By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-20 13:34:59
圣安东尼奥周四与老鹰队的比赛可谓惊心动魄。经过精彩的前两节和混乱的下半场,马刺队最终凭借文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的出色表现和克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的致命三分,在加时赛中以 133-126 获胜,但他们也为此付出了巨大的努力。
在比赛后期的疯狂之前,这场比赛本身就值得额外关注。马刺队终于推出了许多人预测的主力首发阵容,而且结果好得不能再好了。梦幻开局的主要原因是文班亚马在攻防两端的出色发挥,但文班的出色表现也得益于团队中每个人的高水平发挥。三分球纷纷命中(除了哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)),马刺队的内线防守也固若金汤,全队都做好了比赛的准备。随着替补球员的登场,银黑军团在全员健康的情况下展现出了充足的阵容深度。米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)使用了 10 人轮换,查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)作为替补中锋,第二阵容在保罗和文班亚马休息时表现出色。当这位明星大个子回归后,他延续了之前的出色表现,但第一节结束时,领先优势却只有 7 分。
未能利用良好的第一节建立更大的领先优势反过来困扰了马刺队。老鹰队加强了防守强度,就像他们对阵森林狼队时一样,银黑军团没有匹配上他们的身体对抗。进攻停滞不前,球在边线停留时间过长,在流畅的第一节之后,失误迅速累积。领先优势瞬间消失,仅仅一分钟后,亚特兰大就反超了一分。小拉里·南斯(Larry Nance Jr.)命中了一些外线投篮,因为奎因·斯奈德教练(Coach Quin Snyder)意识到,由于文班在内线的防守,他会获得空位投篮的机会,但马刺队回应了老鹰队的最初攻势。不幸的是,客队很快又掀起了第二波攻势,这次是在另一端,特雷·杨(Trae Young)撕裂了防守,不断地找到内线的克林特·卡佩拉(Clint Capela)。客队一度领先多达 11 分,但圣安东尼奥在上半场结束前奋力追赶,将分差缩小到 6 分。
下半场,马刺队的内线防守依然稳固,每当老鹰队试图靠近篮筐时,他们都会干扰投篮。在进攻端,他们打得很有节奏,跳投也屡屡命中。圣安东尼奥重新回到了比赛中,然后比赛就变成了双方都无法控制的局面。好的表现之后总是伴随着糟糕的表现,有时是个人的,但总是集体的。亚特兰大试图在投失和失误后快速推进,当他们能够做到这一点时,他们看起来随时可以拉开比分。然后银黑军团会转移球,执行战术并命中一些投篮,他们似乎也做好了追分的准备。以杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)担任中锋的小个阵容在某些回合中看起来很聪明,但在其他回合中却令人费解。这是一个令人困惑的第三节,最终比分仍然胶着,并为一场疯狂的结局奠定了基础。
第四节和加时赛是一系列精彩镜头的集合。老鹰队的外线球员在 early 阶段占据了主导地位,但文班亚马通过靠近篮筐做出了回应。亚特兰大再次加强了侵略性,切断了传给文班内线的传球,并打出了一波得分高潮。两队都投进了关键球,也犯了一些糟糕的错误。在最后时刻,文班亚马通过罚球有机会将比分领先到三分,但他罚丢了一个,暂停回来后,德安德烈·亨特(De’Andre Hunter)在他头上完成扣篮,将比赛拖入加时赛,而疯狂仍在继续。文班亚马接管了加时赛,拿下了球队 13 分中的 8 分,但客队仍然紧咬比分。最终,保罗投中了一记致命三分,锁定胜局。此前他曾因手臂受伤离场,但为了球队最终带伤上阵,帮助年轻的马刺队在一场极其精彩的比赛中战胜了一个强大的对手,再次取得了胜率超过 50% 的战绩。
— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@ spurs) 2024年12月20日
- 新的首发阵容包括马刺队目前拥有的三名核心球员。文班亚马、索汉和德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)都表现出色。文班最终得到 42 分、6 个篮板、5 次助攻、2 次抢断和 4 次盖帽。索汉很好地防守了杨,并高效地得到了 20 分、8 个篮板和 4 次助攻。瓦塞尔在本赛季的首次首发中,16 投得到 23 分。在赛后采访中,每个人似乎都对这三名年轻球员和两名老将的加入感到高兴,所以这种情况可能会继续下去,这是一件好事。马刺队需要弄清楚他们拥有什么。
- 老将首发的比赛表现差异很大。保罗有一些糟糕的时刻,但最终得到了 12 分、7 个篮板、8 次助攻和制胜一球。巴恩斯的三分球全部投失,并且在关键时刻和加时赛中没有上场。巴恩斯不会让一个糟糕的夜晚影响他。他会没事的。保罗也是如此,他的手臂没有受伤,要求被换下只是为了预防。
- 凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)得到了巴恩斯在关键时刻的出场时间。他得到了全面的数据,最终得到 11 分、5 个篮板、4 次助攻和 2 次抢断,并且他还有一些不错的防守回合。但瓦塞尔也提到,仅仅是拥有他的活力就非常棒,所以他的影响力可能超出了数据和任何特定的比赛。现在阵容中可能有老将,但约翰逊仍然是队友们的领袖。
- 两位前首发球员,朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle),没有出色的表现。尚帕尼的表现更好一些,提供了像往常一样稳固的防守并投进了一些三分球。卡斯尔则经历了一段良好的表现,随后出现了很多错误,看起来就像一个 20 岁的新秀。
- 拥有健康的阵容让马刺队拥有了强大的轮换阵容,但替补中锋位置以及替补控球后卫位置仍然令人担忧。特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)在伤愈复出后显然还没有找到节奏。巴塞能带来扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)无法带来的能量和运动能力,但他仍在学习如何成为防守核心来阅读比赛。这两位球员没有得到很多上场时间。如果他们能够提高,米奇·约翰逊将能够使用 10 人轮换,所有球员都是可靠的 NBA 球员。
- 没有人应该责怪亨特在隔扣文班亚马后盯着这位世界上最好的篮筐保护者,但看到文班亚马在之后统治比赛而亨特消失不见,这很有趣。文班在赛后说,这种情况激励了他,所以事后看来,嘲讽他可能不是个好主意。
— 亚特兰大老鹰队 (@ ATLHawks) 2024年12月20日
- 如果赛季今天结束,马刺队将从老鹰队那里得到 2025 年 NBA 选秀大会的第 16 顺位选秀权,这是德章泰·默里(Dejounte Murray)交易的一部分。希望亚特兰大的排名会下滑,给圣安东尼奥一个乐透签,但东部可能太弱了,这种情况不太可能发生。
点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama’s 42 points propel Spurs to highlight-filled OT win over Hawks
Victor Wembanyama’s 42 points propel Spurs to highlight-filled OT win over Hawks
The Spurs debuted their new starting lineup and had a fantastic performance from their star big on one of the most entertaining games of the season.
San Antonio’s Thursday matchup with the Hawks was not for the faint of heart. After an entertaining opening two quarters and a chaotic second half, the Spurs prevailed in overtime 133-126 thanks to a fantastic performance by Victor Wembanyama and a Chris Paul dagger, but had to suffer to pull off the win.
Before the late-game madness, there was a reason to pay extra attention to this matchup. The Spurs finally got to debut the starting lineup many predicted would be their staple and it couldn’t have gone much better. The main reason for the fantastic start was Victor Wembanyama’s stellar play on both ends, but Wemby’s performance was facilitated by a unit that had everyone playing at a high level. The threes were falling (except for Harrison Barnes’) and the interior defense was tremendous from a San Antonio team that came out ready to play. As the benches checked in, the added depth that the Silver and Black has with everyone healthy was in full display. Mitch Johnson went with a 10-man rotation with Charles Bassey as his backup center and the second unit did well while Chris Paul and Wembanyama rested. Once the star big man returned, he picked up where he had left off, but the lead was somehow only seven after one.
Not taking advantage of a good first quarter to create serious separation came back to haunt the Spurs. The Hawks upped the intensity on defense and just like they did against the Timberwolves, the Silver and Black didn’t match the physicality. The offense stagnated with the ball spending too much time in the perimeter and the turnovers piled up quickly after a crisp opening frame. The lead disappeared immediately and Atlanta was up one after just a minute of play. Larry Nance Jr. hit some outside shots, as Coach Quin Snyder realized he would be open with Wemby patrolling the paint, but the Spurs responded to that initial onslaught. Unfortunately, a second wave of aggression by the visitors came soon after, this time on the other end, with Trae Young torching the defense and finding Clint Capela open inside consistently. The visitors led by as many as 11 before a strong end of the half by San Antonio cut it to six.
The interior defense continued to be there for the Spurs after the break, as they bother shots whenever the Hawks tried to get close to the bucket. On the other end, they were playing with pace and hitting jumpers. San Antonio got back in it and then it became a game in which neither team could impose its will. A good stretch was followed by a bad one, sometimes individually but always collectively. Atlanta tried to run after misses and turnovers and when they could, they looked like they could pull away at any moment. Then the Silver and Black would move the ball, execute and hit some shots and they were the ones who seemed primed for a run. Playing a small lineup featuring Jeremy Sochan at center looked genius on some possessions and inexplicable on others. It was a confusing third frame that resulted in a close game and set the stage for a wild finish.
The fourth quarter and overtime were a collection of highlights. The Hawks’ perimeter players dominated early, but Victor Wembanyama responded by getting close to the bucket. Atlanta upped the aggression again, denied passes to Wemby inside, and went on a run. Both teams hit big shots and made some bad mistakes. The Spurs had an opportunity to get up three on the final moments on a couple of Victor Wembanyama free throws, but he missed one and De’Andre Hunter dunked on him after the timeout to take the game to overtime, where the craziness would continue. Wembanyama took over the extra period, scoring eight of the team’s 13 total points but the visitors stayed close. It took a dagger three-pointer from Chris Paul, who earlier had left the court with what seemed an arm injury, to finally seal the win and get the young Spurs above .500 once again after an extremely entertaining game against a solid opponent.
Play of the game
Someone could make a highlight reel for Victor Wembanyama with this game’s footage alone, but we’ll give Play of the Game to CP3 for the dagger.
sealed it
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 20, 2024
Game notes
- The new starting lineup features the three core players the Spurs currently have. Victor Wembanyama, Jeremy Sochan and Devin Vassell all shined. Wemby finished with 42 points, six rebounds, five assists, two steals and four blocks. Sochan guarded Young well and had 20 efficient points, eight rebounds and four assists. Vassell, in his first start of the season, dropped 23 points on 16 shots. Everyone seemed happy during postgame interviews about having the three young guys and the two veterans additions starting, so it’s probably going to continue to happen, which is a good thing. The Spurs need to figure out what they have.
- The veteran starters had very different games. Paul had bad moments but finished with 12 points, seven rebounds, eight assists and the game-winner. Barnes missed all his threes and wasn’t on the floor in the clutch and overtime. Barnes won’t let a bad night affect him. He will be fine. So will Paul, who didn’t injure his arm and asked to be subbed out as a precaution.
- Keldon Johnson got Barnes’ minutes with the closing unit. He had a well-rounded stat line, finishing with 11 points, five rebounds, four assists and two steals, and he had a few good defensive possessions. But Devin Vassell also mentioned that it was great to just have his energy around, so his impact might go beyond the numbers and any specific play. There might be veterans on the roster now, but Keldon is still a leader to his teammates.
- The two former starters, Julian Champagnie and Stephon Castle, didn’t have standout games. Champagnie was better, offering his usual solid defense and making a couple of threes. Castle had a good stretch followed by a lot of mistakes, looking like the 20-year-old rookie that he is.
- Having everyone healthy gives the Spurs a strong rotation, but the backup center spot and to a lesser degree the backup point guard spot are still a concern. Tre Jones is clearly out of rhythm after his injuries. Charles Bassey makes plays and brings a level of energy and athleticism that Zach Collins can’t bring, but he’s still learning how to read the game as the defensive anchor. Those two didn’t get a lot of minutes. If they can improve, Mitch Johnson will be able to go with a 10-man rotation of solid NBA players.
- No one should blame De’Andre Hunter for staring down the best rim protector in the world after dunking on him, but it was hilarious to see Wembanyama dominate after and Hunter disappear. Wemby said after the game that the situation motivated him, so in hindsight, it probably wasn’t a good idea to taunt him.
— Atlanta Hawks (@ ATLHawks) December 20, 2024
- If the season ended today, the Spurs would be getting the 16th overall pick in the 2025 NBA Draft from the Hawks, from the Dejounte Murray trade. Hopefully Atlanta will slide down the standings and give San Antonio a lottery pick, but the East might be too weak for that to happen.
Next game: vs. Portland Trail Blazers on Saturday
The Spurs beat the Blazers on the road in the past week, but the game was closer than it probably should have been. It would be great to have a convincing win against them at home this time.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock