[ESPN] NBA 实力排行榜:迄今为止从 30 支球队身上学到的最大教训

By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2024-11-27 21:00:00



2024-25 NBA 赛季已经过去了一个多月,NBA 杯小组赛也已过半,各支球队本周将面临淘汰赛的争夺。




本周,我们请 NBA 内部人士从每支球队身上挑选出一个本赛季学到的教训。在第一个月里,哪些球队奏效了,哪些没有?伤病如何影响机会?哪些球队已经进入重建模式?

以下是所有 30 支球队的最新排名。

注:球队排名基于我们专家组成员(ESPN 的蒂姆·邦坦普斯、贾马尔·科利尔、迈克尔·莱特(Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪、戴夫·麦克梅纳明、奥姆·扬米苏克、克里斯·赫林和凯文·佩尔顿)认为球队在本赛季应有的位置。

先前排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日 | 11 月 20 日

金州勇士队在竞争激烈的西部联盟中仅次于俄克拉荷马城雷霆队,由超级巨星斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)领衔,这是他的第 16 个赛季。 ESPN 跳转到球队:

  1. 克利夫兰骑士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 17-1
  • 先前排名: 1
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 ATL(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 ATL(11 月 29 日),对阵 BOS(12 月 1 日),对阵 WAS(12 月 3 日)

克利夫兰的时代到来了。 轮换阵容中只有两名 30 岁或以上的球员(卡里斯·勒韦尔和乔治斯·尼昂),球队也迎来了新教练肯尼·阿特金森,而且球队连续两个赛季进入季后赛,如果克利夫兰把这个赛季当作另一个基石,这是可以理解的。然而,15-0 的开局让多诺万·米切尔(Donovan Mitchell)在季前赛对 Andscape 的马克·斯皮尔斯发表的声明听起来很有先见之明:“当我们健康的时候,我们是冠军争夺者。” – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明

  1. 波士顿凯尔特人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-3
  • 先前排名: 3
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 CHI(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 CLE(12 月 1 日),对阵 MIA(12 月 2 日)

他们的三分球仍然势不可挡。 自上赛季开始以来,当卫冕冠军的三分球命中率超过 40% 时——包括周一击败快船的比赛——波士顿的战绩是惊人的 44 胜 1 负。但也许更令人印象深刻的数据是,当波士顿的三分球命中率低于 35% 时,凯尔特人的战绩是 20 胜 14 负。随着克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯恢复健康并回归,波士顿的前八名轮换球员都是优秀的三分射手,同时也能在防守端保持自己的水准。联盟中没有其他球队能与这种攻防两端的全面性相媲美。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯

  1. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13-4
  • 先前排名: 4
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 GS(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 LAL(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 HOU(12 月 1 日),对阵 UTAH(12 月 3 日)

在 NBA,身高仍然很重要。 即使在上赛季雷霆队一路高歌猛进,成为西部第一种子并进入季后赛第二轮的过程中,他们也吸取了这个教训,这就是为什么俄克拉荷马城将招募 7 英尺高的以赛亚·哈尔滕施泰因作为休赛期的首要任务。但是,当切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)遭受重伤,而哈尔滕施泰因仍在从手部骨折中恢复时,雷霆队仍然不得不忍受一段艰难的时期,从霍姆格伦受伤的那晚开始,雷霆队的战绩为 3 胜 3 负。在上周三雷霆队战胜波特兰的比赛中,哈尔滕施泰因在 29 分钟内得到 13 分、14 个篮板和 4 次盖帽,立即展现了他的价值。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪

  1. 金州勇士队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-5
  • 先前排名: 2
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 OKC(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 PHX(11 月 30 日),客场对阵 DEN(12 月 3 日)

没有哪个领先优势是安全的。 尽管勇士队表现出色,但他们还是以令人刺痛的方式让两场胜利从手中溜走,分别输给了马刺队和篮网队。他们在圣安东尼奥的最后 13 分 55 秒里挥霍了 17 分的领先优势,并且在背靠背的第二晚看起来很疲惫。然后,他们在最后 19 分 13 秒里又浪费了对阵篮网队时的 19 分领先优势。这是勇士队自 2000 年 4 月以来首次连续两场比赛在每场比赛中领先 15 分或更多的情况下输球。更令人痛苦的是,勇士队接下来的赛程极其艰难。他们接下来的八场比赛将对阵俄克拉荷马城、菲尼克斯、丹佛、休斯顿、明尼苏达和孟菲斯。 – 奥姆·扬米苏克

  1. 休斯顿火箭队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 13-6
  • 先前排名: 5
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 PHI(11 月 27 日),对阵 OKC(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 SAC(12 月 3 日)

坚决执行简单的战术就能获胜。 休斯顿展现出教练伊梅·乌度卡球员生涯中所特有的毅力和韧性只是时间问题。这主要体现在防守端,乌度卡要求他的球员赢得个人对位。火箭队的防守效率排名联盟第二,仅次于雷霆队。老将狄龙·布鲁克斯和弗雷德·范弗利特为休斯顿建立了防守至上的理念,塔里·伊森、阿门·汤普森和小贾巴里·史密斯等年轻球员也采用了这种理念,火箭队继续在致力于限制三分球的战术中努力。 – 迈克尔·莱特

  1. 丹佛掘金队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-7
  • 先前排名: 6
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 UTAH(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 LAC(12 月 1 日),对阵 GS(12 月 3 日)

掘金队必须重新找回他们在夺冠过程中所拥有的饥饿感。 虽然丹佛拥有世界上最好的球员尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic),但掘金队的比赛方式并不像他们有一个有限的争冠窗口期。掘金队已经体验过没有约基奇的生活,他离开了球队三场比赛,其中两场输给了实力有所下降的新奥尔良队和孟菲斯队。如果周一主场以 145-118 惨败给尼克斯队的比赛还不能唤醒丹佛,那么愤怒的迈克尔·马龙可能会这样做。“我需要尼古拉·约基奇,”当被问及除了拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克之外是否需要更多的声音领导时,马龙说道。“我需要贾马尔·穆雷。我需要那些一直在这里,在首发阵容中的球员发出声音。” – 扬米苏克

  1. 洛杉矶湖人队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-7
  • 先前排名: 7
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 SA(11 月 27 日),对阵 OKC(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 UTAH(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 MIN(12 月 2 日)

洛杉矶仍然存在同样的问题。 周六湖人队在下半场被掘金队羞辱——这是过去两个赛季第 14 次输给淘汰他们的球队中的第 13 次——安东尼·戴维斯说,湖人队的缺陷是全联盟都知道的。“对我们的球探报告,”戴维斯说,“当我们投丢时快攻,转换进攻和进攻篮板,冲击篮板。”湖人队场均快攻得分 19.3 分,联盟垫底,场均被抢进攻篮板 13.3 个,倒数第二。但嘿,至少他们知道该关注什么了。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 孟菲斯灰熊队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-7
  • 先前排名: 11
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 DET(11 月 27 日),对阵 NO(11 月 29 日),对阵 IND(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 DAL(12 月 3 日)

伤病带来机会。 小斯科蒂·皮蓬度过了一个多么美好的周末,他在他名人堂父亲的老球场——芝加哥公牛队的主场砍下了职业生涯最高的 30 分,16 投 13 中,还有 10 次助攻。这场比赛表明,一旦孟菲斯恢复健康,他们将变得多么危险。贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)周一复出,有趣的是,灰熊队在两届全明星球员缺席的比赛中比他参加的比赛进攻效率更高。莫兰特将期待在接下来的四场主场比赛中重新找到节奏,接下来的三场比赛将对阵胜率低于 50% 的球队。 – 莱特

  1. 奥兰多魔术队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-7
  • 先前排名: 9
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 CHI(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 BKN(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 BKN(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 NYK(12 月 3 日)

弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)可以胜任进攻核心的角色。 当保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero)在 10 月底遭受斜肌拉伤时,魔术队将如何弥补他的得分创造能力尚不清楚。班凯罗上赛季的使用率为全队最高的 30%,在本赛季魔术队的前五场比赛中,他的使用率高达 32%。自从班凯罗受伤以来,瓦格纳通过将他的使用率从 2023-24 赛季的次要角色的 26% 提高到 31.5%,在效率几乎没有下降的情况下,帮助填补了这一空白。即使班凯罗回归,教练贾马尔·莫斯利也可能希望瓦格纳与他分担主要的组织进攻职责。 – 凯文·佩尔顿

  1. 纽约尼克斯队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-7
  • 先前排名: 13
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 DAL(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 CHA(11 月 29 日),对阵 NO(12 月 1 日),对阵 ORL(12 月 3 日)

用新秀来扩展稀少的轮换阵容。 纽约仍在等待中锋米切尔·罗宾逊和普雷舍斯·阿丘瓦的赛季首秀,目前是一支相对单薄、不稳定的球队,替补后卫杜斯·麦克布莱德也因病和左膝受伤缺席了五场比赛。教练汤姆·锡伯杜的首发五人组的健康状况良好,在过去两周里,这五名球员每晚的出场时间都超过了 35 分钟。由于像值得信赖的麦克布莱德这样的球员缺席,锡伯杜已经开始启用像泰勒·科莱克和帕科姆·达迪特这样的新秀——这是他在过去几年中很少做的事情——只是为了在本赛季初的每晚比赛中拥有第八或第九名球员。 – 克里斯·赫林

  1. 达拉斯独行侠队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-8
  • 先前排名: 12
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 NYK(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 UTAH(11 月 30 日),客场对阵 POR(12 月 1 日),对阵 MEM(12月 3 日)

关键时刻的统计数据往往变化很大。 连续第二个赛季,独行侠队成为了这方面的一个极端例子。上赛季是一个巨大的进步,当时达拉斯是一支在关键时刻占据主导地位的球队,关键时刻胜率排名联盟第二(23 胜 9 负,71.9%),关键时刻进攻效率排名第一(127.1)。这与独行侠队在 2022-23 赛季交易得到凯里·欧文后的关键时刻的挣扎形成鲜明对比,当时达拉斯在 21 场关键时刻的比赛中输掉了 15 场,最终勉强进入乐透区。本赛季初,独行侠队又回到了那种状态,关键时刻战绩为 3 胜 7 负。在最后一分钟内,当分差在一个球以内时,达拉斯的投篮命中率为 15 投 5 中。相比之下,独行侠队上赛季在这种情况下的投篮命中率为 55.2%,联盟最佳。 – 麦克马洪

  1. 洛杉矶快船队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-8
  • 先前排名: 15
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 WAS(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 MIN(11 月 29 日),对阵 DEN(12 月 1 日),对阵 POR(12 月 3 日)

杰夫·范甘迪(Jeff Van Gundy)的防守至关重要。 尽管在波士顿惨败,但快船队的开局比预期要好得多,这主要归功于他们的防守。当范甘迪的防守体系发挥最佳状态时,快船队就是一个难缠的对手。在他们最近的五连胜期间,他们将金州、奥兰多、萨克拉门托和费城的得分都限制在 100 分以下。他们两次击败勇士队,在丹佛赢球,目前在西部排名第六。更不用说,他们是在没有科怀·伦纳德的情况下做到这一点的。在伦纳德回归之前,快船队成功的秘诀在于他们顽强而吝啬的防守。 – 扬米苏克

  1. 菲尼克斯太阳队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-7
  • 先前排名: 8
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 BKN(11 月 27 日),对阵 GS(11 月 30 日),对阵 SA(12 月 3 日)

凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)仍然处于巅峰状态。 本赛季杜兰特出场时,太阳队的战绩为 9 胜 1 负。在没有他的情况下,截至周二对阵湖人队的比赛,他们的战绩为 1 胜 6 负。在与美国队一起度过一个获得金牌的夏天后,这位 36 岁的得分手的比赛继续闪耀,他打出了 MVP 级别的表现(场均 27.6 分,命中率为 55%/43%/84%,还有 6.6 个篮板和 3.4 次助攻),这是他十多年前最后一次代表雷霆队获得该奖项以来的又一次出色表现。 – 麦克梅纳明

  1. 明尼苏达森林狼队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-9
  • 先前排名: 10
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 SAC(11 月 27 日),对阵 LAC(11 月 29 日),对阵 LAL(12 月 2 日)

化学反应需要时间。 虽然森林狼队坚称他们在训练营前夕的阵容调整——用卡尔-安东尼·唐斯换取朱利叶斯·兰德尔(Julius Randle)和丹特·迪温琴佐——会增加实力和深度,但本赛季很明显,球队需要时间来适应新的阵容。兰德尔有一些出色的个人表现,但森林狼队在防守端并没有展现出上赛季的强度。他们还有足够的时间来找到状态,但森林狼队在开局阶段的成长的痛苦是显而易见的。 – 贾马尔·科利尔

  1. 圣安东尼奥马刺队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-8
  • 先前排名: 17
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 LAL(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 SAC(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 PHX(12 月 3 日)

跟着老将走是正确的道路。 上赛季,圣安东尼奥直到 3 月下旬才取得他们的第一个三连胜。在周二击败爵士队后,马刺队目前正处于四连胜。老将克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)教会了年轻的马刺队在关键时刻的稳定执行力。圣安东尼奥在关键时刻的胜率(57.1%)排名前十,而上赛季他们在关键时刻的战绩为 13 胜 28 负。文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在缺席三场比赛后回归,而德文·瓦塞尔似乎也接近复出。 – 莱特

  1. 密尔沃基雄鹿队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-9
  • 先前排名: 21
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 WAS(11 月 30 日),客场对阵 DET(12 月 3 日)

不要反应过度。 在赛季开局不利后,雄鹿队已经开始有所好转。在进入周二的比赛之前,他们已经赢得了过去七场比赛中的六场,回到了东部第六的位置,尽管 2 胜 8 负开局,但他们又回到了季后赛的争夺中。自 11 月初以来,雄鹿队的防守效率排名前十,扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)打出了 MVP 级别的表现,场均得分达到职业生涯最高的 32.4 分,投篮命中率高达 61%。他们的连胜是在赛程相对轻松的阶段取得的,所以在宣布他们完全回归之前,让我们看看他们能否在面对更强硬的对手时也能做到这一点。 – 科利尔

  1. 迈阿密热火队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-8
  • 先前排名: 18
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 CHA(11 月 27 日),对阵 TOR(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 TOR(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 BOS(12 月 2 日)

首发阵容需要改变。 迈阿密在本赛季开始时就想看看特里·罗齐尔、泰勒·希罗、吉米·巴特勒和巴姆·阿德巴约的组合是什么样子。结果呢?在本赛季截至周二晚上的比赛中,这套阵容在八场比赛中每百回合净负 10.6 分。因此,罗齐尔在周二对阵密尔沃基的比赛中伤愈复出后替补出场,而巴特勒仍然扮演着更需要控球的角色——这可能是未来的趋势。 – 邦坦普斯

  1. 萨克拉门托国王队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-10
  • 先前排名: 14
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 MIN(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 POR(11 月 29 日),对阵 SA(12 月 1 日),对阵 HOU(12 月 3 日)

没有三分球,很难建立起精英级别的进攻。 在德阿龙·福克斯和多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯的二人组中加入了中距离大师德玛尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan)后,国王队在三分线内占据了主导地位。只有骑士队的两分球命中率比萨克拉门托的 58% 更高。然而,国王队的有效投篮命中率仅排在第 12 位,因为他们的三分球出手次数(第 24 位)和命中率(第 26 位)都接近联盟垫底。萨克拉门托可以期待状态低迷的凯文·赫尔特、马利克·蒙克和基根·穆雷的投篮表现有所好转,他们目前的三分球命中率都低于 30%。如果没有三分球,国王队的得分效率可能不足以让他们争夺前六名的位置。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 底特律活塞队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-11
  • 先前排名: 19
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 MEM(11 月 27 日),客场对阵 IND(11 月 29 日),对阵 PHI(11 月 30 日),对阵 MIL(12 月 3 日)

防守是最容易提高的地方。 人们对活塞队的关注主要集中在他们通过老将新援马利克·比斯利、小蒂姆·哈达威和托拜厄斯·哈里斯增加的投篮能力上。尽管底特律的进攻效率从第 27 位提高到第 21 位,但更大的进步是在防守端——这并不是新援的强项。就像伊梅·乌度卡上赛季执教火箭队一样,活塞队新教练 J.B. 比克斯塔夫带来了一种防守文化,帮助活塞队的防守效率从第 25 位跃升至第 12 位,使底特律队有机会争夺附加赛的席位。 – 佩尔顿

  1. 印第安纳步行者队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-10
  • 先前排名: 16
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 POR(11 月 27 日),对阵 DET(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 MEM(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 TOR(12 月 3 日)

每个赛季都不一样。 上赛季初,步行者队以强大的进攻和一位能够带领球队走向胜利的全明星控球后卫席卷联盟。但是,尽管上赛季步行者队一路杀入东部决赛,但本赛季印第安纳的一切都没有那么容易。他们的进攻从上赛季接近联盟顶级下降到本赛季目前的第 18 位。泰瑞斯·哈利伯顿(Tyrese Haliburton)状态不佳,伤病也削弱了印第安纳的板凳深度。与上赛季步行者队的快速开局相比,这是一个完全不同的开始。 – 科利尔

  1. 布鲁克林篮网队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-10
  • 先前排名: 24
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 PHX(11 月 27 日),对阵 ORL(11 月 29 日),对阵 ORL(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 CHI(12 月 2 日)

本·西蒙斯(Ben Simmons)正在退步。 周五,在一个争抢球的过程中,西蒙斯发现自己独自一人——完全空位——站在篮下,有机会扣篮或者轻松上篮。但是,在接到杰伦·威尔逊的传球后,西蒙斯仓促出手,甚至没有碰到篮筐。这一幕发生在费城,所有的地方中,偏偏是费城,西蒙斯在 2021 年季后赛中作为 76 人队球员时也曾有过类似的瞬间失误。这提醒了一个残酷的事实:即使西蒙斯以场均 6.6 次助攻领跑篮网队,他明显的自信心问题也让他成为了昔日球队核心球员的空壳,因为他不愿意投篮。在一个至关重要的合同年,西蒙斯场均仅出手 4.8 次,这对于这位 28 岁的球员来说是职业生涯新低,无论你是按每场、每分钟还是每百回合来计算这些出手次数。 – 赫林

  1. 亚特兰大老鹰队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-11
  • 先前排名: 20
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 CLE(11 月 27 日),对阵 CLE(11 月 29 日),客场对阵 CHA(11 月 30 日),对阵 NO(12 月 2 日)

失误可以抵消进步。 老鹰队本赛季在防守端有所进步——效率排名第 22 位,高于上赛季的第 27 位。但继续阻碍老鹰队防守的是他们的失误,以及对手利用他们的失误的效率。根据 Inpredictable 的数据,老鹰队的失误率高于平均水平,他们在活球失误后的失分率为每回合 1.42 分,联盟第二差。这个问题在上周三的比赛中暴露无遗,当时老鹰队在失误后让金州得到 22 分,最终输掉了比赛。 – 赫林

  1. 芝加哥公牛队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-11
  • 先前排名: 25
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 ORL(11 月 27 日),对阵 BOS(11 月 29 日),对阵 BKN(12 月 2 日)

重建宜早不宜迟。 公牛队赛季的前几周已经勾勒出这支球队应该如何应对重建过程中的起伏。他们仍在努力为后卫约什·吉迪(Josh Giddey)找到合适的定位,吉迪是他们重建的关键基石之一——当他在场时,他们的得分是负的。在防守端,他们很难限制任何球队的得分。在进攻端,公牛队仍然依赖于老将尼古拉·武切维奇和扎克·拉文,两人都迎来了反弹的赛季,但他们希望从年轻的核心球员身上得到更多。公牛队的重建可能来得有点太晚了,这让他们不得不在一个平庸的赛季中努力寻找方向。 – 科利尔

  1. 夏洛特黄蜂队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-11
  • 先前排名: 22
  • 接下来的比赛: 对阵 MIA(11 月 27 日),对阵 NYK(11 月 29 日),对阵 ATL(11 月 30 日),对阵 PHI(12 月 3 日)

前场深度现在至关重要。 在大个子马克·威廉姆斯和尼克·理查兹受伤——以及最近前锋格兰特·威廉姆斯(Grant Williams)受伤,他在上周末右膝前交叉韧带和半月板撕裂,赛季报销——之后,黄蜂队已经意识到他们要么挖掘自己的深度,要么找到一些深度来维持下去。39 岁的泰·吉布森最近几周已经成为轮换阵容的一部分,现在教练查尔斯·李将不得不弄清楚谁来顶替威廉姆斯的位置,威廉姆斯是一位多才多艺的前锋,他在单打防守中将对手的投篮命中率限制在 29.2%,在至少面对 20 次单打的防守球员中排名联盟第三。 – 赫林

  1. 波特兰开拓者队
  • 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-11
  • 先前排名: 23
  • 接下来的比赛: 客场对阵 IND(11 月 27 日),对阵 SAC(11 月 29 日),对阵 DAL(12 月 1 日),客场对阵 LAC(12 月 3 日)

不要对最近的结果反应过度。 开拓者队的球迷在 11 月份感到晕头转向是可以理解的。波特兰队交替经历着高潮和低谷,似乎是随机的。在主场以 45 分的劣势输给孟菲斯之后,开拓者队教练昌西·比卢普斯批评了球队的比赛态度,波特兰队随后以赛季最高的

点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: Biggest lessons learned so far from all 30 teams

NBA Power Rankings: Biggest lessons learned so far from all 30 teams


We’re a little over a month into the 2024-25 NBA season and we’re already past the halfway point of the NBA Cup group phase with teams facing knockout round clinching scenarios this week.

Some teams are dominating in group play, while others are focusing on the long-term goals of the regular season. Either way, every game counts when it comes to our weekly rankings.

The Cleveland Cavaliers are separating themselves from the rest of the Eastern Conference, riding one of the best starts in franchise history with their only loss coming at the hands of their biggest rival, the Boston Celtics.

Meanwhile, the Golden State Warriors appear to be in championship form again and are chasing the Oklahoma City Thunder, who are currently leading a stacked Western Conference.

This week, we asked our NBA insiders to pick one lesson learned from every team this season. What has, and hasn’t, worked out for teams in the first month? How are injuries impacting opportunities? Which teams are falling into rebuild mode already?

Here are the updated rankings for all 30 teams.

Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.

Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 20

The Golden State Warriors trail only the Oklahoma City Thunder in a stacked Western Conference, led by superstar Stephen Curry in his 16th season. ESPNJump to a team:\




NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\


1. Cleveland Cavaliers

  • 2024-25 record: 17-1
  • Previous ranking: 1
  • Next games: vs. ATL (Nov. 27), @ ATL (Nov. 29), vs. BOS (Dec. 1), vs. WAS (Dec. 3)

The time for Cleveland is now. With only two players in the rotation aged 30 or older (Caris LeVert and Georges Niang), the franchise incorporating a new coach in Kenny Atkinson and the group coming off two straight playoff appearances, it would have been understandable if Cleveland treated the season like another building block. Instead, a 15-0 start has Donovan Mitchell’s preseason declaration to Andscape’s Marc Spears sounding prescient: “We’re championship contenders when we’re healthy.” – Dave McMenamin

2. Boston Celtics

  • 2024-25 record: 15-3
  • Previous ranking: 3
  • Next games: @ CHI (Nov. 29), @ CLE (Dec. 1), vs. MIA (Dec. 2)

Their 3-point shooting remains unstoppable. Since the start of last season, when the defending champions shoot over 40% from 3-point range – including Monday’s rout of the Clippers – Boston is a staggering 44-1. But perhaps the more impressive stat is that when Boston shoots under 35% the Celtics are 20-14. With Kristaps Porzingis healthy and back in the fold, Boston’s top eight rotation players are all plus 3-point shooters who can also hold their own on defense. No other team in the league can match that two-way versatility. – Tim Bontemps

3. Oklahoma City Thunder

  • 2024-25 record: 13-4
  • Previous ranking: 4
  • Next games: @ GS (Nov. 27), @ LAL (Nov. 29), @ HOU (Dec. 1), vs. UTAH (Dec. 3)

Size still matters in the NBA. The Thunder learned this lesson even while en route to the West’s No. 1 seed and the second round of the playoffs last season, which is why Oklahoma City made recruiting 7-footer Isaiah Hartenstein the top offseason priority. But OKC still had to endure a stretch when Chet Holmgren suffered a serious injury and Hartenstein was still recovering from a broken hand, going 3-3 over the span which started the night Holmgren was hurt. Hartenstein instantly showed his value in his Thunder debut last Wednesday, recording 13 points, 14 rebounds and 4 blocks in 29 minutes during a win over Portland. – Tim MacMahon

4. Golden State Warriors

  • 2024-25 record: 12-5
  • Previous ranking: 2
  • Next games: vs. OKC (Nov. 27), @ PHX (Nov. 30), @ DEN (Dec. 3)

No lead is safe. As good as the Warriors have been, they let two wins slip away to the Spurs and Nets in stinging fashion. They blew a 17-point lead in San Antonio in the final 13:55 and looked tired on the second night of a back-to-back. And then they squandered a 19-point lead in the final 19:13 to the Nets. The Warriors lost consecutive games despite leading by 15 or more in each for the first time since April 2000. Making those losses even more painful is the fact that the Warriors’ upcoming schedule is extremely difficult. Their next eight games are against Oklahoma City, Phoenix, Denver, Houston, Minnesota and Memphis. – Ohm Youngmisuk

5. Houston Rockets

  • 2024-25 record: 13-6
  • Previous ranking: 5
  • Next games: @ PHI (Nov. 27), vs. OKC (Dec. 1), @ SAC (Dec. 3)

Intense execution of simplistic schemes wins. It was only a matter of time until Houston started to exhibit the grit and toughness that defined coach Ime Udoka’s playing career. It shows mostly on defense, where Udoka demands his players win their individual matchups. The Rockets rank No. 2 in defensive efficiency behind the Thunder. Credit veterans Dillon Brooks and Fred VanVleet for establishing Houston’s defense-first mentality that’s been adopted by younger players such as Tari Eason, Amen Thompson and Jabari Smith Jr. as the Rockets continue to strive in a scheme dedicated to taking away the 3-pointer. – Michael Wright

6. Denver Nuggets

  • 2024-25 record: 9-7
  • Previous ranking: 6
  • Next games: @ UTAH (Nov. 27), @ LAC (Dec. 1), vs. GS (Dec. 3)

The Nuggets have to rediscover the hunger they had during their title run. While Denver has the best player in the world in Nikola Jokic, the Nuggets aren’t playing like they have a finite window to contend. The Nuggets already got a dose of life without Jokic when he was away from the team for three games, two of which were losses to a depleted New Orleans squad and Memphis. If a 145-118 beatdown at the hands of the Knicks on Monday at home doesn’t wake Denver up, a livid Michael Malone probably will. “I need Nikola Jokic,” Malone said when asked about needing more vocal leadership outside of Russell Westbrook. "I need Jamal Murray. I need guys who have been here, in that starting lineup, to be vocal. " –Youngmisuk

7. Los Angeles Lakers

  • 2024-25 record: 10-7
  • Previous ranking: 7
  • Next games: @ SA (Nov. 27), vs. OKC (Nov. 29), @ UTAH (Dec. 1), @ MIN (Dec. 2)

The same problems persist for Los Angeles. After the Lakers were humiliated by the Nuggets in the second half Saturday – losing for the 13th time in 14 games against the team that eliminated them from the postseason the past two seasons – Anthony Davis said L.A.'s flaws are common knowledge around the league. “The scouting report on us,” Davis said, “run when we miss, run in transition and offensive rebound, crash the glass.” L.A. is last in the NBA, allowing 19.3 fast-break points per game and second to last in offensive boards allowed (13.3). But hey, at least they are aware of what to focus on. – McMenamin

8. Memphis Grizzlies

  • 2024-25 record: 11-7
  • Previous ranking: 11
  • Next games: @ DET (Nov. 27), vs. NO (Nov. 29), vs. IND (Dec. 1), @ DAL (Dec. 3)

Injuries open opportunities. What a weekend for Scotty Pippen Jr., who dropped a career-best 30 points at his Hall of Fame father’s old stomping grounds, shooting a sizzling 13-of-16 with 10 assists against the Bulls. The performance showed just how dangerous Memphis will likely be once it gets back to full health. Ja Morant returned Monday, and interestingly, the Grizzlies had been a little more efficient offensively in the games the two-time All-Star had missed than the ones he played. Morant will look to ease back into a rhythm as the next three games on the current four-game homestand come against teams with records below .500. – Wright

9. Orlando Magic

  • 2024-25 record: 12-7
  • Previous ranking: 9
  • Next games: vs. CHI (Nov. 27), @ BKN (Nov. 29), @ BKN (Dec. 1), @ NYK (Dec. 3)

Franz Wagner can handle a go-to role. When Paolo Banchero suffered an oblique strain at the end of October, it was unclear how the Magic would replace his shot creation. Banchero had a team-high 30% usage rate last season and was up to 32% of the team’s plays through Orlando’s first five games. Wagner has helped fill in the gap by pushing his usage rate from 26% in a secondary role in 2023-24 to 31.5% since Banchero’s injury with little decline in his efficiency. Even when Banchero returns, coach Jamahl Mosley may want Wagner to share lead playmaking duties with him. – Kevin Pelton

10. New York Knicks

  • 2024-25 record: 10-7
  • Previous ranking: 13
  • Next games: @ DAL (Nov. 27), @ CHA (Nov. 29), vs. NO (Dec. 1), vs. ORL (Dec. 3)

Extend a thin rotation with rookies. New York, still awaiting season debuts from big men Mitchell Robinson and Precious Achiuwa, is a relatively thin, precarious group at the moment with backup guard Deuce McBride having missed five games due to illness and a left knee injury. Coach Tom Thibodeau has had solid health with his starting five, leaning on each member of that group to the tune of 35 minutes per night or more over the past two weeks. With someone like the trusted McBride out, Thibodeau has turned to rookies like Tyler Kolek and Pacome Dadiet – something he has rarely done in past years – just to have an eighth or ninth player on a nightly basis this early in the campaign. – Chris Herring

11. Dallas Mavericks

  • 2024-25 record: 10-8
  • Previous ranking: 12
  • Next games: vs. NYK (Nov. 27), @ UTAH (Nov. 30), @ POR (Dec. 1), vs. MEM (Dec. 3)

Clutch statistics tend to have a wide variance. For the second straight season, the Mavs have served as an extreme example of this. It was a great development last season, when Dallas was a dominant closing team, ranking second in the league in clutch winning percentage (23-9, .719) and first in clutch offensive rating (127.1). That was in stark contrast to the Mavs’ clutch struggles in 2022-23 following the trade for Kyrie Irving, when Dallas lost 15 of 21 clutch games while limping into the lottery. The Mavs have reverted to that form early this season with a 3-7 clutch record. Dallas is 5-of-15 from the floor in the final minute with a one-possession margin. In contrast, the Mavs shot a league-best 55.2% in those situations last season. – MacMahon

12. LA Clippers

  • 2024-25 record: 11-8
  • Previous ranking: 15
  • Next games: @ WAS (Nov. 27), @ MIN (Nov. 29), vs. DEN (Dec. 1), vs. POR (Dec. 3)

Jeff Van Gundy’s defense is life. Despite a blowout loss in Boston, the Clippers are off to a much better start than expected largely due to their defense. When Jeff Van Gundy’s defense is at its best, the Clippers are a problem. During their recent five-game winning streak, they held Golden State, Orlando, Sacramento and Philadelphia each under 100 points. They’ve beaten the Warriors twice, won at Denver and are sixth in the West. Not to mention they’re doing this without Kawhi Leonard. Until Leonard can return, the Clippers’ recipe for success is their scrappy and stingy defense. – Youngmisuk

13. Phoenix Suns

  • 2024-25 record: 10-7
  • Previous ranking: 8
  • Next games: vs. BKN (Nov. 27), vs. GS (Nov. 30), vs. SA (Dec. 3)

Kevin Durant is still at the top of his game. With Durant in the lineup this season, the Suns are 9-1. Without him, heading into Tuesday against the Lakers, they were 1-6. Coming off a gold medal summer with Team USA, the 36-year-old scorer’s game has continued to shine, putting up MVP numbers (27.6 points on 55%/43%/84% splits with 6.6 rebounds and 3.4 assists) more than a decade after he last won the award with the Thunder. – McMenamin

14. Minnesota Timberwolves

  • 2024-25 record: 8-9
  • Previous ranking: 10
  • Next games: vs. SAC (Nov. 27), vs. LAC (Nov. 29), vs. LAL (Dec. 2)

Chemistry takes time. Although the Wolves insisted their roster shake-up on the eve of training camp – exchanging Karl-Anthony Towns for Julius Randle and Donte DiVincenzo – would add strength and depth, it has been clear this season that the team will take time to adjust to its new makeup. Randle has had some bright individual performances, but the Wolves have not brought the same intensity on defense they were known for last season. There’s plenty of time to capture it, but the Wolves’ growing pains out of the gate are apparent. – Jamal Collier

15. San Antonio Spurs

  • 2024-25 record: 10-8
  • Previous ranking: 17
  • Next games: vs. LAL (Nov. 27), @ SAC (Dec. 1), @ PHX (Dec. 3)

Following the vets is the way to go. Last season, San Antonio didn’t tally its first three-game winning streak until late March. The Spurs are currently riding a four-game run after defeating the Jazz on Tuesday. Credit veterans Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes for teaching the young Spurs consistent execution when the stakes are highest. San Antonio is a top-10 team in clutch time in terms of win percentage (57.1%) after finishing last season 13-28 in clutch games. Victor Wembanyama is back after a three-game absence while Devin Vassell appears closer to a return. – Wright

16. Milwaukee Bucks

  • 2024-25 record: 9-9
  • Previous ranking: 21
  • Next games: vs. WAS (Nov. 30), @ DET (Dec. 3)

Don’t overreact. After a disastrous start to the season, the Bucks have started to right the ship a bit. They’ve won six of their past seven games entering Tuesday to climb back into the No. 6 slot in the Eastern Conference, right back in the mix for a playoff spot despite a 2-8 start. Since the beginning of November, the Bucks rank in the top 10 in defensive efficiency, and Giannis Antetokounmpo is playing like an MVP averaging a career-high 32.4 points while shooting 61% from the field. Their win streak came during a soft spot in the schedule, so let’s see if they can do it against tougher competition before declaring them all the way back. – Collier

17. Miami Heat

  • 2024-25 record: 7-8
  • Previous ranking: 18
  • Next games: @ CHA (Nov. 27), vs. TOR (Nov. 29), @ TOR (Dec. 1), @ BOS (Dec. 2)

The starting lineup needs to change. Miami entered this season wanting to see what the group of Terry Rozier, Tyler Herro, Jimmy Butler and Bam Adebayo looked like. The result? That group, across eight games this season entering Tuesday night’s action, has been outscored by 10.6 points per 100 possessions. As a result, Rozier came off the bench after returning from injury Tuesday against Milwaukee and Butler remains in a more ball-dominant role – a likely trend moving forward. – Bontemps

18. Sacramento Kings

  • 2024-25 record: 8-10
  • Previous ranking: 14
  • Next games: @ MIN (Nov. 27), @ POR (Nov. 29), vs. SA (Dec. 1), vs. HOU (Dec. 3)

It’s tough to build an elite offense without 3-pointers. Having added midrange maestro DeMar DeRozan to the duo of De’Aaron Fox and Domantas Sabonis, the Kings have dominated inside the arc. Only the Cavaliers have shot better on 2-point attempts than Sacramento’s 58%. Yet the Kings rank just 12th in effective field goal percentage because they’re near the bottom of the NBA in 3-point attempts (24th) and percentage (26th). Sacramento can hope for better shooting by slumping Kevin Huerter, Malik Monk and Keegan Murray, all below 30% from 3. Without it, the Kings may not have enough scoring efficiency to threaten for a top-six spot. – Pelton

19. Detroit Pistons

  • 2024-25 record: 8-11
  • Previous ranking: 19
  • Next games: @ MEM (Nov. 27), @ IND (Nov. 29), vs. PHI (Nov. 30), vs. MIL (Dec. 3)

Defense is the easiest way to improve. Much of the focus on the Pistons has been on the shooting they added with veteran newcomers Malik Beasley, Tim Hardaway Jr. and Tobias Harris. Although Detroit’s offensive rating has improved from 27th to 21st, the bigger gains have been on defense – not exactly the strong suit of the additions. Much like Ime Udoka with last season’s Rockets, new Pistons coach J.B. Bickerstaff has brought a defensive culture that has helped the Pistons jump from 25th in defensive rating to 12th, putting Detroit in contention for a play-in spot. – Pelton

20. Indiana Pacers

  • 2024-25 record: 8-10
  • Previous ranking: 16
  • Next games: vs. POR (Nov. 27), vs. DET (Nov. 29), @ MEM (Dec. 1), @ TOR (Dec. 3)

Every season is different. The Pacers blitzed the league at the start of last season with a high-engine offense and an All-Star point guard capable of driving the teams toward wins. But despite a run to the Eastern Conference finals last season, nothing has come as easy for Indiana this season. Their offense has fallen from near the top of the league last season to 18th so far this year. Tyrese Haliburton has struggled and injuries have decimated Indiana’s depth. It’s a completely different start compared to how fast the Pacers began last year. – Collier

21. Brooklyn Nets

  • 2024-25 record: 8-10
  • Previous ranking: 24
  • Next games: @ PHX (Nov. 27), vs. ORL (Nov. 29), vs. ORL (Dec. 1), @ CHI (Den. 2)

Ben Simmons is regressing. Following a loose-ball situation, Simmons found himself all alone – wide-open – under the basket Friday with an opportunity to either dunk or drop in an easy layup. But upon catching the pass from Jalen Wilson, Simmons rushed the attempt, failing to even hit the rim. The play happened in Philly, of all places, where Simmons had a similar split-second flub as a Sixer during a 2021 playoff game. It was a reminder of a hard truth: Even as Simmons leads the Nets with 6.6 assists per game, his apparent confidence issues have made him a shell of his former franchise player self-due to his reluctance to shoot. In an all-important contract year, Simmons is averaging just 4.8 shots, which qualifies as a career low for the 28-year-old, regardless of whether you count those attempts on a per-game, per-minute or per-100 possession basis. – Herring

22. Atlanta Hawks

  • 2024-25 record: 7-11
  • Previous ranking: 20
  • Next games: @ CLE (Nov. 27), vs. CLE (Nov. 29), @ CHA (Nov. 30), vs. NO (Dec. 2)

Turnovers can cancel out improvements. Atlanta has improved on the defensive end this season – 22nd in efficiency, up from 27th last season. But what’s continued to hold back the Hawks defensively is their turnovers, and how efficiently opponents score off of them. Atlanta, which coughs the ball up at an above-average clip, is surrendering 1.42 points per possession following their live-ball turnovers, per Inpredictable, the NBA’s second-worst rate. The problem was on full display last Wednesday, when the Hawks lost after conceding 22 points to Golden State following turnovers. – Herring

23. Chicago Bulls

  • 2024-25 record: 8-11
  • Previous ranking: 25
  • Next games: @ ORL (Nov. 27), vs. BOS (Nov. 29), vs. BKN (Dec. 2)

It’s better to be early than late with your rebuild. The first few weeks of the Bulls season has outlined how this team should navigate the ups and downs of this rebuild. They are still trying to find the right role for guard Josh Giddey, one of the key building blocks in their revamp – they are currently being outscored with him on the court. Defensively, they are challenged when slowing any team down. Offensively, the Bulls are still relying on veterans Nikola Vucevic and Zach LaVine, both of whom are having bounce-back seasons, but want to get more from their young core. The Bulls rebuild may have come a little too late and has left them with a middling season to try and make sense of. – Collier

24. Charlotte Hornets

  • 2024-25 record: 6-11
  • Previous ranking: 22
  • Next games: vs. MIA (Nov. 27), vs. NYK (Nov. 29), vs. ATL (Nov. 30), vs. PHI (Dec. 3)

Frontcourt depth will now be crucial. Between the injuries to big men Mark Williams and Nick Richards – and most recently to forward Grant Williams, who this past weekend was lost for the season to a torn ACL and meniscus in his right knee – the Hornets have learned that they’re either going to tap into their depth, or find some to stay afloat. Taj Gibson, 39, has been a part of the rotation in recent weeks, and now coach Charles Lee will have to figure out who takes the spot of Williams, a versatile forward who was limiting opposing players to just a 29.2% field goal percentage on isolation plays, the third-best mark in the NBA among stoppers who had faced 20 or more isos so far. – Herring

25. Portland Trail Blazers

  • 2024-25 record: 7-11
  • Previous ranking: 23
  • Next games: @ IND (Nov. 27), vs. SAC (Nov. 29), vs. DAL (Dec. 1), @ LAC (Dec. 3)

Don’t overreact to recent results. Blazers fans can’t be blamed for feeling whiplash during the month of November. Portland has alternated highs and lows, seemingly at random. Blazers coach Chauncey Billups called out his team’s effort after a 45-point home loss to Memphis and Portland responded with a season-high three-game winning streak. Those good vibes dissipated with a 28-point loss at Houston on Friday, which the Blazers followed by beating the Rockets on the back end of a back-to-back. They couldn’t carry that over in a 25-point loss at Memphis on Monday. Portland’s five losses by 25 or more currently lead the NBA. – Pelton

26. New Orleans Pelicans

  • 2024-25 record: 4-14
  • Previous ranking: 27
  • Next games: vs. TOR (Nov. 27), @ MEM (Nov. 29), @ NYK (Dec. 1), @ ATL (Dec. 2)

The 2024-25 season might already be over. Injuries tell the tale and the latest news on star Zion Williamson isn’t promising with ESPN’s Shams Charania reporting he’s not close to a return. The team received positive news recently about a pending return for Dejounte Murray, while Brandon Ingram and Trey Murphy III have recently come back. Still, Williamson, Jose Alvarado (hamstring) and Herb Jones (shoulder) remain out due to injuries. Once everybody is healthy again, New Orleans will have a tough time fighting its way back into contention in a stacked West given how much ground it has lost already. Maybe it’s time to rethink the long-term plan for Williamson. – Wright

27. Philadelphia 76ers

  • 2024-25 record: 3-13
  • Previous ranking: 26
  • Next games: vs. HOU (Nov. 27), @ DET (Nov. 30), @ CHA (Dec. 3)

Age and injury concerns were valid. The 76ers entered the season with questions surrounding their ability to make it through the season healthy. Then, they proceeded to not even get to the regular season healthy. Now, more than a month in, Philadelphia has played a grand total of six minutes with its big three of Tyrese Maxey, Paul George and Joel Embiid on the court together – and, not surprisingly, sit at the bottom of the NBA standings, with no sign of things improving anytime soon. – Bontemps

28. Toronto Raptors

  • 2024-25 record: 4-14
  • Previous ranking: 29
  • Next games: @ NO (Nov. 27), @ MIA (Nov. 29), vs. MIA (Dec. 1), vs. IND (Dec. 3)

The youth movement is fully underway. The Raptors currently have five players averaging more than 30 minutes per game, with only one of them – Jakob Poeltl – north of 25 years old. The roster has fully been flipped from the 2019 title-winning squad and has instead been turned over to Scottie Barnes, Immanuel Quickley, Gradey Dick and RJ Barrett. As a result, Toronto is not competing for a playoff spot, but for ping-pong balls in the lottery – and the chance to add another young difference-maker. – Bontemps

29. Utah Jazz

  • 2024-25 record: 4-13
  • Previous ranking: 28
  • Next games: vs. DEN (Nov. 27), vs. DAL (Nov. 30), vs. LAL (Dec. 1), @ OKC (Dec. 3)

The early stages of a full rebuild are here. Unlike the past two seasons, when they were competitive until unloading veterans at the trade deadline, coach Will Hardy will have to deliver a lot of lessons this season. One is that minutes must be earned, even for a franchise likely (and hopefully) headed for a high lottery pick. Rookie Cody Williams, the No. 10 pick, has struggled with this – he returned to the bench after seven games as a starter and has played single-digit minutes in two of the past three games. – MacMahon

30. Washington Wizards

  • 2024-25 record: 2-14
  • Previous ranking: 30
  • Next games: vs. LAC (Nov. 27), @ MIL (Nov. 30), @ CLE (Dec. 3)

It’s going to be another long season. Everyone knew this would be a rebuilding season in D.C. But when the Wizards beat the Hawks in consecutive games and were 2-2 to start the season, Washington looked like it could at least be competitive. Washington has lost 12 straight following those Atlanta wins, 11 of the losses coming by 10 or more points. At least building blocks like Bilal Coulibaly and Alex Sarr show flashes of improvement and continue to get plenty of minutes and experience. – Youngmisuk

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