By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-16 20:00:00
这位落选的 sharpshooter 正逐渐成为联盟中最优秀的接球就投球员之一
昨晚,在马刺队对阵明尼苏达森林狼队的比赛中,朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie) 达成了几项值得关注的里程碑。
这位 23 岁的斯塔滕岛人投进了他职业生涯的第 200 个三分球,这使他成为马刺队历史上第五位达成这一成就的落选球员。
朱利安·尚帕尼现在已经命中了 200 个职业生涯三分球——他是马刺队历史上仅有的第五位命中 200 个三分球的落选球员。
— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) 2024年12月16日
此外,尚帕尼还得到了他职业生涯的第 1000 分。
朱利安·尚帕尼刚刚达到了 1000 个职业生涯得分——他是马刺队历史上仅有的第八位得分达到 1000 分的落选球员。
— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) 2024年12月16日
在昨晚输给森林狼队的比赛中,尚帕尼也连续第五场得分上双。就在一周多前对阵萨克拉门托国王队的比赛中,尚帕尼得到了 30 分。
最近,他告诉马刺电视台的比赛解说员雅各布·托比(Jacob Tobey),他的目标是成为联盟中最好的接球就投三分射手。
点击查看原文:Open Thread: Julian Champagnie hits two milestones last night in Spurs loss
Open Thread: Julian Champagnie hits two milestones last night in Spurs loss
The undrafted sharpshooter is slowly becoming one of the best catch-and-shoot ballers in the league
Last night, as the Spurs played against the Minnesota Timberwolves, Julian Champagnie pulled off a couple of noteworthy milestones.
The twenty-three-year-old Staten Island native hits his 200th three-pointer, making him the fifth undrafted Spurs player in history to cross that line.
Julian Champagnie now has 200 career three-pointers - just the fifth undrafted player in Spurs history to hit 200 treys.
— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) December 16, 2024
Additionally, Champagnie scored his 1000th career point.
Julian Champagnie just reached 1,000 career points - just the 8th undrafted player in Spurs history to score 1K.
— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) December 16, 2024
Julian is the eighth undrafted player in Spurs history to hit the mark.
Last night’s loss against the Timberwolves was also Julian’s fifth game in a row to acquire double-digit scoring. Just over a week ago against Sacramento, Champagnie scored 30.
Recently, he told Spurs TV play-by-play announcer Jacob Tobey that his goal is to be the best catch-and-shoot three-point shooter in the league.
So far, he’s making positive steps in that direction.
By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock