By LJ Ellis | SpursTalk, 2024-11-24 18:08:30
在周六晚 thrilling 的胜利战胜金州勇士后,圣安东尼奥马刺的战绩来到了胜多负少。这场胜利是马刺的三连胜,他们目前的赛季战绩为9胜8负。赛前,勇士是西部联盟的榜首球队。
比赛初期,马刺的情况每况愈下。首节过后,马刺以17-29落后,勇士将这一优势保持到了下半场。在第三节还剩两分钟时,圣安东尼奥马刺落后17分。值得庆幸的是,马刺在该节最后时刻连得7分,获得了一些 momentum。
在第四节,马刺队继续战斗。他们的防守稳固,进攻也开始运转。在比赛还剩4分25秒时,新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)用一记 driving layup 将比分扳平。在一次成功防守后,卡斯尔命中一记远距离三分,帮助马刺反超比分。随后,维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在卡斯尔的助攻下命中三分,在比赛还剩3分15秒时,马刺领先6分。
数据:马刺 vs. 勇士
马刺 vs. 勇士 – 最终评分
维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)
文班亚马前三节的表现并没有给我留下特别深刻的印象。他的投篮选择值得商榷,尤其是在三分线外。在防守端,他的反应也一反常态地缓慢。在膝盖挫伤后复出,他在球场上的跑动速度不如以往。然而,到了第四节,文班亚马表现出色。他的传球实际上是他最好的 attribute。他的9次助攻中有5次来自最后一节,他在比赛最后阶段用一系列完美的传球让勇士队措手不及。文班亚马在第四节还得到了12分,而且他在最后一节的防守也有了很大的提升。在他年轻的职业生涯中,他似乎能够在关键时刻提升自己的比赛水平。这对未来来说是个好兆头。
克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul)
保罗在29分钟的出场时间里表现稳健,但并不算惊艳。他送出了7次助攻,没有失误,并得到了9分,主要依靠4投2中的三分球。他的决策很明智,很好地组织了进攻。但说实话,保罗在摆脱金州勇士的防守方面遇到了一些麻烦。在防守端,这位39岁的老将控卫也遇到了一些问题,因为勇士队迫使他换防到一些 difficult 的对位。总而言之,保罗的稳健发挥对球队有所帮助,但他不是马刺今晚获胜的主要原因。
哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes)
斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle)
这位新秀令人印象深刻。首先,卡斯尔对库里的防守非常出色。我不确定我是否见过有哪个新秀能把金州勇士的超级巨星防得这么好。在进攻端,卡斯尔的表现也非常棒。他用强硬的突破得分,轻松地处理控球职责,并且做出了大量的正确判断。然而,我最欣赏他的一点是,卡斯尔在三分线外开局 slow 之后是如何回应的。他前四次三分出手全部投失。然后,勇士队不再防守他的三分出手,他又投丢了第五个三分球。但卡斯尔并没有放弃,他继续出手,最终命中了两个 crucial 的三分球。他的最后一记三分帮助马刺锁定胜局。
朱利安·尚帕尼 (Julian Champagnie)
特雷·琼斯 (Tre Jones)
琼斯的赛季开局依旧 slow,他在23分钟内只得到2分。然而,和尚帕尼一样,琼斯也找到了其他贡献球队的方式。他在防守端非常积极,积极拼抢地板球,并在掌控球权时保持进攻流畅。最终他需要拿出更 tangible 的表现,但至少琼斯在场时没有伤害球队。
桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利 (Sandro Mamukelashvili)
马穆克拉什维利坚持出手,最终命中了一记关键三分。他在篮板上非常活跃,在仅仅17分钟的出场时间里抢下了8个篮板。马穆的积极性为文班亚马和其他队友创造了 thriving 的空间。在防守端,他的表现基本合格。马穆本可以打得更有效率,但他为这场比赛带来了必要的无形资产。
布雷克·韦斯利 (Blake Wesley)
我很喜欢韦斯利的防守。他在防守端不如卡斯尔,但至少在同一个水平线上。他全速追赶对手,他的换防也很及时。在进攻端,他命中了一记三分球,并在有机会时很好地突破到篮下。韦斯利在油漆区的 touch 也许正在缓慢但 steady 地提升。
马拉基·布拉纳姆 (Malaki Branham)
扎克·科林斯 (Zach Collins)
除了一次 slick 的传球外,科林斯在进攻端的表现相当糟糕。他一直在 forcing the issue,并且阻碍了球队的进攻。在防守端,他有一个漂亮的盖帽,但在其他方面,面对金州勇士队不断移动的进攻,他显得有些缓慢。
米奇·约翰逊 (Mitch Johnson)
该死的,这家伙真会执教。防守战术非常出色。我喜欢他的进攻战术,尤其是考虑到他缺少德文·瓦塞尔、凯尔登·约翰逊和杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)。但约翰逊真正闪光的地方在于他的轮换。在第四节,他大胆地将保罗放在场下,让卡斯尔来组织进攻。当马穆的活力带动球队时,他给了马穆更多的上场时间。他使用韦斯利的方式很好地发挥了他的优势。当科林斯表现不佳时,他也及时将他换下。总的来说,对于一位37岁、未来无疑将很快成为联盟全职主教练的人来说,这是一场大师级的表现。
点击查看原文:Grades: San Antonio Spurs vs. Golden State Warriors – Game #17
Grades: San Antonio Spurs vs. Golden State Warriors – Game #17
The San Antonio Spurs now have a winning record after a thrilling victory over the Golden State Warriors on Saturday night. The win was San Antonio’s third straight and they’re now 9-8 on the season. Coming into the game, the Warriors were the top seed in the Western Conference.
Early on, things went from bad to worse for the good guys. The Spurs trailed 29-17 after the first quarter and the Warriors kept that advantage into the second half. With two minutes remaining in the third quarter, San Antonio was in a 17-point hole. Thankfully, the Spurs captured a modicum of momentum by scoring the final seven points of the period.
In the fourth quarter, the Silver and Black kept battling. Their defense locked in and their offense got rolling. Rookie Stephon Castle tied the game with a driving layup with 4:25 remaining in regulation. After getting a stop, Castle hit a long three-pointer to give the Spurs the lead. Victor Wembanyama followed with a three-pointer (off a Castle assist) to give the Spurs a six-point advantage with 3:15 remaining.
Down the stretch, San Antonio did enough to pull away with a 104-94 victory. Overall, it was a fantastic win. The Spurs played with heart and they were at their best during money time.
Stats: Spurs vs. Warriors
Spurs vs. Warriors – Final Grades
Victor Wembanyama
I wasn’t especially impressed with Wembanyama in the first three quarters. His shot-selection was questionable, particularly from behind the three-point line. He was uncharacteristically slow to react on the defensive end. In his return from a knee bruise, he wasn’t running up and down the court as swiftly as usual. However, once the fourth quarter rolled around, Wembanyama was excellent. His passing was actually his best attribute. Five of his nine assists were in the final stanza and he put the Warriors to sleep at the end with a series of perfect passes. Wembanyama also had 12 fourth quarter points and his defense was much improved in that final period. In his young career, he seems to be able to elevate his game in crunch time. That bodes well for the future.
Grade: B+
Chris Paul
Paul was solid but not spectacular in his 29 minutes. He had seven assists without turning the ball over and scored nine points primarily by nailing 2-of-4 three-pointers. His decisions were smart and he orchestrated the offense well. Truth be told, though, Paul was having some trouble getting separation from Golden State’s defense. On the other end, the 39-year-old point guard was having some issues because the Warriors were forcing him to switch onto difficult matchups. All in all, Paul’s steady hand was helpful but he wasn’t a leading reason why the Spurs won tonight.
Grade: B
Harrison Barnes
Barnes is starting to figure out his fit in San Antonio’s offense. Against the Warriors, he was deadly when making cuts when Wembanyama had the ball. He’s also spreading the court with quick trigger three-pointers. Barnes finished the night with 22 points and missed only one shot from the field — it’s difficult to get more efficient than that. He also didn’t turn the ball over and he made the right passes. Defensively, Barnes was nothing special but he was competing on that end.
Grade: A-
Stephon Castle
This rookie is so impressive. First of all, Castle’s defense against Curry was marvelous. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a rookie defend Golden State’s superstar that well. Offensively, Castle was pretty awesome. He scored on strong drives, easily dealt with ball-handling duties and simply made a ton of correct reads. My favorite part of his game, however, was how Castle responded after a slow start from three-point range. He missed his first four from deep. Then, the Warriors stopped guarding his three-point attempts and he missed a fifth from long range. But instead of giving up, Castle kept firing and ended up hitting two momentous three-pointers. His final three gave the Spurs the lead for good.
Grade: A
Julian Champagnie
I don’t think Champagnie should make this a habit but he once again found ways to contribute even though he was cold from three-point territory. He hit only 1-of-8 from beyond the arc but was 3-for-3 from two-point range, ran the court well and played some really good defense.
Grade: B-
Tre Jones
Jones’ slow start to his season continues, as he had only two points in 23 minutes. However, like Champagnie, Jones found other ways to contribute. He was a pest on defense, he was super quick to loose balls and he kept the offense humming when he was at the helm. More tangible goodness will eventually be needed but Jones is at least not hurting the team when he’s out there.
Grade: B-
Sandro Mamukelashvili
Mamukelashvili kept shooting and eventually hit an important three-pointer. He was very active on the boards and finished with eight rebounds in only 17 minutes. Mamu’s activity opened up space for Wembanyama and other teammates to thrive. Defensively, he was mostly fine. Mamu could have been more efficient but he brought the needed intangibles to this affair.
Grade: B+
Blake Wesley
I liked Wesley’s defense quite a bit. He wasn’t as good as Castle on that end — but he was at least in the same zip code. He chased players at full speed and his switches were timely. Offensively, he hit a three-pointer and did well to drive to the hoop when given a lane. Wesley’s touch in the paint may be slowly but surely improving.
Grade: B+
Malaki Branham
Branham was decent. He helped rescue a few possessions when San Antonio’s offense got stagnant. Efficiency was lacking a bit and his defense was nothing to write home about — but, again, Branham was decent.
Grade: B-
Zach Collins
Other than a slick pass, Collins was pretty darn bad on the offensive end. He was forcing the issue and getting in the way. Defensively, he had a nice block but otherwise looked slow against Golden State’s evermoving offensive attack.
Grade: D
Mitch Johnson
Damn, this guy can coach. The defensive gameplan was outstanding. I liked the playcalling on offense, especially considering he was without Devin Vassell, Keldon Johnson and Jeremy Sochan. But where Johnson really shined was his rotation. In the fourth quarter, he had the guts to keep Paul on the sidelines and run the offense through Castle. He gave extended minutes to Mamu when his electricity was powering the squad. The way Johnson utilized Wesley really played to his strengths. He also went away from Collins when that wasn’t working. Overall, this was simply a masterful performance by a 37-year-old who will undoubtedly be a full-time head coach in the league at some point soon.
Grade: A
By LJ Ellis, via SpursTalk