马刺 vs 开拓者 114 - 94 技术统计 | 视频集锦
By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-22 12:02:06
圣安东尼奥马刺队在本赛季与波特兰开拓者队的第三次交锋中击败了这支NBA的“鱼腩”球队,以2胜1负的战绩结束了短暂的三个主场比赛。马刺队表现得更为强悍,维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)以30分和10个盖帽的两双数据领衔全队。这是球队在开启四场客场之旅前的最后一场比赛。
谢顿·夏普(Shaedon Sharpe)用跳投和上篮撕裂了马刺的防线,但主队限制住了安费尼·西蒙斯(Anfernee Simons)——他在周四对阵丹佛掘金的比赛中刚刚投进绝杀球——上半场10投2中,下半场12投5中。波特兰队有限的进攻能力使得马刺队可以积极地进行协防。此外,圣安东尼奥将开拓者的整场命中率限制在了40%。
- 文班亚马延续了他在周四比赛中的统治级表现,打出了全面的表现。他就像一根游走的炸药,摧毁了波特兰在篮筐附近的进攻。他在半场就送出了6个盖帽,并打破了队史连续比赛盖帽的纪录(62场)。但是客队在挡拆顺下的进攻中取得了更多成功。他的进攻直到第二节才开始活跃起来,他在该节命中了两记三分和一次空切扣篮。接下来,他在第三节四投全中。
- 圣安东尼奥连续第二场比赛在首节领先,投篮命中率为42%。哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)是马刺队得分最高的球员,内外开花砍下8分。球队还通过协防锁死了内线,并且在防守时没有犯规,只让对手获得一次罚球机会。本赛季,马刺队在首节净胜分排名联盟第28位。首节结束时,圣安东尼奥以25-20领先。
- 尽管波特兰在第二节提升了身体对抗强度,采取了全场紧逼,并在防守中加入了区域联防,但马刺队的得分效率比第一节提高了17个百分点。文班亚马、斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)是第二节仅有的几位命中多球的马刺球员。
- 然后马刺队在第三节开始时三分球手感不佳。文班亚马投中了该节唯一的一记三分,并在另外两次三分出手中分别被德安德烈·艾顿(Deandre Ayton)和多诺万·克林甘(Donovan Clingan)犯规。滑稽的是,在克林甘对他犯规后,肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliot)在马刺队的电视转播中说道:“补防的艺术已经消亡了。”球队在文班亚马三分钟的休息时间内得分也遇到了困难。他一回到场上,球队就打出了一波12-8的小高潮结束了这一节。
- 马刺队在第四节开始时领先18分。领先优势削弱了波特兰队的凶猛势头,这帮助马刺将他们的命中率限制在38%。特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)用多次得分和助攻队友完成了进攻的最后润色。
- 这是米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)连续第二晚使用克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)、巴恩斯、杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和文班亚马作为首发阵容。然而,由于第四节的领先优势,他们不必在最后时刻上场,给了替补球员一些享受比赛时间的机会。
- 根据Cleaning the Glass的数据,马刺队75.2%的时间都在进攻对方的阵地战防守。球队也抓住了转换进攻的机会,快攻得分26分。
点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Portland, Final Score: Spurs pulverize the struggling Trail Blazers, 114-94
San Antonio vs. Portland, Final Score: Spurs pulverize the struggling Trail Blazers, 114-94
The Spurs made easy work of the visitors before they head out East.
The San Antonio Spurs defeated the Portland Trail Blazers, one of the NBA’s basement teams, in their third match-up of the season, finishing 2-1 in the short homestand. The Spurs were the nastier team, and Victor Wembanyama led the way with a double-double of points (30) and blocks (10). This was the squad’s last outing before its four-game road trip.
Shaedon Sharpe carved up the Spurs with jumpers and layups, but the hosts limited Anfernee Simons, who just hit a game-winning shot over the Denver Nuggets on Thursday, to two of 10 shots in the first half and five of 12 in the second. Portland’s limited offense allowed the Spurs to play help defense aggressively. To boot, San Antonio held the Blazers to 40 percent shooting for the night.
- Victor Wembanyama followed up his dominating Thursday performance with all-around work. He was like a roaming stick of dynamite, destroying Portland’s offensive actions by the rim. He had six blocks by halftime and took the record for most straight games with a denial in team history (62). But the visitors were more successful going at him on screen rolls. His offense didn’t start percolating until the second quarter when he made two triples and a dunk off a cut. Next, he made all four shots in the third quarter.
- San Antonio had its second consecutive game leading after one quarter while shooting 42 percent from the field. Harrison Barnes was the high Spur, pouring in eight points from long and close range. The team also shut off the paint with help defense and guarded well without fouling, permitting one trip to the line. For the season, the group is 28th in net eating for the frame. The period ended with San Antonio up 25-20.
- Despite Portland raising its level of physicality, deploying full-court press and flashing a zone into the defense in the second quarter, the Spurs scored more efficiently than in the first by 17 percentage points. Wembanyama, Stephon Castle and Julian Champagnie were the only Spurs with multiple field goals in the quarter.
- Then the Spurs started the third quarter struggling to make 3-point shots. Wembanyama made the only one of the period and was fouled by Deandre Ayton plus Donovan Clingan on two other attempts. Comically, after Clingan fouled him, Sean Elliot said, “The art of the closeout is dead,” on the Spurs TV broadcast. The team also struggled to score without Wembanyama during the three minute rest he got in the frame. As soon as he checked back in, the team went on a 12-8 run to close the quarter.
- The Spurs began the fourth period ahead by 18 points. The lead had diminished Portland’s ferocity, which helped the Spurs hold them to 38 percent shooting. And Tre Jones put the finishing touches on the offense with multiple baskets and set-ups to teammates to close.
- It was the second-straight night Mitch Johnson used Chris Paul, Devin Vassell, Barnes, Jeremy Sochan and Wembanyama as the starting lineup. Yet, they didn’t have to close because of the fourth-quarter lead, giving an opportunity for the reserves to enjoy some minutes.
- The Spurs attacked a set defense 75.2 percent of the time, per Cleaning the Glass. The offense also had opportunities it took advantage of in the open court, scoring 26 points on the break.
By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock