By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2024-11-20 21:00:00
2024-25 NBA 赛季已经进行了一个月,短短几周内,东西部都发生了很多事情。
第二届 NBA 杯赛于上周拉开帷幕,再次亮相了一些华丽的球场。小组赛将于 12 月 3 日结束,淘汰赛将于 12 月 10 日开始。
尽管在周二晚上输给波士顿凯尔特人队后,15 连胜的纪录被终结,但克利夫兰骑士队仍然保持着实力榜第一的位置。
密尔沃基雄鹿队能找到势头吗?费城 76 人队最终会克服伤病吗?让我们来看看本周的实力排名,看看所有 30 支球队的排名情况。
注:球队排名基于我们专家组成员(ESPN 的肯德拉·安德鲁斯、蒂姆·邦坦普斯、贾马尔·科利尔、迈克尔·莱特 (Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪、戴夫·麦克梅纳明、奥姆·扬米斯克、克里斯·赫林和凯文·佩尔顿)认为球队在本赛季应有的位置。
先前排名:季前赛 | 10 月 30 日 | 11 月 5 日 | 11 月 13 日
谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)和俄克拉荷马城雷霆队正在与斯蒂芬·库里和金州勇士队争夺竞争激烈的西部联盟第一名。 ESPN 插图 跳转到球队:
- 克利夫兰骑士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 15-1
- 先前排名: 1
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 NO(11 月 20 日),对阵 TOR(11 月 24 日)
骑士队的不败开局在周二于波士顿终结——尽管凯尔特人队在三分球得分差上领先 36 分,但骑士队还是以 120-117 惜败。尽管如此,骑士队在 11 月 17 日取得第 15 场胜利后仍然可以昂首挺胸。在勒布朗·詹姆斯效力骑士队的最后四个赛季中,骑士队最快达到 15 胜的日期是 11 月 30 日。 – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明
- 金州勇士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-3
- 先前排名: 4
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 ATL(11 月 20 日),客场对阵 NO(11 月 22 日),客场对阵 SA(11 月 23 日),对阵 BKN(11 月 25 日)
勇士队本赛季只输了三场比赛——其中两场输给了快船队。考虑到上赛季的糟糕开局,本赛季的早期成功对勇士队来说是一项重大成就。他们在赛季初遇到了一些伤病,但他们对赛季初的深度感到兴奋,事实证明这是合理的,他们想要依靠的防守特性也极其强大。一个令人担忧的领域是勇士队的罚球——在周一晚上输给快船队的比赛中错失了 10 个罚球。 – 肯德拉·安德鲁斯
- 波士顿凯尔特人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 12-3
- 先前排名: 2
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 WAS(11 月 22 日),对阵 MIN(11 月 24 日),对阵 LAC(11 月 25 日)
强者愈强。波士顿不仅继续取得胜利,在周二击败了此前不败的骑士队,而且克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯(Kristaps Porzingis)也在周一进行了本赛季的首次训练。这位拉脱维亚中锋由于休赛期脚踝手术尚未亮相,但有望在未来几周内复出——这不仅为卫冕冠军增添了另一位三分射手,而且还增添了一位精英级的低位进攻威胁,使他们的进攻更加多样化。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 11-4
- 先前排名: 3
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 POR(11 月 20 日),客场对阵 SAC(11 月 25 日)
卢根茨·多尔特(Luguentz Dort)正在证明他上赛季的三分球表现并非昙花一现。多尔特的三分球命中率达到了职业生涯最高的 44.9%,而上赛季他的三分球命中率为 39.4%,比他职业生涯前四年的命中率提高了 6 个百分点以上。他已赢得了精英级外线防守者的声誉,因此多尔特作为射手的进步使他成为联盟中最优秀的球员之一。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪
- 休斯顿火箭队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-5
- 先前排名: 10
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 IND(11 月 20 日),对阵 POR(11 月 22 日),对阵 POR(11 月 23 日)
请注意。在周日客场战胜芝加哥公牛队后,火箭队取得了自 2019-20 赛季以来最好的 14 场开局,他们是西部最炙手可热的球队之一。火箭队本赛季还没有连败过,而且随着阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun)在防守端的不断进步,他们令人窒息的防守似乎也在不断提高。火箭队在周二之前的防守效率排名联盟第三(105.2),而且两名替补球员——阿门·汤普森和塔里·伊森——可以说是火箭队防守效率高的最重要贡献者,他们也正在努力争取进入首发阵容。 – 莱特
- 丹佛掘金队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-5
- 先前排名: 5
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 DAL (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 LAL (11 月 23 日), 对阵 NYK (11 月 25 日)
掘金队已经知道没有尼古拉·约基奇的生活是非常艰难的——他们在没有这位 MVP 的情况下历史战绩是 19 胜 28 负。由于个人原因,约基奇周二晚上在孟菲斯错过了他的第三场比赛。没有约基奇,掘金队输给了伤兵满营的新奥尔良鹈鹕队,然后在周日输给了孟菲斯灰熊队 15 分,尽管贾·莫兰特和马库斯·斯马特都没有上场。在没有约基奇的前两场比赛中,贾马尔·穆雷总共只得到 29 分,但在周二对阵灰熊队的比赛中,他以 27 分带领掘金队取得了胜利。迈克尔·马龙赛后表示,这位控球后卫的得分困境并不仅仅在于穆雷,他还必须为队友创造机会。“[但是]如果不是他,你就是在要求一些非常年轻的球员承担他们可能还没有准备好承担的重任,”马龙说。 – 奥姆·扬米斯克
- 洛杉矶湖人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 10-4
- 先前排名: 11
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 ORL (11 月 21 日), 对阵 DEN (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 PHX (11 月 26 日)
本周末,湖人队将迎来一场早期的试金石,看看他们的火热开局是否真实,届时他们将主场迎战掘金队。湖人队过去 13 场对阵丹佛的比赛中输掉了 12 场,包括连续两次在季后赛中被淘汰。但这场对决中加入了几个新角色。前湖人后卫拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克现在效力于丹佛,而湖人队拥有耀眼的道尔顿·克奈希特(Dalton Knecht),他在周二的比赛中砍下 37 分,并以 9 记三分球追平了新秀的记录。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 菲尼克斯太阳队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-6
- 先前排名: 6
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 NYK (11 月 20 日), 对阵 LAL (11 月 26 日)
在菲尼克斯,这似曾相识。去年,凯文·杜兰特、布拉德利·比尔和德文·布克只在一起打了 41 场比赛,而由于健康问题,太阳队再次陷入困境。自从杜兰特因左小腿拉伤缺阵以来,太阳队的战绩是 1 胜 5 负,包括自从比尔也因类似伤病缺阵以来,太阳队的战绩是 0 胜 4 负。太阳队正处于一个主场阶段,但在接下来的一周里,对阵尼克斯队、湖人队和勇士队这些有季后赛实力的对手,比赛并不会变得更容易。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 奥兰多魔术队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 9-6
- 先前排名: 17
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 LAC (11 月 20 日), 客场对阵 LAL (11 月 21 日), 对阵 DET (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 CHA (11 月 25 日)
在魔术队等待包括保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero)在内的几位关键球员恢复健康的同时,弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)一直保持着球队的稳定,并获得了东部周最佳球员的荣誉。在过去的七场比赛中,瓦格纳场均得到 27.4 分和 6.1 个篮板,投篮命中率为 46%。他连续七场比赛得分达到 20 分,追平了他职业生涯的最长连续得分纪录。奥兰多是自 2018 年 12 月以来第一支连续六场比赛将对手得分限制在 100 分以下的球队。 – 安德鲁斯
- 明尼苏达森林狼队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-6
- 先前排名: 7
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 TOR (11 月 21 日), 客场对阵 BOS (11 月 24 日), 对阵 HOU (11 月 26 日)
狼队在上赛季打进西部决赛后仍在寻找他们的节奏,但新援朱利叶斯·兰德尔在周日上演了标志性时刻,他投中压哨绝杀,击败了太阳队。自从本赛季加盟明尼苏达以来,兰德尔的效率有所提高,投篮命中率为 51%,三分球命中率为 38%(这两项数据都高于过去三个赛季的任何一个赛季)。在休息三天后,狼队本周将开始客场之旅,先后对阵多伦多和波士顿,然后再回到主场。 – 贾马尔·科利尔
- 孟菲斯灰熊队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-7
- 先前排名: 8
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 PHI (11 月 20 日), 客场对阵 CHI (11 月 23 日), 对阵 POR (11 月 25 日)
贾·莫兰特(臀部)仍然需要几周时间才能复出,但孟菲斯继续展现出他们轮换阵容的深度,这随着赛季的进行可能会被证明是有益的。贾伦·杰克逊在过去六场比赛中有三场得分达到或超过 29 分。马库斯·斯马特和德斯蒙德·贝恩似乎正在康复,并逐渐通过替补出场的方式融入球队。当孟菲斯的首发阵容完全恢复后,预计斯科蒂·皮蓬二世、杰伦·威尔斯、扎克·埃迪和圣地·阿尔达马等替补球员将会对对手的替补阵容造成巨大破坏。 – 莱特
- 达拉斯独行侠队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-7
- 先前排名: 9
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 DEN (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 MIA (11 月 24 日), 客场对阵 ATL (11 月 25 日)
在前锋小PJ·华盛顿因膝盖酸痛缺阵期间,独行侠队的战绩是 1 胜 4 负。他在复出的第二场比赛中就展现了自己的重要性,在周日客场战胜雷霆队的比赛中,他砍下了赛季最高的 27 分和 17 个篮板。这提醒人们,华盛顿在上赛季独行侠队西部半决赛战胜雷霆队的比赛中扮演了关键角色。华盛顿在那个系列赛中场均得到 17.7 分和 8.3 个篮板,三分球命中率为 46.9%。 – 麦克马洪
- 纽约尼克斯队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-6
- 先前排名: 12
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 PHX (11 月 20 日), 客场对阵 UTAH (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 DEN (11 月 25 日)
很少有球员比卡尔-安东尼·唐斯在进攻端更有活力,他正享受着职业生涯最高的效率和篮板率,同时在每一场比赛中都送出眼花缭乱的不看人传球。缺点是什么?当唐斯在篮下防守时,球队的投篮命中率比平均水平高 9.5 个百分点,这是本赛季所有面对至少 50 次此类投篮的中锋中最差的。 – 克里斯·赫林
- 萨克拉门托国王队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-7
- 先前排名: 15
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 LAC (11 月 22 日), 对阵 BKN (11 月 24 日), 对阵 OKC (11 月 25 日)
国王队渴望马利克·蒙克、多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯和德玛尔·德罗赞的回归,后两位最早可能在周五复出。并不是说在他们缺阵期间,国王队完全崩溃了——德阿隆·福克斯在两场比赛中总共得到 109 分——但是他们觉得如果他们的球星能够上场,他们本可以赢得几场势均力敌的比赛。国王队上赛季在关键时刻的比赛中表现挣扎,这是他们本赛季要解决的首要问题之一。 – 安德鲁斯
- 洛杉矶快船队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 8-7
- 先前排名: 13
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 ORL (11 月 20 日), 对阵 SAC (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 PHI (11 月 24 日), 客场对阵 BOS (11 月 25 日)
没有科怀·伦纳德,快船队必须为一切而战。但他们已经成功地让勇士队吞下了三场败仗中的两场。在周一战胜金州勇士队的比赛中,助理教练杰夫·范甘迪的防守迫使对手出现 19 次失误,并转化为 31 分。主教练泰伦·卢正在研究如何管理伊维察·祖巴茨的出场时间。莫·班巴在过去两场比赛中的回归有所帮助,卢也让克里斯·邓恩进入首发阵容,以减轻詹姆斯·哈登的控球和组织压力。特伦斯·曼在周一的比赛中打出了本赛季最好的表现,替补出场得到 10 分、6 次助攻和 5 个篮板。在伦纳德回归之前,快船队需要继续保持胜率过半。 – 扬米斯克
- 印第安纳步行者队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-8
- 先前排名: 14
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 HOU (11 月 20 日), 客场对阵 MIL (11 月 22 日), 对阵 WAS (11 月 24 日), 对阵 NO (11 月 25 日)
在本周初输给猛龙队后,步行者队将开始一段 10 场比赛的征程,这可能会决定他们的赛季走向,并给他们一个从缓慢的开局中反弹的机会。印第安纳在这段时间内只会面对两支胜率过半的球队,从周三客场挑战休斯顿开始,然后是一场 NBA 杯赛的较量和与密尔沃基的季后赛重赛。步行者队需要让他们的进攻重新回到正轨。上赛季他们的进攻效率排名第二,而目前排名第 14。 – 科利尔
- 圣安东尼奥马刺队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-8
- 先前排名: 18
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 UTAH (11 月 21 日), 对阵 GS (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 UTAH (11 月 26 日)
在遭遇两连败后,圣安东尼奥得到了一次急需的两天的休息时间,球星文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)因右膝挫伤被列为每日观察状态。文班的伤势并不严重,但他缺席了周二战胜俄克拉荷马城的比赛。据临时教练米奇·约翰逊说,二号得分手德文·瓦塞尔已经回到阵容中,但“在可预见的未来”都将是替补出场。新秀后卫斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)在攻防两端都表现出色,而老将克里斯·保罗在过去六场比赛中有五场送出了 9 次以上的助攻。 – 莱特
- 迈阿密热火队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-7
- 先前排名: 16
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 DAL (11 月 24 日), 对阵 MIL (11 月 26 日)
吉米·巴特勒在周一逆转战胜 76 人队的比赛中复出,但热火队本赛季的故事一直是泰勒·希罗的表现,他场均得到职业生涯最高的 24.2 分,同时场均出手近 10 次三分球,三分球命中率也达到了职业生涯最高的 45.2%。如果他能保持这种状态,这将会改变他和迈阿密的上限。 – 邦坦普斯
- 底特律活塞队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-9
- 先前排名: 25
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 CHA (11 月 21 日), 客场对阵 ORL (11 月 23 日), 对阵 TOR (11 月 25 日)
尽管活塞队在周一主场输给公牛队,错失了胜率达到五成的机会,但他们仍然拥有自 2018-19 赛季最后一次进入季后赛以来,赛季前 10 场比赛后的最佳胜率(0.438)。在新任主教练 J.B. 比克斯塔夫的带领下,年轻的底特律阵容在防守端取得了进步,防守效率从去年的第 25 位提升到前 10 位,而核心阵容基本保持不变。根据 Second Spectrum 的量化投篮质量衡量标准,活塞队对手的投篮质量排名联盟第七难。 – 凯文·佩尔顿
- 亚特兰大老鹰队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 7-8
- 先前排名: 21
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 GS (11 月 20 日), 客场对阵 CHI (11 月 22 日), 对阵 DAL (11 月 25 日)
在过去四场比赛中赢了三场,老鹰队在将国王队后卫德阿隆·福克斯的得分限制在 29 分后感觉良好,因为福克斯在前两场比赛中总共得到 109 分。亚特兰大排名第 22 位的防守并不算精英级别,但戴森·丹尼尔斯(在周一的胜利中负责防守福克斯)在进攻型后卫特雷·杨身边打球看起来令人印象深刻。丹尼尔斯在周二之前的抢断数领先第二名多达 15 次,造成对手失误数也领先第二名多达 34 次——考虑到赛季还不到一个月,这些数据简直是太不可思议了。 – 赫林
- 密尔沃基雄鹿队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 5-9
- 先前排名: 20
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 CHI (11 月 20 日), 对阵 IND (11 月 22 日), 对阵 CHA (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 MIA (11 月 26 日)
雄鹿队在 2 胜 8 负的灾难性开局后,赢得了过去四场比赛中的三场,这让他们松了一口气。自 11 月初以来,密尔沃基的防守有所改善,在越来越专注的扬尼斯·阿德托昆博的带领下,他们的防守效率排名第七。本周轻松的赛程充满了主场比赛,这将给雄鹿队一个从缓慢的开局中反弹的机会——他们将主场迎战东部赛区的对手芝加哥、印第安纳和夏洛特。 – 科利尔
- 夏洛特黄蜂队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 5-9
- 先前排名: 23
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 DET (11 月 21 日), 客场对阵 MIL (11 月 23 日), 对阵 ORL (11 月 25 日)
上赛季年度最佳新秀评选的亚军布兰登·米勒自从从赛季揭幕战中臀部拉伤中恢复过来后一直表现挣扎。他的投篮命中率为 35.3%(低于新秀赛季的 44%),三分球命中率为 30.6%(低于 37.3%)。即使是在大空位的情况下,他的三分球命中率也只有 26.5%。主教练查尔斯·李在本赛季开始前就向米勒提出了挑战,要求他通过用更多的三分球来代替中距离投篮,从而建立更有效的投篮方式。但对于米勒来说,持球突破造犯规来增强这位 21 岁球员的信心也可能是值得的。 – 赫林
- 波特兰开拓者队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-8
- 先前排名: 27
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 OKC (11 月 20 日), 客场对阵 HOU (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 HOU (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 MEM (11 月 25 日)
开拓者队目前的三连胜追平了他们自 2022-23 赛季以 4 胜 0 负开局以来的最长连胜纪录,当时达米安·利拉德还在波特兰效力。这三场胜利都是在首发球员德安德烈·艾顿和安芬尼·西蒙斯缺阵的情况下取得的,开拓者队后卫谢顿·夏普的火热手感场均得到 27.3 分,两位替补中锋也都有出色表现。看起来完全健康的罗伯特·威廉姆斯三世在两场首发比赛中 16 投 15 中,得到 33 分。当威廉姆斯因背靠背比赛缺席第二场时,乐透秀多诺万·克林根替补出场,得到 17 分、12 个篮板和 8 次盖帽。 – 佩尔顿
- 布鲁克林篮网队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-9
- 先前排名: 19
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 PHI (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 SAC (11 月 24 日), 客场对阵 GS (11 月 25 日)
在主教练霍尔迪·费尔南德斯的带领下,篮网队在他们的第一个赛季中的竞争力比预期的要强。他们是联盟前十的进攻球队,但他们最明显的问题是防守端的挣扎。布鲁克林每 100 回合的犯规次数比任何一支球队都多,而且只有多伦多让对手每出手一次的罚球次数更多。尽管有这些数据,以及他们所展现出的侵略性打法,但篮网队每 100 回合的盖帽数仍然并列垫底。这凸显了他们多么需要受伤的篮筐保护者尼克·克拉克斯顿回到阵容中。 – 赫林
- 芝加哥公牛队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 6-9
- 先前排名: 24
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 MIL (11 月 20 日), 对阵 ATL (11 月 22 日), 对阵 MEM (11 月 23 日), 客场对阵 WAS (11 月 26 日)
在来到公牛队的头几周里,约什·吉迪的经历有起有落。他已经为芝加哥首发了所有 15 场比赛,但在周一战胜底特律的比赛中留在场上之前,他连续五场比赛都没有出现在 closing lineup 中。吉迪的三分球命中率达到了不错的 36.4%,但当他在场上的时候,球队的净效率值仍然是-8.2。在与雷霆队进行了一笔涉及亚历克斯·卡鲁索的关键交易后,吉迪的成长将是衡量公牛队本赛季成功与否的标准之一。 – 科利尔
- 费城 76 人队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 2-11
- 先前排名: 22
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 MEM (11 月 20 日), 对阵 BKN (11 月 22 日), 对阵 LAC (11 月 24 日)
无论是否召开队内会议,76 人队摆脱东部垫底的办法很简单:他们的球星需要有更多产出。本赛季,当乔尔·恩比德在场上的时候,费城每 100 回合的得分净胜分为-20.4 分,而当保罗·乔治在场上的时候,每 100 回合的得分净胜分为-12 分。如果这两人再次开始像全明星球员那样打球,76 人队很快就会看起来像一支更好的球队。 – 邦坦普斯
- 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 4-11
- 先前排名: 26
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 CLE (11 月 20 日), 对阵 GS (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 IND (11 月 25 日)
鹈鹕队在周五击败了没有约基奇的掘金队,结束了六连败,但由于伤病,他们继续在西部季后赛的竞争中失利。新奥尔良最大的障碍可能是鹈鹕队和附加赛席位之间有多少支球队。现在,有四支球队,只有爵士队的战绩比他们差。新奥尔良在锡安·威廉姆森的新秀赛季也曾面临类似的困境,在 1 胜 7 负的开局后,他们的胜率在 50% 左右,但始终没能摆脱困境。 – 佩尔顿
- 犹他爵士队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 3-11
- 先前排名: 30
- 下一场比赛: 客场对阵 SA (11 月 21 日), 对阵 NYK (11 月 23 日), 对阵 SA (11 月 26 日)
新秀后卫以赛亚·科利尔(Isaiah Collier)的三分球命中率只有 12 投 1 中 , 但他正在证明他可以带来积极的影响。科利尔的首次亮相因腿筋受伤而推迟了两周,他在前六场比赛中出场 108 分钟,正负值为+10。他顽强、坚韧的防守给人留下了深刻的印象。截至周二,当身高 6 英尺 3 英寸、体重 210 磅的科利尔在场上的时候,爵士队每 100 回合只让对手得到 104.5 分,这是犹他球员中最低的防守效率值。 – 麦克马洪
- 多伦多猛龙队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 3-12
- 先前排名: 28
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 MIN (11 月 21 日), 客场对阵 CLE (11 月 24 日), 客场对阵 DET (11 月 25 日)
在过去的 3 场比赛中,猛龙队中锋雅各布·珀尔特尔打出了全明星级别的表现,场均得到 30 分、15 个篮板,投篮命中率高达 72%。根据 TSN 体育的基尔西卡·乌萨亚库玛的说法,珀尔特尔是 数据库中第六位在三场比赛中达到这一高度的球员,而其他所有球员,除了德怀特·霍华德,都获得过 MVP。珀尔特尔强有力的表现帮助多伦多在周六与波士顿的比赛中打进了加时赛,然后在周一终于结束了对阵步行者队的七连败。 – 佩尔顿
- 华盛顿奇才队
- 2024-25 赛季战绩: 2-11
- 先前排名: 29
- 下一场比赛: 对阵 BOS (11 月 22 日), 客场对阵 IND (11 月 24 日), 对阵 CHI (11 月 26 日)
在以 2 胜 2 负的战绩开始本赛季后,华盛顿已经遭遇了九连败。更糟糕的是,这九场失利中只有一场(对阵圣安东尼奥)的分差在个位数以内。奇才队有六场失利的分差达到或超过 20 分,这与 NBA 历史上一个赛季前 13 场比赛中 20 分以上失利场次最多的纪录持平。沮丧的奇才队主教练布莱恩·基夫将过去两场分别以 24 分的分差输给底特律和纽约的比赛归咎于自己。华盛顿最近确实迎回了控球后卫马尔科姆·布罗格登,但冉冉升起的新星比拉尔·库利巴利因头部受伤缺席了周一的比赛。 – 扬米斯克
点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings: OKC battles out West, while the Magic ascend in the East
NBA Power Rankings: OKC battles out West, while the Magic ascend in the East
We’re one month into the 2024-25 NBA season, and in just a few weeks a lot has unfolded in both conferences.
The second edition of the NBA Cup kicked off last week, once again unveiling some flashy courts. Group stage games will end Dec. 3 and knockout contests will start Dec. 10.
The Cleveland Cavaliers continue to hold the No.1 spot in the rankings despite having their 15-game win streak end after losing to the Boston Celtics on Tuesday night.
Meanwhile, in the wild West, the Golden State Warriors and the Oklahoma City Thunder are battling for No.1. The Houston Rockets have also ascended into the top of the conference, while the Dallas Mavericks and Denver Nuggets are struggling to stay above .500.
Can the Milwaukee Bucks find momentum? Will the Philadelphia 76ers eventually overcome their injuries? Let’s check this week’s power rankings to see where all 30 teams stack up.
Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Kendra Andrews, Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.
Previous rankings: Preseason | Oct. 30 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 13
Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and the Oklahoma City Thunder are jostling for No.1 in a stacked Western Conference with Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors. ESPN IllustrationJump to a team:\
NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\
1. Cleveland Cavaliers
- 2024-25 record: 15-1
- Previous ranking: 1
- Next games: vs. NO (Nov. 20), vs. TOR (Nov. 24)
Cleveland’s undefeated start ended in Boston on Tuesday – losing a nail-biter 120-117 despite the Celtics being a plus-36 in 3-point scoring differential. Still, the Cavs can take a bow after notching their 15th win Nov. 17th. In LeBron James’ last four seasons with the franchise, the quickest Cleveland reached 15 wins was Nov. 30th. – Dave McMenamin
2. Golden State Warriors
- 2024-25 record: 10-3
- Previous ranking: 4
- Next games: vs. ATL (Nov. 20), @ NO (Nov. 22), @ SA (Nov. 23), vs. BKN (Nov. 25)
The Warriors have only lost three games this season – two of them to the Clippers. This early-season success is a major feat for the Warriors given their dismal start to last season. The depth they were excited about heading into the year has proved to be legitimate as they’ve navigated some early-season injuries, and the defensive identity they wanted to rely on has been extremely strong. The one area that could be a concern are the Warriors’ free throws – missing 10 in their loss against the Clippers on Monday night. – Kendra Andrews
3. Boston Celtics
- 2024-25 record: 12-3
- Previous ranking: 2
- Next games: @ WAS (Nov. 22), vs. MIN (Nov. 24), vs. LAC (Nov. 25)
The rich get richer. Not only does Boston continue to rattle off victories, taking down the undefeated Cavaliers on Tuesday, but Kristaps Porzingis practiced for the first time this season Monday. The Latvian center has yet to make his debut because of offseason ankle surgery but is on pace to potentially return within the next few weeks – giving the defending champions not only another 3-point shooter, but an elite post-up threat to further diversify their offense. – Tim Bontemps
4. Oklahoma City Thunder
- 2024-25 record: 11-4
- Previous ranking: 3
- Next games: vs. POR (Nov. 20), @ SAC (Nov. 25)
Luguentz Dort is proving that his 3-point shooting campaign last season wasn’t an outlier. Dort is shooting a career-best 44.9% from 3-point range on the heels of shooting 39.4% last season, which was an uptick of more than six percentage points from the first four years of Dort’s career. He’s earned a reputation as an elite perimeter defender, so Dort’s development as a shooter makes him one of the league’s premier role players. – Tim MacMahon
5. Houston Rockets
- 2024-25 record: 10-5
- Previous ranking: 10
- Next games: vs. IND (Nov. 20), vs. POR (Nov. 22), vs. POR (Nov. 23)
Pay attention. Off to their best 14-game start since 2019-20 after Sunday’s win at Chicago, the Rockets are one of the hottest teams in the West. Houston hasn’t lost consecutive games this season, and its suffocating defense appears to be improving as Alperen Sengun continues to develop on that end of the floor. The Rockets entered Tuesday with the third-best defensive rating in the league (105.2), and two bench players – Amen Thompson and Tari Eason – are arguably the most significant contributors to that and making strong cases to enter the starting lineup. – Michael Wright
6. Denver Nuggets
- 2024-25 record: 8-5
- Previous ranking: 5
- Next games: vs. DAL (Nov. 22), @ LAL (Nov. 23), vs. NYK (Nov. 25)
The Nuggets already knew life without Nikola Jokic was very hard – they are now 19-28 all time without the MVP. Jokic missed his third straight game at Memphis on Tuesday night due to personal reasons. Without Jokic, the Nuggets lost to an injury-decimated New Orleans squad and then lost by 15 in Memphis on Sunday, despite Ja Morant and Marcus Smart not playing. After scoring a combined 29 points in those first two games without Jokic, Jamal Murray led the Nuggets to a win over the Grizzlies on Tuesday with 27 points. Michael Malone said afterward the point guard’s scoring struggles weren’t solely on Murray, who also must make plays for teammates as well. “[But] if it’s not him, you’re asking some really young players to carry a load that they are probably not ready to carry,” Malone said. – Ohm Youngmisuk
7. Los Angeles Lakers
- 2024-25 record: 10-4
- Previous ranking: 11
- Next games: vs. ORL (Nov. 21), vs. DEN (Nov. 23), @ PHX (Nov. 26)
The Lakers will have an early litmus test this weekend to see how real their hot start is when they host the Nuggets. L.A. has lost 12 of its past 13 games against Denver, including two straight playoff boots. But there are a couple new characters added to the rivalry. Former Lakers guard Russell Westbrook is now suiting up for Denver, while L.A. has the dazzling Dalton Knecht coming off a 37-point performance Tuesday, when he tied the all-time rookie record with nine 3s. – McMenamin
8. Phoenix Suns
- 2024-25 record: 9-6
- Previous ranking: 6
- Next games: vs. NYK (Nov. 20), vs. LAL (Nov. 26)
It’s déjà vu in The Valley. After Kevin Durant, Bradley Beal and Devin Booker managed to play just 41 games together last year, Phoenix is flailing because of its health once again. The Suns have gone 1-5 since Durant went out with a left calf strain, including 0-4 since Beal joined him on the bench with a similar injury. The Suns are in a homestretch, but it won’t get any easier against playoff-worthy opponents in the Knicks, Lakers and Warriors over the next week. – McMenamin
9. Orlando Magic
- 2024-25 record: 9-6
- Previous ranking: 17
- Next games: @ LAC (Nov. 20), @ LAL (Nov. 21), vs. DET (Nov. 23), @ CHA (Nov. 25)
Franz Wagner has been keeping the Magic afloat as they wait for several key players to get healthy, including Paolo Banchero, earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week accolades. During his past seven games, Wagner is averaging 27.4 points and 6.1 rebounds while shooting 46% from the floor. He scored 20 points in seven consecutive games, which ties the longest streak of his career. Orlando is the first team since December 2018 to hold its opponents to less than 100 points in six straight games. – Andrews
10. Minnesota Timberwolves
- 2024-25 record: 8-6
- Previous ranking: 7
- Next games: @ TOR (Nov. 21), @ BOS (Nov. 24), vs. HOU (Nov. 26)
The Wolves are still looking to find their groove after making the conference finals last season, but new addition Julius Randle had a signature moment Sunday when he hit a game-winning, buzzer-beater to defeat the Suns. Randle has upped his efficiency since joining Minnesota this season, shooting 51% from the field, 38% from 3 (both higher marks than any of the past three seasons). After three days off, the Wolves begin a road trip through Toronto and Boston this week before returning home. – Jamal Collier
11. Memphis Grizzlies
- 2024-25 record: 8-7
- Previous ranking: 8
- Next games: vs. PHI (Nov. 20), @ CHI (Nov. 23), vs. POR (Nov. 25)
Ja Morant (hip) remains week to week, but Memphis continues to flex a deep rotation that could prove beneficial as the season progresses. Jaren Jackson Jr. has scored 29 points or more in three of his past six games. Marcus Smart and Desmond Bane appear to be on the mend and have gradually worked their way into the mix by coming off the bench. When Memphis’ starting group is totally back in the fold, expect reserves such as Scotty Pippen Jr., Jaylen Wells, Zach Edey and Santi Aldama to wreak havoc on opposing bench units. – Wright
12. Dallas Mavericks
- 2024-25 record: 8-7
- Previous ranking: 9
- Next games: @ DEN (Nov. 22), @ MIA (Nov. 24), @ ATL (Nov. 25)
The Mavs went 1-4 in the stretch that forward P.J. Washington missed due to a sore knee. He made his presence felt in a major way in his second game back, setting season highs with 27 points and 17 rebounds in Sunday’s road win over the Thunder. That served as a reminder of the critical role that Washington played in the Mavs’ West semifinals win over the Thunder last season. Washington averaged 17.7 points and 8.3 rebounds in that series, when he shot 46.9% from 3-point range. – MacMahon
13. New York Knicks
- 2024-25 record: 8-6
- Previous ranking: 12
- Next games: @ PHX (Nov. 20), @ UTAH (Nov. 23), @ DEN (Nov. 25)
Few players have been more offensively dynamic than Karl-Anthony Towns, who’s enjoying career-best efficiency and rebound rates while spraying no-look passes all over from one game to the next. The downside? Teams are shooting 9.5 percentage points better than average within six feet of the basket when Towns is defending it, by far the NBA’s worst rate for any center who’s faced at least 50 such shots this season. – Chris Herring
14. Sacramento Kings
- 2024-25 record: 8-7
- Previous ranking: 15
- Next games: @ LAC (Nov. 22), vs. BKN (Nov. 24), vs. OKC (Nov. 25)
The Kings are itching for Malik Monk, Domantas Sabonis and DeMar DeRozan to return, the latter two of whom could come back as soon as Friday. It’s not that the wheels completely fell off for Sacramento while they’ve been sidelined – De’Aaron Fox scored a combined 109 points over two games – but there have been multiple close contests that they feel they could have won with their stars playing. The Kings struggled with clutch time games last season, and it was high on their list of things to address this season. – Andrews
15. LA Clippers
- 2024-25 record: 8-7
- Previous ranking: 13
- Next games: vs. ORL (Nov. 20), vs. SAC (Nov. 22), @ PHI (Nov. 24), @ BOS (Nov. 25)
Without Kawhi Leonard, the Clippers have had to scrap for everything. But they’ve managed to hand the Warriors two of their three losses. Assistant coach Jeff Van Gundy’s defense forced 19 turnovers that led to 31 points in Monday’s win against Golden State. Head coach Ty Lue is figuring out how to manage Ivica Zubac’s minutes. Mo Bamba’s return in the past two games helps, and Lue has also inserted Kris Dunn into the starting lineup to ease James Harden’s ballhandling and playmaking load. Terance Mann had his best game of the season Monday with 10 points, six assists and five rebounds off the bench. Until Leonard gets back, the Clippers will need to keep treading above .500. – Youngmisuk
16. Indiana Pacers
- 2024-25 record: 6-8
- Previous ranking: 14
- Next games: @ HOU (Nov. 20), @ MIL (Nov. 22), vs. WAS (Nov. 24), vs. NO (Nov. 25)
After dropping a game to the Raptors to start the week, the Pacers will begin a 10-game stretch that could define their season and give themselves a chance to bounce back from a slow start. Indiana will face just two teams with a winning record during that span, beginning with Wednesday’s game at Houston before an NBA Cup showdown and playoff rematch against Milwaukee. The Pacers will need to get its offense back into gear. After finishing second last season in offensive efficiency, they are currently ranked 14th. – Collier
17. San Antonio Spurs
- 2024-25 record: 7-8
- Previous ranking: 18
- Next games: vs. UTAH (Nov. 21), vs. GS (Nov. 23), @ UTAH (Nov. 26)
On a two-game skid, San Antonio received a much-needed two-day break with star Victor Wembanyama listed as day-to-day due to a right knee contusion. Wembanyama’s injury isn’t considered serious, but he sat out Tuesday’s victory against Oklahoma City. Second-leading scorer Devin Vassell is back in the lineup but coming off the bench for “the foreseeable future,” according to interim coach Mitch Johnson. Rookie guard Stephon Castle has been a revelation on both ends, and veteran Chris Paul has dished nine-plus assists in five of his past six appearances. – Wright
18. Miami Heat
- 2024-25 record: 6-7
- Previous ranking: 16
- Next games: vs. DAL (Nov. 24), vs. MIL (Nov. 26)
Jimmy Butler returned for Monday’s come-from-behind victory over the 76ers, but the story of the Heat’s season has been the play of Tyler Herro, who is averaging a career-high 24.2 points while shooting a career-best 45.2% from 3-point range on almost 10 attempts a night. If he can keep that up, it changes his and Miami’s ceiling. – Bontemps
19. Detroit Pistons
- 2024-25 record: 7-9
- Previous ranking: 25
- Next games: @ CHA (Nov. 21), @ ORL (Nov. 23), vs. TOR (Nov. 25)
Although the Pistons missed an opportunity to reach .500 by beating the Bulls at home Monday, they still have their best winning percentage (.438) at any point after the first 10 games of the season since last making the playoffs in 2018-19. Under new head coach J.B. Bickerstaff, a young Detroit roster has made strides defensively, improving from 25th in defensive rating a year ago to the top 10 with largely the same core. The Pistons’ opponent shot quality ranks seventh hardest in the league, per Second Spectrum’s quantified shot quality measure. – Kevin Pelton
20. Atlanta Hawks
- 2024-25 record: 7-8
- Previous ranking: 21
- Next games: @ GS (Nov. 20), @ CHI (Nov. 22), vs. DAL (Nov. 25)
Winners in three of its past four, the Hawks have to feel good about limiting Kings guard De’Aaron Fox to 29 points after a combined 109 points in his previous two games. Atlanta’s 22nd-ranked defense isn’t elite, but Dyson Daniels (who was responsible for guarding Fox in Monday’s win) has looked impressive playing next to offense-minded lead Trae Young. Daniels entered Tuesday with an incredible 15-steal lead and 34-deflection edge on the next-closest players – flat-out ridiculous numbers given that we’re less than one month into the season. – Herring
21. Milwaukee Bucks
- 2024-25 record: 5-9
- Previous ranking: 20
- Next games: vs. CHI (Nov. 20), vs. IND (Nov. 22), vs. CHA (Nov. 23), @ MIA (Nov. 26)
The Bucks have won three of their past four games, providing relief after a disastrous 2-8 start. Milwaukee’s improved defense, powered by an increasingly locked-in Giannis Antetokounmpo, ranked seventh in defensive efficiency since the start of November. A soft schedule this week filled with home games will give the Bucks a chance to bounce back from their slow start – they will host Eastern Conference foes Chicago, Indiana and Charlotte. – Collier
22. Charlotte Hornets
- 2024-25 record: 5-9
- Previous ranking: 23
- Next games: vs. DET (Nov. 21), @ MIL (Nov. 23), vs. ORL (Nov. 25)
Brandon Miller, last season’s runner-up in Rookie of the Year voting, has struggled since coming back from a glute strain he suffered in the season opener. He’s shooting 35.3% (down from 44% as a rookie) and 30.6% from 3 (down from 37.3%). Even when left wide-open, he’s connected on just 26.5% of his 3s. Coach Charles Lee challenged Miller coming into the season to develop a more efficient shot profile by swapping out more midrange shots for 3s instead. But it could also be worth it for Miller to put the ball on the floor to draw trips to the line to build the 21-year-old’s confidence. – Herring
23. Portland Trail Blazers
- 2024-25 record: 6-8
- Previous ranking: 27
- Next games: @ OKC (Nov. 20), @ HOU (Nov. 22), @ HOU (Nov. 23), @ MEM (Nov. 25)
The Blazers’ current three-game winning streak ties their longest since a 4-0 start to the 2022-23 season, back when Damian Lillard called Portland home. All three wins came with starters Deandre Ayton and Anfernee Simons sidelined, with the Blazers getting 27.3 PPG on red-hot shooting from guard Shaedon Sharpe and strong performances from both backup centers. Robert Williams III, looking fully healthy, has totaled 33 points on 15-of-16 shooting in two starts. And when Williams sat out the back end of a back-to-back, lottery pick Donovan Clingan stepped in with 17 points, 12 rebounds and eight blocks. – Pelton
24. Brooklyn Nets
- 2024-25 record: 6-9
- Previous ranking: 19
- Next games: @ PHI (Nov. 22), @ SAC (Nov. 24), @ GS (Nov. 25)
The Nets have been more competitive than expected in their first season under coach Jordi Fernandez. They’re a top-10 offense but their most glaring issue has been their defensive struggles. Brooklyn commits more fouls per 100 possessions than any club, and only Toronto sends opponents to the line more on a per-shot-attempt basis. Despite those metrics, and the aggressive play they suggest, the Nets are still tied for last in blocked shots per 100 plays. It highlights just how much they could use injured rim protector Nic Claxton back in the lineup. – Herring
25. Chicago Bulls
- 2024-25 record: 6-9
- Previous ranking: 24
- Next games: @ MIL (Nov. 20), vs. ATL (Nov. 22), vs. MEM (Nov. 23), @ WAS (Nov. 26)
The Josh Giddey experience for the Bulls has come with ups and downs during his first few weeks. He has started all 15 games for Chicago, but he was out of the closing lineup for five straight games before staying on the floor in Monday’s win over Detroit. Giddey is shooting a respectable 36.4% from 3, but the team is still getting outscored with him on the court to the tune of a minus-8.2 net rating. Giddey’s development, after a crucial trade from the Thunder involving Alex Caruso, will be one of the measurements for the Bulls’ success this season. – Collier
26. Philadelphia 76ers
- 2024-25 record: 2-11
- Previous ranking: 22
- Next games: @ MEM (Nov. 20), vs. BKN (Nov. 22), vs. LAC (Nov. 24)
Team meetings or not, the solution for the 76ers getting out of the East cellar is a simple one: more production from their stars. Philadelphia is being outscored by a staggering 20.4 points per 100 possessions when Joel Embiid is on the floor this season, and 12 points per 100 possessions when Paul George is playing. If those two start playing like All-Stars again, the 76ers will quickly start to look like a better team. – Bontemps
27. New Orleans Pelicans
- 2024-25 record: 4-11
- Previous ranking: 26
- Next games: @ CLE (Nov. 20), vs. GS (Nov. 22), @ IND (Nov. 25)
The Pelicans snapped a six-game losing streak by beating the Nuggets on Friday with Jokic out of the lineup, but they continue to lose ground in the West playoff race because of injuries. The biggest obstacle for New Orleans may be how many teams stand between the Pelicans and the play-in tournament. Right now, that’s four, with only the Jazz behind them in the standings. New Orleans dealt with a similar predicament in Zion Williamson’s rookie season, playing around .500 after a 1-7 start but never digging out of that hole. – Pelton
28. Utah Jazz
- 2024-25 record: 3-11
- Previous ranking: 30
- Next games: @ SA (Nov. 21), vs. NYK (Nov. 23), vs. SA (Nov. 26)
Rookie guard Isaiah Collier is only 1-of-12 from 3-point range**,** but he’s providing evidence that he can make a positive impact. Collier, whose debut was delayed two weeks due to a hamstring injury, has a plus-10 rating in 108 minutes over his first six games. His tenacious, tough defense has made a favorable impression. Entering Tuesday, the Jazz were allowing only 104.5 points per 100 possessions with the 6-foot-3, 210-pound Collier on the court, the lowest defensive rating among Utah players. – MacMahon
29. Toronto Raptors
- 2024-25 record: 3-12
- Previous ranking: 28
- Next games: vs. MIN (Nov. 21), @ CLE (Nov. 24), @ DET (Nov. 25)
Over the past three games, Raptors center Jakob Poeltl has produced at an All-NBA level, averaging 30 points on 72% shooting and 15 rebounds. Per Keerthika Uthayakumar of TSN Sports, Poeltl is just the sixth player in’s database to reach those heights over a three-game span, and all of the others, save Dwight Howard, won MVP. Poeltl’s powerful play helped Toronto take Boston to overtime Saturday before finally ending a seven-game losing streak against the Pacers on Monday. – Pelton
30. Washington Wizards
- 2024-25 record: 2-11
- Previous ranking: 29
- Next games: vs. BOS (Nov. 22), @ IND (Nov. 24), vs. CHI (Nov. 26)
After starting the season 2-2, Washington has lost nine straight. Even worse, only one of those losses (to San Antonio) have come by single digits. The Wizards have six 20-point losses, tied for the most through 13 games of a season in NBA history. An upset Wizards coach Brian Keefe took the blame for the past two losses to Detroit and New York, which were by a combined 48 points. Washington did get point guard Malcolm Brogdon back recently from injury, but rising prospect Bilal Coulibaly missed Monday’s game due to a head injury. – Youngmisuk
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