By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-07 12:30:00
缺兵少将的马刺队在三场主场比赛的第二场中亮相,此前他们在菲尼克斯的两连败以及昨晚对阵公牛的失利让他们渴望取得本周的首胜。他们在缺少维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)和特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)的情况下迎战萨克拉门托国王队,虽然马刺队开局强势,但他们没能保持住优势,国王队最终凭借火热的三分球手感拉开了比分。
首节前半段是马刺队整场比赛中表现最好的时间段。朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)前四次三分出手命中三球,包揽了马刺队的前11分。替补出场的凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)也迅速砍下10分,帮助球队将领先优势扩大到13分。总的来说,球队的能量和防守强度比前几场比赛要高得多,但当克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)下场后,进攻停滞,国王队打出一波14-1的高潮,在第一节结束时将比分追至33平。
国王队的这波攻势延续到了第二节开始,他们连得4分,随后尚帕尼的三分球才打破了马刺队的得分荒。不幸的是,在扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)领到个人第三次犯规并因在前往板凳席的路上抱怨过多而被驱逐出场后(然后他用某个手势确保自己物有所值),形势急转直下。在上半场还剩6分32秒时,国王队已经进入了加罚状态,并将领先优势扩大到12分。马刺队稍作反击,防止情况进一步恶化,但他们仍然无法有效阻止对手得分,以59-67的比分落后进入中场休息。
果不其然,第四节比赛大局已定,领先优势大部分时间保持在14到20分之间,国王队对马刺队的每一次积极的进攻都做出了回应。他们在内线予取予求,这也为这支本赛季三分球命中率极低的球队打开了外线投篮的机会。他们最终全场三分球34投16中,基根·穆雷(Keegan Murray)、马利克·蒙克(Malik Monk)和凯文·赫尔特(Kevin Huerter)都至少命中了3记三分,甚至国王队的第三阵容球员也在垃圾时间里频频命中,最终以140-113击败马刺队,让马刺队遭遇三连败,胜率再次跌破五成。
- 由于文班在热身赛中背部仍然感到疼痛而无法上场,马刺队改变了上一场比赛的首发阵容,用科林斯代替杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)担任中锋。考虑到对手多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯(Domantas Sabonis)是联盟中篮下技术最好的中锋之一,这一调整合情合理。不幸的是,科林斯离场后,马刺队在内线无人能挡住萨博尼斯,他最终砍下22分和16个篮板。查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)和桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)在攻防两端都表现不佳,内线进攻的缺失也让其他球员的进攻更加艰难。
- 尚帕尼是本场比赛中马刺队少有的亮点,他命中了职业生涯最高的6记三分球,砍下30分——这一表现让他与贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.)和加里·尼尔(Gary Neal)一起成为马刺队历史上仅有的三位在单场比赛中命中6+三分球并得到25分的落选秀球员。克里斯·保罗也表现出色,得到11分、13次助攻和8个篮板,尽管马刺队大部分时间都打得很糟糕,但他正负值依然为正(+1),这其实也合乎情理。当他在场上时,进攻流畅,而当他不在场上时,进攻则停滞不前,就这么简单。
- 自从几周前连续三场得分超过20分并帮助马刺队在上一次文班缺阵的情况下取得不错战绩并获得周最佳球员后,哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)的得分断崖式下滑。在过去的六场比赛中,他有五场得分只有个位数,而马刺队在防守端缺少领袖的情况下,也缺乏另一位进攻强点来帮助球队保持竞争力。在最近两场对阵实力较弱的对手的主场比赛中,马刺队需要每个人都站出来,但站出来的人还不够多。
老实说,这场比赛没有什么特别精彩的镜头,所以我选择了斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)给索汉的这个空中接力。我们已经看到了卡斯尔和文班之间逐渐建立的化学反应,所以很高兴看到他与另一位被认为是马刺未来核心的球员也产生了同样的默契。
.@ StephonCastle
@ JeremySochan
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 7, 2024
点击查看原文:Shorthanded Spurs get blown out by Kings for third straight loss
Shorthanded Spurs get blown out by Kings for third straight loss
The Spurs had no answer for Sabonis down low or the the Kings hot three-point shooting.
The short-handed Spurs Spurs came into the second game of their three-game homestand looking for their first win of the week following a two-game skid in Phoenix and last night against the Bulls. They faced a tall task against the Sacramento Kings without Victor Wembanyama, Devin Vassell and Tre Jones, and while the Spurs initially got out to a strong start, they couldn’t maintain it, and the Kings eventually pulled away on the back of a hot three-point shooting night.
The first half of the first quarter was the Spurs’ best stretch of the game. Julian Champagnie hit three of his first four threes and scored the first 11 points of the game for the Spurs. Keldon Johnson also came in hot off the bench with 10 quick points to help get the lead out to 13 points. Overall, the energy and defensive effort was much higher that the last few games, but once Chris Paul subbed out, the offense stagnated, and the Kings went on a 14-1 run to close the first quarter to tie things up at 33 apiece.
That run extended to start the second quarter with the Kings scoring the first four points before another Champagnie three broke the ice for the Spurs. Unfortunately, things went sideways after Collins picked up his third foul and was ejected for talking too much on his way to the bench (and then made sure he got his money’s worth with certain hand gesture). The Kings were in the bonus with 6:32 left in the half, and they got the lead as high as 12. The Spurs recovered a bit to keep things from getting any worse, but they still couldn’t make enough stops and went into halftime down 59-67.
There was still hope as they came out more focused to start the third quarter and got within three at 77-74, but that would be the last serious threat the Spurs posed the rest of the night. The Kings responded and pushed the lead all the way back out to 18 while capitalizing off every little mistake. The Spurs’ bench, which outscored the Kings’ 48-34 on the night, again made a little push to keep the game from getting too out of hand, and they headed into the fourth quarter down 86-100, but it was hard to imagine they had the firepower to come all the way back.
Sure enough, the fourth quarter was more of the same, with the lead hovering between 14 and 20 most of the way, and the Kings having an answer for every positive play the Spurs made. They got whatever they wanted down low, and that in turn opened up the three-point shooting for a team that has struggled massively all season from that range. They ended up hitting 16-34 on the night, with Keegan Murray, Malik Monk and Kevin Huerter all hitting three or more, and even the Kings’ third string couldn’t miss as they piled on in garbage time, handing the Spurs their third straight loss, 113-140, and dropping them back to below .500.
Game Notes
- With Wembanyama unable to go again after has back remained sore in warm-ups, the Spurs switched things up from the last game and started Collins instead of Jeremy Sochan at center. The move made sense going up against one of the better centers around the rim in Domantas Sabonis. Unfortunately, once Collins was out, the Spurs had no answer for him down low, and he finished with 22 points and 16 rebounds. Charles Bassey and Sandro Mamukelashvili struggled on both ends of the floor, and the lack of an interior game made life harder for the rest of the offense.
- Champagnie was a rare bright spot for the Spurs in this game, hitting a career high six threes for 30 points — a performance that put him in rare company with Jaren Jackson and Gary Neal as the only undrafted Spurs to hit 6+ threes and score 25 points in a game. Chris Paul also had a solid night with 11 points, 13 assists and 8 rebounds, and as bad as the Spurs played most of the night, it actually makes sense that he had a positive box score plus/minus (+1). The offense flowed when he was out there, and it didn’t when he wasn’t, simply as that.
- Harrison Barnes’ scoring has fallen off a cliff since he won Player of the Week, with three straight 20-point games a couple of weeks ago and a big reason why the Spurs were able to navigate their last stint without Wemby. Since then, he has scored in single-digit in five of their last six games, and the Spurs have lacked another offensive force to help keep up while the defense struggles without its leader. The Spurs have needed everyone to step up in these last two home games against beatable teams, but not enough players have.
Play of the Game
Honestly, no particular play stands out from this game, so I’m going with this oop from Stephon Castle to Jeremy Sochan. We’ve seen Castle building chemistry with Wemby, so it’s good to see him doing the same with another presumed core member of the future Spurs.
.@ StephonCastle
@ JeremySochan
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 7, 2024
Up next: Sunday vs. New Orleans Pelicans
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock