[ESPN] NBA 实力榜:雄鹿反弹,火箭在西部崛起

By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2024-12-04 21:00:00



2024 年 NBA 杯的小组赛于周二结束,淘汰赛将于下周开始。


然而,常规赛仍在继续,各支球队都希望以一个高昂的姿态结束 2024 年,并在新年伊始就将目光锁定在季后赛上。



注:球队排名基于我们专家组成员(ESPN 的蒂姆·邦坦普斯、贾马尔·科利尔、迈克尔·莱特 (Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪、戴夫·麦克梅纳明、奥姆·扬米斯克、克里斯·赫林和凯文·佩尔顿)认为球队在本赛季应有的位置。

先前排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日 | 11 月 20 日 | 11 月 27 日







  1. 波士顿凯尔特人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17-4
  • 先前排名: 2
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 DET(12 月 4 日),对阵 MIL(12 月 6 日),对阵 MEM(12 月 7 日)

波士顿一定对克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯在休赛期手术后的回归感到兴奋。尽管几个月没有打球,但波尔津吉斯看起来就像从未缺席过一样,场均得到 19 分,投篮命中率为 50%,同时为凯尔特人队提供了急需的篮框保护。他是一名高质量的远程射手,而凯尔特人队每场比赛已经投出了超过 50 个三分球。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯

  1. 克利夫兰骑士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 19-3
  • 先前排名: 1
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 DEN(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 CHA(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 MIA(12 月 8 日)

在连续输给老鹰队之后,克利夫兰队以一场对凯尔特人队的复仇之战作为回应——他们在周日的第四节以 43-27 的比分击败了卫冕冠军,这距离波士顿在 11 月 19 日送给骑士队本赛季首败还不到一个月。骑士队以凯尔特人队的方式击败了他们,投中了相同数量的三分球(17 个),但出手次数少了 13 次。 – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明

  1. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 16-5
  • 先前排名: 3
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 TOR(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 NO(12 月 7 日)

三年级前锋杰伦·威廉姆斯正在为他的第一次全明星之旅奠定坚实的基础,因为他的五项主要数据(场均 21.5 分、6.3 个篮板、5.2 次助攻、2.1 次抢断和 1.0 次盖帽)都有所提升。整个赛季场均至少得到 21 分,并在其他类别中达到此水平的球员只有:1990-91 赛季的迈克尔·乔丹和 1994-95 赛季的斯科蒂·皮蓬。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪

  1. 休斯顿火箭队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-7
  • 先前排名: 5
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 GS(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 LAC(12 月 8 日)

休斯顿队带着三连胜的势头开始了他们的西部三连客之旅,最后一场胜利是周日在主场击败雷霆队。火箭队并没有满足于他们比上赛季多赢了 19 场比赛。相反,他们在防守端加大了力度,以破釜沉舟的决心将休斯顿队的防守提升至联盟第二。对于主教练伊梅·乌多卡来说,保持稳定是关键。他希望看到球队继续培养习惯,以便在进入季后赛的冲刺阶段,当竞争加剧时能够依靠这些习惯。 – 迈克尔·莱特

  1. 孟菲斯灰熊队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14-8
  • 先前排名: 8
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 SAC(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 BOS(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 WAS(12 月 8 日)

数一数。在周二客场输给达拉斯之前,灰熊队取得了六连胜,而其中一半的胜利是在贾·莫兰特缺席的情况下获得的。说灰熊队拥有联盟中最深厚的阵容之一并不为过。在莫兰特、德斯蒙德·贝恩、扎克·埃迪、马库斯·斯玛特和其他重要球员受伤之后,他们依靠了斯科蒂·皮蓬二世、杰伦·威尔斯和杰伊·哈夫等有前途的年轻人。八名灰熊球员场均得分上双,其中四人(莫兰特、贝恩、皮蓬和贾伦·杰克逊 Jr.)在任何一个晚上都有能力扮演明星角色。 – 莱特

  1. 奥兰多魔术队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-8
  • 先前排名: 9
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 PHI(12 月 4 日),客场对阵 PHI(12 月 6 日),对阵 PHX(12 月 8 日)

魔术队在周二于纽约进行的 NBA 杯比赛中是联盟中最炙手可热的球队之一,他们在 11 月 6 日输给快船队之后取得了两次六连胜。尽管惨败于尼克斯队,但这让奥兰多队有机会晋级四分之一决赛。虽然魔术队上赛季在季后赛中与克利夫兰队打了七场系列赛,但漫长的 NBA 杯之旅将为这支年轻的阵容提供宝贵的大赛经验。奥兰多队在我们最近的 25 岁以下球员排名中也表现出色,有两名球员排名前四(保罗·班凯罗和弗朗茨·瓦格纳),还有一名球员排名前 25(杰伦·萨格斯)。 – 凯文·佩尔顿

  1. 金州勇士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-8
  • 先前排名: 4
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 HOU(12 月 5 日),对阵 MIN(12 月 6 日),对阵 MIN(12 月 8 日)

周二,史蒂夫·科尔面临着比决定是否缩短他深厚的轮换阵容更大的问题。德雷蒙德·格林因左小腿紧绷缺席了本赛季的第一场比赛,科尔不得不找到一种方法来减缓 MVP 尼古拉·约基奇的速度,并阻止本赛季最长的连败。勇士队两件事都没做到。约基奇得到 38 分、10 个篮板、6 次助攻和 5 次抢断,而勇士队在最后 2 分 32 秒内挥霍了 7 分的领先优势,遭遇五连败。格林将于周三接受核磁共振检查,他能否参加周四主场对阵休斯顿的比赛还不确定。 – 奥姆·扬米斯克

  1. 达拉斯独行侠队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14-8
  • 先前排名: 11
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 WAS(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 TOR(12 月 7 日)

达拉斯的阵容深度使得独行侠队在卢卡·东契奇最近缺席的六场比赛中赢下了五场,这与最近几个赛季的情况截然不同。在过去的两个赛季里,独行侠队在东契奇缺席的比赛中总共取得了 9 胜 19 负的战绩。休赛期新加盟的纳吉·马歇尔(场均 19.0 分,有效投篮命中率 68.5%)和昆汀·格莱姆斯(场均 15.8 分,有效投篮命中率 62.0%)在东契奇因右腕扭伤缺席五场比赛并进行状态调整期间,帮助填补了进攻端的空缺。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 纽约尼克斯队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13-8
  • 先前排名: 10
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 CHA(12 月 5 日),对阵 DET(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 TOR(12 月 9 日)

经过 21 场比赛,改头换面的尼克斯队拥有最有效的进攻,拥有联盟最好的助攻失误比和第二好的三分球命中率。推动这种进步的一个重要部分是:卡尔-安东尼·唐斯的五外站位,这帮助球队比上赛季更快地找到好的出手机会。区别很微妙——上赛季纽约的出手占比在比赛最后四秒排名联盟第一,而本赛季排名第五。但边际差异很重要,尤其是在球队继续解决防守端问题的时候,他们在本赛季的前四分之一的比赛中只排名第 19 位。 – 克里斯·赫林

  1. 丹佛掘金队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-8
  • 先前排名: 6
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 CLE(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 WAS(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 ATL(12 月 8 日)

迈克尔·马龙不喜欢他的球队在周二对阵勇士队之前的五场比赛中的防守表现。“我不知道是不是球员们现在都只顾着自己,”马龙在面对金州勇士队之前说道。“我们有太多人担心我为什么会被换下场?我能得到多少出手次数?”他的球队凭借约基奇的 38 分两双险胜勇士队。 – 扬米斯克

  1. 洛杉矶快船队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 14-9
  • 先前排名: 12
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 MIN(12 月 4 日),对阵 HOU(12 月 8 日)

当诺曼·鲍威尔因腿筋受伤倒下时,快船队本可能要面对一段艰难的赛程。鲍威尔在进攻端一直火力全开,而这支球队迫切需要这一点。但在鲍威尔缺席的六场比赛中,快船队变得更加顽强。他们在这六场比赛中赢下了四场,输给了凯尔特人队和森林狼队。詹姆斯·哈登表现出色,在周二晚之前的七场比赛中有六场得分达到 20 分或以上,包括对阵华盛顿的 43 分爆发和战胜丹佛的 39 分表现。鲍威尔在对阵丹佛的复出战中得到 28 分,延续了他的出色表现。 – 扬米斯克

  1. 菲尼克斯太阳队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-8
  • 先前排名: 13
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 NO(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 MIA(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 ORL(12 月 8 日)

在赛程中难得的五天休息之后,菲尼克斯的组织责任又回到了德文·布克身上。胜利也随之而来。太阳队上周取得了 2 胜 1 负的战绩,布克在两场胜利中场均送出 9.5 次助攻。当布克送出 8 次或更多助攻时,太阳队本赛季的战绩为 6 胜 1 负。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 洛杉矶湖人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-9
  • 先前排名: 7
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 MIA(12 月 4 日),客场对阵 ATL(12 月 6 日),对阵 POR(12 月 8 日)

JJ·雷迪克最近将他作为一年级教练的经历比作玩打地鼠游戏,这一点在他用锤子敲打防守改进时得到了证明,因为湖人队在过去的四场比赛中将每个对手的得分都限制在 110 分以下。与此同时,湖人队的进攻效率从排名第五位暴跌至第九位,雷迪克的球队在过去的六场比赛中只有一次得分超过 110 分。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 密尔沃基雄鹿队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-9
  • 先前排名: 16
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 ATL(12 月 4 日),客场对阵 BOS(12 月 6 日),客场对阵 BKN(12 月 8 日)

雄鹿队连续第二个赛季获得了 NBA 杯锦标赛的参赛资格,去年他们在半决赛中失利。雄鹿队已经正式从 2 胜 8 负的开局中反弹,胜率回到 50% 以上。雄鹿队的复苏由扬尼斯·阿德托昆博领衔,他在 11 月份场均得到 22.8 分的内线得分——这是自 2000 年 3 月沙奎尔·奥尼尔以来的任何球员在一个月内的最高得分。 – 贾马尔·科利尔

  1. 圣安东尼奥马刺队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-10
  • 先前排名: 15
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 CHI(12 月 5 日),对阵 SAC(12 月 6 日),对阵 NO(12 月 8 日)

自从抵达圣安东尼奥以来,维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 就一直告诫人们不要把他限制在一个框架内。在任何一个晚上,他都有能力展现出后卫、前锋、中锋、突破手、扣将、射手和盖帽手的技能。只要你能想到的,文班亚马都能做到。这就是为什么圣安东尼奥如此支持这位 20 岁的年轻球员的成长,他在周日战胜萨克拉门托的比赛中完成了职业生涯的第三个三双。文班的深厚功底使得圣安东尼奥成为一支难以捉摸的球队,其他球队仍在尝试不同的方法来尽量减少他的影响。 – 莱特

  1. 迈阿密热火队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-10
  • 先前排名: 17
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 LAL(12 月 4 日),对阵 PHX(12 月 7 日),对阵 CLE(12 月 8 日)

虽然吉米·巴特勒的膝伤迫使他缺席了周一输给波士顿的比赛,但自从他转变为更多的持球角色,而特里·罗齐尔回到替补席后,他看起来像换了一个人。然而,热火队仍然胜率低于 50%,并且处于东部附加赛的位置。这不是他们在竞争相对较弱的东部赛区所期望的位置。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 明尼苏达森林狼队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-10
  • 先前排名: 14
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 LAC(12 月 4 日),客场对阵 GS(12 月 6 日),客场对阵 GS(12 月 8 日)

在球星安东尼·爱德华兹批评森林狼队缺乏沟通不到一周后,明尼苏达队以连胜作为回应。周一是他们本赛季最好的防守表现,将湖人队的得分限制在本赛季最低的 80 分,同时胜率回到 50%。这与森林狼队想要达到的目标还相差甚远——他们仍然处于西部附加赛的边缘——但主教练克里斯·芬奇承认这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。 – 科利尔

  1. 亚特兰大老鹰队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-11
  • 先前排名: 22
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 MIL(12 月 4 日),对阵 LAL(12 月 6 日),对阵 DEN(12 月 8 日)

老鹰队已经取得了赛季最高的四连胜,胜率回到 50%,自从之前受伤的侧翼球员博格丹·博格达诺维奇和德安德烈·亨特回到轮换阵容后,他们找到了一个不错的节奏。两人都提供了外线投射和辅助组织能力,这使得特雷·杨的生活轻松了一些,由于他们的缺席,杨在赛季初面临更大的防守压力。突然之间,亚特兰大队在攻防两端都拥有了令人印象深刻的深度;这对于自 2021 年意外之旅进入东部决赛以来一直罕见的。 – 赫林

  1. 印第安纳步行者队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-13
  • 先前排名: 20
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 BKN(12 月 4 日),客场对阵 CHI(12 月 6 日),对阵 CHA(12 月 8 日)

印第安纳队希望后卫安德鲁·内姆哈德的回归能够为这支苦苦挣扎的球队提供一些火花。内姆哈德在因膝伤缺席 12 场比赛后于周日复出,在 15 分钟内得到 14 分,同时为急需帮助的步行者队提供了防守端的提升。印第安纳队希望他能迅速适应接下来的东部赛区对手,包括布鲁克林、芝加哥和夏洛特,以结束本周的比赛。 – 科利尔

  1. 萨克拉门托国王队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-12
  • 先前排名: 18
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 MEM(12 月 5 日),客场对阵 SA(12 月 6 日),对阵 UTAH(12 月 8 日)

国王队上周三在明尼苏达结束了四连败,但在波特兰和主场输给圣安东尼奥的比赛让萨克拉门托继续在西部排名中下滑。国王队目前在西部排名第 12 位,排在他们前面的几支季后赛球队都占据了附加赛的席位。情况严峻到上周这个时候还是自由球员的前锋杰·克劳德已经代替受伤的德玛尔·德罗赞为萨克拉门托首发出战了两场比赛。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 布鲁克林篮网队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-13
  • 先前排名: 21
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 IND(12 月 4 日),对阵 MIL(12 月 8 日)

由于头号得分手卡姆·托马斯将缺席三到四周,伤病缠身的篮网队可能会更多地求助于前锋卡梅隆·约翰逊,他正在悄悄地度过一个得分和效率都创下职业生涯新高的赛季。28 岁的约翰逊在菲尼克斯队以角色球员的身份成名,在布鲁克林场均得到 18 分。他正在进行更多近距离投篮,同时仍然保持着 42.2% 的三分球命中率。约翰逊上个月最能展现他的得分潜力,当时他分别在对阵黄蜂队和 76 人队的背靠背比赛中砍下 34 分和 37 分。 – 赫林

  1. 底特律活塞队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-14
  • 先前排名: 19
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 BOS(12 月 4 日),客场对阵 NYK(12 月 7 日)

活塞队在周二对阵密尔沃基的 NBA 杯小组赛最后一场比赛中仍有机会赢得小组第一,这衡量了他们本赛季的进步。尽管输给了雄鹿队,但底特律队在小组赛中取得了 3 胜 1 负的战绩,并在周五客场以 24 分的优势大胜步行者队。仅在 NBA 杯中,活塞队的胜场数就比上赛季圣诞节前的所有比赛都多。此外,在印第安纳的 24 分分差是底特律自 2021 年 4 月以来的最大胜利。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 芝加哥公牛队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-13
  • 先前排名: 23
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 SA(12 月 5 日),对阵 IND(12 月 6 日),对阵 PHI(12 月 8 日)

公牛队的防守一直是一个主要问题。本赛季他们的防守效率排名第 27 位,在过去的两周内有四次失分超过 135 分。这是他们目前战绩为 9 胜 13 负,排名东部第八的主要原因——尽管他们拥有快速而有效的进攻。 – 科利尔

  1. 波特兰开拓者队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-14
  • 先前排名: 25
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 UTAH(12 月 6 日),客场对阵 LAL(12 月 8 日)

开拓者队在周五击败低迷的国王队,保住了他们在 NBA 杯中晋级的渺茫希望,但在周日主场输给了独行侠队,结束了他们的四连胜。对于波特兰队来说,虽败犹荣是一个好兆头,尽管他们的胜场数比其他六支球队都多,但在周二之前,他们的场均净负分(18.4)是联盟最高的。开拓者队的阵容深度——尤其是替补控球后卫达拉诺·班顿——一直是一个优势,因为他们要应对最近的乐透秀多诺万·克林根(内侧副韧带扭伤)和斯科特·亨德森(股四头肌挫伤)的伤病。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 多伦多猛龙队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-15
  • 先前排名: 28
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 OKC(12 月 5 日),对阵 DAL(12 月 7 日),对阵 NYK(12 月 9 日)

虽然斯科蒂·巴恩斯和伊曼纽尔·奎克利本赛季因伤缺席了大部分比赛,但 RJ·巴雷特挺身而出,场均得到超过 23 分、6 个篮板和 6 次助攻,同时投篮命中率为 45.7%,三分球命中率为 35.7%。如果巴雷特能够在巴恩斯恢复状态并最终回归后提高他的效率,那么他在未来将在侧翼位置上完美契合。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 夏洛特黄蜂队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-15
  • 先前排名: 24
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 NYK(12 月 5 日),对阵 CLE(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 IND(12 月 8 日)

夏洛特过去一周最大的新闻是拉梅洛·鲍尔的小腿拉伤,球队表示他将至少缺席两周。在过去的两个赛季里,由于伤病,球队在没有鲍尔的情况下进行了大部分比赛,他们希望他能尽快复出,这仅仅是因为这名后卫对黄蜂队的进攻有着巨大的影响。当鲍尔和他的场均 31 分在场时,球队的进攻每百回合要好 12 分——基本上与排名第一的尼克斯队和排名第 25 的夏洛特队之间的差距相同。 – 赫林

  1. 费城 76 人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 5-14
  • 先前排名: 27
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 ORL(12 月 4 日),对阵 ORL(12 月 6 日),客场对阵 CHI(12 月 8 日)

周六,已经人手不足的 76 人队再次遭受打击,中锋安德烈·德拉蒙德脚踝扭伤,将至少缺席三场比赛。这导致 76 人队与身高 6 英尺 10 英寸的前锋皮特·南斯(老鹰队前锋拉里·南斯二世的弟弟)签下了一份双向合同。76 人队希望尽快回来的大个子乔尔·恩比德继续因左膝伤病管理和个人原因缺席比赛。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 犹他爵士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 4-17
  • 先前排名: 29
  • 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 POR(12 月 6 日),客场对阵 SAC(12 月 8 日)

爵士队已经确定,对于科迪·威廉姆斯这位新秀乐透秀来说,在这个阶段在发展联盟获得比赛时间是最好的选择,这为二年级侧翼球员布莱斯·森萨博打开了一些轮换上场时间。截至周二晚,森萨博场均得到 12.0 分,三分球命中率为 42.9%,但防守端一直很挣扎。在森萨博在场期间,爵士队每百回合失分 125.3 分。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 4-18
  • 先前排名: 26
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 PHX(12 月 5 日),对阵 OKC(12 月 7 日),客场对阵 SA(12 月 8 日)

在结束三连客之旅的周一客场输给亚特兰大之后,鹈鹕队得到了急需的休息。但比赛的暂停并不能拯救受伤的鹈鹕队。在接下来的五场比赛中,新奥尔良将主场迎战菲尼克斯和俄克拉荷马城,然后客场挑战圣安东尼奥和休斯顿,随后是 12 月 21 日与尼克斯队的比赛。与此同时,锡安·威廉姆森、布兰登·英格拉姆、何塞·阿尔瓦拉多、乔丹·霍金斯和赫伯特·琼斯仍然缺席。到目前为止,大卫·格里芬可能正在考虑放弃本赛季,以争取在选秀大会上获得一个高顺位选秀权。 – 莱特

  1. 华盛顿奇才队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 2-17
  • 先前排名: 30
  • 下一场比赛: 对阵 DAL(12 月 5 日),对阵 DEN(12 月 7 日),对阵 MEM(12 月 8 日)

华盛顿队在克利夫兰以 31 分的惨败继续沉沦。奇才队现在已经遭遇了 15 连败,过去的九场比赛每场都输了 10 分或以上。更糟糕的是,马尔科姆·布罗格登、凯肖恩·乔治和科里·基斯珀特都在克利夫兰的失利中受伤。凯尔·库兹马也因肋骨受伤缺阵。华盛顿接下来的九场比赛也不会轻松。 – 扬米斯克

点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: Bucks bounce back, Rockets rise in the West

NBA Power Rankings: Bucks bounce back, Rockets rise in the West


Group play for the 2024 NBA Cup ended Tuesday, with the knockout round matchups set to begin next week.

Soon, a team will claim the title as the second in-season tournament champion, joining last season’s winners, the Los Angeles Lakers.

However, the regular season pushes on as teams look to end 2024 on a high note and enter the New Year with intentions locked in on the postseason.

It’s a battle of defenses in the West as the Houston Rockets trail only the Oklahoma City Thunder in the conference standings while boasting the No. 2 and No. 1 defenses in the league, respectively.

In the East, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics continue to duke it out for the No. 1 spot in the conference, separated by one game and a combined six games ahead of the Orlando Magic. The Milwaukee Bucks also look as if they have hit their stride after a rocky start, going on a seven-game win streak to start the holiday season.

Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.

Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 20 | Nov. 27

Jump to a team:\




NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\


1. Boston Celtics

  • 2024-25 record: 17-4
  • Previous ranking: 2
  • Next games: vs. DET (Dec. 4), vs. MIL (Dec. 6), vs. MEM (Dec. 7)

Boston has to be thrilled with Kristaps Porzingis’ return following offseason surgery. Despite not playing in several months, Porzingis has looked like he hasn’t missed a beat, averaging 19 points on 50% shooting while providing the Celtics with much-needed rim protection. He is another quality long-range shooter on a team already launching more than 50 3s per game. – Tim Bontemps

2. Cleveland Cavaliers

  • 2024-25 record: 19-3
  • Previous ranking: 1
  • Next games: vs. DEN (Dec. 5), @ CHA (Dec. 7), @ MIA (Dec. 8)

Cleveland responded to back-to-back losses to the Hawks with a revenge win against the Celtics – taking down the defending champs with a 43-27 run in the fourth quarter Sunday, less than a month after Boston handed the Cavs their first defeat of the season on Nov. 19. The Cavs beat the Celtics at their own game, hitting the same number of 3s (17) on 13 fewer attempts. – Dave McMenamin

3. Oklahoma City Thunder

  • 2024-25 record: 16-5
  • Previous ranking: 3
  • Next games: @ TOR (Dec. 5), @ NO (Dec. 7)

Third-year forward Jalen Williams is building a strong early case for his first All-Star selection, as his production has increased in all five of the major categories (21.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, 5.2 assists, 2.1 steals and 1.0 block per game). The only players to average at least 21 points with that level of production in the other categories for an entire season: Michael Jordan in 1990-91 and Scottie Pippen in 1994-95. – Tim MacMahon

4. Houston Rockets

  • 2024-25 record: 15-7
  • Previous ranking: 5
  • Next games: @ GS (Nov. 5), @ LAC (Dec. 8)

Houston hits its three-game road trip out West riding a three-game winning streak, capped by a signature victory at home Sunday over the Thunder. The Rockets aren’t resting on their 19-win improvement from last season. Instead, they’ve turned up the heat defensively, competing with a desperation that has vaulted Houston to the No. 2 defense. For coach Ime Udoka, consistency is key. He’d like to see the team continue to build habits that it can lean on once competition ratchets up during the stretch run heading into the playoffs. – Michael Wright

5. Memphis Grizzlies

  • 2024-25 record: 14-8
  • Previous ranking: 8
  • Next games: vs. SAC (Dec. 5), @ BOS (Dec. 7), @ WAS (Dec. 8)

Count it. Six wins in a row before dropping Tuesday’s game at Dallas, and Memphis captured half of those with Ja Morant out. It’s not a stretch to say the Grizzlies boast one of the league’s deepest rosters. After injuries to Morant, Desmond Bane, Zach Edey, Marcus Smart and other important contributors, they’ve leaned on promising youngsters such as Scotty Pippen Jr., Jaylen Wells and Jay Huff. Eight Grizzlies average double figures in scoring and four (Morant, Bane, Pippen and Jaren Jackson Jr.) are capable on any given night to take on a star role. – Wright

6. Orlando Magic

  • 2024-25 record: 15-8
  • Previous ranking: 9
  • Next games: @ PHI (Dec. 4), @ PHI (Dec. 6), vs. PHX (Dec. 8)

The Magic entered Tuesday’s NBA Cup contest in New York as one of the league’s hottest teams, having sandwiched a pair of six-game winning streaks around their only loss since Nov. 6 against the Clippers. That put Orlando in position to advance to the quarterfinals despite a lopsided loss to the Knicks. Although the Magic played a seven-game playoff series against Cleveland last spring, a long NBA Cup run will provide useful big-game experience for a youthful roster. Orlando also shined in our recent under-25 rankings, with two of the top four players (Paolo Banchero and Franz Wagner) and a third in the top 25 (Jalen Suggs). – Kevin Pelton

7. Golden State Warriors

  • 2024-25 record: 12-8
  • Previous ranking: 4
  • Next games: vs. HOU (Dec. 5), vs. MIN (Dec. 6), vs. MIN (Dec. 8)

Steve Kerr had bigger problems Tuesday than trying to figure out whether to shorten his deep rotation. Draymond Green missed his first game of the season with left calf tightness, and Kerr had to figure out a way to slow down MVP Nikola Jokic and halt the longest losing slide of the season. The Warriors did neither. Jokic had 38 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists and 5 steals and the Warriors blew a seven-point lead in the final 2:32 to drop their fifth straight game. Green will undergo an MRI on Wednesday and his availability is uncertain for Thursday’s game at home against Houston. – Ohm Youngmisuk

8. Dallas Mavericks

  • 2024-25 record: 14-8
  • Previous ranking: 11
  • Next games: @ WAS (Dec. 5), @ TOR (Dec. 7)

Dallas’ depth allowed the Mavs to win the five of six games recently missed by Luka Doncic, which is a drastic difference from recent seasons. The Mavs were a combined 9-19 in games missed by Doncic the past two seasons. Offseason additions Naji Marshall (19.0 PPG, 68.5 eFG%) and Quentin Grimes (15.8 PPG, 62.0 eFG%) helped fill the offensive void during Doncic’s five-game absence while he recovered from a right wrist sprain and worked on his conditioning. – MacMahon

9. New York Knicks

  • 2024-25 record: 13-8
  • Previous ranking: 10
  • Next games: vs. CHA (Dec. 5), vs. DET (Dec. 7), @ TOR (Dec. 9)

Twenty-one games in, the revamped Knicks own the most efficient offense, boasting the association’s best assist-to-turnover ratio and its second-best 3-point mark. A massive part of what’s fueling the improvement: The five-out spacing, courtesy of Karl-Anthony Towns, which has helped the team find good looks more quickly than a season ago. The difference is subtle – with New York taking the league’s highest percentage of shots in the final four seconds of the clock last season, as opposed to taking the fifth-highest percentage currently. But marginal differences matter, especially as the club continues to work out kinks on the defensive end, where it ranks just 19th through the first quarter of this campaign. – Chris Herring

10. Denver Nuggets

  • 2024-25 record: 11-8
  • Previous ranking: 6
  • Next games: @ CLE (Dec. 5), @ WAS (Dec. 7), @ ATL (Dec. 8)

Michael Malone didn’t like the way his defense played in the five games entering Tuesday’s game against the Warriors. “I don’t know if it’s guys are just kind of caught up in themselves right now,” Malone said before facing Golden State. “We have too many people worrying about why am I coming out of the game? How many my shots am I getting?” His team responded with a close win over the Warriors thanks to a 38-point double-double from Jokic. – Youngmisuk

11. LA Clippers

  • 2024-25 record: 14-9
  • Previous ranking: 12
  • Next games: vs. MIN (Dec. 4), vs. HOU (Dec. 8)

When Norman Powell went down with a hamstring injury, the Clippers could have been staring at a rough stretch in their schedule. Powell has been on fire on offense for a team that desperately needs it. But during Powell’s six-game absence, the Clippers only got grittier. They won four of those six games, with losses to the Celtics and Wolves. James Harden has been sensational, scoring 20 or more points in six of seven games entering Tuesday night, including a 43-point explosion against Washington and a 39-point performance in a win over Denver. And Powell picked up where he left off with 28 points in his return against Denver. – Youngmisuk

12. Phoenix Suns

  • 2024-25 record: 12-8
  • Previous ranking: 13
  • Next games: @ NO (Dec. 5), @ MIA (Dec. 7), @ ORL (Dec. 8)

Following a rare five-day break in the schedule, Phoenix’s playmaking responsibilities shifted back toward Devin Booker. And wins came with it. The Suns went 2-1 last week and Booker averaged 9.5 assists across the victories. Phoenix is now 6-1 on the season when Booker tallies 8 or more assists. – McMenamin

13. Los Angeles Lakers

  • 2024-25 record: 12-9
  • Previous ranking: 7
  • Next games: @ MIA (Dec. 4), @ ATL (Dec. 6), vs. POR (Dec. 8)

JJ Redick recently likened his experience as a first-year coach to playing Whac-A-Mole and that’s been illustrated by him using his mallet to hammer home defensive improvement as L.A. has held each of its past four opponents under 110 points. In the meantime, the Lakers’ offense, which had been ranked fifth in efficiency, has plummeted to No. 9, with Redick’s team topping 110 themselves just once in the past six games. – McMenamin

14. Milwaukee Bucks

  • 2024-25 record: 11-9
  • Previous ranking: 16
  • Next games: vs. ATL (Dec. 4), @ BOS (Dec. 6), @ BKN (Dec. 8)

The Bucks secured a spot in the NBA Cup tournament for a second straight season, after losing in the semifinals last year. The Bucks have officially rebounded from a 2-8 start to climb back over .500. Milwaukee’s resurgence has been led by Giannis Antetokounmpo, who averaged 22.8 paint points in November – the most in a calendar month by any player since Shaquille O’Neal in March 2000. – Jamal Collier

15. San Antonio Spurs

  • 2024-25 record: 11-10
  • Previous ranking: 15
  • Next games: vs. CHI (Dec. 5), vs. SAC (Dec. 6), vs. NO (Dec. 8)

Since his arrival in San Antonio, Victor Wembanyama has cautioned against putting him in a box. On any given night, he’s capable of flashing the skill set of a guard, forward, center, slasher, dunker, shooter and shot blocker. You name it, Wembanyama can do it. That’s why San Antonio is so supportive of the 20-year-old phenom’s growth coming off his third career triple-double in Sunday’s win over Sacramento. Wemby’s deep bag makes San Antonio a difficult and unpredictable matchup for teams, which continue to try different ways to minimize his impact. – Wright

16. Miami Heat

  • 2024-25 record: 9-10
  • Previous ranking: 17
  • Next games: vs. LAL (Dec. 4), vs. PHX (Dec. 7), vs. CLE (Dec. 8)

While Jimmy Butler is dealing with a knee injury that forced him to sit out Monday’s loss to Boston, he’s looked like a different player since a shift to a more on-ball role and Terry Rozier back to the bench. And yet, the Heat still find themselves under .500 and in a play-in spot in the East. That’s not where they expected to be in a weak conference. – Bontemps

17. Minnesota Timberwolves

  • 2024-25 record: 10-10
  • Previous ranking: 14
  • Next games: @ LAC (Dec. 4), @ GS (Dec. 6), @ GS (Dec. 8)

Less than a week after star Anthony Edwards called the Wolves out for their lack of communication, Minnesota responded with consecutive wins. Monday was its best defensive performance of the season, holding the Lakers to a season-low 80 points while getting back to .500. It’s still a far cry from where the Wolves want to be – they’re still on the outside of the Western Conference play-in picture --but coach Chris Finch acknowledged it was a step in the right direction. – Collier

18. Atlanta Hawks

  • 2024-25 record: 11-11
  • Previous ranking: 22
  • Next games: @ MIL (Dec. 4), vs. LAL (Dec. 6), vs. DEN (Dec. 8)

The Hawks, winners of a season-high four games in a row and back at .500, have found a nice groove since getting previously injured wings Bogdan Bogdanovic and De’Andre Hunter back in the rotation. Both provide outside shooting and secondary playmaking, which makes life a bit easier on Trae Young, who early on faced more defensive pressure because of their absences. Suddenly, Atlanta has an impressive amount of depth on both ends; a rare trait for the club since its surprise trip to the 2021 Eastern Conference finals. – Herring

19. Indiana Pacers

  • 2024-25 record: 9-13
  • Previous ranking: 20
  • Next games: @ BKN (Dec. 4), @ CHI (Dec. 6), vs. CHA (Dec. 8)

Indiana hopes the return of guard Andrew Nembhard can provide a spark for its struggling team. Nembhard returned Sunday from a 12-game absence with a knee injury and scored 14 points in 15 minutes while providing a defensive boost for a Pacers team in need of it. Indiana is hoping to get him up to speed with a slate of Eastern Conference foes upcoming, including Brooklyn, Chicago and Charlotte to round out the week. – Collier

20. Sacramento Kings

  • 2024-25 record: 10-12
  • Previous ranking: 18
  • Next games: @ MEM (Dec. 5), @ SA (Dec. 6), vs. UTAH (Dec. 8)

The Kings snapped a four-game losing streak last Wednesday in Minnesota, but losses at Portland and at home to San Antonio left Sacramento continuing to tumble down the West standings. The Kings are now 12th in the conference, with several other postseason-worthy teams ahead of them in the play-in spots. The situation is dire enough that journeyman forward Jae Crowder went from unsigned free agent this time last week to starting two games for Sacramento in place of injured DeMar DeRozan. – Pelton

21. Brooklyn Nets

  • 2024-25 record: 9-13
  • Previous ranking: 21
  • Next games: vs. IND (Dec. 4), vs. MIL (Dec. 8)

With top scorer Cam Thomas sidelined for three to four weeks, the injury-plagued Nets will likely be turning a bit more to forward Cameron Johnson, who’s quietly in the midst of a career season in scoring and efficiency. Johnson, 28, who made his name as a role player in Phoenix, is averaging 18 points in Brooklyn. He’s taking more shots from close range, while still knocking 42.2% of his 3s. Johnson flashed his scoring potential most last month when he erupted for 34 and 37 points in back-to-back games against the Hornets and Sixers, respectively. – Herring

22. Detroit Pistons

  • 2024-25 record: 9-14
  • Previous ranking: 19
  • Next games: @ BOS (Dec. 4), @ NYK (Dec. 7)

The fact that the Pistons entered Tuesday’s NBA Cup group stage finale against Milwaukee with a chance to win their group is a measure of their improvement this season. Despite the loss to the Bucks, Detroit finished 3-1 in group play, having blown out the Pacers by 24 on the road Friday. That’s more wins in the NBA Cup alone than the Pistons had in all games last season before Christmas. Additionally, the 24-point margin in Indiana was Detroit’s largest victory since April 2021. – Pelton

23. Chicago Bulls

  • 2024-25 record: 9-13
  • Previous ranking: 23
  • Next games: @ SA (Dec. 5), vs. IND (Dec. 6), vs. PHI (Dec. 8)

The Bulls’ defense has been a major issue. They are 27th in defensive efficiency this season, surrendering more than 135 points four times in the past two weeks. It’s the main reason – despite a fast-paced, effective offense – they are 9-13 and in eighth place in the Eastern Conference. – Collier

24. Portland Trail Blazers

  • 2024-25 record: 8-14
  • Previous ranking: 25
  • Next games: vs. UTAH (Dec. 6), @ LAL (Dec. 8)

The Blazers kept their slim hopes of advancing in the NBA Cup alive Friday by beating the slumping Kings before seeing their four-game home winning streak ended Sunday by the Mavericks. Competitive losses are a good sign for Portland, which entered Tuesday with the league’s largest average margin of defeat (18.4) despite having more wins than six other teams. The Blazers’ depth – particularly backup point guard Dalano Banton – has been a plus as they manage injuries to recent lottery picks Donovan Clingan (MCL sprain) and Scoot Henderson (quadriceps contusion). – Pelton

25. Toronto Raptors

  • 2024-25 record: 7-15
  • Previous ranking: 28
  • Next games: vs. OKC (Dec. 5), vs. DAL (Dec. 7), vs. NYK (Dec. 9)

While Scottie Barnes and Immanuel Quickley have missed large chunks of this season with injuries, RJ Barrett has stepped up, averaging more than 23 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists while shooting 45.7% from the field and 35.7% from 3. If Barrett can boost his efficiency as Barnes works himself back into the lineup and when Quickley eventually returns, he’ll fit nicely on the wing moving forward. – Bontemps

26. Charlotte Hornets

  • 2024-25 record: 6-15
  • Previous ranking: 24
  • Next games: @ NYK (Dec. 5), vs. CLE (Dec. 7), @ IND (Dec. 8)

The biggest news out of Charlotte over the past week is LaMelo Ball’s calf strain, which the team said would keep him out for at least two weeks. The club, which has played without Ball for the vast majority of the past two seasons because of injuries, hopes for a speedy return, if only because of the massive impact the guard has on the Hornets’ offense. The club’s offense is 12 points better per 100 possessions – essentially the same margin between the first-ranked Knicks and 25th-ranked Charlotte – when Ball and his 31 points per game are on the court. – Herring

27. Philadelphia 76ers

  • 2024-25 record: 5-14
  • Previous ranking: 27
  • Next games: vs. ORL (Dec. 4), vs. ORL (Dec. 6), @ CHI (Dec. 8)

An already small 76ers team took yet another hit Saturday, when center Andre Drummond suffered a sprained ankle that will sideline him for at least three games. That led the 76ers to sign 6-10 forward Pete Nance – brother of Hawks forward Larry Nance Jr. – to a two-way contract. The big man Philly hopes to get back soon, Joel Embiid, continues to sit for both left knee injury management and personal reasons. – Bontemps

28. Utah Jazz

  • 2024-25 record: 4-17
  • Previous ranking: 29
  • Next games: @ POR (Dec. 6), @ SAC (Dec. 8)

The Jazz have determined that it’s best for Cody Williams to get his playing time in the G League at this point in the rookie lottery pick’s development, opening some rotation minutes for second-year wing Brice Sensabaugh. Sensabaugh has averaged 12.0 points and shot 42.9% from 3-point range entering Tuesday night, but the defensive end has been a struggle. The Jazz have allowed 125.3 points per 100 possessions with Sensabaugh on the court in that span. – MacMahon

29. New Orleans Pelicans

  • 2024-25 record: 4-18
  • Previous ranking: 26
  • Next games: vs. PHX (Dec. 5), vs. OKC (Dec. 7), @ SA (Dec. 8)

The Pelicans received a much-needed break coming out of Monday’s loss at Atlanta that ended a three-game road trip. But a break in play won’t rescue the wounded Pels. Over its next five games, New Orleans hosts Phoenix and Oklahoma City ahead of matchups at San Antonio and Houston, followed by a Dec. 21 clash with the Knicks. Meanwhile, Zion Williamson, Brandon Ingram, Jose Alvarado, Jordan Hawkins and Herbert Jones remain out. By now, David Griffin is likely pondering pulling the plug on the season to work toward obtaining a top pick in a loaded draft. – Wright

30. Washington Wizards

  • 2024-25 record: 2-17
  • Previous ranking: 30
  • Next games: vs. DAL (Dec. 5), vs. DEN (Dec. 7), vs. MEM (Dec. 8)

Washington’s sink to the abyss of the standings continued with a 31-point loss at Cleveland. The Wizards now have lost 15 straight games, the last nine by 10 or more points each. Making matters worse, Malcolm Brogdon, Kyshawn George and Corey Kispert all left the loss in Cleveland with injuries. And Kyle Kuzma is already sidelined with a rib injury. Washington’s next nine games don’t get any easier, either. – Youngmisuk

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