马刺 @ 开拓者 118 - 116 技术统计 | 视频集锦
By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-14 13:49:22
人员短缺的马刺队来到波特兰,此前五场比赛中赢了两场,并在与苦苦挣扎的开拓者队的比赛中险胜,重回正轨。根据Cleaning the Glass的数据,马刺队在90.5%的时间里面对阵地防守,每百回合得到124.2分。维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的表现以他自己的标准来看略显平庸,但他的28分和后防线防守对于主队来说依然难以招架。马刺队在第四节落后17分的情况下奋起直追,最终以118-116的比分赢得比赛。
马刺队缺少特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)(左肩扭伤),斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)(左肩挫伤),凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)(左小腿拉伤)和扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)(腰部挫伤)。
- 马刺队是NBA首节比赛表现第二差的球队(净效率排名第29位)。他们开局防守漫不经心,让主队七投五中。在球队5-12落后时,恼怒的米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)请求暂停。随后,球队在六名马刺球员的贡献下打出了一波28-13的攻势。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)也在第一节被驱逐出场,他在11秒内领到两次技术犯规。
- 接下来,第二节的进攻一团糟。马刺队在7分钟内12投3中,仅得到6分。在没有保罗的组织下,他们仍然难以得分,直到德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)命中两球,文班快攻上篮得分。他们的救命稻草是将波特兰的命中率限制在19投6中。
- 与上半场不同,马刺队下半场一上来就在防守端遭到猛攻,让波特兰队以79%的命中率得到46分,其中包括在第三节最后50秒得到8分。但随着比赛的进行,马刺队的进攻开始活跃起来。韦斯利(Wesley)在第三节开始阶段多次篮下得分。朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)是该节仅有的其他命中多球的马刺球员,但球队在进入第四节时仍落后8分。
- 在比分交替上升的末节,马刺队的强度超过了波特兰。他们以62%的命中率得到38分。开拓者队的主要得分来自安芬尼·西蒙斯(Anfernee Simons)和德尼·阿夫迪亚(Deni Avdija)。但拯救马刺队的球员是瓦塞尔、巴恩斯、尚帕尼、文班亚马和索汉(Jeremy Sochan)。
- 文班的防守迫使对手传球和投篮失误。在进攻端,他上半场内外开花,撕裂了开拓者的防线,但在后两节有所放缓,7投仅2中。然而,他罚中了关键的罚球,帮助马刺队在最后时刻取得领先。克林甘(Walker Kessler)是他最难对付的对手,因为这位身高7尺2寸,身材魁梧的球员占据了内线的大片空间,很难在他身上得分。
- 中锋德安德烈·艾顿(Deandre Ayton)和罗伯特·威廉姆斯三世(Robert Williams III)缺席,这让马刺队控制了篮板球。马刺队赢得了9个篮板球的优势。
- 杰里米·索汉顶替卡斯尔进入首发阵容。他是上半场效率最高的球员,五投四中。他很好地完成了盯防对手和寻找空位的工作。
点击查看原文:San Antonio at Portland, Final Score: Spurs outlast Trail Blazers, 118-116
San Antonio at Portland, Final Score: Spurs outlast Trail Blazers, 118-116
The Spurs had the guts in the fourth quarter
The short-staffed Spurs came into Portland having won two of its last five and got back on track with a close win against the struggling Trail Blazers. The offense scored 124.2 points per 100 possessions against a set defense for 90.5 percent of the time, per Cleaning the Glass. And Victor Wembanyama looked human by his standards, but his 28 points and backline defense was too much for hosts as the Spurs made a mad fourth quarter rally to win 118-116 after being down by 17 points 8 minutes earlier.
The Spurs were missing Tre Jones (sprained left shoulder, Stephon Castle (left shoulder contusion), Keldon Johnson (left calf strain) and Zach Collins (bruised lower back).
- The Spurs are the second-worst first-quarter team (29th in net rating) in the NBA. They opened the game unserious on defense, permitting the hosts five of seven baskets before a disgusted Mitch Johnson called for a stoppage with his team down 12-5. Then the squad went on a 28-13 run, supplied by six Spurs. Chris Paul was ejected in the frame, too, receiving two technical fouls 11 seconds apart.
- Next, the second quarter was a mess on offense. The Spurs had six points on three of 12 shots in seven minutes. They still mostly had trouble producing without Paul’s organization until Devin Vassell made two shots and Wemby boat raced up court for a layup. Their saving grace was slowing down Portland to six of 19 field goals.
- Unlike themselves, the Spurs came out of halftime getting bombarded on defense, allowing Portland 46 points on 79 percent shooting, including eight points in the last 50 seconds of the third period. But the Spurs offense began percolating as the quarter went on. Wesley started the period, scoring multiple shots at the rim. Julian Champagnie and Harrison Barnes were the only other Spurs to make multiple shots in the quarter, but the team was down eight heading into the fourth.
- The Spurs surpassed Portland’s intensity level late while trading baskets. They scored 38 points on 62 percent shooting. Most of the destruction on the other side came from Anfernee Simons and Deni Avdija. But the Spurs who bailed out the team were Vassell, Barnes, Champagnie, Wembanyama and Sochan.
- Wembanyama’s defense forced pass outs and many misses in the lane. On offense, he tore up the Blazers from inside and out in the first half but slowed down in last two quarters, making just two of seven shots. Yet, he made the decisive freebies that gave the Spurs the late lead. Clingan was his toughest matchup because at 7 ‘2 with a wide body, he eats up space in the back and is hard to score on.
- Centers Deandre Ayton and Robert Williams III were absent, which allowed the Spurs to control the rebounding. The Spurs won the rebounding battle by nine.
- Jeremy Sochan replaced Castle in the starting lineup. He was the most efficient contributor, making four of five shots in the first half. He did a good job of sticking to his man and getting open.
By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock