By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, Devon Birdsong | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-01 06:37:38
马刺挺过了索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)的伤病期,但随着这两位计划中的首发球员回归,他们的首发阵容和轮换很可能会发生变化。
德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)回来了,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)也应该很快回归。教练组应该把他们放回首发阵容吗?如果放回,谁应该去替补席?
玛丽莲·杜宾斯基(Marilyn Dubinski): 这比预期的要复杂,因为目前由朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)组成的首发阵容表现不错,所以很难考虑拆散一套行之有效的阵容。话虽如此,瓦塞尔尤其出色,不应该一直打替补,我想马刺也是这么想的,索汉也是如此。与此同时,替补阵容需要一切可能的帮助,因为它太依赖凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)单场爆发得分才能有效。瓦塞尔和索汉可以提供帮助,但我想马刺也希望卡斯尔和尚帕尼也能做到。(另一个潜在的变动是让哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)打替补,但同样,他最近打得也太好了吧?)
马克·巴灵顿(Mark Barrington): 我认为马刺应该坚持让回归的球员打替补,直到他们准备好打正常的首发时间。我认为一旦瓦塞尔能够首发,尚帕尼在面对替补球员时会非常出色。名义上他们不打同一个位置,但他们都是侧翼,并且能够互相轮换。我认为让索汉进入首发阵容会更困难,因为卡斯尔作为首发表现得非常出色,但我认为最好的做法是,一旦每个人都健康了,就让斯蒂芬在替补席上打大量的上场时间,担任两个后卫位置。我认为一旦克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)离开,卡斯尔将成为首发阵容中的固定人选。
杰苏斯·戈麦斯(Jesus Gomez): 我会保持相同的首发阵容,但这可能行不通。年轻球员似乎没有太大的自负心理,但以首发身份进入赛季,然后因为伤病失去位置,可能会伤害瓦塞尔,尤其是赛季初表现出色的索汉。幸运的是,马刺已经习惯让从伤病中恢复的球员通过替补来找回节奏,所以教练组以及瓦塞尔和索汉都能看到球队在现有首发阵容和以他们为核心的第二阵容下的表现。如果结果不错,那么让卡斯尔和尚帕尼留在原位就更容易了。
德文·伯德桑(Devon Birdsong): 我认为首发阵容在一起表现出色时间越长,作为教练就越不想去改动它。所以,如果波波维奇和他的团队计划改变首发阵容,他们最好尽快行动。随着瓦塞尔回归并恢复健康,朱利安·尚帕尼显然是会被替换的选择(尤其是在文班(Victor Wembanyama)和索汉一起上场时,首发阵容的投篮空间确实存在一些问题),但这也是平衡球员自尊心和上场时间成为教练重要职责的时刻。只要波波维奇有一定的自主权(他可能没有),当瓦塞尔和索汉都回来的时候,我们可能会更多地了解他是如何管理球员个性的。在这两人中,我认为索汉现在是替补的选择,因为他有能力提升替补阵容的传球和防守,这两方面都是替补阵容所需要的。
在伤病潮中,像布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)、桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelshvili)和查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)这样的深度替补球员都曾有过高光时刻。你认为他们有人做得足够好,可以在球队阵容齐整的情况下留在轮换阵容中吗?
杜宾斯基: 我一直都支持马穆每场比赛至少获得一些上场时间,尤其是在和文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)一起上场时。他可能是最有潜力提供火花的球员,当他不打比赛时,你总会感觉少了点什么。当对位需要或者科林斯状态不佳时,我也不介意看到巴塞获得更多扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)的上场时间。马刺的阵容深度足以让他们在需要的时候进行试验或调整,所以他们不应该过于依赖一套轮换阵容。
巴灵顿: 在一个82场的赛季中,你真的需要名单上的每个人都能上场,除非你想像汤姆·锡伯杜(Tom Thibodeau)的体系那样过度消耗你最好的球员。我不认为这些球员中的任何一个在重要比赛的关键时刻赢得了上场时间,但他们已经做得足够好,可以在你想让首发球员休息的情况下获得很多上场时间,比如背靠背比赛的第二场。此外,在某些情况下,你需要像桑德罗这样的球员来投进一些球,我不介意给他机会在合适的情况下影响比赛。我对布雷克·韦斯利的发展很感兴趣,我希望约翰逊教练能继续把他放在比赛中,学习如何与NBA的对手竞争。取决于他如何处理这些时刻,他可能会赢得一个更重要的角色。
戈麦斯: 如果你考虑到马刺可以用现在的首发阵容加上特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)、瓦塞尔、索汉、约翰逊和科林斯组成10人轮换,那么其他人很难找到上场时间。我认为科林斯的上场时间不应该得到保证,所以如果巴塞能充分利用他得到的机会,他可能会进入轮换阵容,但其他人很难找到理由。韦斯利和马穆有时表现不错,但球队的阵容深度太深,他们无法获得稳定的上场时间。
伯德桑: 我认为理想的情况是分配科林斯和巴塞的上场时间,或者至少根据对位情况进行调整,但自从他6次盖帽的出色表现之后,巴塞并没有真正得到太多的上场时间,这有点令人惊讶。如果巴塞是一个篮板球更出色的球员,我认为他会得到更多的上场时间,因为马刺在使用单中锋时篮板球往往会被对手压制。他们的篮板率稳居联盟中游,但随着索汉缺席的时间越长,他们的篮板率也在慢慢下降。随着索汉的回归,我真的看不到其他人能突破,除非出现更多的伤病。
杜宾斯基: 每个人都有自己的高光时刻和低谷,但我选择马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)。他进入这个赛季,可能是既要证明自己又要避免失去位置,但他没有利用好自己的机会。马刺真的需要他在替补席上的得分能力,但最近他们一直在用更稚嫩的韦斯利,因为他至少带来了努力和拼劲。老实说,我仍然对马刺执行了他们两人的四年球队选项感到惊讶。
巴灵顿: 每个人都喜欢批评扎克·科林斯,但很难批评一个一直都很努力的球员。他不是一个好的防守者,更糟糕的是,当他被击败时,他有点太急于犯规。我希望他能成功,但他绝对是球队阵容中的一个薄弱环节,这是我去年不会说的。这正好说明了马刺的进步有多大,一个刚刚达到平均水平的球员可能是轮换阵容中最差的球员之一。我不相信巴塞是一个进步,因为扎克有很多巴塞还没有的进攻技巧,包括投篮和传球。所以,我不能说我真的对扎克感到失望,但我真的希望他在伤愈复出后今年能表现得更好,但也许这就是他的最终形态了。
戈麦斯: 正如马克所说,扎克·科林斯的各项数据并不糟糕。事实上,它们实际上很扎实。他也打得很努力。但他对球队的影响并不积极。他无法在不犯规的情况下防守,他的护框能力形同虚设,当他在场上时,对手会在内线肆无忌惮地得分,当他是篮下最近的防守者时,对手的命中率接近60%。科林斯作为防守者的局限性早在他在波特兰的时期就已经众所周知,他通常在进攻端做得足够多,至少可以弥补他在防守端的挣扎。而且他每场只打15分钟。如果马刺的赛季进展不顺利,他不会是主要原因。但考虑到圣安东尼奥在他康复上投入的资金,很难把他当成球队长远计划的一部分。
伯德桑: 瓦塞尔仍在逐渐恢复状态,所以我现在不愿对他进行评价。然而,我真的希望他在这个赛季提高防守水平。进入NBA时,他以良好的防守著称,但自首次亮相以来,他在防守端的表现一直起伏不定。在最近的马刺队中,这一点并没有真正引起人们的注意,但圣安东尼奥在防守端的进步最终会引起马刺球迷的注意。到目前为止,他只打了5场比赛,但到目前为止,他的净效率值在全队垫底( 差距很大 ),如果这种情况持续下去,那将是一个大问题。至于像科林斯和布拉纳姆这样的球员,我不能说我失望,因为我一开始对他们的期望并不高。
点击查看原文:Injury-free Spurs now need to figure out who starts and who sits
Injury-free Spurs now need to figure out who starts and who sits
The Spurs survived injuries to Sochan and Vassell but with the two penciled-in starters back, their starting lineup and rotation will likely change.
Devin Vassell is back and Jeremy Sochan should return soon. Should the coaching staff insert them into the starting lineup? And if so, who should move to the bench?
Marilyn Dubinski: It’s more complicated than anticipated because the current starting lineup with Julian Champagnie and Stephon Castle has been doing well, so it’s hard to consider breaking up something that’s working. That being said, Vassell in particular is too good to keep coming off the bench, and I imagine the Spurs feel the same about Sochan. At the same time, the bench can use all the help it can get since it is too dependent on a big scoring night from Keldon Johnson to be productive. Vassell and Sochan can help with that, but I imagine the Spurs are hoping Castle and Champagnie can too. (Another potential wildcard move would be to move Harrison Barnes to the bench, but again, has he played too well?)
Mark Barrington: I think the Spurs should stick with bringing the returning players off the bench until they are ready to play normal starter minutes. I think that Champagnie will be terrific against bench players once Devin is able to start. They don’t play the same position nominally, but they are both wings and are capable of spelling each other. I think working Jeremy into the opening lineup is going to be tougher since Castle has been so good as a starter, but I think the best move will be to let Stephon play big minutes off the bench at both guard positions once everyone is healthy. I think that once Chris Paul moves on, Castle will become a fixture in the starting lineup.
Jesus Gomez: I’d keep the same starting lineup, but it’s probably impossible to do it. The young players don’t seem to have huge egos but coming into the season as starters and losing their spot because of injury would probably hurt Vassell and especially Sochan, who was putting up big numbers earlier in the year. Luckily, the Spurs have made it common practice to have players who are coming back from injury get their rhythm back by coming off the bench, so both the coaching staff and Vassell and Sochan will get a look at how the team looks with the current starting lineup and a second unit featuring them. If the results are good, it would be easier to keep Castle and Champagnie where they are.
Devon Birdsong: I imagine the longer a starting unit excels together, the less you want to tamper with it as a coach. So, if Mitch and Co. are planning on making changes to the starting unit, they better do it soon. Julian Champagnie is the obvious choice with Devin Vassell back and healthy (especially since the starting unit had some real spacing issues when Wemby and Sochan played together), but this is the part where balancing egos and playing time becomes an important part of being a coach. So long as Mitch is being given a certain degree of freedom (and he may not be), we’re probably going to learn a lot about how he manages personalities when Vassell and Sochan are both back. Out of those two, I think Sochan is the bench choice for now with his ability to make that unit’s passing and defense better, both of which are a need.
Deep bench players like Blake Wesley, Sandro Mamukelshvili and Charles Bassey have had their moments amid all their injuries. Do you think any of them have done enough to stay in the rotation with the team at full strength?
Dubinski: I will always be a fan of Mamu getting at least some minutes each game, especially alongside Victor Wembanyama. He’s a player with perhaps the most potential to provide a spark, and he always feels missed when he doesn’t play. I also wouldn’t mind seeing Bassey get more of Zach Collins’ minutes either when the match-up calls for it or if Collins is just having an off night. The Spurs are deep enough to experiment or make adjustments when needed, so they shouldn’t get too married to one rotation.
Barrington: In an 82-game season, you really need everyone on the roster to be able to put in minutes, unless you want to wear down your best players in a Tom Thibodeau-like system. I don’t think any of those players have earned crunch time minutes in big games, but they’ve done enough to get a lot of run in situations where you want to rest starters, like the second game of back-to-backs. Also, there are certain situations where you need a guy like Sandro to hit some shots, and I don’t mind giving him an opportunity to affect games in the right situations. I’m intrigued by Blake Wesley’s development, and I would like to see Coach Johnson continue to put him in game situations to learn how to play against NBA competition. Depending on how he handles those moments, he might earn a bigger role.
Gomez: If you consider that the Spurs can go 10 deep with the current starting lineup plus Tre Jones, Devin Vassell, Jeremy Sochan, Keldon Johnson and Zach Collins, it’s hard to find minutes for anyone else. I think Collins’ minutes shouldn’t be guaranteed at this point, so Bassey could sneak into the rotation if he makes the most of the opportunities he gets, but it’s hard to make the case for the others. Wesley and Mamu have been good at times, but the team just has too much depth for them to get consistent playing time.
Birdsong: I think it might be ideal to split Collins’ and Bassey’s minutes, or at least change it around based on the match-up, but Bassey hasn’t really been getting much run since his 6 block performance, which is a little surprising. If Bassey were a more prodigious rebounder I think he’d be seeing more playing time, since the Spurs tend to get killed on the glass when going single-big. They’re solidly in the middle of the pack for rebound percentage, but they’re slowly dropping the longer Sochan is out. And with Sochan coming back, I really can’t see anyone breaking through after that, barring more injuries.
Has any Spur disappointed you with their play so far this season?
Dubinski: Everyone has had their moments, good and bad, but I’ll go with Malaki Branham. He came into this season with perhaps both the most to prove and lose, and he has not taken advantage of his opportunities. The Spurs could really use his scoring ability off the bench, but lately they’ve been going with Wesley’s much more raw game because at least he brings the effort and hustle. Honestly, I remain surprised that the Spurs picked up both of their fourth-year team options.
Barrington: Everybody likes to bag on Zach Collins, but it’s hard to criticize a guy who plays that hard all of the time. He’s not a good defender, and to make it worse, he’s a bit too eager to take a foul when he gets beat. I’m rooting for him to succeed, but he’s definitely one of the weaker spots on the roster, which I wouldn’t have said last year. It just goes to show how much the Spurs have improved that a player who is just about average is probably one of the worst in the rotation. I’m not convinced that Bassey is an improvement, because Zach has a lot of offensive skills, both shooting and passing, that Bassey doesn’t have yet. So, I can’t say that I’m really that disappointed with Zach, but I really was hoping for him to be better this year after returning from injury, but maybe this really is his final form.
Gomez: As Mark says, Zach Collins’ numbers are not terrible. In fact, they are actually solid. He plays hard, too. But his impact on the team has not been positive. He can’t defend without fouling and his rim protection is non-existent, with opponents relentlessly scoring inside when he’s on the floor and shooting close to 60 percent when he’s the closest defender at the rim. Collins’ limitations as a defender were well-known even from his time in Portland and he normally does enough on offense to at least mitigate his struggles on that end. He also only plays 15 minutes a game. If the Spurs’ season doesn’t go well, he won’t be the main reason why. But it’s hard to make a case for him as a long-term piece, which is not great considering the investment San Antonio made in his recovery.
Birdsong: Devin Vassell is still rounding into form, so I’m loathe to point to him right now. However, I’m really looking for him to improve defensively this season. Coming into the NBA he had a reputation for good defensive play, but he’s really been up-and-down in that area since his debut. On recent Spurs teams, that’s something that really didn’t stick out, but San Antonio’s improvements on that end will make this something that eventually draws attention from Spurs fans. He’s only played 5 games so far, but he’s bottom of the team for Net Rating so far (by a lot), and that could be a big problem if it holds up. As for players like Collins and Branham, I can’t say I’m disappointed because my hopes really weren’t that lofty for them in the first place.
By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, Devon Birdsong, via Pounding The Rock