By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, Devon Birdsong | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-18 07:49:21
玛丽莲·杜宾斯基(Marilyn Dubinski): 我不是扎克·科林斯的黑粉,但感觉马刺确实需要在文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)身后的替补中锋位置上进行升级。(有些人可能会说用查尔斯·巴塞,但他的表现不稳定,进攻能力有限,所以我认为他更像是一个美化过的第三替补。)从今年夏天开始,一个名字就一直吸引着我的注意,那就是约纳斯·瓦兰丘纳斯(Jonas Valanciunas)。我真的很惊讶他与奇才签下了一份如此友好的合同(3年3000万美元)。奇才正在摆烂,并且愿意交易几乎任何人,而瓦兰丘纳斯几乎在所有方面都是升级,而且只花费科林斯60%的薪水。他可以在三分线内任何位置投篮,传球,篮板,而且他身材高大,不会被欺负。(更不用说,他一直是马刺的克星,所以让他加入你的球队没有什么坏处。)他预计会成为一个热门的交易对象,所以任何真正对他感兴趣的球队可能需要尽快行动。
马克·巴灵顿(Mark Barrington): 显然,正如玛丽莲所说,这份名单上对马刺来说最重要的名字是约纳斯·瓦兰丘纳斯,他将以明显更低的薪水成为扎克·科林斯的升级版。凭借他的进攻天赋,瓦兰丘纳斯甚至可以在某些时候与文班亚马一起组成双塔阵容。最大的障碍是如何弄清楚奇才想要什么来接手扎克的合同,并失去他们队中一位拿着对球队友好合同的优秀球员。马刺不会是唯一对他感兴趣的球队,而这场竞价战我不认为马刺会赢。
赫苏斯·戈麦斯(Jesus Gomez): 瓦兰丘纳斯会很棒,一笔三方交易可以让马刺得到这位大个子,再得到一个可以和特雷·琼斯合作的球员,这在理论上是可行的。除此之外,来自活塞的西蒙尼·丰泰基奥可以作为一个不错的目标,他是一个有身高,可以替补出场并拉开空间的射手。他今年表现不佳,但他会是马拉基·布拉纳姆的升级版。克里斯·邓恩是另一个合理的名字,他是一位出色的防守后卫,可以投空位三分,并且以低廉的价格提供一些控球能力。我不认为马刺会积极追求任何人,因为他们对年轻球员的培养一直很有耐心,但这些名字让我感兴趣,而且看起来很现实。
德文·伯德桑(Devon Birdsong): 在我看来,马刺实际上有四个需要改进的方面,按当前的优先级排序:1. 替补中锋,2. 更多的射手,3. 先发控卫的升级,4. 另一个首发级别的球员。我把3和4放在名单末尾的主要原因是基于可能性。在波波维奇时代,马刺从来都不是热衷于交易的球队,而且我认为(像很多人一样)他们认为这是一个较弱的交易市场。一个有这样水平的球员被摆上货架的可能性(更不用说马刺愿意与很多球队在交易市场上竞争)似乎非常小。我认为马刺会继续进行发展实验,除非他们已经与克里斯·保罗达成了某种交易,将他送走。瓦兰丘纳斯实际上看起来是最现实的目标,而且从球队文化和技术上来说,他都会是一个很棒的补充,但我预计他的市场会非常火爆。我在这份名单上注意到一个名字,他可能也是一个合适的人选,那就是尼古拉斯·巴图姆(Nicolas Batum)。巴图姆价格实惠,功能多样,而且他的非伤病赛季出场时间是自新秀赛季以来最低的。他三分球命中率38%,并且长期保持着这样的水准,这对他来说很有帮助。还有,他是法国人。
杜宾斯基: 这份名单上符合马刺需求并且是现实目标的球员更少。因为这些人大多是刚刚续约的球员,所以他们不便宜,而且他们中很多是前锋,而马刺在前锋位置上并不急需,因为杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan),朱利安·尚帕尼和哈里森·巴恩斯可以说都打出了高于他们薪资水平的表现。我在交易中寻找的另一件事是更多的射手,而在这份名单上除了那些不太可能被交易的球员(比如泰瑞斯·马克西和伊曼纽尔·奎克利)之外,真的没有太多这样的球员。这里没有什么特别吸引人的。
巴灵顿: 尼克·克拉克斯顿(Nic Claxton)是另一个有吸引力的中锋目标,而且他比约纳斯年轻,但他作为替补来说太贵了。我不认为篮网会接受低于天价的报价来交易克拉克斯顿,而且薪资匹配也不太好,所以在我看来,这又是一个不太可能的交易方案。普雷舍斯·阿丘瓦(Precious Achiuwa)很可能会被尼克斯交易,而且他的薪水也很合理,所以这是一个更可能的目标。他的技术特点和凯尔登·约翰逊有一些重叠,所以我不确定马刺是否会对他采取行动。最有可能的是,我们会在赛季结束时看到与赛季开始时相同的球员名单,除了克里斯·保罗,他可能会在截止日期前被交易到一支争冠球队。
戈麦斯: 现在的想法是低买高卖,所以没有很多名字是合理的。戈加·比塔泽(Goga Bitadze)作为替补中锋肯定会有帮助,但魔术不会放弃他。海伍德·海史密斯(Haywood Highsmith)是一个不错的前锋,但马刺有很多这样的球员,所以把资产花在他身上没有意义。阿隆·维金斯(Aaron Wiggins)会是一个完美的替补侧翼,但雷霆用一份非常友好的合同锁定了维金斯。为了提供一个名字,我将效仿道格·里弗斯,说也许可以尝试从爵士得到约翰尼·朱赞(Johnny Juzang),只是因为他之前在对阵马刺的比赛中表现出色,而且投篮神准。
伯德桑: 老实说,在这份名单中,我没有看到一个现实的、有帮助的、合适的球员。这几乎可以保证,如果马刺真的要找人,那就会是这份名单上的人。他们没有邀请我来为他们担任球探是有原因的。尽管如此,毫无疑问,马刺的板凳席尤其需要帮助。他们的净效率排名第25位,在面对阵容深度更强的球队时,他们一直在拖累球队,任何真正的帮助对于这群似乎对自身不稳定表现感到沮丧的球员来说都是一个巨大的胜利。
克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)、查尔斯·巴塞和桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)获得了交易资格。请根据他们被交易的可能性进行排名。
杜宾斯基: 我不知道我会对他们进行排名,不如把他们分成不太可能(保罗)和不太可能(巴塞和马穆)两个等级。虽然近年来马刺对交易更加开放,但我不确定他们今年有多么渴望交易,除非出现一份无法拒绝的报价。当他们签下保罗的时候,有人猜测他们会在短期内将他交易到一支争冠球队,但现在我不太确定了。保罗效应正在全面发挥作用,马刺正在争夺季后赛席位,所以他们并不是很糟糕,需要出于礼貌而交易保罗。(另外,如果他首先想要一枚总冠军戒指,他就不会在这里签约。)我相信他们会留下他。至于巴塞和马穆,他们自己并不会带来什么特别的回报——也许是次轮签——所以如果他们被交易,很可能是作为添头或者是为了给一笔更大的交易腾出空间。
巴灵顿: 没有人会为了巴塞或马穆克拉什维利而放弃交易资产。他们是通过 waivers 被马刺选中的,虽然他们作为马刺的替补球员表现不错,但他们不会受到其他球队的追捧。克里斯·保罗是一位久经考验的赢家,如果一支争冠球队需要一个额外的季后赛拼图,我可以预见他们会对他发起追逐。问题是,许多潜在的球队(勇士、太阳、快船、雷霆、火箭)都已经拥有过克里斯·保罗,可能不想再尝试一次了。湖人迫切希望在勒布朗输给时间老人之前保持竞争力,他们可能会尝试提出马刺无法拒绝的报价。但他们有什么是马刺想要的吗?……是的,他叫奥斯汀·里夫斯(Austin Reaves),但他们永远不会放弃他。
戈麦斯: 我会选择巴塞、马穆、保罗。如果马刺决定升级替补中锋,他们可能需要在谈判中加入巴塞,这样另一支球队就能得到一个大个子作为回报。如果马刺无法给马穆出场时间,我也可以看到他们试图为他找到一个新家。我只是无法想象他们会交易保罗。唯一合理的 scénario 是,如果一支争冠球队的首发控卫因伤缺阵,并且可以给他提供争夺总冠军的机会,同时还能获得大量的出场时间。问题是大多数争冠球队都有明星控卫,所以保罗在这个时候会是一个巨大的降级。也许森林狼,如果迈克·康利倒下,会是一个合适的选择,但我感觉保罗今年不会离开圣安东尼奥。
伯德桑: 我真的认为克里斯·保罗在截止日期前被交易是最有可能的结果,直到他最近接受托尼·帕克的采访,但听起来保罗最感兴趣的是出场时间,这可能会导致他在圣安东尼奥打完本赛季剩余的比赛(甚至更长时间)。就巴塞和马穆而言,我认为这真的取决于在一笔更大的交易中合同的价值,因此巴塞略胜一筹。目前这三种情况似乎都不太可能发生,但我会这样排序:巴塞、保罗、马穆。
点击查看原文:Newly available trade targets that could help the Spurs
Newly available trade targets that could help the Spurs
It would be a surprise if the Spurs made a move any time soon, but some intriguing names have recently become trade-eligible.
After Dec. 15, 85 players became trade-eligible. Is there anyone on that list that is a realistic target and could help the Spurs?
Marilyn Dubinski: I am not a Zach Collins hater, but it does feel like the Spurs need an upgrade at backup center behind Victor Wembanyama. (And some may say go with Charles Bassey, but he’s inconsistent and offensively limited, so he’s still more of a glorified third stringer in my mind.) One name that has stood out to me since this summer is Jonas Valanciunas. I was genuinely surprised at what a friendly contract he signed with the Wizards (3 years, $30 million). They’re in the tank and willing to move almost anyone, and Valanciunas would be an upgrade in almost every way at 60% of the cost of Collins. He can shoot from anywhere inside the arc, pass, rebound, and is a big body who won’t be bullied. (Not to mention, he’s always been a Spurs killer, so there’s nothing wrong with having him on your side.) He’s expected to be a hot commodity, so anyone who is actually interested in him may need to act sooner rather than later.
Mark Barrington: Obviously, as Marilyn said, the big name for the Spurs in this list would be Jonas Valančiūnas, who would be an upgrade over Zach Collins, at significantly lower salary. With his offensive talent, Valančiūnas could even play in a twin towers concept some of the time alongside Wembanyama. The biggest hurdle would be figuring out what the Wizards would want in order to take on Zach’s contract and lose one of their better players who’s on a team-friendly deal. The Spurs won’t be the only team interested in him, and that’s a bidding war I don’t expect the Spurs to win.
Jesus Gomez: Valanciunas would be great and a three-team deal that nets the Spurs the big man and someone else Tre Jones could work in theory. Other than that, Simone Fontecchio from the Pistons could be a good target as a shooter with size that can come off the bench and space the floor. He’s having a down year, but he’d be an upgrade over Malaki Branham. Kris Dunn is another name that would make sense, as he’s a great defensive guard who can hit an open look and offer some ball handling at a low price. I don’t expect the Spurs to go hard after anyone, because they have been patient with the development of their young talent, but those names intrigue me and seem realistic.
Devon Birdsong: The way I see it, the Spurs really have four areas of need in order of current priority: 1. Backup Center, 2. More Shooting, 3. An Upgrade At Starting PG, 4. One More Starter Quality Player.The reason I’m lumping 3 and 4 near the end of the list is mostly based on likelihood. The Spurs have never been trade-happy in the PATFO era and I think (like many) they see this as a weaker trade class. The likelihood that a player of that quality will be made available (much less that the Spurs will be willing to bid against a lot of trade market interest) seems highly unlikely. I think the Spurs will continue with the development experiment unless they’ve made some sort of deal with Chris Paul to ship him out. Valanciunas does in fact seem like the most realistic target, and he’d be a great get culturally and skill-wise, but I expect his market to be white hot. A name I did notice on the list, who might also be a quality fit is Nicolas Batum. Batum is affordable, versatile, and seeing his lowest number of non-injury-season minutes since his rookie season. It doesn’t hurt that he’s shooting 38% from three, and has a long history of doing so. Or that he’s French.
There will be 17 players who will become trade-eligible on Jan. 15. Is there anyone on that list who is a realistic target and could help the Spurs?
Dubinski: Fewer players from this list stand out as being the right combination of filling a need and being a realistic target for the Spurs. Because these are mostly players who just signed extensions, they’re not cheap, plus a lot of them are forwards, which the Spurs aren’t in desperate need of with Jeremy Sochan, Julian Champagnie and Harrison Barnes all arguably playing above their pay grade. Another thing I would look for in a trade is more shooting, and there really isn’t much of that in this list outside of players who likely aren’t going anywhere (like Tyrese Maxey and Emmanuel Quickly). Nothing jumps off the page here.
Barrington: Nic Claxton is another attractive center target, and he’s younger than Jonas, but he’s too expensive to play as a backup. I don’t expect the Nets to accept less than a King’s Ransom for Claxton, and the salary fit isn’t great, so that’s another unlikely trade scenario in my opinion. Precious Achiuwa is likely to be moved by the Knicks and he’s on a reasonable salary, so that’s a more likely target. There’s some overlap between his skillset and Keldon Johnson, so I’m not sure the Spurs would make a move for him. Most likely, we’ll see the same players on the roster at the end of the season that were there at the start, with the possible exception of Chris Paul, who might be traded at the deadline to a contender.
Gomez: The idea right now is to buy low, so there are not a lot of names that make sense. Goga Bitadze would definitely help as a backup center, but the Magic won’t give him up. Haywood Highsmith is a nice forward, but the Spurs have a bunch of those, so spending assets on him doesn’t make sense.Aaron Wiggins would be a perfect backup wing but the Thunder have him locked up on a very team-friendly contract. Just to offer a name, I’ll take a page out of Doc Rivers’ book and say maybe try to get Johnny Juzang from the Jazz, only because he played well and couldn’t miss during some games against the Spurs.
Birdsong: Honestly, I don’t see a single realistic, helpful, fit in this list of names. Which feels like it all but guarantees that if the Spurs do target someone, it’ll be someone from this list. There’s a reason they haven’t been courting me to come work for them as a talent scout. Still though, there’s no doubt that this Spurs bench in particular has needs. Sitting 25th in net rating, they’ve been dragging the team down against deeper squads, and any real help would be a big win for a group of players who seem frustrated by their own uneven performances.
Chris Paul, Charles Bassey and Sandro Mamukelashvili became trade-eligible. Rank them on how likely they are to be traded.
Dubinski: I don’t know if I’d rank them as much as just put them in tiers of unlikely (Paul) and less likely (Bassey and Mamu). Although the Spurs have been more open to trades in recent years, I’m not sure how anxious they are this year unless an offer too good to pass up comes to them. There was speculation when they signed Paul that it would be short-term before they traded him to a contender, but now I’m not so sure. The CP3 Effect is in full swing, and the Spurs are competing for a postseason spot, so it’s not like they’re bad and need to do Paul a courtesy and trade him. (Plus, if he wanted a ring first and foremost, he wouldn’t have signed here.) I believe they’ll stick with him. As for Bassey and Mamu, they wouldn’t bring anything special back on their own — maybe second round picks — so if they are traded, it’s likely as filler or to make room for a much bigger deal.
Barrington: Nobody is going to give up trade assets for Bassey or Mamukelashvili. They were picked up on waivers by the Spurs, and while they have been doing nice things as backups for the Silver and Black, they aren’t going to be in high demand by other teams. Chris Paul is a proven winner, and I could see a contender making a run for him if they need an additional piece for the playoffs. The problem is that many of the candidates (Warriors, Suns, Clippers, Thunder, Rockets) have already had Chris Paul on the roster and probably don’t want to try again. The Lakers are desperate to be relevant before LeBron loses his competition with Father Time, and they might try to make an offer that the Spurs cannot refuse. But do they have anything that the Spurs want? … Yes, his name is Austin Reaves, but they’re never going to give him up.
Gomez: I’ll go Bassey, Mamu, Paul. If the Spurs decide to go for an upgrade at backup center, they might need to include Bassey in the negotiations so that the other team gets a big body back. I can also see the Spurs trying to find Mamu a new home if they can’t give him minutes. I just can’t see them trading Paul. The only scenario where it would make sense is if a contender loses their starting point guard to injury and can offer him the opportunity to fight for a championship while still getting plenty of minutes. The problem is most contenders have star point guards, so Paul would be a massive downgrade at this point. Maybe the Timberwolves, if Mike Conley goes down, would be a fit, but I feel like CP3 won’t leave San Antonio this year.
Birdsong: I really thought that a Chris Paul deadline trade was the most likely outcome until his recent interview with Tony Parker, but it sounds like Paul is most interested in playing time, which may lead to him playing out the rest of his season (and longer) in San Antonio. As far as Bassey and Mamu are concerned, I’d say it really comes down to contract value in the event of a larger trade, and that makes it Bassey by a nose. At this point all three scenarios seem unlikely, but I’d rank them: Bassey, Paul, Mamu, in that order.
By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, Devon Birdsong, via Pounding The Rock