[PtR] 圣安东尼奥 vs. 萨克拉门托,最终比分:文班亚马闪耀全场,马刺 116-96 获胜

马刺 vs 国王 116 - 96 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-11-12 11:28:29


NBA:萨克拉门托国王 vs. 圣安东尼奥马刺

维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)砍下赛季最高的 34 分,帮助马刺击败国王。

在周末输给犹他爵士一场艰难的比赛后,圣安东尼奥马刺队希望以一场胜利开启新的一周。面对背靠背第二场作战的萨克拉门托国王队,马刺队抓住机会,以 116-96 取得了一场压倒性的胜利。

维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)打出了本赛季最佳比赛之一,得到 34 分、14 个篮板、6 次助攻和 3 次盖帽。他整晚都是内线的威慑力量,干扰了一次又一次的投篮,迫使国王队放弃了在篮下的出手。在进攻端,他状态火热,22 投 13 中,三分球 12 投 6 中。

文班亚马的防守努力具有感染力。圣安东尼奥的防守令萨克拉门托窒息,国王队的投篮命中率为 42.9%,三分球命中率仅为 27%。尽管马刺队出现了 18 次失误,让国王队通过失误得到了 26 分,但他们用火热的投篮弥补了这一点。圣安东尼奥的投篮命中率为 50.6%,三分球命中率高达 47.8%。

13 号星期三,马刺队将迎战华盛顿奇才队,届时他们将面对两位法国天才球员比拉尔·库利巴利(Bilal Coulibaly)和亚历克斯·萨尔(Alex Sarr)。


  • 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)一天比一天适应 NBA。在周一的比赛中,他得到 10 分、6 次助攻和 1 次抢断。他看起来强壮而自信地冲击篮筐,并且开始命中足够多的三分球,让防守队员不敢掉以轻心。对于任何看过他上赛季在康涅狄格大学比赛的人来说,他作为一名新秀所展现出的沉着冷静并不令人意外,但这对于一年级球员来说仍然非常罕见。
  • 文班亚马在过去两场比赛中命中了 6 记三分球。总的来说,他在圣安东尼奥的主场投篮比在客场更好。文班在主场的投篮命中率为 47.3%,三分球命中率为 37.5%,而在客场的投篮命中率为 38%,三分球命中率为 20.5%。
  • 德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)似乎受到了出场时间限制。他在第四节末被换下,出场 21 分钟,与他在对阵犹他的首秀中的出场时间相同。瓦塞尔在第三节有一段火热的表现,砍下 12 分,其中包括三个三分球。
  • 桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)在替补席上提供了活力和一些投篮。他在 16 分钟内得到 9 分,全部来自三分球。他在防守端也表现出色,及时轮转,并在几次与国王队侧翼球员的单打中表现出色。
  • 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)在周一的比赛中完成了他在马刺队的第 100 场比赛。他现在拥有马刺队历史上所有落选球员在前 100 场比赛中最多的三分球命中数,达到 159 个。加里·尼尔之前的纪录是 153 个。
  • 克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在本场比赛中得到 12 分和 11 次助攻。这是他39 岁或以上的第 4 次得分-助攻两双。约翰·斯托克顿以 37 次这样的比赛保持着纪录。

39 岁或以上球员得分-助攻两双次数排名:

  1. 约翰·斯托克顿 - 37 次\
  2. 勒布朗·詹姆斯 - 18 次\
  3. 克里斯·保罗 - 4 次(包含本场比赛)\
  4. 史蒂夫·纳什 - 3 次\
  5. 迈克尔·乔丹 - 2 次

— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) 2024 年 11 月 12 日

点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Sacramento, Final Score: Wembanyama shines in 116-96 win

San Antonio vs. Sacramento, Final Score: Wembanyama shines in 116-96 win

NBA: Sacramento Kings at San Antonio Spurs

Victor Wembanyama posts a season-high 34 points as the Spurs beat the Kings.

After losing a tough game against the Utah Jazz over the weekend, the San Antonio Spurs looked to start the new week off on the right foot. With the Sacramento Kings reeling on the second game of a back-to-back, the Spurs capitalized for a dominant 116-96 victory.

Victor Wembanyama had one of his best games of the season with 34 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists, and 3 blocks. He was a deterrent all night in the paint, bothering shot after shot and causing the Kings to “nope” right out of shots at the rim. Offensively he was on fire, shooting 13-22 from the field and 6-12 from deep.

Wembanyama’s defensive effort was infectious. San Antonio’s defense smothered Sacramento, as the Kings shot 42.9% from the field and 27% from deep. The Spurs turned the ball over 18 times, allowing the Kings to score 26 points off their mistakes, but they made up for it with a hot shooting night. San Antonio shot 50.6% from the field and 47.8% from three.

The Spurs will face a pair of French phenoms in Bilal Coulibaly and Alex Sarr when the Washington Wizards come to town on Wednesday the 13th.


  • Stephon Castle is looking more and more comfortable with the NBA by the day. On Monday he had 10 points, 6 assists, and a steal. He looks strong and confident getting to the basket and is starting to hit enough threes to make the defense respect him from out there. His poise as a rookie shouldn’t surprise anyone who watched him at UCONN last season but is still quite rare for a first-year player.
  • Wembanyama has made 6 three-pointers in his last two games. He’s generally shooting the ball better in San Antonio than on the road. Wemby is shooting 47.3% from the field and 37.5% from deep at home, while shooting 38% from the field and 20.5% from three on the road.
  • Devin Vassell seems to be on a minutes restriction. He was subbed out late in the fourth quarter after playing 21 minutes, the same amount he played in his debut against Utah. Vassell had a hot stretch in the third quarter that propelled him to 12 points, including three deep balls.
  • Sandro Mamukelashvili has provided a spark and some shooting off the bench. He had 9 points, all from deep, in his 16 minutes. He held his own defensively with some timely rotations and a few good isolation possessions against the Kings’ wings.
  • Julian Champagnie played his 100th game for the Spurs on Monday. He now has the most three-pointers in his first 100 games, with 159, of any undrafted player in Spurs history. Gary Neal previously held the record with 153.
  • Chris Paul finished with 12 points and 11 assists in the win. It’s his 4th points-assists double-double at the age of 39 or older. John Stockton has the record with 37 such games.

Most point-assists double-doubles at age 39 or older:

  1. John Stockton - 37\
  2. LeBron James - 18\
  3. CHRIS PAUL - 4 (with tonight)\
  4. Steve Nash - 3\
  5. Michael Jordan - 2

— Jordan Howenstine (@ AirlessJordan) November 12, 2024

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock