[PtR] 克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在与托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)的访谈中解释了他加盟马刺的原因 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-12 22:27:29


圣安东尼奥马刺对阵洛杉矶快船 - 第二场


在克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)真正来到这里打球之前,很难想象他会身披马刺球衣。许多球迷对他怀有强烈的“体育憎恨”,很大程度上是因为多年来他一直是马刺的劲敌。他们之间不仅有过多次交锋,包括一些胜负难料的重要的季后赛系列赛,而且保罗和马刺的GOAT级控球后卫托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)也经常为了联盟最佳控卫的头衔而展开争夺。

保罗在球场上臭名昭著的“暴脾气”——无论是对队友还是对裁判——也是让他不太讨喜的另一个因素。但现在他加入了马刺,并迅速赢得了曾经讨厌他的球迷的喜爱。“保罗效应”正在全面发挥作用,马刺的战绩已经比上赛季领先了8场,并且在赛季刚过四分之一的时候就展现出了季后赛的竞争力。他的领导和指导显然对维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和他的年轻队友们产生了积极的影响。



  • 帕克觉得保罗成为马刺的一员很“奇怪”,直到他来参加采访看到保罗时才相信。甚至保罗和格雷格·波波维奇都对他们的联手感到有些难以置信。他们比较了各自的情况:帕克年轻时加入了一支老将球队,而保罗则是老将,来帮助一支年轻的球队建立秩序。他立即爱上了他现在的队友,并尊重他们对篮球的热爱。
  • 克里斯·保罗以前来圣安东尼奥比赛时通常住在市中心,但在2008年季后赛第二轮(那是一轮非常激烈的系列赛,马刺从0-2的落后逆转取胜)期间,两人都去了对方的家里玩《摇滚乐队》(帕克不会向波波维奇承认这件事)。即使在他们竞争最激烈的时候,他们在场下也是朋友。他们的家人在全明星赛和季后赛期间也建立了联系,但两位球员也都知道如何在球场上切换回竞争模式。
  • 帕克承认,一旦他感觉自己无法再赢得总冠军,他就选择了退役。他问保罗,是什么让他在职业生涯暮年仍然有动力为一支重建中的球队效力。保罗承认上个赛季(在勇士队担任替补)对他来说很艰难。他的家人住在洛杉矶,所以如果要离开家人,他希望能有上场时间。马刺提供了完美的出场时间和赢球机会的平衡,保罗无法拒绝。
  • 马刺GDP时代的一个战术让保罗至今心有余悸,那就是“下落式挡拆”,一名球员将球传给蒂姆·邓肯,邓肯在罚球线附近将球传给空切的帕克,后者轻松上篮得分。他们每隔几场比赛才会用一次,而且只在关键时刻使用。保罗解释说,他鼓励教练们不要只讲解这些战术,还要在录像室里播放,让球员们看到实际效果。
  • 保罗说他可能还剩“一两年”的职业生涯。他仍然热爱训练和比赛,但他想念他的孩子们。帕克解释说,他过去不想当教练,因为他更喜欢和家人在一起,但随着时间的推移,他享受在欧洲管理自己球队的经历,他开始重新考虑有朝一日执教的可能性。保罗同意他可能会采取同样的方式,先从管理层开始,然后再做打算。
  • 与文班一起打球需要一些磨合。对保罗来说,最大的变化之一是他过去习惯于在挡拆中担任持球人,但现在他经常成为挡拆后的顺下终结者,因为文班在这个身高下拥有出色的控球能力。文班也曾在帕克的法国球队效力,他告诉帕克他想打侧翼。对帕克来说,这是一个疯狂的想法,但因为文班的天赋异禀,他们适应了他,并赢得了冠军——这与马刺现在正在尝试的做法类似。帕克说,RC·布福德在文班12岁的时候就在考察他了,这也促使帕克在文班15岁时把他招募到ASVEL队。
  • 回到2008年的季后赛,保罗的第一个季后赛,马刺很快让他意识到一个系列赛不仅仅是一场比赛。在新奥尔良黄蜂队在主场2-0领先后,他惊讶于马刺的冷静,果然他们最终逆转赢得了系列赛。这对保罗来说是一个重要的教训,那就是不要得意忘形,也不要灰心丧气。他和帕克还一起登上了那轮系列赛的《体育画报》封面,帕克很讨厌那张照片,因为那是保罗在他头上得分的画面,但他总是被要求在上面签名。
点击查看原文:Chris Paul explains why he joined the Spurs in interview with Tony Parker

Chris Paul explains why he joined the Spurs in interview with Tony Parker

San Antonio Spurs v Los Angeles Clippers - Game Two

They also discussed their rivalry and friendship, connections to Wemby, and more.

Before he showed up and actually played here, it was hard to ever visualize Chris Paul in a Spurs jersey. Many fans had a strong sports-hate for him in large part because he has been such a huge rival over the years. Not only did they have many clashes, including some huge playoff series that went both ways, but it was often a battle between him and Spurs’ GOAT point guard Tony Parker for the title of best PG in the league.

Other factors like Paul’s notorious “crankiness” on the court — be it with his teammates or the refs — also made him a little off-putting, but now that he’s with the Spurs, he’s quickly becoming beloved by the fanbase that used to hate him. The Chris Paul Effect is in full swing, with the Spurs already 8 games ahead of last season and in postseason contention just barely a quarter of the way in, and his leadership and guidance is clearly having a positive impact on Victor Wembanyama and his young teammates.

Before the season started, he and Parker — who have always been very good friends, with Paul calling Parker his mentor and big brother — sat down for an interview, and the Spurs finally released it yesterday. It’s just as great as you probably imagine, so be sure to give it watch when you have 20 minutes, but in case you don’t have time right now, some highlights are listed out below. Enjoy!


  • Parker finds it “weird” that Paul is a Spur, and he didn’t believe it until he came in for the interview saw him. Even Paul and Gregg Popovich were in slight disbelief that they were joining forces. They compared their situations, where as Parker came in young on a team of older players, Paul came in old to help bring structure for a young team. He immediately fell in love with his current teammates and respected how much they just wanted to hoop.
  • Chris Paul usually stayed downtown when his teams came to San Antonio, but during the second round of the 2008 playoffs (which was very intense and saw the Spurs come back from an 0-2 deficit to win the series), both players went to each other’s houses to play Rock Band (which Parker would not admit to Pop). Even at the most intense times of their rivalry, they were friends off the court. Their families also bonded during all their times together, including at All-Star games and playoff series, but both players also knew how to revert back to rivalry mode on the court.
  • Parker admitted he retired once he felt he could no longer win championships and asked Paul what keeps him going and motivated to play for a rebuilding team in his twilight years. Paul admitted that last season (coming off the bench for the Warriors) was tough for him. His family lives in Los Angeles, so if he’s going to be away from them, he wants to be playing. The Spurs provided the perfect balance of playing time and a chance to win games that Paul couldn’t pass up.
  • One play from the Spurs’ Big 3 days that gives Paul PTSD was the “floppy down”, where a player would pass it to Tim Duncan at the top of the key, and he would pass it down to a cutting Parker for an open layup. They only ran it a every few games and in crunch time, and Paul explains he encourages the coaches to not just teach such plays, but show it in the film room so the players can see it in action.
  • Paul says he probably has a “year or two” of left in him. He still loves practice and playing, but he misses his children. Parker explains how he used to not want to coach because he enjoyed being around his family more, but as time has gone by and he’s enjoyed managing his own team in Europe, he’s starting to reconsider possibly coaching someday. Paul agrees that he may take the same approach of starting in the front office and go from there.
  • Playing with Wemby has taken some figuring out. One of the biggest changes for Paul has been he’s used to be the handler in pick-and-rolls, but now, he’s often the roller because Wemby can handle the ball so well for his size. Wemby also played for Parker’s team in France, and he told Parker he wanted to play the wing. It was a crazy concept to Parker, but because Wemby’s such a special talent, they adapted to him and won the championship — similar to what the Spurs are trying to do now. Parker says RC Buford was scouting Wemby back when he was 12, and that motivated Parker to recruit him to AZVEL when he as 15.
  • Back to the 2008 playoffs, Paul’s first postseason, the Spurs quickly made him realize that a series is more than just one game. After the Hornets got up 2-0 at home, he was surprised at how chill the Spurs were, and sure enough they came back to win the series. It was a big lesson for Paul about not getting too high or low. He and Parker were also on a Sports Illustrated cover from that series, and Parker hates it because it’s Paul scoring on him, and yet he’s always asked to sign it.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock