[ESPN] NBA赛季初期奖项:专家预测MVP、最佳新秀等奖项归属

By ESPN staff | ESPN, 2024-11-25 21:00:00



如果在2024-25 NBA赛季进行一个月后就颁发NBA顶级奖项,哪些球员和教练能够获得这些令人垂涎的荣誉呢?

一些MVP级别的超级巨星,如扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)、乔尔·恩比德(Joel Embiid)和尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic),发现他们的球队在赛季初期表现挣扎。他们能否将球队带出困境,还是早期的磕磕绊绊会阻止这些前MVP再次获得梦寐以求的桂冠?

在被认为是2024年NBA选秀大会“小年”之后,一些令人惊讶的新秀立即产生了影响,引起了联盟的关注。亚特兰大老鹰队的状元秀扎卡里·里萨谢(Zaccharie Risacher)仍在适应联盟的节奏,但洛杉矶湖人队的达尔顿·克内希特(Dalton Knecht)替补出场就追平了新秀三分球纪录。

在赢得去年的年度最佳新秀之后,维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)能否在第二年更上一层楼,从四届最佳防守球员鲁迪·戈贝尔(Rudy Gobert)手中夺走这一奖项?或者,像德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)或OG·阿奴诺比(OG Anunoby)这样的防守悍将能否获得该奖项?


MVP | 最佳新秀 | 最佳防守球员
最佳第六人 | 最佳进步球员 | 最佳教练

丹佛掘金队的超级巨星尼古拉·约基奇将在2021年、2022年和2024年获得MVP之后,力争在本赛季成为四届MVP。 Kiyoshi Mio-Imagn Images## 谁将赢得NBA MVP?

普遍的观点是,尼古拉·约基奇必须跨过一道极高的门槛才能在五个赛季中第四次赢得MVP。赛季进行了一个月,根本不可能提出任何合理的论据来证明联盟中其他任何球员能够从约基奇手中夺走这个奖项。掘金队在周日晚上客场大胜湖人队的比赛中很好地说明了约基奇与其他球员之间的差距。约基奇打出了一场以他的标准来看相当典型的比赛(34分、13个篮板、8次助攻、2次抢断和1次盖帽),同时统治了这个奖项的亚军安东尼·戴维斯。 – Tim MacMahon

  1. 尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic),丹佛掘金: 50分(67%的第一名选票)

  2. 安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis),洛杉矶湖人: 22分(25%的第一名选票)

  3. 杰森·塔图姆(Jayson Tatum),波士顿凯尔特人: 12分

  4. 谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander),俄克拉荷马城雷霆: 11分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第5. 扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo),密尔沃基雄鹿: 6分

并列第5. 斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry),金州勇士: 6分

贾里德·麦凯恩是2024年NBA选秀大会的第16顺位新秀,本赛季为费城76人场均得到16.5分。 Photo by G Fiume/Getty Images## 谁将赢得NBA年度最佳新秀?

普渡大学的两届全国年度最佳球员扎克·埃迪(Zach Edey)在孟菲斯灰熊队扮演了重要角色,并且是进入本赛季该奖项的热门人选。但是赛季进行了一个月,2024年NBA选秀大会上连续被选中的两名球员——第16顺位的贾里德·麦凯恩(Jared McCain)和第17顺位的达尔顿·克内希特(Dalton Knecht)——发现自己走在了新秀队伍的前列。到目前为止,对于费城来说,这是一个彻底的灾难,但麦凯恩一直是76人队唯一的亮点。他以场均16.6分领跑所有新秀的得分榜,并且即使在周日对阵快船队的比赛中表现糟糕(28分钟内15投3中)之后,他的三分球命中率仍然达到了40%,场均出手超过6次。 – Tim Bontemps

  1. 贾里德·麦凯恩(Jared McCain),费城76人: 56分(83%的第一名选票)

  2. 达尔顿·克内希特(Dalton Knecht),洛杉矶湖人: 32分(17%的第一名选票)

  3. 扎克·埃迪(Zach Edey),孟菲斯灰熊: 12分

并列第4. 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle),圣安东尼奥马刺: 2分

并列第4. 杰伦·威尔斯(Jaylen Wells),孟菲斯灰熊: 2分

并列第4. 扎卡里·里萨谢(Zaccharie Risacher),亚特兰大老鹰: 2分

并列第7. 亚历克斯·萨尔(Alex Sarr),华盛顿奇才: 1分

并列第7. 里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard),休斯顿火箭: 1分

维克托·文班亚马以场均3.6次盖帽领跑联盟,并且是马刺队的得分王,场均得到22.9分。(Photos by Cooper Neill/NBAE via Getty Images)## 谁将赢得NBA年度最佳防守球员?

自上赛季开始以来,没有球员比维克托·文班亚马在职业生涯中多次盖帽的场次更多(71场),本赛季他为这支年轻的马刺队出场14次,其中11场至少送出3次盖帽,这支球队正在学习如何在势均力敌的比赛中战胜对手。文班亚马的盖帽数(51次)比安东尼·戴维斯和德雷蒙德·格林的总和(46次)还要多,同时还有18次抢断,尽管由于伤病缺席了三场比赛。 – Michael Wright

  1. 维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama),圣安东尼奥马刺: 43分(67%的第一名选票)

并列第2. 安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis),洛杉矶湖人: 16分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第2. 德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green),金州勇士: 16分

  1. 戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels),亚特兰大老鹰: 12分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第5. OG·阿奴诺比(OG Anunoby),纽约尼克斯: 5分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第5. 弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner),奥兰多魔术: 5分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第7. 埃文·莫布里(Evan Mobley),克利夫兰骑士: 3分

并列第7. 杰伦·萨格斯(Jalen Suggs),奥兰多魔术: 3分

并列第9. 贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.),孟菲斯灰熊: 2分

并列第9. 卢·多特(Lu Dort),俄克拉荷马城雷霆: 2分

  1. 切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren),俄克拉荷马城雷霆: 1分

佩顿·普理查德在波士顿凯尔特人队的第五个赛季场均得到职业生涯最高的14.9分。(Photo by Brian Babineau/NBAE via Getty Images)## 谁将赢得NBA年度最佳第六人?

他受到的关注远不及波士顿星光熠熠的首发五虎,但佩顿·普理查德(Payton Pritchard)已经成为凯尔特人队夜复一夜最稳定的球员之一。作为替补,他场均出场27分钟,出手惊人的8记三分球,命中率高达41%,并且在凯尔特人队开局低迷的比赛中,他屡次为球队提供了重要的帮助。巴迪·希尔德(Buddy Hield)对金州勇士队也产生了类似的影响,他填补了克莱·汤普森的角色,作为斯蒂芬·库里身边的神射手(场均出手7.7次,命中率42.2%),而上赛季该奖项的获得者纳兹·里德(Naz Reid)本赛季继续在明尼苏达森林狼队的替补席上高效发挥(场均13.8分,整体命中率49.1%,三分命中率39.8%)。 – Bontemps

  1. 佩顿·普理查德(Payton Pritchard),波士顿凯尔特人: 39分(55%的第一名选票)

  2. 巴迪·希尔德(Buddy Hield),金州勇士: 31分(27%的第一名选票)

  3. 纳兹·里德(Naz Reid),明尼苏达森林狼: 12分

并列第4. 博格丹·博格达诺维奇(Bogdan Bogdanovic),亚特兰大老鹰: 5分(9%的第一名选票)

并列第4. 塔里·伊森(Tari Eason),休斯顿火箭: 5分(9%的第一名选票)

  1. 迈尔斯·麦克布莱德(Miles McBride),纽约尼克斯: 4分

  2. 特雷·曼恩(Tre Mann),夏洛特黄蜂: 3分

并列第8. T.J. 麦康奈尔(T.J. McConnell),印第安纳步行者: 1分

并列第8. 拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook),丹佛掘金: 1分

戴森·丹尼尔斯正在NBA的第三个赛季,也是他在亚特兰大老鹰队的第一个赛季,他场均得到职业生涯最高的14.2分和3.2次抢断。(Photo by Melissa Tamez/Icon Sportswire)## 谁将赢得NBA进步最快球员奖?

这个奖项的单月盘点可能是与季前预测差异最大的类别。戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels)是特雷·杨身边完美的补充后卫——也是联盟中最好的防守球员之一。一个指标:这位21岁的球员完成了联盟最高的102次破坏球,比排名第二的OG·阿奴诺比多40次。杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams)是进步最快球员奖的季前热门人选之一,他的得分、篮板、助攻、盖帽和抢断都创下了职业生涯新高——即使这位身高6英尺6英寸的侧翼球员在缺兵少将的雷霆队中有三分之一的时间打中锋。与此同时,卡姆·托马斯(Cam Thomas)正处于他迄今为止效率最高的赛季,场均得到24分多一点,因为他正在为重建中的篮网队拓展自己的组织能力。 – Chris Herring

  1. 戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels),亚特兰大老鹰: 25分(33%的第一名选票)

  2. 杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams),俄克拉荷马城雷霆: 17分(17%的第一名选票)

  3. 卡姆·托马斯(Cam Thomas),布鲁克林篮网: 11分(17%的第一名选票)

并列第4. 埃文·莫布里(Evan Mobley),克利夫兰骑士: 10分(17%的第一名选票)

并列第4. 杰伦·约翰逊(Jalen Johnson),亚特兰大老鹰: 10分

  1. 拉梅洛·鲍尔(LaMelo Ball),夏洛特黄蜂: 8分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第7. 泰·杰罗姆(Ty Jerome),克利夫兰骑士: 5分(8%的第一名选票)

并列第7. 凯德·坎宁安(Cade Cunningham),底特律活塞: 5分

  1. 阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun),休斯顿火箭: 4分

并列第10. 诺曼·鲍威尔(Norman Powell),洛杉矶快船: 3分

并列第10. 本内迪克特·马图林(Bennedict Mathurin),印第安纳步行者: 3分

并列第12. 弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner),奥兰多魔术: 1分

并列第12. 奥沙伊·阿巴吉(Ochai Agbaji),多伦多猛龙: 1分

肯尼·阿特金森于6月被克利夫兰骑士队聘用,并带领他的新球队取得了15胜0负的开局,这是自2015-16赛季的金州勇士队以来NBA球队最佳开局。(Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images)## 谁将赢得NBA年度最佳教练?

在篮网队不光彩地结束了四年的执教生涯四年后——因为他被解雇的原因是不适合执教一支拥有凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)和凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)的球队(仿佛真的有人适合)——肯尼·阿特金森(Kenny Atkinson)似乎在克利夫兰找到了完美的第二春。骑士队赛季初的15连胜让他们成为了联盟的焦点,阿特金森的球队拥有联盟第一的进攻和第十的防守。刚刚结束自己的第一个完整赛季并率队夺冠的乔·马祖拉(Joe Mazzulla)是迄今为止唯一一位找到破解阿特金森骑士队方法的教练,他让克利夫兰吞下了唯一的败仗。尽管上赛季未能从小组赛突围,并且在休赛期失去了传奇人物克莱·汤普森,但史蒂夫·科尔(Steve Kerr)仍然带领勇士队向他的第五枚总冠军戒指发起冲击。 – Dave McMenamin

  1. 肯尼·阿特金森(Kenny Atkinson),克利夫兰骑士: 60分(100%的第一名选票)

  2. 乔·马祖拉(Joe Mazzulla),波士顿凯尔特人: 16分

  3. 史蒂夫·科尔(Steve Kerr),金州勇士: 8分

并列第4. 伊梅·乌度卡(Ime Udoka),休斯顿火箭: 7分

并列第4. JJ·雷迪克(JJ Redick),洛杉矶湖人: 7分

  1. 贾马尔·莫斯利(Jamahl Mosley),奥兰多魔术: 4分

  2. 马克·戴格诺特(Mark Daigneault),俄克拉荷马城雷霆: 3分

  3. J.B. 比克斯塔夫(J.B. Bickerstaff),底特律活塞: 2分

  4. 迈克尔·马龙(Michael Malone),丹佛掘金: 1分

点击查看原文:NBA early-season awards: Expert picks for MVP, ROY and more so far

NBA early-season awards: Expert picks for MVP, ROY and more so far


If the top NBA awards were handed out one month into the 2024-25 NBA season, which players and coaches could stake their claim to the coveted titles?

A few MVP-caliber superstars such as Giannis Antetokounmpo, Joel Embiid and Nikola Jokic have found their teams struggling early in the season. Will they be able to lift their teams out of these ruts, or will early hiccups prevent these former MVPs from claiming the coveted crown again?

After what was considered a down year for the 2024 NBA draft class, a few surprising rookies have made an immediate impact, putting the league on notice. Atlanta Hawks No. 1 pick Zaccharie Risacher is still adjusting to the pace of the league, but the Los Angeles Lakers’ Dalton Knecht just tied the rookie 3-point record coming off the bench.

After winning Rookie of the Year last season, will Victor Wembanyama make the leap in Year 2 and take the Defensive Player of the Year title from four-time winner Rudy Gobert? Or will another defensive stalwart, such as Draymond Green or OG Anunoby, claim the award?

We asked our NBA insiders to rank their top three choices for the six major awards up to this point in the season. A first-place vote received five points, a second-place vote received three and a third-place vote received one.

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Sixth Man | MIP | COY

Denver Nuggets superstar Nikola Jokic will look to become a four-time MVP this season after winning the award in 2021, 2022 and 2024. Kiyoshi Mio-Imagn Images## Who will win NBA MVP?

The conventional wisdom was that Nikola Jokic would have to clear an extraordinarily high bar to win his fourth MVP in five seasons. A month into the season, it simply isn’t possible to present a rational argument that any other player in the league can claim the award over Jokic. The gap between Joker and the field was illustrated quite well during the Nuggets’ road blowout over the Lakers on Sunday night. Jokic had a pretty typical performance by his standards (34 points, 13 rebounds, 8 assists, 2 steals and a block) while dominating Anthony Davis, the runner-up in this award category. – Tim MacMahon

1. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets: 50 points (67% of first-place votes)

2. Anthony Davis, Los Angeles Lakers: 22 points (25% of first place votes)

3. Jayson Tatum, Boston Celtics: 12 points

4. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Oklahoma City Thunder: 11 points (8% of first-place votes)

T5. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks: 6 points

T5. Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors: 6 points

Jared McCain was the 16th pick in the 2024 NBA draft and is averaging 16.5 points for the Philadelphia 76ers this season. Photo by G Fiume/Getty Images## Who will win NBA Rookie of the Year?

Zach Edey, the two-time national player of the year at Purdue, walked into a big role in Memphis and was the favorite for this award entering the season. But a month into the season, it’s a pair of players taken with back-to-back picks in the 2024 NBA draft, Jared McCain at No. 16 and Dalton Knecht at No. 17, who find themselves out in front of the rookie pack. So far, it has been a complete disaster for Philadelphia, but McCain has been the sole bright spot for the 76ers. He leads all rookies in points per game (16.6) and is shooting 40% from 3 on over six attempts per game even after a rough showing Sunday against the Clippers (3-for-15 FG in 28 minutes). – Tim Bontemps

1. Jared McCain, Philadelphia 76ers: 56 points (83% of first-place votes)

2. Dalton Knecht, Los Angeles Lakers: 32 points (17% of first-place votes)

3. Zach Edey, Memphis Grizzlies: 12 points

T4. Stephon Castle, San Antonio Spurs: 2 points

T4. Jaylen Wells, Memphis Grizzlies: 2 points

T4. Zaccharie Risacher, Atlanta Hawks: 2 points

T7. Alex Sarr, Washington Wizards: 1 point

T7. Reed Sheppard, Houston Rockets: 1 point

Victor Wembanyama leads the league in blocks per game with 3.6 and is the Spurs’ top scorer with 22.9 points per game. (Photos by Cooper Neill/NBAE via Getty Images)## Who will win Defensive Player of the Year?

Since the start of last season, no player has logged more career games (71) with multiple blocks than Victor Wembanyama, who has swatted at least three shots in 11 of 14 appearances this season for a young Spurs team that is learning how to outlast opponents in close games. Wembanyama has posted more blocks (51) than Anthony Davis and Draymond Green combined (46) to go with 18 steals, despite sitting out three games due to injury. – Michael Wright

1. Victor Wembanyama, San Antonio Spurs: 43 points (67% of first-place votes)

T2. Anthony Davis, Los Angeles Lakers: 16 points (8% of first-place votes)

T2. Draymond Green, Golden State Warriors: 16 points

4. Dyson Daniels, Atlanta Hawks: 12 points (8% of first-place votes)

T5. OG Anunoby, New York Knicks: 5 points (8% of first-place votes)

T5. Franz Wagner, Orlando Magic: 5 points (8% of first-place votes)

T7. Evan Mobley, Cleveland Cavaliers: 3 points

T7. Jalen Suggs, Orlando Magic: 3 points

T9. Jaren Jackson Jr., Memphis Grizzlies: 2 points

T9. Lu Dort, Oklahoma City Thunder: 2 points

11. Chet Holmgren, Oklahoma City Thunder: 1 point

Payton Pritchard is averaging a career-best 14.9 points in his fifth season with the Boston Celtics. (Photo by Brian Babineau/NBAE via Getty Images)## Who will win Sixth Man of the Year?

He gets a lot less attention than the members of Boston’s star-studded starting five, but Payton Pritchard has become one of the Celtics’ most consistent players on a night-to-night basis. In 27 minutes per game off the bench, he’s getting up an absurd eight 3s a game and hitting 41% of them, and he repeatedly has given Boston a significant lift in games where the Celtics have started out flat. Buddy Hield has had a similar impact for the Golden State Warriors filling the Klay Thompson role as a knockdown shooter next to Stephen Curry (42.2% on 7.7 attempts per game), while Naz Reid, last season’s winner in this category, is again having a productive season (13.8 points on 49.1% shooting overall and 39.8% from 3) off the bench for Minnesota. – Bontemps

1. Payton Pritchard, Boston Celtics: 39 points (55% of first-place votes)

2. Buddy Hield, Golden State Warriors: 31 points (27% of first-place votes)

3. Naz Reid, Minnesota Timberwolves: 12 points

T4. Bogdan Bogdanovic, Atlanta Hawks: 5 points (9% of first-place votes)

T4. Tari Eason, Houston Rockets: 5 points (9% of first-place votes)

6. Miles McBride, New York Knicks: 4 points

7. Tre Mann, Charlotte Hornets: 3 points

T8. T.J. McConnell, Indiana Pacers: 1 point

T8. Russell Westbrook, Denver Nuggets: 1 point

Dyson Daniels, in his third season in the NBA and first season with the Atlanta Hawks, is averaging a career-best 14.2 points and 3.2 steals. (Photo by Melissa Tamez/Icon Sportswire)## Who will win Most Improved Player?

The one-month check-in for this award is perhaps the category that looks the most different from the preseason picks. Dyson Daniels has been a perfect complementary guard alongside Trae Young – and one of the league’s best stoppers. One indication: The 21-year-old managed a league-best 102 deflections, 40 more than OG Anunoby, who ranks second. Jalen Williams, one of the preseason favorites for Most Improved, is logging career highs in points, boards, assists, blocks and steals – even as the 6-foot-6 wing plays a third of his minutes at center for the short-handed Thunder. Meanwhile, Cam Thomas is in the midst of his most efficient season yet, averaging just over 24 points as he expands his playmaking ability for the rebuilding Nets. – Chris Herring

1. Dyson Daniels, Atlanta Hawks: 25 points (33% of first-place votes)

2. Jalen Williams, Oklahoma City Thunder: 17 points (17% of first-place votes)

3. Cam Thomas, Brooklyn Nets: 11 points (17% of first-place votes)

T4. Evan Mobley, Cleveland Cavaliers: 10 points (17% of first-place votes)

T4. Jalen Johnson, Atlanta Hawks: 10 points

6. LaMelo Ball, Charlotte Hornets: 8 points (8% of first-place votes)

T7. Ty Jerome, Cleveland Cavaliers: 5 points (8% of first-place votes)

T7. Cade Cunningham, Detroit Pistons: 5 points

9. Alperen Sengun, Houston Rockets: 4 points

T10. Norman Powell, LA Clippers: 3 points

T10. Bennedict Mathurin, Indiana Pacers: 3 points

T12. Franz Wagner, Orlando Magic: 1 point

T12. Ochai Agbaji, Toronto Raptors: 1 point

Kenny Atkinson was hired by the Cleveland Cavaliers in June and led his new squad to a 15-0 start to the season, the best start for any NBA team since the 2015-16 Golden State Warriors. (Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images)## Who will win Coach of the Year?

Four years after a four-year stint with the Nets that ended unceremoniously when he was fired for not being the right fit to lead a team with Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant (as if anyone truly was), Kenny Atkinson has seemingly found the perfect second act for himself in Cleveland. The Cavs’ 15-game winning streak to start the season made them the toast of the league, and Atkinson has his squad boasting the No. 1-rated offense and No. 10-rated defense. Joe Mazzulla, fresh off a championship in his first season with the interim tag removed from his title, is the only coach to have figured out Atkinson’s Cavs so far, handing Cleveland its lone loss. And Steve Kerr has the Warriors in contention for a fifth ring under his watch, despite failing to get out of the play-in tournament last spring and losing franchise legend Klay Thompson in the offseason. – Dave McMenamin

1. Kenny Atkinson, Cleveland Cavaliers: 60 points (100% of first-place votes)

2. Joe Mazzulla, Boston Celtics: 16 points

3. Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors: 8 points

T4. Ime Udoka, Houston Rockets: 7 points

T4. JJ Redick, Los Angeles Lakers: 7 points

6. Jamahl Mosley, Orlando Magic: 4 points

7. Mark Daigneault, Oklahoma City Thunder: 3 points

8. J.B. Bickerstaff, Detroit Pistons: 2 points

9. Michael Malone, Denver Nuggets: 1 point

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