain the man who dropped 70 on him the last time they faced each other. With Wemby not looking sharp and sitting to avoid foul trouble a little earlier than usual, it was on Jeremy Sochan and Devin Vassell to keep the Spurs in it, and they answered the call. The second unit wasn’t as successful at stepping up, really having trouble scoring, but in such a slow, low-scoring game, it didn’t matter. Once Wemby returned, with Embiid resting, he looked more like himself and with the help of an active and aggressive Stephon Castle, led San Antonio to a one-point lead after one, 20-19.

There were some interesting developments on the court to start the second — a Sixers zone that worked until it didn’t, better energy from both squads — but the quarter belonged to the officials. Andre Drummond pushed Victor Wembanyama, who let himself fall to get a call. After the initial controversial first technical, Drummond and Wemby got tangled up again and one of the most bizarre sequences of officiating ever commenced. Drummond was initially ejected, but upon review, his second tech was rescinded, since the contact was minimal. Then Wembanyama got a technical call on him for flopping, which also got rescinded. At that point tensions were high and not long after, Wemby drew a charge on Embiid, who went at the officials and got himself ejected. Shockingly, both teams managed to remain focused after all that, with Wemby playing through boos and Tyrese Maxey leading his team to a three-point lead at the break.

A summary of Drummond/Wemby situation

  • Andre Drummond given tech for pushing Wemby on inbound. Chris Paul shoots.\
  • Drummond is giving a second tech / ejection on a second “push” on the inbound. \
  • Call is reviewed and changed to a Wemby flop and Drummond is UNEJECTED. Tyrese… pic.twitter.com/TT1afC5LBb

— Erin Grugan (@ eringrugan) December 24, 2024

The second half started with the same stars making their impact. Wembanyama hit some big threes to give the Spurs some momentum, but Maxey took over following a good stretch by Guershon Yabusele. The 76ers’ lead ballooned to 15 points before a response came, with Stephon Castle leading the charge. The rookie showed off his ball handling, strength and body control by getting to the rim at will and even hit a big three to cap off a fantastic stretch. The game was there for the taking for San Antonio, as the home team started to make mistakes and turn the ball over, but the big run needed to close out the quarter strong and head into the final frame ahead never came. The Silver and Black ended up losing that period by six points and put themselves in the position to have to come from behind and outplay Philadelphia in a close game.

Alas, it didn’t happen. There was an initial push filed by a higher pace some big threes by Julian Champagnie, but after that, the Sixers largely dictated how the game was played. They defended with a level of physicality that dared the officials to blow the whistle and when the calls didn’t come, San Antonio’s offense struggled. The home team was moving the ball well on the other end and getting good looks. It wasn’t a particularly well-executed quarter from Philadelphia, but they generally played harder. Even so, San Antonio did have the opportunity to clutch up a win, but two crucial turnovers by Champagnie, whose stellar earlier play got him a spot in the closing lineup, allowed Maxey to play the hero. He did just that by capping off a fantastic night with an And-1 dunk and then a gutsy three that put his team up four with 37 seconds to go and won them the game.

Play of the game

The Spurs putting Sochan in the dunker spot instead of having him be ignored while parked behind the arc on Wembanyama pick-and-rolls has unlocked the Wemby-to-Sochan lob. Plenty of centers — and Sochan is more and more often used as one on offense — have feasted from that spot and Sochan is great at making himself available.


— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 24, 2024

Game notes

  • The officiating was terrible for a while in favor of the Spurs but there’s a case to be made that it helped the Sixers in the long run. The building had zero energy to start the game, which changed with the ejections. Losing Embiid also forced them to play Yabusele at center, which reduced Wembanyama’s impact on defense, since he had to respect his countryman’s outside shot.
  • Victor Wembanyama had another eye-popping stat line, finishing with 26 points, nine rebounds, four assists and eight blocks. The Western Conference Player of the Week continues to play like a superstar.
  • Jeremy Sochan struggled on defense against Maxey, just like everyone else, but he had a good overall game. Mitch Johnson has used him as backup center recently and he has filled that role well, which just shows how versatile he is. He was also one of the few Spurs who played with energy from the start. Sochan’s just solid.
  • Harrison Barnes and Keldon Johnson combined to shoot 0-for-9 from outside. Barnes went scoreless and had his minutes reduced and Johnson scored four points on six shots. Champagne was also struggling to hit shots for most of the game, before the fourth-quarter explosion. The lack of three-point shooting prevented the Spurs from making timely runs and was one of the reasons the Sixers got away with some abysmal stretches.
  • Devin Vassell also struggled with the long ball (1-for-5) but got seven free throws to make up for it. It’s hard to judge Vassell offensive performances sometimes because it’s difficult to discern whether the moments he disappears on offense are his fault or the team’s since Paul runs the show and Wemby is the clear-cut first option. Whatever the case, the Spurs need more consistency from him.
  • Steph Castle was in attack mode, which was severely needed in a game like this one. Castle was only thinking about getting to the paint for a while, taking advantage of the lack of rim protectors. The rookie has an understanding of what the team needs that is beyond his years. He has flaws but he also has special traits.
  • Chris Paul played a season-high 34 minutes and 40 seconds. That’s too much, especially when Castle and Tre Jones are on the roster. Jones has not been good this year after battling with injuries and Castle doesn’t always play under control, but Mitch Johnson should probably rely on them more anyway, especially since opponents are physical with Paul to try to wear him down. Paul still performed well, but if the Spurs want to get the best out of him for the entire season, they need to monitor his minutes.

Next game: at New York Knicks on Christmas

The NBA wants to showcase Wemby to a national audience. Hopefully the big man will have a standout game and lead the Spurs to victory over an elite opponent.

By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock